This service aims to conduct training for stakeholders in Kemiri village, Jember Regency. These s... more This service aims to conduct training for stakeholders in Kemiri village, Jember Regency. These stakeholders are the village head, and the ranks of the village apparatus, the head of the BPD and members of the BPD. The background of this community service is the high need from stakeholders for insight and skills in the village policy-making process. Kemiri Village, which was inaugurated by the Regent of Jember as a tourism village, demands the ability of stakeholders to develop candlenut tourism villages. The development of tourist villages can be achieved starting from the political commitment of these stakeholders. This political commitment is a political policy as outlined in the village government regulation (PERDES). Thus the solution to this need is training and assistance in making village regulations in an effort to develop Kemiri tourism villages. The framework of thinking/content in the training of making village regulations refers to a rural based development approach, wh...
This study aims to describe how micro businesses survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. T... more This study aims to describe how micro businesses survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted using qualitative research methods, relying on secondary data. The results of this study show that the micro-businesses that are mostly engaged in by women have their own vulnerabilities during the Covid 19 pandemic. Micro businesses that are involved in women have experienced many shocks in terms of marketing and business capital. Micro enterprises, in general, are not familiar with virtual technology to overcome direct marketing, have a hard time surviving. Failure in marketing is the reason for the difficulty of working capital for the next production process. So, the only way is to ask patrons for help to extend the maturity of the fund debt or ask for new debt for business capital. It's used to be done. But during a pandemic, extending the maturity of new debt or debt is a way out so that the business can still survive. Patrons (pengambe ') lend new d...
Prosiding ICOGISS 2019: International Confrence On Governance Innovation And Social Sciences, 2019
This study analyzes food policy in relation to the existence of local food. This policy, among ot... more This study analyzes food policy in relation to the existence of local food. This policy, among others, regulates availability, affordability, food institutions and community participation. Solving food availability is done by creating food reserves (central government level, regional government and community). Food reserves can be obtained from domestic production and food imports. Domestic food availability is carried out intensively through diversification of food proclaimed by the government through diversification of food based on local resources. This effort is expected to have a significant impact on the existence of local food, but its implementation up to seven years ago, the existence of local food still cannot occupy the expected position. The deterioration experienced due to past policies that led to the emergence of rice as the main food supremacy of the community, has not yet been restored. And, moreover, the position of imported food, which is increasingly not easily dammed. This study strengthens the analysis above by discussing the existence of local food for example corn, sago or sweet potatoes.
Many policies implemented in the field is not the same as when the policy objectives formulated a... more Many policies implemented in the field is not the same as when the policy objectives formulated and defined. One factor in why there is so, is because of the behavior of policy implementers who lack public accountability so that the change in the policy field. Michael Lipsky stated that the tendency of bureaucrats doing it because, first was due to fund operations and executive power is insufficient. The second is that bureaucrats lack empathi (altruism) to perform public service for the will serve as well as possible be based only on minimum standards and it is done only by the mechanism of 'copying' which turns out was actually done by reducing service to the community. Done if seen doing alone policy, it is referred to as the reduced form of service to the community in other words done for good imaging performance of the implementing agency for the assessment of both superiors and for the assessment of the public good. The third factor is due to a conflict with people who...
Kabupaten Jember sebagai salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia dan merupakan pintu masuk utama ke... more Kabupaten Jember sebagai salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia dan merupakan pintu masuk utama ke kawasan Indonesia Timur, membuat Kabupaten Jember memiliki salah satu dampak perkembangan perekonomian yang cukup pesat. Salah satunya yang membuat banyak investor atau pengusaha yang kemudian melirik Kabupaten Jember sebagai tempat untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka. Salah satu diantaranya adalah dengan mendirikan usaha makan dan minum di Kabupaten Jember. Tercatat dari tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2016, usaha restoran di Jember terus mengalami peningkatan dan jumlahnya sudah ratusan. Pada tahun 2010, jumlah Restoran di Kabupaten Jember yang masuk dalam data Badan Pendapatan Daerah Daerah Kabupaten Jember mencapai 651 Restoran. Kemudian bertambah di tahun 2011 menjadi 675 Restoran. Dan pada tahun 2012 bertambah menjadi 721 Restoran. bahwa: 1). Kesadaran membayar wajib pajak lisan cukup baik, terbukti dari tiga pertanyaan tentang kesadaran membayar pajak mayoritas responden memandang paja...
