Papers by khay sambonin
Central European Journal of Educational Research, 2024
The organization model has shifted from treating the workforce as machines to improving human ce... more The organization model has shifted from treating the workforce as machines to improving human centric working environments. The Learning Organization is conceptualized as an organism that evolves through continuous learning to adapt with a constantly changing environment. School is a typical organization and many scholars argued to reconceptualize school as a learning organization. The Integrated Model of School as a Learning Organization (Kools & Stoll, 2016)) has been widely studied and tested in European schools, particularly in Wales. However, there is a gap in the research needed to understand the prerequisites of SLO transformation and thus to better prepare for reform. To explore the prerequisites of SLO, a researcher applies
a qualitative approach to purposely collect secondary data from the eight empirical studies in Wales, Greece, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Türkiye, and Italy. To conduct data analysis, a data coding strategy is employed to
create the prerequisites and assign them to the main themes- System Level and School Level. To achieve the SLO transformation, the researcher then recommends a systematic reform that involves the education
stakeholders, both at system level and at school level - to put forward the practice of the SLO seven action oriented dimensions. Further meta-analysis research is recommended to widen the scope of conceptualizing
antecedents of SLO transformation.
MEd Dissertation, 2017
Teacher motivation is a crucial tenet in school because it is found to impact on students’ engage... more Teacher motivation is a crucial tenet in school because it is found to impact on students’ engagement in learning (Klem & Connell, 2004) and on teacher’s job satisfaction per se (Pearson & Moomaw, 2005). Given the important role at school, teacher motivation in Cambodian school, may be ineffectively implemented due to lack of researched findings of what factors to motivate teachers. As a response, researcher conducts a case study research in a Cambodian school to examine teacher’s perception of motivational factors. Researcher adopts a qualitative approach because teacher’s perception is abstract and underlying. Framed by Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene and Self Determination theories, researcher conceptualizes motivation factor into two broad factors, Extrinsic and Intrinsic. Researcher conducts interviews with nine teachers and three-time observation at the Westline school. Having completed cross-sectional analysis of the triangulated data, researcher re-conceptualizes Incentives, Family Support, Academic Support and School Environment as Extrinsic motivation factors and Self Determination as an Intrinsic motivation factor. Noticeably, previous major studies of teacher’s motivations (Fry, 2002; Guajardo, 2011; Richardson, 2014) do not find self determination or teaching volition as an Intrinsic motivation factor. Therefore, the finding of self determination (teaching volition) in this research addresses a significantly emergent need for intrinsic motivation nutriment at school. It is an implication for future research to examine how to nurture and enhance self determination in teaching at school, particularly school in low-income context. Keywords: Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory, Self Determination theory
A review of school as a learning organization models, 2023
The concept of learning organization has inspired schools to reconceptualize itself to a learning... more The concept of learning organization has inspired schools to reconceptualize itself to a learning school or a school that learns. Over 20 years of research on learning organization, some findings confirm the impact and some are not due to its different models of learning organization to test in school settings. The most prominent Fifth Discipline (Senge, 1990) was overcrowded for organization transformation models. It drew the attention of business organizations to change their learning capacity through the five disciplines (Personal Mastery, Mental Model, Team Learning, Shared Vision and Systemic Thinking). An alternative to the Fifth Discipline, DLOQ model(Watkins & Marsick,1997) was later proposed to build a learning organization through its seven dimensions following question sets to evaluate and to indicate the areas to become a learning organization. The DLOQ model has also been well researched into school contexts. Since both models are quite popular among researchers and practitioners in education, we conduct a review of these two models to learn which model is suitable for school transformation into a learning organization. In conclusion, we recommend the DLOQ model to be ideal for school transformation because it has clear dimensions for school to build on like a foundation. It is also a performance measurement model for school improvement, innovation and sustainability. It is recommended to use this DLOQ model to test in many school settings to prove its wider generalizability.
