Papers by lisnani Lisnani
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas, 2022
Writing and publishing scientific articles are essential for researchers, lecturers, and students... more Writing and publishing scientific articles are essential for researchers, lecturers, and students in Indonesia. However, many of them still have difficulty writing their research results in the form of scientific articles and publishing them in reputable international journals. So, this service activity is carried out to develop academic writing and publish scientific articles skills for researchers, lecturers, and students in Indonesia. The community service activities were carried out using a digital platform, namely Zoom Meeting, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants involved in this activity consisted of 193 participants, consisting of researchers, lecturers, and students from various regions in Indonesia. The collecting data uses a questionnaire which was analyzed descriptively. The activity results showed an increase in the participants' academic writing and publication skills, with an average increase of 71.45% after attending this training through a digital platform. The participants gained a lot of knowledge about academic writing and scientific publications in reputable international journals.
The use of thematic learning models uses a scientific approach in line with the enactment of the ... more The use of thematic learning models uses a scientific approach in line with the enactment of the 2013 curriculum. Where several subjects are combined into one theme known as thematic learning. In the 2013 curriculum there is a thematic learning precisely on theme 3 on Caring for Living Things in Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Cultural Arts and Crafts (SBdP). The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of the use of leaf media on the thematic learning outcomes of fourth grade students. This type of research is quantitative research. Categorized as quantitative research because it is classified as experimental research that measures student learning outcomes. Subjects in this study were grade 4 students at SD Negeri 42 with 2 classes, namely IV A and IV B, each of which had 25 students. Data collection techniques in the form of tests, interviews, and documentation. Homogeneity test data analysis techniques, normality test, and independent sample t-test using SPSS ...
KAHOOT application is a web-based application that is used in learning as an application to test ... more KAHOOT application is a web-based application that is used in learning as an application to test the ability of a group of people. This type of research is a type of qualitative and quantitative research. The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to get an overview of the process and results of student quizzes in High Class Science Learning courses through the use of the KAHOOT application for students of the Second Semester PGSD Study Program Musi Charitas Catholic University. Second, knowing the responses of PGSD Study Program Students in Second Semester Musi Charitas Catholic University who took part in the learning process using the KAHOOT application in the High Class Science Learning course. The sample in this study was the second semester students of the PGSD study program Palembang Musi Charitas Catholic University totaling 26 people. Data collection techniques using tests and questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative-quantitative. There are 2 results o...
Kreano: Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 2013
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa dalam penge... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa dalam pengenalan dan pengelompokkan bangun datar melalui fable “dog catches cat”, puzzle tangram, dan kreasi origami. Metode yang digunakan adalah design research terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu: preliminary, design experiment (pilot experiment dan teaching experiment) , dan analysis retrospective . Penelitian ini mengembangkan hasil pembelajaran tentang bangun datar melalui serangkaian aktivitas, prosedur, dan strategi bagi siswa dalam menemukan kemampuan berpikir kreatif melalui Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) melalui konteks tangram melalui fable “dog catches cat” . Puzzle tangram, dan kreasi origami menjadi starting point materi pengenalan dan pengelompokkan bangun datar. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa learning trajectory pada masing-masing aktivitas yaitu: 1) Aktivitas 1, siswa mengenal berbagai bentuk bangun datar melalui penggunaan fable. 2) Aktivitas 2, siswa m...
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian yaitu kesulitan dalam mempelajari materi pecahan, dengan tujuan ... more AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian yaitu kesulitan dalam mempelajari materi pecahan, dengan tujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan konteks daun sebagai solusi permasalan materi pecahan terhadap hasil belajar pecahan siswa SD Kelas IV. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 76 orang yang terdiri 3 kelas yaitu IV A, IV B, dan IV C. Sampelnya berjumlah 50 orang yang terdiri dari kelas IV A dan IVB masing-masing berjumlah 25 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri 42 Palembang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara yang dilakukan terhadap guru terkait dengan penggunaan konteks daun pada materi pecahan, tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan independent sample t-test melalui SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh penggunaan konteks daun terhadap hasil belajar pecahan siswa SD kelas IV. Penggunaan konteks daun sangat membantu sisw...
