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I am working at Selçuk University Post Vocational School of Silifke- Taşucu and working on tourism and hotel management. I give importance to industry relations
Phone: 05359735052
Address: SÜ Silifke Tasucu MYO
Phone: 05359735052
Address: SÜ Silifke Tasucu MYO
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Elena Chai
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
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faaliyet gösteren ekoturizm diğer turizm türlerine göre daha çok gündeme gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda, yerel halkın ekoturizme ve
ekoturizmin yerel kalkınmaya katkılarına ilişkin algılarının tespit edilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Taşucu ve çevresi Türkiye’de
Akdeniz kıyısında, hem coğrafi özellikleri hem de doğal ve kültürel değerleri ile ekoturizm için önemli bir çekim merkezi
konumundadır. Çalışmanın amacı; ekoturizm açısından birçok potansiyele sahip, Taşucu’nda yerel halkın ekoturizmin yerel
kalkınmaya etkileri konusundaki algılarını tespit etmektir. Çalışma; anket yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Öncelikle literatür taranmış ve
bir anket formu oluşturulmuştur. Formda katılımcıların demografik bilgilerine yönelik sorular ile ekoturizm algılarına yönelik
çoktan seçmeli sorular ve ekoturizmin faydalarına yönelik likert tipi sorulara yer verilmiştir. Veriler SPSS 20 paket programı
yardımı ile analiz edilmiş, elde edilen bulgular tablolaştırılarak yorumlanmıştır. Bulgular bölge halkının ekoturizm faaliyetlerinin
yerel kalkınmaya katkıları hakkında olumlu algıları olduğu ve ekoturizmin katılımcılar tarafından en çok “çevre dostu bir turizm
şekli” olarak algılandığı göstermektedir. Katılımcılar tarafından, ekoturizmin sosyo-kültürel fayda boyutunun, ekonomik gelişme
ve çevreye katkı boyutuna göre daha yüksek oranda algılandığı sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca katılımcıların ekoturizmin
faydalarına ilişkin algıları ekoturizmin “bölgenin tanıtımına katkı sağladığı”, “doğayla baş başa bir tatil sunduğu”, “bölgenin dışa
açılmasını sağladığı” ve “doğanın korunmasını desteklediği” yönündedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ekoturizm, Yöresel Kalkınma, Doğa, Turizm, Ekoturizm Algısı
As a result of the uncontrolled development of mass tourism in recent years, ecotourism, which is one of the types of tourism, which
operates to protect nature and the environment, has come to the fore more than other types of tourism. Therefore, it is important to
determine the perceptions of local people on ecotourism and its contribution to local development. Taşucu and its surroundings are
an important attraction center for ecotourism on the Mediterranean coast in Turkey, with both its geographical features and its
natural and cultural values. The aim of the study is to determine the perceptions of local people in Taşucu, where there are much
potential in terms of ecotourism, about the effects of ecotourism on local development. The study, conducted survey method. First
of all, the literature was reviewed and a questionnaire was created. The form included questions about the demographic information
of the participants, multiple-choice questions about ecotourism perceptions, and Likert-type questions about the benefits of
ecotourism. The data were analysed with the help of SPSS 20 package program and the findings obtained from the statistics were
tabulated and explained. As a result, it was concluded that the people of the region have positive perceptions about ecotourism and
its benefits and that ecotourism is most often perceived by the participants as an “environmentally friendly form of tourism”. It was
also concluded that the socio-cultural benefit dimension of ecotourism was perceived by the participants to be higher compared to
the dimension of economic development and contribution to the environment. In addition, participants' perceptions about the
benefits of ecotourism are in the direction that ecotourism “contributes to the promotion of the region”, “offers a holiday alone with
nature”, “allows the region to open up to the outside” and “supports the protection of nature”.
Keywords: Ecotourism, Local Development, Nature, Tourism, Ecotourism Perception
examine the relationship between future anxiety, fear of covid 19 and the willigness to work in the
sector in the context of Selçuk University Silifke Taşucu Vocational School tourism program
students. For this purpose, the literature on the subject was searched and a questionnaire form was
created. In 2021, 193 students who received tourism education at post vocational school of Selçuk
University Silifke-Taşucu were reached via watsupp and a survey was conducted. The obtained data
were evaluated with percentage, frequency analysis, t-test and multiple correlation tests and
interpreted with the help of tables. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the
students had a moderate level of covid-19 anxiety. In addition, according to the results of the
analysis, a moderately positive and significant relationship was found between Covid 19 and future
A weak positive and significant relationship was found between the willingness to work in the
sector and the covid 19 anxiety. A moderate positive relationship was found between the
willingness to work in the sector and the future anxiety.
