Papers by jean-jacques thiébault

2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
Heart sound analysis is commonly used by physicians during auscultations to evaluate cardiac acti... more Heart sound analysis is commonly used by physicians during auscultations to evaluate cardiac activity as a first line. These sounds originate from heartbeats and the resulting blood flow, and can provide important information about heart function and hemodynamics. The monitoring of heart sounds in patients suffering from chronic cardiac pathologies can be useful to detect or prevent cardiac events. For this purpose, a bimodal implanted gastric stethoscope was developed allowing home monitoring of electrophysiological and mechanical parameters.An in-vivo experiment in pigs was carried out to validate the feasibility of heart sound detection from an accelerometer embedded in a stethoscope prototype implanted in the submucosal layer of the gastric wall. Data recorded over several weeks validate the tolerance and the sensitivity of the device. These promising preliminary results confirm the interest of considering the stomach as a strategic implantation site for heart sound monitoring.

2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2020
Visceral congestion and edema are important features of advanced heart failure. Monitoring the ev... more Visceral congestion and edema are important features of advanced heart failure. Monitoring the evolution of fluid content in the gastric wall might provide an index of the development of this phenomenon and therefore constitute an innovative marker to early detect acute decompensated heart failure episodes. The evolution of the fluid content in the gastric wall is measured using a device implanted in the submucosa layer of the fundic region of the stomach. The device composed of two electrodes measures the bioimpedance values that reflects the water content of the tissue.An in-vivo experiment in a pig was carried out to validate the feasibility of detecting the gastric bioimpedance variations during the development of an experimental acute visceral edema caused by an endotoxemic shock. Our preliminary results confirm the possibility to monitor the bioimpedance variations due to moderate changes in tissue water content (10%) with a two-electrode configuration device implanted in the submucosa of the stomach.

American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2008
Objective—To determine the electrical impulse duration thresholds (chronaxy) for maximal motor co... more Objective—To determine the electrical impulse duration thresholds (chronaxy) for maximal motor contraction of various muscles without stimulation of pain fibers in dogs. Animals—10 healthy adult Beagles. Procedures—The dogs were used to assess the minimal intensity (rheobase) required to elicit motor contraction of 11 muscles (5 in the forelimb [supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoideus, lateral head of the triceps brachii, and extensor carpi radialis], 5 in the hind limb [gluteus medius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, vastus lateralis, and tibialis cranialis], and the erector spinae). The rheobase was used to determine the chronaxy for each of the 11 muscles in the 10 dogs; chronaxy values were compared with those reported for the corresponding muscles in humans. Results—Compared with values in humans, chronaxy values for stimulation of AA motor fibers in the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles and muscles of the more distal portions of limbs were lower in dogs. For the other...
Des efforts sous-maximaux induisent chez le chien un stress oxydant responsable d'alterations... more Des efforts sous-maximaux induisent chez le chien un stress oxydant responsable d'alterations membranaires et lipoproteiques, objectivees par des modifications de la fluidite membranaire et l'apparition de produits de la degradation des acides gras. Ces effets dus aux radicaux libres generes peuvent etre en partie inhibes par une supplementation en vitamine E et/ou un entrainement regulier. Une supplementation en vitamine E pendant l'entrainement ne semble pas apporter un benefice tres sensible et merite d'etre discutee.

The aim of this placebo-controlled study was to investigate the effects of oral vitamin E supplem... more The aim of this placebo-controlled study was to investigate the effects of oral vitamin E supplementation for 10 weeks on exercise-induced oxidative damage in untrained dogs. Eight dogs were randomly assigned to a supplementation (n=4) or control (n=4) group and underwent two isolated submaximal exercise sessions, 10 weeks apart. Blood was collected during each session to measure erythrocyte membrane fluidity (EMF), paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and vitamin E concentrations. These biomarkers were measured in venous blood samples collected before (t(0)), just after (t, EMF only) and 1d (t+1d) and 7d (t+7d) after the dogs ran on a treadmill. Prior to vitamin E supplementation, exercise induced a significant decrease in PON1 activity, EMF, vitamin E concentration and a significant increase in MDA concentration at t+1d. After a 10 week vitamin E supplementation period, these exercise-induced changes in PON1 activity, EMF and MDA concentration were still significant in the control group, but not in the supplemented group. These results suggested that vitamin E supplementation had a protective effect on submaximal exercise-induced oxidative damage in sedentary dogs.
The Veterinary record, Jan 13, 2004
A caesarean section was performed on 30 cows before normal term and 16 to 20 hours after the indu... more A caesarean section was performed on 30 cows before normal term and 16 to 20 hours after the induction of parturition with dexamethasone. During the surgical procedure, 20,000 U of bacterial collagenase was injected into the uterine artery of 15 of the cows. The average periods of retention of the fetal membranes were 40 hours in the treated cows and 114 hours in the control cows (P<0.001). At 36 hours after the surgery six of the treated cows (40 per cent) but all 15 of the control cows had retained fetal membranes. The collagenase-treated cows showed no abnormal clinical signs during the 10 days after the operation.
Papers by jean-jacques thiébault