The study aims at investigating whether the family-themed picture stories for young learners were... more The study aims at investigating whether the family-themed picture stories for young learners were valid as learning media for English Language Teaching (ELT). The researchers developed three picture stories related to family as prototypes. The research procedure was proposed by Akker, which comprised analysis, design, evaluation, and revision. The validity was reviewed by the experts of content, instructional design and media or product design. The mean of content validity of three prototypes is 4.26 which is at very highly valid level. In term of construct validity, the average score of construct validity of three stories is 4.23 which is at very highly valid level. The average score of media or product design validity of the prototypes is 4.36 which is at very highly valid level. Thus, the study result shows that, overall validities of content, construct, and media or product design of the three picture stories are 4.28, which is at very highly valid level. In conclusion, the set ...
Abstrak Hasil belajar siswa yang dibawah standar menunjukkan siswa kurang memahami konsep pada ma... more Abstrak Hasil belajar siswa yang dibawah standar menunjukkan siswa kurang memahami konsep pada materi bilangan bulat. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi bilangan bulat melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran yaitu cerita Si Unyil berbasis ICT, yang terlihat dari peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Siklus yang terjadi dalam PTK terdiri dari dua siklus, dimana tiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIA SMP Xaverius 6 Palembang yang berjumlah 26 orang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa data observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan deskriptif kuanlitatif yaitu menganalisa hasil tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa peningkatan pemahaman konsep terlihat dari meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa d...
Journal of Honai Math
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed Indonesia's educational system, including its... more The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed Indonesia's educational system, including its universities. In all subjects, including mathematics, face-to-face learning systems must be transformed into online learning systems. The purpose of this study is to examine student responses to online lectures delivered during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study employed a descriptive qualitative method, with 30 students enrolled in high-grade mathematics courses. The data collection process included document analysis, observation, and questionnaire-assisted interviews. After that, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics techniques and presented in diagrams and narration. The results revealed that the online lecture process incorporated a digital platform, including video conferencing via Zoom, cloud meetings, WhatsApp, and the University's Lumen. The majority of students dislike online learning, even though the lectures are delivered like face-to-face lectures. They disli...
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas
Hidden butterfly of the successor to the nation is a form of devotion conducted by students from ... more Hidden butterfly of the successor to the nation is a form of devotion conducted by students from different study programs with lecturers. This activity was carried o ut b y f i ve st u den ts f ro m different study programs namely Primary School Teacher Education, English Education, Management, Accounting, and Industrial Engineering. The p urp ose o f t h is a ct ivit y i s t o eq u ip children of TPA Sukawinatan with the following: 1) improving the ability to read, w rit e a nd co u nt (calistung); 2) improve English language skills; 3) apply wise attitude in using money; 4) In st i ll in g good character of management (arrangement) and time discipline in children; 5) Developing children's skills in utilizing used goods to be made as something that has added value. The method of implementation used in the form of preparation, planning and implementation st a ges. Met ho ds o f practice, experiments, lectures and games. The results of this activity are as follows: 1) i n creased ability to read, write and count; 2) increasing English language ski lls; 3) understanding the importance of using money wisely; 4) has a management character (discipline) of time; 5) have skills in utilizing used goods to become something that has added value.