Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to r... more Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to re-evaluate the current fiat monetary system. A group of Muslim economists believe that the source of problems is a form of fiat money. However, a larger group of Muslim economists prefer to set fiat money according to the rules of Sharia. This paper attempts to discuss the opinion of these two groups, so then offers the concept of money in Islam. The first group argue that the fiat money creates a seigniorage which is the cause of inflation, inequity of wealth distribution and monetary and financial crisis. Fiat money is also the soul of banking fractional reserve system which leads to the problem of inflation, business cycles and injustice distribution of wealth. Lastly, fiat money sytem with interest result in an inflationary economy. Besides these three, there is a belief that the money according to Islam must be commodity money. The second group counter that the strict rules for monetary management is proved to minimize the use of seigniorage so that inflation can be controlled. In fact, the fiat money and fractional reserve system support economic expansion so that the community can enjoy the economic growth. Furthermore, the business cycle is not just happening on a fiat money system but also a part of the commodity money system. Indeed, money in Islam must be a commodity is not agreed by the majority of fiqh scholars. However, in the context of international currency, the issue of injustice and the causes of the crisis becomes challenging issue. The first group propose to change international currency to commodity money, while the second group offers a monetary union as in the case of Europe. Finally, the concept of money is not about the form of money, but rather whether the money can be a just medium of exchange and measure of value for the goods and services.
This study aims to analyze traditional market development strategies by local governments from an... more This study aims to analyze traditional market development strategies by local governments from an Islamic economic perspective. This study used a qualitative method with a SWOT analysis. Qualitative methods are used to analyze the role of traditional market development from the perspective of Islamic Economics. Furthermore, the formulation of the strategy uses a SWOT analysis to obtain the development strategies in traditional market. The results of this study are; Firstly, the fluctuation of the total traders must be followed by the additional infrastructure. Secondly, the development strategy of the business in Songgolangit market can be done through two aspects; material and non-material aspects. The material aspect includes developing business capital. Non-material aspects include the development of business literacy and entrepreneurship. Thirdly, the role of local government in controlling and managing traditional markets is very important in issuing a local regulation (PERDA) for regulating the position, distance and operational time of street vendors (PKL), traditional markets and modern markets. Fourthly, the strategy of developing traditional markets through modernization of infrastructure and marketing utilizing technological progress.
Arah dan fokus pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan literasi pajak untuk UMKM... more Arah dan fokus pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan literasi pajak untuk UMKM di ZAF Internasional. Literasi pajak dikembangkan dalam peraturan dalam proses pembayaran, pemungutan, pemotongan, dan pelaporan pajak untuk UMKM. Ruang lingkup pengetahuan dan peraturan terkait pajak UMKM harus dipahami secara menyeluruh oleh wajib pajak pemilik UMKM. Mengingat pajak UMKM merupakan jenis pajak yang pemungutannya merupakan self assessment di mana setiap informasi untuk pembayaran dan pelaporan dilakukan secara mandiri oleh wajib pajak UMKM yang bersangkutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara berupa tanya jawab dengan audience, observasi, dan penyuluhan materi pajak UMKM. Mitra utama dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah PT ZAF Internasional yang terletak di Depok dengan komposisi peserta meliputi karyawan bagian keuangan, bagian pajak, serta pemilik PT ZAF Internasional. Berdasarkan penyuluhan yang telah dilaksanakan hasil yang tampak adalah penggunaan PP...
The purpose of this study is to prove and determine how much influence the promotion of tourists&... more The purpose of this study is to prove and determine how much influence the promotion of tourists' decision to join the tour package program at CV. Funtastic Tour and Travel with destinations in Bali, Lombok, and Malang, what factors influence the decision of tourists to join the Survey method program with a quantitative approach. Sampling using a purposive sampling method with data collection using a questionnaire through survey techniques. The total population studied was 100 people with a sample of 80 people from tourists who took the tour package program at CV. Funtastic Tour and Travel. The hypothesis is proven by the test Ttest= 6,192 compared to Ttable= 1,664 which means there is a significant influence between promotion and the decision of tourists to participate in the tour package program. The sensitivity level of consumer (traveler) decisions to the promotion itself is 83.8% indicated by the regression coefficient 𝑌̂=6,087+0,838𝑋. While the correlation coefficient show...
