Papers by emine kaya altop
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2017
Bifora radians M. Bieb. is an annual weed that is native to Asia and found throughout the world. ... more Bifora radians M. Bieb. is an annual weed that is native to Asia and found throughout the world. The broad ecological tolerance and competitive ability of B. radians makes it most important weed species in wheat growing areas. Variation studies of plants are becoming increasingly common because reliable information are necessary to know populations dynamics, occurrence of herbicides resistance and demographic data. B. radians collected from 51 different locations that 29 resistant and 22 susceptible populations to Acetolactatae synthase inhibitör herbicides were compared with respect to morphological and biological differences. The result showed that high morphological variability was found among resistant and susceptible B. radians biotypes and varied with similar geographic locations. Biological and morphological variability among B. radians populations would be influenced by agricultural practices, crop characteristics, geographic location and herbicide pressure.
Bu calisma dane misir yetistiriciliginde yabanci otlarla mucadele etkinligini artirmak amaciyla 2... more Bu calisma dane misir yetistiriciliginde yabanci otlarla mucadele etkinligini artirmak amaciyla 2011-2012 yillarinda Karadeniz Tarimsal Arastirma Enstitusunde yurutulmustur. Calismada yabanci ot rekabetini azaltmak icin erken toprak isleme ve bu alanlarda ekim oncesi ve cikis oncesi glyphosate’nin kullanilabilirligi diger mucadele yontemleri ile kombine edilerek arastirilmistir. Deneme tesaduf bloklarinda bolunmus parseller deneme deseninde yurutulmus ana parsellere glyphosate’nin uygulama zamanlari ve mekanik mucadele yerlestirilmis, alt parsellere ise cikis oncesi ve sonrasi herbisit uygulamalari ve capa uygulamasi yerlestirilmistir. Calisma sonucunda misir tariminda ekim oncesi ve cikis oncesi glyphosate uygulamalarinin yapilabilecegi belirlenmistir. Calismada en dusuk yabanci ot biyomasi ise ekim oncesi glyphosate ve cikis sonrasi selektif herbisitlerin birlikte kullanildigi parsellerden elde edilmistir.
Bifora radians M. Bieb. Dunya genelinde cok genis yayilim alani bulan Asya’ya ozgu tek yillik bir... more Bifora radians M. Bieb. Dunya genelinde cok genis yayilim alani bulan Asya’ya ozgu tek yillik bir yabanci ottur. Genis bir ekolojik toleransinin ve yuksek rekabet yeteneginin olmasi, B. radians’i bugday yetistiriciligi yapilan alanlarda sorun haline getirmistir. Herbisitlere dayanikliligin, populasyon dinamiginin bilinme gerekliligi ve demografik verilere duyulan ihtiyactan dolayi bitkilerdeki varyasyon calismalari onem arz etmektedir. Asetolaktat sentez inhibitoru herbisitlere dayanikli 29 ve duyarli 22 olmak uzere 51 lokasyondan toplanan B. radians populasyonlari morfolojik ve biyolojik farkliliklarina gore karsilastirilmistir. Sonuclara gore parametre verileri dayanikli ve hassas populasyonlar arasinda belirgin farkliligi gostermis ve bu cesitlilik benzer lokasyonlar icin de gecerli olmustur. B. radians genotipleri arasindaki morfolojik ve biyolojik cesitlilik; cografi lokasyonlar, farkli aktif maddeli ve farkli etki tarzlarina sahip herbisit uygulamalari, yetistirilen urunler ve...