Conference Presentations by khay sambonin
The Asian Conference on Education & International Development , 2024
In the midst of uncertain and constantly changing environment, schools today are argued to transf... more In the midst of uncertain and constantly changing environment, schools today are argued to transform themselves to learning organizations. Kools & Stoll (2016) conceptualized the Integrated Model of School as Learning Organization to offer a framework for schools to prepare the transformation process. Cambodian schools have been through several phases of rigorous reforms. The MoEYS, through Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023 and Cambodia Education 2030 Roadmap, aimed to transform schools into learning organizations. Following these initiatives of MoEYS for SLO, researcher conducted a content analysis of ten extant
Cambodian national policies and strategies for education to examine whether the MoEYS’ policies and strategies support school as learning organization. We developed a conceptual framework outlining four dimensions and fourteen subsets as the criteria for data collection.
Researcher collected the secondary data through the ten policy and strategy documents of the RGC and the MOEYS. We organized the data under the four dimensions and fourteen subsets on the spreadsheet for analysis. As a result, we found that the MoEYS’ policies and
strategies, which are aligned with the Royal Government of Cambodia national strategies, support school as learning organization. However, researcher recommends a coherent leadership policy for school directors, DOE and POE officials. Since leadership has proven to
impact on school transformation, we argue for the coherent leadership policy to integrate transformational leadership, instructional leadership, distributed and learning leadership. Another important recommendation is further reform in decentralization and de-concentration to reduce the school governance layers to narrow the gaps between MoEYS and school
Papers by khay sambonin
a qualitative approach to purposely collect secondary data from the eight empirical studies in Wales, Greece, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Türkiye, and Italy. To conduct data analysis, a data coding strategy is employed to
create the prerequisites and assign them to the main themes- System Level and School Level. To achieve the SLO transformation, the researcher then recommends a systematic reform that involves the education
stakeholders, both at system level and at school level - to put forward the practice of the SLO seven action oriented dimensions. Further meta-analysis research is recommended to widen the scope of conceptualizing
antecedents of SLO transformation.
Conference Presentations by khay sambonin
Cambodian national policies and strategies for education to examine whether the MoEYS’ policies and strategies support school as learning organization. We developed a conceptual framework outlining four dimensions and fourteen subsets as the criteria for data collection.
Researcher collected the secondary data through the ten policy and strategy documents of the RGC and the MOEYS. We organized the data under the four dimensions and fourteen subsets on the spreadsheet for analysis. As a result, we found that the MoEYS’ policies and
strategies, which are aligned with the Royal Government of Cambodia national strategies, support school as learning organization. However, researcher recommends a coherent leadership policy for school directors, DOE and POE officials. Since leadership has proven to
impact on school transformation, we argue for the coherent leadership policy to integrate transformational leadership, instructional leadership, distributed and learning leadership. Another important recommendation is further reform in decentralization and de-concentration to reduce the school governance layers to narrow the gaps between MoEYS and school
a qualitative approach to purposely collect secondary data from the eight empirical studies in Wales, Greece, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Türkiye, and Italy. To conduct data analysis, a data coding strategy is employed to
create the prerequisites and assign them to the main themes- System Level and School Level. To achieve the SLO transformation, the researcher then recommends a systematic reform that involves the education
stakeholders, both at system level and at school level - to put forward the practice of the SLO seven action oriented dimensions. Further meta-analysis research is recommended to widen the scope of conceptualizing
antecedents of SLO transformation.
Cambodian national policies and strategies for education to examine whether the MoEYS’ policies and strategies support school as learning organization. We developed a conceptual framework outlining four dimensions and fourteen subsets as the criteria for data collection.
Researcher collected the secondary data through the ten policy and strategy documents of the RGC and the MOEYS. We organized the data under the four dimensions and fourteen subsets on the spreadsheet for analysis. As a result, we found that the MoEYS’ policies and
strategies, which are aligned with the Royal Government of Cambodia national strategies, support school as learning organization. However, researcher recommends a coherent leadership policy for school directors, DOE and POE officials. Since leadership has proven to
impact on school transformation, we argue for the coherent leadership policy to integrate transformational leadership, instructional leadership, distributed and learning leadership. Another important recommendation is further reform in decentralization and de-concentration to reduce the school governance layers to narrow the gaps between MoEYS and school