The purpose of this research activity is to measure and determine whether or not there is influen... more The purpose of this research activity is to measure and determine whether or not there is influence between motivation to study MS Power Point and Blog programs on teacher skills in making presentation slides and Blogs by using MS Power Point and Blog programs in information-based teacher teaching materials preparation training programs and technology at 139 Jakarta Public Middle School. The target to be achieved specifically in this research activity is the output of research carried out can be used as an indicator of decisions and policies for the Head of Jakarta SMP Negeri 139 in an effort to improve the competence of teachers in the schools they lead. The type of research carried out is quantitative descriptive using a statistical approach from the primary data obtained. The method used in the research activities at 139 Jakarta Public Middle School is through a survey using a questionnaire and literature review as a support in this study. The results showed that there was a very...
Tujuan penelitian untuk memberi gambaran dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah agar tetap terlaksana... more Tujuan penelitian untuk memberi gambaran dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah agar tetap terlaksana dan mampu tetap terkoordinasi tujuan pembelajaran sesuai yang diharapkan. Bagaimana upaya seorang leadear dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan bagaimana pula usaha guru dalam memotivasi siswa agar kegiatan berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, data latar alami, sumber data langsung dari kepala madrasah, Waka kurikulum, BP, Wali kelas, guru mapel, dan wali siswa. Pengumpulan data dari pengumpulan data dari dokumen KBM E learning, daftar presensi siswa E learning, hasil tugas foto kegiatan E learning. Keabsahan data dikonfirmasi hasil penelitian dengan memanfaatkan triangulasi sebagai pengecekan keabsahan temuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan konstribusi kepada institusi sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan Islam berbasis madrasah empati untuk memperkuat nilai-nilai siswa dalam mengembangkan potensinya sehingga mampu melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai khalifah di muka bumi dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai dengan nilai-nilai iIlahiyah yang didasarkan Al Qur'an dan Hadits pada semua dimensi kehidupannya.
Al-Ulum Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian ke Islaman, Jul 25, 2020
Membincang soal pesantren, akan selalu menarik dan tidak pernah habis-habisnya, pasalnya pesantre... more Membincang soal pesantren, akan selalu menarik dan tidak pernah habis-habisnya, pasalnya pesantren atau pondok ditinjau dari aspek historis, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Nur Cholis Madjid, adalah lembaga pendidikan bersifat nasional, yang tidak hanya mengandung unsur corak keislaman an sich, tetapi juga mengandung makna keaslian (indigenous) pendidikan Indonesia.[1]Pesantren secara etimologis, dapat diartikan sebagai tempat tinggal santri. Sedangkan dalam pengertian terminologis pesantren dapat diartikan sebagai asrama tempat santri atau tempat murid mengaji dan mendalami ilmu agama Islam. Pengertian tersebut tidak lepas dari akar dasar pesantren yang berasal dari kata “santri”. Dalam makna sederhana, kata santri berarti orang-orang yang mendalami agama Islam dengan sungguh-sungguh.   [1]Nur Cholis Madjid, Bilik-Bilik Pesantren (Jakarta, Paramadina, 1997), 17. PDF
The rapid development of the banking industry with the increasing complexity of bank business act... more The rapid development of the banking industry with the increasing complexity of bank business activities and increasing credit exposure, will accelerate rapidly. The bank collects funds from additional funds and distributes funds in the form of loans or funds to the people in need, both for working capital and consumption investments. Increasingly tight competition also occurs between banks with each other. Among them by issuing or launching financial services products with various types and interest rates. This research is a qualitative research by following a study conducted over a period of 1 year, describing the risk management process carried out by one of the branches of Bank Mandiri in Mampang Prapatan Jakarta, a method of data collection conducted through observation, interviews, and comparative studies of respondents who comprise from 4 people who included employees from Micro Banking Managers, Micro Credit Analysts, Micro Credit Sales, and sub-branch managers. The sampling...
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2021
Budaya lokal merupakan konsep dari tradisi yang bersumber dari kegiatan ataupun ritual yang biasa... more Budaya lokal merupakan konsep dari tradisi yang bersumber dari kegiatan ataupun ritual yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat dalam satu wilayah tertentu, atau budaya lokal juga dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu identitas yang melekat pada suatu daerah. Daerah Pujon merupakan salah satu daerah dengan beberapa tradisi atau budaya lokal yang terdapat di dalamnya salah satunya yakni tradisi pencak, yang merupakan tradisi atau budaya lokal dari masyarakat Pujon yang mengadopsi tradisi pencak silat namun dengan versi tradisional dengan perlengkapan-perlengkapan dan aspek-aspek tertentu di dalamnya. Urgensi dan tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan dari tradisi pencak tradisional ini dalam kehidupan masyarakat Pujon, selain itu kajian atau artikel ini juga ditujukan untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek apa saja yang terdapat dalam proses pencak itu sendiri. Dalam penyusunan artikel ini penulis menerapkan metode kualitatif, yakni dengan mengadakan riset sederhana mengenai topi...
Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to r... more Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to re-evaluate the current fiat monetary system. A group of Muslim economists believe that the source of problems is a form of fiat money. However, a larger group of Muslim economists prefer to set fiat money according to the rules of Sharia. This paper attempts to discuss the opinion of these two groups, so then offers the concept of money in Islam. The first group argue that the fiat money creates a seigniorage which is the cause of inflation, inequity of wealth distribution and monetary and financial crisis. Fiat money is also the soul of banking fractional reserve system which leads to the problem of inflation, business cycles and injustice distribution of wealth. Lastly, fiat money sytem with interest result in an inflationary economy. Besides these three, there is a belief that the money according to Islam must be commodity money. The second group counter that the strict rules for monetary management is proved to minimize the use of seigniorage so that inflation can be controlled. In fact, the fiat money and fractional reserve system support economic expansion so that the community can enjoy the economic growth. Furthermore, the business cycle is not just happening on a fiat money system but also a part of the commodity money system. Indeed, money in Islam must be a commodity is not agreed by the majority of fiqh scholars. However, in the context of international currency, the issue of injustice and the causes of the crisis becomes challenging issue. The first group propose to change international currency to commodity money, while the second group offers a monetary union as in the case of Europe. Finally, the concept of money is not about the form of money, but rather whether the money can be a just medium of exchange and measure of value for the goods and services.
This study aims to analyze traditional market development strategies by local governments from an... more This study aims to analyze traditional market development strategies by local governments from an Islamic economic perspective. This study used a qualitative method with a SWOT analysis. Qualitative methods are used to analyze the role of traditional market development from the perspective of Islamic Economics. Furthermore, the formulation of the strategy uses a SWOT analysis to obtain the development strategies in traditional market. The results of this study are; Firstly, the fluctuation of the total traders must be followed by the additional infrastructure. Secondly, the development strategy of the business in Songgolangit market can be done through two aspects; material and non-material aspects. The material aspect includes developing business capital. Non-material aspects include the development of business literacy and entrepreneurship. Thirdly, the role of local government in controlling and managing traditional markets is very important in issuing a local regulation (PERDA) for regulating the position, distance and operational time of street vendors (PKL), traditional markets and modern markets. Fourthly, the strategy of developing traditional markets through modernization of infrastructure and marketing utilizing technological progress.
Arah dan fokus pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan literasi pajak untuk UMKM... more Arah dan fokus pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan literasi pajak untuk UMKM di ZAF Internasional. Literasi pajak dikembangkan dalam peraturan dalam proses pembayaran, pemungutan, pemotongan, dan pelaporan pajak untuk UMKM. Ruang lingkup pengetahuan dan peraturan terkait pajak UMKM harus dipahami secara menyeluruh oleh wajib pajak pemilik UMKM. Mengingat pajak UMKM merupakan jenis pajak yang pemungutannya merupakan self assessment di mana setiap informasi untuk pembayaran dan pelaporan dilakukan secara mandiri oleh wajib pajak UMKM yang bersangkutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara berupa tanya jawab dengan audience, observasi, dan penyuluhan materi pajak UMKM. Mitra utama dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah PT ZAF Internasional yang terletak di Depok dengan komposisi peserta meliputi karyawan bagian keuangan, bagian pajak, serta pemilik PT ZAF Internasional. Berdasarkan penyuluhan yang telah dilaksanakan hasil yang tampak adalah penggunaan PP...
The purpose of this study is to prove and determine how much influence the promotion of tourists&... more The purpose of this study is to prove and determine how much influence the promotion of tourists' decision to join the tour package program at CV. Funtastic Tour and Travel with destinations in Bali, Lombok, and Malang, what factors influence the decision of tourists to join the Survey method program with a quantitative approach. Sampling using a purposive sampling method with data collection using a questionnaire through survey techniques. The total population studied was 100 people with a sample of 80 people from tourists who took the tour package program at CV. Funtastic Tour and Travel. The hypothesis is proven by the test Ttest= 6,192 compared to Ttable= 1,664 which means there is a significant influence between promotion and the decision of tourists to participate in the tour package program. The sensitivity level of consumer (traveler) decisions to the promotion itself is 83.8% indicated by the regression coefficient 𝑌̂=6,087+0,838𝑋. While the correlation coefficient show...
The purpose of this research activity is to measure and determine whether or not there is influen... more The purpose of this research activity is to measure and determine whether or not there is influence between motivation to study MS Power Point and Blog programs on teacher skills in making presentation slides and Blogs by using MS Power Point and Blog programs in information-based teacher teaching materials preparation training programs and technology at 139 Jakarta Public Middle School. The target to be achieved specifically in this research activity is the output of research carried out can be used as an indicator of decisions and policies for the Head of Jakarta SMP Negeri 139 in an effort to improve the competence of teachers in the schools they lead. The type of research carried out is quantitative descriptive using a statistical approach from the primary data obtained. The method used in the research activities at 139 Jakarta Public Middle School is through a survey using a questionnaire and literature review as a support in this study. The results showed that there was a very...