Phytoparasitica, 2021
Amaranthus palmeri is a troublesome weed which is growing in importance worldwide. It causes seri... more Amaranthus palmeri is a troublesome weed which is growing in importance worldwide. It causes serious competition in many crops. A. palmeri was introduced into Turkey 4–5 years ago and appears to adapt to different environmental conditions. Monoculture cropping systems and repeated use of the same herbicides have led to development of herbicide resistance in A. palmeri to several active ingredients including glyphosate, in USA and in South America. This study was conducted to investigate the evolution of glyphosate resistance in A. palmeri in Turkey. Seeds of 21 A. palmeri populations were collected in Turkish citrus fields where control problems with glyphosate were reported. A potentially glyphosate susceptible A. palmeri population was collected from a maize field (GS1 biotype). Seeds of putatively resistant and potentially susceptible (GS) biotypes were germinated and transplanted into large pots, and then allowed to grow in separate greenhouse chambers to obtain F2 generations. After carrying out a preliminary test experiment to exclude the most susceptible populations, a dose-response experiment was conducted in which glyphosate was applied at the 3–4 true leaf stage at 0, 332.5, 665, 1330, 2660, 5320, 10,640 and 21,280 g a.i. ha −1 . Plants were harvested 21 days after treatment and dry weight was determined. Glyphosate applied at the recommended rate (1330 g a.i ha −1 ) controlled GS A. palmeri biotypes by more than 95% while controlling the GR biotypes at about 45%. Among those biotypes, GR1 and GR2 biotypes were confirmed to have an incipient resistance to glyphosate. The effect of glyphosate on shikimic acid accumulation was determined. Results showed that the GS2 biotype accumulated 3.1 and 1.56 times more shikimic acid than GR2 and GR1 biotypes which demonstrates that there is a lower accumulation of shikimic acid in the alleged resistant biotypes than in GS1. These findings demonstrate some increased tolerance of A. palmeri biotypes to glyphosate, which reinforces the need to implement integrated weed management to control this invasive plant in Turkey.
Weed Science, 2020
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is a native shrub on the steep slopes of the mountains and on the ... more Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is a native shrub on the steep slopes of the mountains and on the plains in the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Turkey is the world’s largest hazelnut producer and exporter, followed by Italy, Spain, the United States, and Greece. Within the scope of this project, a number of surveys were conducted in Turkey to understand the impact of a glyphosate ban on hazelnut production and the economy. Sixty farm surveys were conducted within the Black Sea region, and those data were used as primary information sources. Databases of institutions, theses, academic reports, and published articles were used as secondary data sources to determine the possible effects of a glyphosate ban on Turkish hazelnut production and economy. One of the most important findings of the study was that agricultural business and employment sustained by hazelnut production constitute a significant part of the rural economy. Tillage and mechanical strategies remain as the most sustainable al...
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2018
This work aimed to evaluate the genetic and morphological diversity of 62 biotypes of Echinochloa... more This work aimed to evaluate the genetic and morphological diversity of 62 biotypes of Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch. (early watergrass) that are resistant to ALS-inhibitor herbicides (bispyribac-sodium and penoxsulam), using the single sequence repeat (SSR) marker system. To determine the morphological diversity, the weed was grown (five seeds from each population) under screenhouse conditions and morphological characteristics were recorded. Parameter values subjected to a hierarchical clustering analysis showed significant variation among the populations. The genetic variation among populations was determined using the 5′-SSR primer. Populations were classified into two main groups according to the results obtained from the SSR alleles. The allele numbers ranged between 2-6 per locus, the diversity values ranged between 0.27-0.99. The morphological and molecular analyses revealed differences in terms of several quantitative characteristics among the populations examined. Similarities were also found among different E. oryzoides populations grown in different regions in terms of their morphological characteristics, the genetic diversity was found to be higher. There is a potential for the spread of resistance through gene flow owing to high genetic diversity and low differentiation among population of E. oryzoides. Under such situations to prevent further resistance spread, early watergrass management in this area should focus both on reducing seed movement among rice fields and the field management practices such as implementation of crop rotation, use of herbicides with new mode of actions or cultural methods.