Keywords: Covid 19, future anxiety, willingness to work in the sector
faaliyet gösteren ekoturizm diğer turizm türlerine göre daha çok gündeme gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda, yerel halkın ekoturizme ve
ekoturizmin yerel kalkınmaya katkılarına ilişkin algılarının tespit edilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Taşucu ve çevresi Türkiye’de
Akdeniz kıyısında, hem coğrafi özellikleri hem de doğal ve kültürel değerleri ile ekoturizm için önemli bir çekim merkezi
konumundadır. Çalışmanın amacı; ekoturizm açısından birçok potansiyele sahip, Taşucu’nda yerel halkın ekoturizmin yerel
kalkınmaya etkileri konusundaki algılarını tespit etmektir. Çalışma; anket yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Öncelikle literatür taranmış ve
bir anket formu oluşturulmuştur. Formda katılımcıların demografik bilgilerine yönelik sorular ile ekoturizm algılarına yönelik
çoktan seçmeli sorular ve ekoturizmin faydalarına yönelik likert tipi sorulara yer verilmiştir. Veriler SPSS 20 paket programı
yardımı ile analiz edilmiş, elde edilen bulgular tablolaştırılarak yorumlanmıştır. Bulgular bölge halkının ekoturizm faaliyetlerinin
yerel kalkınmaya katkıları hakkında olumlu algıları olduğu ve ekoturizmin katılımcılar tarafından en çok “çevre dostu bir turizm
şekli” olarak algılandığı göstermektedir. Katılımcılar tarafından, ekoturizmin sosyo-kültürel fayda boyutunun, ekonomik gelişme
ve çevreye katkı boyutuna göre daha yüksek oranda algılandığı sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca katılımcıların ekoturizmin
faydalarına ilişkin algıları ekoturizmin “bölgenin tanıtımına katkı sağladığı”, “doğayla baş başa bir tatil sunduğu”, “bölgenin dışa
açılmasını sağladığı” ve “doğanın korunmasını desteklediği” yönündedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ekoturizm, Yöresel Kalkınma, Doğa, Turizm, Ekoturizm Algısı
As a result of the uncontrolled development of mass tourism in recent years, ecotourism, which is one of the types of tourism, which
operates to protect nature and the environment, has come to the fore more than other types of tourism. Therefore, it is important to
determine the perceptions of local people on ecotourism and its contribution to local development. Taşucu and its surroundings are
an important attraction center for ecotourism on the Mediterranean coast in Turkey, with both its geographical features and its
natural and cultural values. The aim of the study is to determine the perceptions of local people in Taşucu, where there are much
potential in terms of ecotourism, about the effects of ecotourism on local development. The study, conducted survey method. First
of all, the literature was reviewed and a questionnaire was created. The form included questions about the demographic information
of the participants, multiple-choice questions about ecotourism perceptions, and Likert-type questions about the benefits of
ecotourism. The data were analysed with the help of SPSS 20 package program and the findings obtained from the statistics were
tabulated and explained. As a result, it was concluded that the people of the region have positive perceptions about ecotourism and
its benefits and that ecotourism is most often perceived by the participants as an “environmentally friendly form of tourism”. It was
also concluded that the socio-cultural benefit dimension of ecotourism was perceived by the participants to be higher compared to
the dimension of economic development and contribution to the environment. In addition, participants' perceptions about the
benefits of ecotourism are in the direction that ecotourism “contributes to the promotion of the region”, “offers a holiday alone with
nature”, “allows the region to open up to the outside” and “supports the protection of nature”.
Keywords: Ecotourism, Local Development, Nature, Tourism, Ecotourism Perception
examine the relationship between future anxiety, fear of covid 19 and the willigness to work in the
sector in the context of Selçuk University Silifke Taşucu Vocational School tourism program
students. For this purpose, the literature on the subject was searched and a questionnaire form was
created. In 2021, 193 students who received tourism education at post vocational school of Selçuk
University Silifke-Taşucu were reached via watsupp and a survey was conducted. The obtained data
were evaluated with percentage, frequency analysis, t-test and multiple correlation tests and
interpreted with the help of tables. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the
students had a moderate level of covid-19 anxiety. In addition, according to the results of the
analysis, a moderately positive and significant relationship was found between Covid 19 and future
A weak positive and significant relationship was found between the willingness to work in the
sector and the covid 19 anxiety. A moderate positive relationship was found between the
willingness to work in the sector and the future anxiety.
Keywords: Covid 19, future anxiety, willingness to work in the sector