ephraim hazan
Professor Ephraim HazanProfessor Ephraim Hazan is an outstanding scholar in the research of piyyutim and holy songs in Spain and North Africa. He has made clear distinctions between piyyutim, holy songs, secular songs, intermediate songs and personal songs, which extend to all the activities, the longings and the world views of man. When he examines the poems of Rabbi Yehuda Halevi, Rabbi Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Avraham Eben Ezra, he combines language tools and artistic tools with the religious experience, and it all joins into one framework, inter-woven and harmonic. Thought, perusal, intellect and feeling are expressed through the characteristics of the poetry and join together into a harmonic and wondrous melody.Ephraim Hazan is the author of many articles and books including: The Poetics of the Sephardi Piyyut According to theLiturgical Poetry of Yehuda Halevi: The poems of Fradji Shawat, Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary: The Piyyutim of Rabbi Musa Bujnah of Tripoli, Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes: Tehilla Le David - Poems of David ben Hassine, the poet of the Moroccan Jewry, Critical Edition with Introduction, Notes and Commentary, and a wide-ranging ethnology of all the Hebrew poetry in North Africa.
Papers by ephraim hazan