Crop Protection, 2019
Weeds are among the major biotic factors that reduce rice productivity. Alternative weed control ... more Weeds are among the major biotic factors that reduce rice productivity. Alternative weed control methods are required in the wake of problems, such as increasing number of herbicide-resistant weed species and environmental pollution. In this research work, we evaluated the weed-suppressive effects of water levels and rice cultivars against an important rice weed Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch. The studies comprised three water levels [low (5 cm), medium (15 cm) and high (25 cm)], three medium-grain rice cultivars (Ronaldo, Nembo and, Cameo) and three weed levels [high weed density (> 30 plants m −2), low weed density (< 10 plants m −2), and weed-free]. Weed-free condition helped the rice plants achieve excellent growth and development, and resulted in the highest grain yield, while weedy condition hampered the growth and productivity of rice cultivars. Water levels had the greatest impact on weeds, rice growth, and paddy yield. A standing layer of water (high water level i.e., 25 cm in particular) not only had a highly suppressive effect against weeds, but it also helped to enhance the growth and yield of rice cultivars. Deep and shallow water levels respectively caused an increase in the leaf area, number of tillers, and dry weight of rice cultivars, particularly for Ronaldo. Ronaldo performed better than other cultivars in terms of growth and competitiveness either under weedy or weed-free conditions. This work concludes that maintaining a water layer (15-25 cm) in rice fields could produce multiple beneficial effects including improved rice growth and decreased weed growth, resulting in high rice productivity. 2000; Tabacchi et al., 2006) and it infests particularly Asia, North America and Europe (Damalas et al., 2008a). The factors that make it a successful weed include its rapid germination, season-long emergence period, rapid erect growth, competitiveness, genetic diversity, high seed production, and similarity to rice. E. oryzoides may infest rice fields
Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2017
Weeds are one of the most important yield limiting factors in wheat which makes an effective weed... more Weeds are one of the most important yield limiting factors in wheat which makes an effective weed control an integral part of production. Due to intensive herbicide use in wheat growing areas in Turkey is resistance problems in some important weed species. There are some observations concerning the efficacy failures of some ALS inhibitor herbicides on some important weed species, such as Bifora radians. With this aim weed seeds will be collected from different wheat growing provinces in Central Anatolia and Black Sea Region of Turkey, in total from 1371 different wheat fields. After initial screening for resistance in pot experiments, biotypes that are supposed to be resistant will be submitted to bioassays to determine the resistance grades. Some accession exhibited the highest survival to treatment with field rates of these herbicides. The Weibull dose-response curve, an asymmetric sigmoid curve, was fitted to data to obtain ED 50 in R program. Twenty-two of B. radians accessions tested did not controlled by ALS inhibitor and they were accepted as a resistant population. Based on the results of bioassays, resistant biotypes tested by means of molecular methods. The gene region of resistant biotypes was determined through sequence analyses and mutation wasn't found.
Phytoparasitica, 2017
Use of reduced and no-tillage systems has increased in recent years due to concerns for ecologica... more Use of reduced and no-tillage systems has increased in recent years due to concerns for ecological and economic sustainability of agricultural production. Effective weed control is a serious concern in reduced tillage production. This study was conducted to investigate weed control practices in reduced and no-till maize production. The most effective timing of glyphosate application, either before or after sowing, was investigated in combination with pre-emergence application of acetochlor (840 g a.i/L), post-emergence application of foramsulfuron (22.5 g a.i/L), and two hoeing treatments. The treatments were maintained on the same plots during 2011 and 2012 to evaluate the cumulative effects of the treatments. Main plot treatments consisted of four timings of glyphosate application: 20 or 10 days before sowing, day of sowing, 5 days after sowing, and an untreated control. Sub-plot treatments were: pre-plus post-emergence herbicides, pre-emergence herbicide plus rotary hoeing, post-emergence herbicide plus rotary hoeing, and post-emergence herbicide plus two hoeing treatments (rotary and lister hoe). In the main plots, the lowest weed biomass was produced in glyphosate treatments