Tujuan penelitian untuk memberi gambaran dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah agar tetap terlaksana... more Tujuan penelitian untuk memberi gambaran dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah agar tetap terlaksana dan mampu tetap terkoordinasi tujuan pembelajaran sesuai yang diharapkan. Bagaimana upaya seorang leadear dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan bagaimana pula usaha guru dalam memotivasi siswa agar kegiatan berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, data latar alami, sumber data langsung dari kepala madrasah, Waka kurikulum, BP, Wali kelas, guru mapel, dan wali siswa. Pengumpulan data dari pengumpulan data dari dokumen KBM E learning, daftar presensi siswa E learning, hasil tugas foto kegiatan E learning. Keabsahan data dikonfirmasi hasil penelitian dengan memanfaatkan triangulasi sebagai pengecekan keabsahan temuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan konstribusi kepada institusi sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan Islam berbasis madrasah empati untuk memperkuat nilai-nilai siswa dalam mengembangkan potensinya sehingga mampu melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai khalifah di muka bumi dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai dengan nilai-nilai iIlahiyah yang didasarkan Al Qur'an dan Hadits pada semua dimensi kehidupannya.
Al-Ulum Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian ke Islaman, Jul 25, 2020
Membincang soal pesantren, akan selalu menarik dan tidak pernah habis-habisnya, pasalnya pesantre... more Membincang soal pesantren, akan selalu menarik dan tidak pernah habis-habisnya, pasalnya pesantren atau pondok ditinjau dari aspek historis, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Nur Cholis Madjid, adalah lembaga pendidikan bersifat nasional, yang tidak hanya mengandung unsur corak keislaman an sich, tetapi juga mengandung makna keaslian (indigenous) pendidikan Indonesia.[1]Pesantren secara etimologis, dapat diartikan sebagai tempat tinggal santri. Sedangkan dalam pengertian terminologis pesantren dapat diartikan sebagai asrama tempat santri atau tempat murid mengaji dan mendalami ilmu agama Islam. Pengertian tersebut tidak lepas dari akar dasar pesantren yang berasal dari kata “santri”. Dalam makna sederhana, kata santri berarti orang-orang yang mendalami agama Islam dengan sungguh-sungguh.   [1]Nur Cholis Madjid, Bilik-Bilik Pesantren (Jakarta, Paramadina, 1997), 17. PDF
The rapid development of the banking industry with the increasing complexity of bank business act... more The rapid development of the banking industry with the increasing complexity of bank business activities and increasing credit exposure, will accelerate rapidly. The bank collects funds from additional funds and distributes funds in the form of loans or funds to the people in need, both for working capital and consumption investments. Increasingly tight competition also occurs between banks with each other. Among them by issuing or launching financial services products with various types and interest rates. This research is a qualitative research by following a study conducted over a period of 1 year, describing the risk management process carried out by one of the branches of Bank Mandiri in Mampang Prapatan Jakarta, a method of data collection conducted through observation, interviews, and comparative studies of respondents who comprise from 4 people who included employees from Micro Banking Managers, Micro Credit Analysts, Micro Credit Sales, and sub-branch managers. The sampling...
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2021
Budaya lokal merupakan konsep dari tradisi yang bersumber dari kegiatan ataupun ritual yang biasa... more Budaya lokal merupakan konsep dari tradisi yang bersumber dari kegiatan ataupun ritual yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat dalam satu wilayah tertentu, atau budaya lokal juga dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu identitas yang melekat pada suatu daerah. Daerah Pujon merupakan salah satu daerah dengan beberapa tradisi atau budaya lokal yang terdapat di dalamnya salah satunya yakni tradisi pencak, yang merupakan tradisi atau budaya lokal dari masyarakat Pujon yang mengadopsi tradisi pencak silat namun dengan versi tradisional dengan perlengkapan-perlengkapan dan aspek-aspek tertentu di dalamnya. Urgensi dan tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan dari tradisi pencak tradisional ini dalam kehidupan masyarakat Pujon, selain itu kajian atau artikel ini juga ditujukan untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek apa saja yang terdapat dalam proses pencak itu sendiri. Dalam penyusunan artikel ini penulis menerapkan metode kualitatif, yakni dengan mengadakan riset sederhana mengenai topi...
Papers by khoirul umam