Papers by Harun Tanrivermiş
Routledge eBooks, Jan 20, 2022
International journal of geography and geography education, Jan 25, 2022
After the declaration of Ankara as the capital city of Turkey in 1923, the size of the city was i... more After the declaration of Ankara as the capital city of Turkey in 1923, the size of the city was identified to be insufficient to cope with the developmental and spatial needs of the city. In this study, the analysis and detection of land cover changes were conducted for the last three decades with ten-year time interval by using remotely sensed satellite data in Ankara to monitor the change in land cover, and growth and development of the city. Four classes; manmade area, land area, green area, and water area were created for each year images to assess change in land cover in central neighborhoods of Ankara. Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms were performed and classification results were compared. Overall classification accuracy and overall kappa statistics computed as 85%-92% and between 0.78-0.87 for MLC algorithm, respectively. Comparing with MLC algorithm, RF algorithm's performance was unsatisfied. As a second step of this study, administrative data of Ankara such as population, land use types, number of buildings and flats, and spatial development relationships were analyzed in integration with remote sensing data results to analyses land development in Ankara
Pamukkale üniversitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi, Jul 20, 2022
Uygun fiyatlı veya satın alınabilir konut sayısındaki azalma Atlanta'da önemli bir sorun olarak g... more Uygun fiyatlı veya satın alınabilir konut sayısındaki azalma Atlanta'da önemli bir sorun olarak görülmektedir. Uygun fiyatlı konutlar, özellikle düşük gelirli haneler için yetersiz kalmakta ve arzın talebi karşılamaması neticesinde, suç, zayıf pazar gücü ve ırk ayrımı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çalışma ile öncelikle demografik veriler, hane halkı geliri ve konut fiyatları gibi farklı değişkenler çerçevesinde konut politikaları ve bu politikalara esas teşkil eden yasal düzenlemeler incelenmektedir. Projeye dahil olan kurumların yetkilileri ile gerçekleştirilen yüz yüze görüşmeler sonucunda paydaş katılım süreçleri araştırılarak projedeki rolleri tartışılmaktadır. Proje maliyetinin karşılanması ve paydaş katılımı açısından projenin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda daha güçlü konut politikaları ile düşük gelirli haneler için erişilebilir konutlar arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğu vurgulanmaktadır.
16th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, 2009
A total number of 50 international investors (e.g. public listed real estate companies, investmen... more A total number of 50 international investors (e.g. public listed real estate companies, investment funds, private equity investors, pension funds) took part in this survey. Participants come from 16 different nations, with Germany accounting for 62 % of all participants. The average company has more than 250 employees. The few recent empirical studies n Hyss, S. (2006), Dr. Peter & Company (2007) and Schwenzer, J. (2008) - show that risk management in the real estate sector is lacking behind other industries. The present study is the first carried out on an international basis. Based on the empirical study, the risk management of the different investment vehicles is assessed in detail in seven chapters. First of all, the structure of investment vehicles and the integration of risk management in the corporate structure are analysed. As a second step, the risk management process composed of risk identification, risk evaluation and analysis, risk steering, risk reporting and risk controlling is discussed. In the next section, risk management methods are analysed according to their relevance and importance for individual investors. Of particular interest are the methods used for risk identification, risk reporting and risk evaluation. In this connection, the possibilities and restrictions of the Modern Portfolio Theory and of property derivatives for risk reduction purposes are critically examined. Investors were asked to rank seven of the most important risks affecting real estate investments according to their relevance for the specific investor. A separate chapter discusses the use of ratings in the real estate business and the investoris estimation of the quality of existing rating agencies and specific real estate agencies. In the last section investors lay out their view on the necessity of adjusting risk management as a consequence of the current real estate crisis.
14th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, 2007
In the real estate development process are several key actors involved who have different concept... more In the real estate development process are several key actors involved who have different conceptions of how and which kind of value within real estate projects is to be obtained. Architects focus on the aesthetic quality of buildings and define value as contribution to the cultural uniqueness of areas. Urban designer judge real estate projects by their functional contribution to the master plan of urban development. Investors and developers however are particularly interested in a high cash flow over the entire life cycle of properties. The diverse disciplinary backgrounds and objectives of these key actors lead frequently to conflicts in the development process and hinder the public permission of real estate projects. Urban management as a new approach for spatial planning shall contribute to the overcoming of the linguistic and conceptional confusion which is inherent in the real estate development process. Key idea of the urban management approach is the maximization of the land value of an outlined area as central indicator for the well-being of the inhabitants and other users of space. As e.g. the aesthetic quality of buildings and larger areas as well as the quality of the public infrastructure are reflected in the land value, this indicator allows managing not only the economic but social and aesthetic betterment of a certain area. Therefore, the public welfare could be better served by an urban management approach than by the more traditional, prohibitive approach of spatial planning.