Tujuan dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah menganalisis seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan... more Tujuan dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah menganalisis seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan tinggi pratama di Pemerintahan Kabupaten Jember. Dalam seleksi JPT Pratama ini yang mengikuti harus memiliki kompetensi yang baik untuk mengisi jabatan yang lowong sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan adalah bagaimana proses sistem seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan tinggi pratama dalam peningkatan kualitas kinerja birokrat di pemerintah Kabupaten Jember pada badan kepegawaian dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia daerah Kabupaten Jember? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian adapun responden dan informan yang merupakan orang benar – benar mengetahui permasalahan yang akan di teliti dan narasumber yang memiliki keahlian serta pemahaman yang baik mengenai isu – isu tertentu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana proses seleksi JPT Pratama di lingkungan pemerintah...
Berdasarkan observasi oleh penulis, menemukan fakta bahwa dalam pengelolaan dan pelayanan oleh PD... more Berdasarkan observasi oleh penulis, menemukan fakta bahwa dalam pengelolaan dan pelayanan oleh PDAM Kabupaten Jember menemukan beberapa persoalan, pelayanan, yang dianggap oleh para pelanggan masih belum optimal maka oleh karena it penulis mengambil topik kajian tentang kualitas pelayanan di PDAM jember, studi kasus Di Kelurahan Sumbersari. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian pustaka ini adalah diskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1). Keandalan (reliability) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. 2). Daya tanggap (responsiveness) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. 3). Jaminan (assurance) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember, dan 4). Emphaty (kepedulian) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. Kata kunci: Kualitas dan Pelayanan
Conflict that had been over is not meant harmless. Conflict resolution that relies on written agr... more Conflict that had been over is not meant harmless. Conflict resolution that relies on written agreement and by creating all of the actors to be “silent” is the beginning effort, in order that societies have a trusty that there is an intention for reconcilement. This reconciliation should be followed up. At this rate, it is important to dig the potency of real conflict resolution. The source of conflict in Puger Kulon, is understood as the difference ideology between Sunni-Syiah that “covers” private conflict among families. „ustad‟ Fauzi (Sunni) and Habib Ali Umar al Habsyi (Syiah). This study uses political and economical approach, and it is successful in finding a description about significant role of state corporation institution in relation to the power. RT/RW as a part of civil institution that is used by the government since New Orde seems having synergy with local power in having reconciliation of conflict in Puger, of course, with natural activity. For instance, for example,...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019), 2019
This study aims to describe the reality of community empowerment among lower class prostitutes. T... more This study aims to describe the reality of community empowerment among lower class prostitutes. The background of the research is that the existence of this group needs continuous attention. More attention is needed because empowerment of vulnerable communities has a high failure rate. This study will describe the obstacles in dealing with lower class prostitution communities. This research is based on primary data (prostitutes, local government, and surrounding communities). Data were obtained through in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that community empowerment within the lower class prostitute community had been carried out by the government by equipping the prostitutes with business skills and providing them with business capital support. However, the government's efforts did not yield positive results. Some of the contributing factors include the reproduction of prostitution, ambiguity in implementing prostitution banning policies, and ignorance of the surrounding community. Thus the recommendation of this study is "cutting the chain of prostitution community."