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Technology plays a significant role in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in the CO... more Technology plays a significant role in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in the COVID-19 pandemic Moodle is software with an open-source system e-learning platform designed to help educators to create quality for resources and communication tools online courses in learning mathematics The objects of the research are to know the teachers’ need analysis about e-learning like Moodle, the framework features of the Moodle as e-learning learning for learning mathematics in the COVID-19 pandemic and get the best features of the Moodle The research methodology used a qualitative descriptive approach The collecting data used questionnaires for the mathematics teachers in one of the schools The research subjects were fourth-grade teachers consist of eight teachers as mathematics teachers from three private schools in Indonesia The result of this research was the teachers need e-learning like Moodle in teaching and learning mathematics, the features of Moodle for learning mathematics was different with another Moodle, and the teachers believed the Moodle could facilitate them in teaching and learning mathematics in COVID-19 pandemic © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing All rights reserved
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019
The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Tea... more The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Teachers are not hampered in promotion and other position. The method used to achieve the goal is Training for 36 hours. Face to face for 6 times of meetings, individual guidance by WhatssApp (WA) through chat... details download PDF
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019
The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Tea... more The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Teachers are not hampered in promotion and other position. The method used to achieve the goal is Training for 36 hours. Face to face for 6 times of meetings, individual guidance by WhatssApp (WA) through chat... details download PDF
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019
The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Tea... more The purpose of the study is to increase the competencies of scientific teacher's publication. Teachers are not hampered in promotion and other position. The method used to achieve the goal is Training for 36 hours. Face to face for 6 times of meetings, individual guidance by WhatssApp (WA) through chat... details download PDF
Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas
Matematika merupakan disiplin ilmu yang khusus yang sering dianggap sulit oleh banyak orang sehin... more Matematika merupakan disiplin ilmu yang khusus yang sering dianggap sulit oleh banyak orang sehingga banyak orang takut dan mencoba menghindari matematika. Supaya matematika menarik dan tidak menakutkan serta mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang maksimal serta berkualitas dibutuhkan metode sarana khusus. Salah satu sarana itu adalah media pembelajaran yang kita sebut alat peraga. Alat peraga matematika sederhana pada dasarnya tidak perlu membeli dan mahal. Bahkan anak-anak SD bisa dilatih membuat alat peraga matematika sederhana sehingga terasah kreativitas mereka dan pembelajaran matematika menjadi lebih menarik. Dengan metode eksperimen, ceramah dan diskusi, anak-anak bisa dipandu untuk membuat alat peraga matematika sederhana tersebut. Ternyata anak-anak bisa menghasilkan alat peraga yang bagus. Lebih jauh pelajaran matematika lebih menarik dan harapannya mereka lebih menguasai matematika dengan hasil yang memuaskan
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran proses pembelajaran pecahan mengguna... more AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran proses pembelajaran pecahan menggunakan konteks puding dan bangun datar segitiga sama sisi dan mengetahui pemahaman konsep awal calon guru sekolah dasar tentang pecahan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualititatif-kuantitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah calon guru SD Program Studi PGSD Semester III berjumlah 19 orang tahun akademik 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terkait dengan pemahaman calon guru SD tentang pecahan dan tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1) gambaran proses pembelajaran pecahan menggunakan konteks puding dan bangun datar segitiga sama sisi menunjukkan perbedaan jawaban antara calon guru SD yang satu dengan yang lain; 2) pemahaman konsep calon guru SD terhadap materi pecahan masih tergolong rendah sebesar 33,82%; 3) hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa calon guru SD terbantu (sebanyak 60%) melalui penggunaan konteks di ...