Bu calismanin amaci; Turkiye’nin tahil uretiminde onemli bir yere sahip olan Ankara Ili tarim isl... more Bu calismanin amaci; Turkiye’nin tahil uretiminde onemli bir yere sahip olan Ankara Ili tarim isletmelerinde islah edilmis bugday cesitlerinin sertifikali tohumluklarinin kullanim duzeyleri ve bunun isletme ekonomisine katkisinin analiz edilmesidir. Isletmelerde yetistirilen bugday cesitleri ve bunlarin tohumlarinin tedarik sekilleri, islah edilmis cesitlerin kullanim oranlari, koy populasyonu (geleneksel) cesitlerle islah edilmis cesitlerin sertifikali tohumluklari ve sertifikasiz tohumluklari kullanilarak yapilan uretim faaliyetlerinde uretim maliyetleri, birim alana brut ve net kar duzeyleri karsilastirmali olarak incelenmistir. Arastirmanin materyalini Ankara Ili Cubuk, Bala, Kizilcahamam, Elmadag ve Akyurt Ilceleri’nde geleneksel cesitler, islah edilmis cesitlerin sertifikali ve sertifikasiz tohumluklarinin herhangi birini ve/veya her ikisini birden kullanarak bugday ureten isletmelerin yogun olarak bulundugu koylerden secilen tarim isletmelerinden anket yoluyla toplanan veriler olusturmustur. Geleneksel cesitlerle bugday uretimi yapan 32 ve islah edilmis cesitlerle (sertifikasiz ve sertifikali tohumluk) kullanan 41 isletme basit tesadufi ornekleme yontemiyle secilmis ve anketle toplanan fiziki ve 2002-2003 uretim donemi parasal verileri analiz edilmistir.Geleneksel cesitlerle bugday tarimi yapan isletmelerde ortalama isletme arazisi dusuk, arazi genellikle kuru ve isletmelerin pazarla entegre olma duzeyleri islah edilmis cesitlerle uretim yapanlardan daha dusuktur. Isletmelerde yaygin olarak yetistirilen geleneksel cesitler; Manilya, Sunter ve Kadrolu ve islah edilmis cesitler ise Bezostaya-1, Gerek-79, Gun-91 ve Kunduru 1149’dur. Isletmelerde sertifikali tohumluk kullanimi dusuk duzeyde olup, bu ozellikle tohumluk fiyati, maliyet ve verim artisiyla iliskilendirilmektedir. Isletmelerde ya sadece geleneksel cesitlerle aile gereksinimleri icin uretim yapilmakta (nadiren) veya aile gereksinimleri icin geleneksel cesitler ve pazar icin ise islah edilmis cesitlerin sertifikali ve sertifikasiz tohumluklari kullanilmaktadir (genellikle). Geleneksel cesitlerle bugday tariminda birim alana verim, islah edilmis cesitlerden daha dusuk ve isgucu ve cekigucu talebi ise daha yuksektir. Islah edilmis cesitlerin sertifikasiz tohumluklariyla bugday uretiminde ortalama verim, geleneksel cesitlerle yapilan bugday uretimine oranla % 19,98 daha fazla, ortalama saman verimi % 18,79 daha az, birim alana net kar ise % 19,54 daha fazladir. Islah edilmis cesitlerin sertifikali tohumluklari kullanilarak yapilan bugday uretiminde, sertifikasiz tohumluklarla yapilan uretim faaliyetine oranla dekara ortalama tane veriminin % 16,38 daha fazla, saman veriminin % 2,39 daha az, birim alana karin ise % 11,00 daha fazla oldugu ortaya cikmistir. Sertifikali tohumluk kullanimi, birim alana daha yuksek urun verimi ve net kar saglamasina karsin, ureticilerin subjektif olarak yaptiklari fiyat-maliyet karsilastirmalarinin olumlu olmamasi, ozellikle ekim doneminde yeterli miktarda isletme sermayesi temin edememeleri, sertifikali tohumluk kullaniminin yeterince tesvik edilmemesi ve islah edilmis cesitlerin yeterince bilinmemesi veya bilinen cesitlerin ureticilerin yetistiricilik amaclarina uygun olmamasi gibi nedenlerle kullanim duzeyleri oldukca dusuktur. Bu kosullarda onemli olcude tarimsal arastirma-gelistirme harcamasi yapilarak gelistirilen yeni cesitlerin ekonomik yonden fayda saglamasi ve harcamalarin geri donusumu uzun zaman alacak veya mumkun olmayacaktir. Bu nedenle arastirma kuruluslarinin cesit gelistirme calismalarina baslamadan once gelistirilecek cesitlerin uretici istek ve egilimlerine uygun olmasi ile uretici kosullarinda isletme ekonomisine olumlu katki saglamasinin dikkate alinmasi gerekli gorulmektedir.