This study aims to describe the synergy of the Government and the Society in affording to develop... more This study aims to describe the synergy of the Government and the Society in affording to develop the Tourism Village (Study on the Tribal Tourism Village of Osing Kemiren Glagah Sub-district of Banyuwangi Regency) which covers the Central, Regional and Village Governments. The study describes the form of cooperation or synergy between the Government and the community in developing the Tourism Village Adat Kemiren. The research method uses qualitative approach. Source of data in obtaining primary and secondary data isby means of doing interview, observation, and documentation by using purposive sampling. The analysis uses interactive datamodel which covers the data collection, the data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The synergic involvementbetween government and society in an effort to develop the Kemiren Traditional Tourism Village consists of three forms of synergy: (1). Synergy of Policy on Tourism Village from Central Government to Village Government; (2). The synergy of Local Community about human resources empowerment,as well as the implementation of policies which have been made (3). The synergy of community toward self-reliance activities, that is a tradition of the Osing Society atthe Kemiren village which is initiated by the District Government to be the Annual Festival Agenda being promoted to tourists.By the existence of three forms of synergies, the Government and the Society have tried to develop the Tourism Village for the sake of community welfare, empowering the community and directly involved in order to be economically and socially feltdue to the development of village tourism.In its implementation of village tourism development involves many organizations, such as Karang Taruna and Pokdarwis at Kemiren village as well as the other youths involvement
Interaction is one of the requirements for the occurrence of activities-anatara activities inidiv... more Interaction is one of the requirements for the occurrence of activities-anatara activities inidividu one with other individuals or individuals with the group. Wages are a reward for the work that workers do for a company where they work. In the case of wages there needs to be a clear rule and a clear process before the wages are fixed. With the description, the authors want to examine more deeply about the process that occurred before the wage is set and pour it further in the form of a thesis entitled: Influence Interaction Government, Labor and Business Actors to the determination of District Minimum Wage in Jember District. This study aims are: To know how the influence of government interaction, laborers and business actors to the determination of District Minimum Wage. The theory used is the theory of social interaction, the type of research using quantitative descriptive method with the location of research Department of Manpower Jember district, data collection using questionnaire and interview methods. From the research result show that: the influence of interaction of government, laborer and business actor in determination of minimum wage determination of kabuptaen so that in process of determination of minimum wage of district is established cooperation or good interaction between three element. So the determination of the district minimum wage goes well every year despite the problems that arise. However, the government is able to resolve the problems that arise so that each year it can set the district minimum wage.
This study uses a performance evaluation used by the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Disaster Manag... more This study uses a performance evaluation used by the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Disaster Management Agency to measure organizational performance after an earthquake. The research method used in this study is that qualitative research carried out in the research conducted is descriptive research that discusses the analysis of events. The unit of analysis in this study is the effectiveness of the performance evaluation of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The type of research used by the authors in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations and documents related to research. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out qualitatively. Objectives / goals / plans in achieving the goals, objectives, mission, organizational vision contained in the formulation of strategic planning (strategic planning) of an organization. Then, the results of the assessment that shows the results of sys...
Berdasarkan hasil analisa data dan pembahasan kajian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Radio Desa yang ada... more Berdasarkan hasil analisa data dan pembahasan kajian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Radio Desa yang ada di Desa Sempu memiliki hubungan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan desa, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena radio desa dipersepsikan positif, baik secara informasikan yang diberikan oleh Radio Desa dan acara yang disuguhkan oleh radio desa sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan berdampak pada partisipasi masyarakat desa, sehingga Radio Desa sudah memerankan diri sebagai komunikasi massa, hal tersebut terbukti dari 7 varibel pertanyaan, dan 7 pertanyaan terkait dengan partisipasi masyarakat desa. selanjutnya berdasarkan mayoritas jawaban responden terhadap semua pertanyaan memberikan penjelasan bahwa keberadaan Radio Desa memiliki dampak atau hubungan signifikan terhadap peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat di Desa Sempu.