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
AbstrakPembelajaran matematika merupakan pembelajaran dari sesuatu yang bersifat konkret menuju ... more AbstrakPembelajaran matematika merupakan pembelajaran dari sesuatu yang bersifat konkret menuju abstrak. Hal ini sejalan dengan materi bangun datar yang cenderung abstrak. Namun, pada kenyataannya cara pemikiran siswa bersifat konkret. Maka dari itu, untuk menjembataninya diperlukan pendekatan yang mengutamakan pembelajaran yang bersifat konkret yaitu pendekatan PMRI (Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia). Pendekatan ini dilakukan dengan cara mendesain buku ajar bilingual berkonteks kebudayaan lokal melalui serangkaian aktivitas pembelajaran bangun datar menggunakan pendekatan PMRI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian design research yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu preliminary design, the design experiment, dan retrospective analysis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan lintasan belajar menggunakan buku ajar bilingual materi bangun datar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, wawancara, dan lembar aktivitas siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan lembar validasi dari ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The research aims to investigate the difference of natural science learning outcomes between sixt... more The research aims to investigate the difference of natural science learning outcomes between sixth graders in primary school taught using the models example non example and picture and picture. This experimental research employed a test as the data collection technique. Furthermore, data analysis techniques were the homogeneity test and the independent sample t-test. The criterion for hypothesis acceptance is that if tcount > ttable, therefore H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. Based on the results and data analysis, it is evident that the example non example and picture and picture learning models have improved the learning outcomes of Grade VI students. It is demonstrated from the pretest and posttest average scores of Grades VIA and VIB that experienced an increase from 53.06 to 78.56 and from 17.47 to 66.09 respectively. The independent sample t-test shows the significance value of tcount is 0.005<0.05, therefore H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In conclusion, there are some differences in natural science learning outcomes using the picture and picture method in Grade VIA and the example non example method in Grade VIB and natural science learning outcomes using the picture and picture learning model is better than the example non example one.
NUMERICAL: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
This research has a purpose to know whether there is influence of the use of learning model Examp... more This research has a purpose to know whether there is influence of the use of learning model Example Non Example assisted Poster Comment to the comprehension ability of mathematical concept. This research type is keyexperimental design, this research population is all students of class VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Hidayah Srikuncoro academic year 2016/2017. In this research, the data analysis used is by using variance analysis (anova) one cell road is not same. The result of this research is that there is influence of learning model of Example Non Example with Poster Comment with the ability of understanding mathematical concepts, which the application of learning model Example Non Example with Poster Comment gives better concept of mathematics concept compared with the application of conventional model supported by Poster Comment and also the application of learning model Example Non Example with Poster Comment provides better mathematical concept capability compared to conventi...
Suska Journal of Mathematics Education
ABSTRACT. The study aims to improve the ability of mathematical communication in recognizing, gro... more ABSTRACT. The study aims to improve the ability of mathematical communication in recognizing, grouping various types of flat wake. The subjects of the study were elementary school students Class IIA in SD Negeri 43 Palembang amounted to 27 people. Data collection is done through observation sheets, interviews, tests, documentation, and field notes. The research method used is a research design consisting of three stages: First stage, preliminary design / preparing for the experiment; The second stage, design experiment consisting of pilot and teaching experiment. The third stage, retrospective analysis. This study develops a series of activities and strategies that learners do on a flat wake material. The results of this study in the form of learning trajectory (learning path) in each activity are: First activity, learners recognize various shapes and characteristics of wake up flat with conventional way. Then, on the second activity, learners can recognize the types and characteris...
Conventional mathematics learning is becoming obsolete and turned to introduce to students learni... more Conventional mathematics learning is becoming obsolete and turned to introduce to students learning the importance of realistic mathematics education in the form of PMRI (Realistic Mathematics Education Indonesia). For some teachers segiempaf flat material up an abstract matter for second grade elementary school students. There are several studies on the use of flat wake tangram Ilma one of which is research that examines the mathematical communication in SDN 117. Therefore, the researchers designed a study that measures the mathematical creations by combining various activities using the tangram to create a context in the form of fables, puzzles, and the design of origami creations made aiming so that learners can recognize various forms of flat wake, train students' mathematical creativity, goal accomplished through the early stages in which students know and mathematical creativity in various forms up flat. Therefore, the researchers chose this type of research design research. Learning by using PMRI approach has helped many students to understand the concepts and see the relevance of learning mathematics. With PMRI approach, students can learn to use informal prior knowledge that leads to formal stage so that they can solve the existing problems in learning mathematics. The subjects of this study consisted of 34 students and one teacher from elementary school class II B 45 Palembang. Results of this study indicate that students develop mathematical skills creations so that learners can connect with other learning mathematics learning so that students felt that learning becomes more meaningful. Keywords: fable "dog cat catches', tangram puzzles, quadrilateral, instructional design, PMRI
Papers by lisnani Lisnani