Akdeniz İİBF dergisi, Nov 3, 2022
Yazarlar bu çalışmanın tüm süreçlerinin araştırma ve yayın etiğine uygun olduğunu, etik kurallara... more Yazarlar bu çalışmanın tüm süreçlerinin araştırma ve yayın etiğine uygun olduğunu, etik kurallara ve bilimsel atıf gösterme ilkelerine uyduğunu beyan etmiştir. Aksi bir durumda Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi sorumlu değildir.
Emerald Publishing Limited eBooks, Mar 29, 2021
This chapter aims to examine the linkages between urbanisation, real estate investments and susta... more This chapter aims to examine the linkages between urbanisation, real estate investments and sustainability in Turkey. To do so, theoretical and conceptual frameworks were discussed based on literature review. Through mixed-methods research, primary data were collected via questionnaires from relevant 248 company executives while secondary data were collected from relevant institutions. Data on two case study green buildings were also collected through documents from building owners and project and construction managers. The results show that many urban development, transformation and real estate projects are executed without considering sustainability principles. Thus, nationally, mixed-use real estate and green building projects are limited even though a majority of the companies surveyed (85%) designed and executed projects based on a green structure approach. Generally, the costs of green buildings are higher compared to traditional buildings. There is the need for strategic spatial plans based on reliable cadastre systems, targeting national and regional development in using existing resources efficiently and paying attention to the importance of environmental quality. For the efficiency of real estate markets, advanced real estate market and financing systems and the integration of sustainability principles into decision-making process in planning, design, construction and operation phases of projects should be considered.
26th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, 2019
26th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, 2019
Tanzania has a population of 44,928,923 people, as according to 2012 national census and projecte... more Tanzania has a population of 44,928,923 people, as according to 2012 national census and projected to be 52,554,628 people in 2017 by Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), and is estimated to have total surface area 945,087 km2. Continental area is 88.2 million hectares, of which Some 70% of the land is considered to be village land supporting more than 80% of the population (farmers and pastoralists) with the approximately 39% of all land being used for agricultural activities, 28% as a reserved land and 2% general (mainly urban) land which is supporting 20% of the population. The gross area cultivated or planted annually is about 5.1 million hectares which are only about 5% of the surface area of Tanzania. The other arable land, but not cultivated, is 10 million ha much of it is used as pasture and meadow. While in the reserve areas there is an additional of 4 million hectares suitable for cultivation.Most of the researches keep on focusing on land use change in general, but little has been exemplified on the arable land in cause and effect relationship. This research carries out on the base of quantitative analysis and more attention on the quantitative study on the cause and effect relationship and hence creating the agricultural or arable land use model within the period of 1987 to 2017. The paper entails to discuss and analyse the land resources characteristics of the change of arable land in Tanzania according to the arable land area and relevant factors affecting the land resources mainly here referred to arable land. Linear regression analysis with Cochrane-Orcutt and Prais-Winsten estimation methods by using SPSS 22.0 software method was adopted to carry out quantitative analysis on the driving factors of arable land and its change in Tanzania. This paper also establishes the multiple regression model of driving factors on arable land area. Finally, some corresponding suggestions and discussions were put forward. The research results give valuable information for decision-makers to design sustainable arable land resources management strategies and national land allocation policies among the land-based sector within the case of Tanzania as well as other African nations.