Masyarakat Puger memiliki potensi untuk dapat sejahtera. Kesejahteran nelayan amat terbuka tidak ... more Masyarakat Puger memiliki potensi untuk dapat sejahtera. Kesejahteran nelayan amat terbuka tidak hanya dari banyaknya hasil tangkapan ikan dari laut, namun lebih dari itu juga dapat melalui upaya peningkatan kualitas hasil tangkapan. Kualitas hasil tangkapan nelayan dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan sentuhan teknologi pengawetan ikan. Pengawetan ikan yang ada, dan secara umum dilakukan oleh masyarakat adalah dengan melalui pembekuan dan pengasinan ikan. Pembekuan ikan dilakukan dengan memberi es dan garam pada ikan segar yang baru ditangkap. Namun demikian, teknologi penge-es-an ini dilakukan dengan sangat sederhana. Umumnya nelayan meletakkan di ‘stereofoam’ (kotak gabus putih) yang diberi es batu dan diberi garam. Upaya pengawetan ini dapat diharapkan menjaga kualitas ikan hanya dalam jangka waktu 24 jam. Selepas itu, ikan mulai mengalami penurunan kualitas yang ditunjukkan dengan ikan bermata merah dan mulai berbau kurang sedap. Upaya untuk menjaga kualitas ikan pada dasarnya har...
Good governance is always concerned with directing, controlling, and influencing public affairs. ... more Good governance is always concerned with directing, controlling, and influencing public affairs. The government performs that function, to regulate society and business actors by using public policy. In terms of public goods arrangements, the government is required to have consistency of bureaucrats, from top bureaucrats to street level bureaucrats. This consistency is essential to good policy implementation. This study finds relevance between the role of bureaucrats in the field and the implementation of public policy. In the case of black public goods (prostitution) arrangements, the role of bureaucrats in the street level should be the policy of prohibiting prostitution, but these bureaucrats actually do the reduction and modification of policies with their own wisdom. Ultimately, prostitution is still consumed by the public in disguise. Reduction and modification of prohibited prohibition policies, which can be called 'real policies' to organized and manage these public ...
Penelitian ini yang berjudul Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Perik... more Penelitian ini yang berjudul Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Perikanan Budidaya di Kecamatan Tlogosari Kabupaten Bondowoso ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan dan dampak adanya perikanan budidaya bagi masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari beberapa tahapan yaitu melalui wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi, kemudian analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bondowoso dalam mensosialisasikan program perikanan budidaya kepada pembudidaya di Kecamatan Tlogosari dengan menyampaikan informasi-inftor yaitu mengoptimalisasi pengelolaan dan pemasaran produksi perikanan, program pengembangan perikanan budidaya, mengembangkan kawasan budidaya laut, air tawar dan air payau, dan faktor-faktor ya...