at sowing and 5 days after sowing; the highest biomass was produced in control plots and in the plots with glyphosate treatments 20 days before sowing. In the sub-plots, the greatest weed biomass was produced in plots with two hoeing treatments (rotary and lister hoe). Glyphosate treatments at sowing and postemergence herbicide treatment combinations produced the best weed control. Economic analysis revealed that pre-sowing, non-selective herbicide treatments provided a slight increase in net profit. Mechanical hoeing decreased net income due to increased production costs. The highest income was obtained from the preemergence plus post-emergence herbicide treatment combinations with no glyphosate. Keywords No-till. Weed control. Maize. Black Sea region of Turkey Phytoparasitica
Introduction Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), which is the agent of rhizomania disease, i... more Introduction Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), which is the agent of rhizomania disease, is transmitted by Polymyxa betae Keskin and causes significant losses in sugar beet fields all over the world. The disease is characterized in sugar beet plants by extensive rootlet proliferation from the main taproot and leaf chlorosis. BNYVV is the type species of the genus Benyvirus and it contains four or five ssRNAs (Koenig et al., 1986). Molecular analyses (restriction fragment length polymorphism, singlestrand conformation polymorphism, and sequencing) of BNYVV isolates have revealed the existence of three strain groups (A, B, and P type) in Europe (
Weed Biology and Management, 2015
Bearded sprangletop recently was introduced to Turkey, where it has adapted to rice cultivation a... more Bearded sprangletop recently was introduced to Turkey, where it has adapted to rice cultivation and become an important weed in many regions of the country. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of light, temperature, osmotic stress, salt stress, pH and flooding on bearded sprangletop germination and emergence. Mature bearded sprangletop seeds were collected from rice fields in August 2008. Approximately 1250 seeds were wrapped in plastic fabric and buried at 2 or 10 cm in pots in flooded or non-flooded conditions. In this experiment, seed germination in the light from the flooded and non-flooded treatments began in the spring, peaked in summer and decreased in the fall. This pattern was repeated the following year after exposing the seeds to natural seasonal temperature changes. As either the level of water stress or NaCl concentration increased, cumulative seed germination decreased. No seed germinated when the NaCl concentration exceeded 400 mole. The level of seedling emergence decreased with an increasing burial depth. Under the flooded conditions, emergence began in late April and continued until early July, with peak emergence in the first week of June. Under the non-flooded conditions, bearded sprangletop emerged later than under the flooded conditions and the overall level of emergence was lower. The depth of burial and water stress appear to be the most important factors that limit seed germination. Germination was stimulated by light, suggesting that the seeds are positively photoblastic.
Crop Protection, 2014
Inconsistent control of Echinochloa oryzoides has been reported repeatedly by farmers in the majo... more Inconsistent control of Echinochloa oryzoides has been reported repeatedly by farmers in the major rice growing area of Turkey. Greenhouse studies confirmed the existence of cross and multiple herbicide tolerance of E. oryzoides accessions including acetolactate synthase (penoxsulam, bispyribac-sodium) and acetyl CoA carboxylase (cyhalofob-butyl) inhibiting herbicides. Comparison of 95% lower confidence intervals of ED 90 derived from log-logistic doseeresponse curves, and twice the recommended field rates of the herbicides showed some, but not distinct separation of susceptible and tolerant accessions. We used a novel method to separate heterogeneous data without a priori knowledge of grouping into more than one group. On the basis of the distribution of ED 90 it was possible to identify two distinct groups of the 172 accessions tested, 78% were not controlled by ALS inhibitors (penoxsulam, and bispyribacsodium) at recommended field rates; and 38% were not controlled by the ACCase Inhibitor (cyhalofobbutyl) at twice the field rates. The effective response level of ED 90 resulted in 64 and 14 tolerant accessions to ALS and ACCase, respectively. Fourteen accessions showed multiple resistances to ALS and ACCase Inhibitors. Some of the accessions were strongly tolerant to both herbicide modes of action and had 100% survival even at 6 times the recommended rates. Most of these tolerant accessions were from Marmara region, predominantly in Edirne and Balıkesir, which are the regions without any crop rotation.