Bu arastirmanin amaci; arazi kaynaklarinin mulkiyeti ve arazi yonetimi iliskileri, araziyonetimin... more Bu arastirmanin amaci; arazi kaynaklarinin mulkiyeti ve arazi yonetimi iliskileri, araziyonetiminde gorevli ve/veya yetkili kuruluslarin tespiti ile bu kurumlarin gorev ve yetkialanlari, temel arazi yonetim araclari ve uygulamalari ile arazi kaynaklarinin surdurulebilirkullanimlarina yonelik politikalarinin hem genel olarak, hem de Burkina Faso’dakiuygulamalari cercevesinde irdelenmesidir. Arastirmada ikincil veriler, odak grupcalismalari ve kontrol cizelgesi ile toplanan veriler birlikte kullanilmistir. Toplanan verilerinanalizi ile arazi yonetiminin ana hatlari irdelenmis ve daha sonra Burkina Faso’da toplamarazi, kirsal arazi ve kentsel arazi kullanimindaki degisimin nedenleri, arazi sorunlari ilehizli nufus artisi da dikkate alinarak temel arazi yonetim kararlari ve basari olanaklariirdelenmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore Burkina Faso tarimsal arazi varligi ve islenen arazivarligindaki degisimin daha cok sosyal degiskenlerden nufus, ekonomik degiskenlerdentarimsal ihracat ile mekânsal degiskenlerden orman arazisi ve diger sektorlerin kullaniminaayrilan arazi varligi gibi degiskenlerden etkilendigi ve tarimsal katma deger veya verimlilikartisi gibi faktorlerin arazi kullaniminda onemli bir etkisinin olmadigi saptanmistir. Modelsonuclarina gore nufus artisina karsilik tarim arazi varligi artmakta ve bu sonuc tarimsalfaaliyetlerin ekstansif ve dusuk teknoloji ile yapildigi degerlendirmesini guclendirmektedir.Bununla birlikte matematiksel modelde kullanilan verilerin yetersizligi ve guvenirligininzayif olmasi da kentsel ve kirsal arazi kullanimindaki degisimin ayri ayri ve birlikteanalizine yonelik calismalar sinirli duzeyde yapilabilmistir. Ozellikle biyo-fiziksel faktorler,arazinin tarim disi amaclarla kullanimi ile sosyo-ekonomik gostergelere iliskin kapsamliverilerin toplanmasi ile arazi kullaniminin ulke ve bolge olcegindeki degisimi ve arazi yonetimi politikasinin surdurulebilirliginin rasyonel analizinin yapilabilmesinin mumkunolacagi vurgulanmalidir.Burkina Faso’da 1984 yilinda baslayan Tarim ve Arazi Reformu (Reforme Agraire etFonciere, RAF) uygulamasi ile arazi gelistirme politikalari surekli gundemde olmustur.Ancak kamuda arazi yonetiminin orgutlenmesi, arazi kaynaklarina erisim, arazi gelistirme,arazi piyasasi olusturma ve altyapi yatirimlari gibi konulara yonelik surdurulebilir yonetimmodeli ve politika araclarinin tespiti ve uygulamasinda basari derecesinin sinirli duzeydekaldigi dikkati cekmektedir. Ulkede arazi mulkiyeti ve kullanimi ile kirsal ve kentselgelisme alanlarina yonelik onemli yasal duzenlemeler yapilmis ve birden fazla kurulus;merkezi, bolgesel ve yerel duzeylerde faaliyete gecmistir. Ancak yapilan bircok yasal vekurumsal duzenlemenin uygulanmasinda sorunlarin oldugu, yasal duzenlemelere uygunolarak yapilmasi gereken planlama calismalarinin buyuk olcude tamamlanamadigi veyapilan calismalarin ise hakkaniyete uygunluk yonunden tartismali oldugu gorulmektedir.Ulkede toplam arazi varligi 274.200 km2 olmasina karsin, arazi varliginin sadece %0,77’sinin tapu sicilinde kayitli olmasi ve mulkiyete iliskin sorunlarin cozumlenememisolmasi nedeni ile arazi mulkiyeti ve kullanimina iliskin catismalarin artarak devam ettigigozlenmektedir. Halen kadastro calismalarinin ulke genelinde orgutlenmesinintamamlanamadigi, kadastro ve tapulama calismalarinin etkin olarak yurutulemedigi, araziyonetiminde gorevli ve/veya yetkili 9 farkli bakanlik ve bunlara bagli cok sayida kurulusunoldugu, butun kamu kurumlarinda genel olarak insan kaynaginin ve kuruluslar arasindakoordinasyonun cok yetersiz oldugu, bu kuruluslar arasinda onemli gorev ve/veya yetkicatismalarinin yasandigi ve ulusal duzeyde tanimlanan politikalarin da etkin olarakuygulanamadigi tespit edilmistir. Bu cercevede gerek Burkina Faso’da, gerekse diger Afrikaulkelerinde arazi kullanimindaki degisimin analizi ile surekli izlenmesi vedegerlendirilmesine yonelik calismalara agirlik verilmesi ile birlikte yoksulluk ve acliklamucadele edilmesinin ve ekonomik gelismenin hizlandirilmasinin mumkun olabilecegivurgulanmalidir.AbstractThe aim of this study is to examine the relations between land resources ownership andland management; the duties/mandates of organizations in land management; thefundamental tools of land management and their applications and policies forsustainable use of land resources both in general and in the case of Burkina Faso.Secondary data and data collected through focus groups and control charts were usedtogether in the study. The outlines of land management were addressed based on an analysisof the collected data and then, the reasons for changes in use of total lands, rural lands, andurban lands were examined and land management decisions and the possibilities of successwere examined taking into account land problems and rapid population. The study resultsshow that land assets are predominantly affected by population growth, which is one of thesocial variables; economic variables such as agricultural exports; and spatial…
International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science, Mar 19, 2017
Gerek kentsel koruma ve yenileme alanlarında, gerek imar hakkı kısıtlı parseller, gerekse diğer k... more Gerek kentsel koruma ve yenileme alanlarında, gerek imar hakkı kısıtlı parseller, gerekse diğer koruma alanları, askeri yasak ve güvenlik bölgeleri ile imar hakkı verilmeyecek doğa koruma ve tarım alanlarında maliklerin hak kayıplarının telafi edilmesi açısından imar hakkı transferi (İHT) ve kullanım olanakları bu çalışmada teorik esaslar ve uygulama yönlerinden ele alınmış ve Türkiye'de İHT programının geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması olanakları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada kapsamlı literatür ve seçilmiş ülkelerdeki uygulama örneklerinin analizine dayalı olarak çalışmada ülke koşullarına uygun İHT'nin ana hatları ortaya konulmuştur.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2007
This paper examines the linkages between livestock and crop farming activities and provides a com... more This paper examines the linkages between livestock and crop farming activities and provides a comparative analysis of the profitability of different livestock activities in the highlands of Ankara. The data was collected from 52 sample farms in the Nallıhan, Ayaş, Güdül and Beypazarı districts of Ankara by way of a questionnaire, where the farms have, on average, 20.7 ha of land and are thus regarded as small family farms. Insufficient irrigated land and working capital, weak market relations and the pressure of high population brings about a requirement to strengthen crop-livestock interaction. Production on the farms is generally carried out in extensive conditions, with goat, sheep and cattle husbandry in addition to crop production. Crop production makes up for 20.8% of the total gross production value on the farms. Of this figure, the entire yields of wheat, barley, pulses, straw and fodder crops are used for own consumption by the households, along with 74% of the wheat and 77% of the barley produced. The research results indicate that the current management systems may be defined as mixed farms in terms of crop-livestock linkages. The average total income of the households surveyed is 9,412.0 USD, of which 63.4% comes from farming activities. Every 1 USD invested in animal husbandry provides an income of 1.12 USD from dairy cattle breeding, 1.13 USD from Angora goat breeding, 1.16 USD from sheep breeding and 1.27 USD from ordinary goat breeding. It has been found that ordinary goat breeding, which provides the greatest relative profitability for the farms, offers many advantages, and that the transition from Angora goat breeding to ordinary goat breeding through the breeding of ordinary male goats into the Angora herd has occurred in recent years. The results of the survey indicate that supporting crop production with animal husbandry is considered a requirement in order to maintain economic and social sustainability in the farms and to support rural development.
Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Aug 30, 2022
In the study, the parameters that are effective in the price formation of residential independent... more In the study, the parameters that are effective in the price formation of residential independent sections in the Çankaya district of Ankara province were evaluated using spatial econometric methods, according to the results returned by the Least Squares (EKK), Spatial Error (SEM), Spatial Auto Regressive (SAR) and Spatial Durbin models (SDM). The correct determination of the property tax as the most important income input of the municipalities depends on the estimation of the price of the independent section as accurately as possible, and the correct estimation of the price depends on the correct determination of the parameters that make up the price. Social interaction in the examined unit through the effect of building stocks determined by the rho coefficient, which is one of the outputs of spatial econometrics, on each other's prices, should also be taken into account during the creation of certain regions. The environment interaction returned by the Durbin model can be used as a tool to determine which social layers are effective on which price formation. Accurate evaluation of spatial econometric results will help to make decisions on many issues from price formation to the interaction of social strata. In the study, it has been revealed that the effective parameters on the declared value of the real estate arise especially by excluding the declared value from the equation, so how important it is to determine the declared value correctly. In this context, the obligation of municipalities to receive support from professional institutions has emerged as one of the involuntary results of the study.
Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 2018
Papers by Harun Tanrivermiş