Weed Biology and Management, 2012
ABSTRACT The occurrence of herbicide‐resistant weeds has boosted interest in the use of crop alle... more ABSTRACT The occurrence of herbicide‐resistant weeds has boosted interest in the use of crop allelopathy as a potential alternative to herbicides for weed control in rice (Oryza sativa). The phytotoxic compounds that are released by rice could help to enhance its competitive ability and improve weed management. This study aimed to screen rice genotypes for phytotoxic activity, quantify the amount of momilactone B in various rice tissues, and identify the potential parental lines for quantitative trait locus analysis. Therefore, a total of 41 cultivars from germplasm collections was evaluated for their effects. Significant differences were found among the rice cultivars in their ability to reduce the germination, root growth, and root dry weight accumulation of Alisma plantago‐aquatica. The leaf extract was the most inhibitory to germination. Out of the five cultivars that were tested, momilactone B was detected in four of them: Marateli, Kizilirmak, Karadeniz, and Kiziltan. Karadeniz and Kiziltan were identified as the rice cultivars with a high momilactone B content in the tissues and therefore they could be used in breeding programs to enhance the phytotoxic potential of rice. The development of a rice cultivar with proven allelopathic characteristics could provide an environmentally friendly and low‐cost approach for the control of A. plantago‐aquatica.
Weed Science, 2012
Molecular techniques are useful tools for solving taxonomic confusion among species. Polymerase c... more Molecular techniques are useful tools for solving taxonomic confusion among species. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods were applied for the identification of barnyardgrass, early watergrass, and late watergrass. Total DNA was extracted from 266 accessions, which were collected from different rice growing areas of Turkey. The two primer sets (trn-a and trn-b1, and trn-c and trn-d) specific to a target region of the intergenic spacer between trnT (UGU) and trnL (UAA) and the entire intron region of trnL (UAA), respectively, were used in PCR amplifications. Of the 266 accessions of Echinochloa spp., only eight accessions gave a similar fragment size, which was slightly shorter than 495 bp. The PCR product obtained with the primers trn-a and trn-b1 gave two fragments when EcoRI restriction enzyme was used in barnyardgrass and early watergrass. However, not all accessions of late watergrass were diges...
Crop Protection, 2012
ABSTRACT Developing more competitive rice cultivars could help improve weed management and reduce... more ABSTRACT Developing more competitive rice cultivars could help improve weed management and reduce dependency on herbicides. To achieve this goal, an understanding of key traits related to competitiveness is critical. Experiments were conducted at Gelemen and Bafra districts of Samsun province in Turkey between 2008 and 2009 to measure the competitiveness of rice cultivars against Echinochloa crus-galli, a problematic weed in rice fields. Five rice cultivars (Osmancık, Kızılırmak, Karadeniz, Koral and Neğiş) and five E. crus-galli densities (0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 plants m−2) were used. Koral produced significantly more tillers than the other cultivars irrespective of E. crus-galli densities and reduced E. crus-galli tiller production by about 29.5% at Gelemen and 15.8% at Bafra at the highest weed density. E. crus-galli interference reduced rice height and there was a density dependent relationship. Koral was the most competitive cultivar; it maintained high biomass accumulation in early growth stages and suffered smaller reductions in plant height in the presence of E. crus-galli, compared to the other cultivars. In the absence of weed competition, Koral and Neğiş produced the highest yields at both locations. Stepwise regression analyses of the combined data from both years showed tillering capacity, early growth crop biomass, and plant height were critical traits related to competitiveness. These traits should be considered by plant breeders in their efforts to develop rice cultivars with enhanced competitiveness against weeds. Development of such cultivars could substantially reduce herbicide and labor inputs for rice production.
Phytoparasitica, 2010
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. (barnyardgrass) is an annual weed that is native to Asia an... more Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. (barnyardgrass) is an annual weed that is native to Asia and found throughout the world. The broad ecological tolerance and competitive ability of E. crus-galli makes it the most important weed species in rice. Genetic studies of plants are becoming increasingly common because reliable information is necessary to better understand population dynamics, occurrence of herbicide
Papers by emine kaya altop