Usaha mikro, bagi perempuan adalah sektor kerja yang sangat menunjang alokasi ketenaga kerja pere... more Usaha mikro, bagi perempuan adalah sektor kerja yang sangat menunjang alokasi ketenaga kerja perempuan. Hampir delapan puluh persen tenaga kerja perempuan kelompok bawah terserap dalam sektor kerja mandiri yakni usaha mikro. Jenis usaha mikro yang beragam dan tidak bergantung pada tingkat keterampilan kerja yang tinggi menjadikan perempuan teralokasi pada bidang ini lebih besar dari pada usaha sektor lain. Namun demikian usaha mikro yang digeluti oleh perempuan bertahun-tahun dan memiliki prospek untuk berkembang terhambat oleh terbatasnya fasilitasi dari pihak pemerintah. Hal ini disebabkan usaha mikro minim memiliki persyaratan bagi sebuah usaha yang dianggap establish. Sejauh ini usaha mikro yang oleh karena sifatnya mudah berubah dan beralih bisnis (jenis usaha) maka pihak perbankan atau pihak pemerintah baik pihak dinas koperasi, usaha mikro dan menengah mengalami kekhawatiran dan kesulitan untuk memberikan fasilitas pengembangan usaha. Legalitas usaha dan konsistensi usaha dari usaha-usaha mikro ini yang merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk akses fasilitas pengembangan usaha dari pihak perbankan dan pihak pemerintah. Pengabdian pada masyarakat kali ini berusaha untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan pendampingan bagi para pengusaha mikro perempuan pesisir di Desa Puger Wetan untuk memperoleh Legalitas usaha mikro dari pemerintah terkait. Kata Kunci: usaha mikro perempuan pesisir, pemahaman, pendampingan peroleh legalitas usaha
This article is the study of literature, which describe the change of the local community due to ... more This article is the study of literature, which describe the change of the local community due to the global situation. Globalization can be defined as a process that spread institutional features of modernity, which can bring a huge impact on the life and identity of the community. Changes could lead to displacement of local culture by global culture, global and local cultures coexist without significant unification between the two (coexistence), local and global culture are synthesized, and a global culture rejected by a strong local culture. The study concludes that more local culture shifted and raises identity conflicts, thus strengthening-reinforcement is needed. The government must intervene policies to encourage significant strengthening. Keywords: changes in the community, local culture shifted, government policy interventions
This service aims to conduct training for stakeholders in Kemiri village, Jember Regency. These s... more This service aims to conduct training for stakeholders in Kemiri village, Jember Regency. These stakeholders are the village head, and the ranks of the village apparatus, the head of the BPD and members of the BPD. The background of this community service is the high need from stakeholders for insight and skills in the village policy-making process. Kemiri Village, which was inaugurated by the Regent of Jember as a tourism village, demands the ability of stakeholders to develop candlenut tourism villages. The development of tourist villages can be achieved starting from the political commitment of these stakeholders. This political commitment is a political policy as outlined in the village government regulation (PERDES). Thus the solution to this need is training and assistance in making village regulations in an effort to develop Kemiri tourism villages. The framework of thinking/content in the training of making village regulations refers to a rural based development approach, wh...
This study aims to describe how micro businesses survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. T... more This study aims to describe how micro businesses survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted using qualitative research methods, relying on secondary data. The results of this study show that the micro-businesses that are mostly engaged in by women have their own vulnerabilities during the Covid 19 pandemic. Micro businesses that are involved in women have experienced many shocks in terms of marketing and business capital. Micro enterprises, in general, are not familiar with virtual technology to overcome direct marketing, have a hard time surviving. Failure in marketing is the reason for the difficulty of working capital for the next production process. So, the only way is to ask patrons for help to extend the maturity of the fund debt or ask for new debt for business capital. It's used to be done. But during a pandemic, extending the maturity of new debt or debt is a way out so that the business can still survive. Patrons (pengambe ') lend new d...
Prosiding ICOGISS 2019: International Confrence On Governance Innovation And Social Sciences, 2019
This study analyzes food policy in relation to the existence of local food. This policy, among ot... more This study analyzes food policy in relation to the existence of local food. This policy, among others, regulates availability, affordability, food institutions and community participation. Solving food availability is done by creating food reserves (central government level, regional government and community). Food reserves can be obtained from domestic production and food imports. Domestic food availability is carried out intensively through diversification of food proclaimed by the government through diversification of food based on local resources. This effort is expected to have a significant impact on the existence of local food, but its implementation up to seven years ago, the existence of local food still cannot occupy the expected position. The deterioration experienced due to past policies that led to the emergence of rice as the main food supremacy of the community, has not yet been restored. And, moreover, the position of imported food, which is increasingly not easily dammed. This study strengthens the analysis above by discussing the existence of local food for example corn, sago or sweet potatoes.
Many policies implemented in the field is not the same as when the policy objectives formulated a... more Many policies implemented in the field is not the same as when the policy objectives formulated and defined. One factor in why there is so, is because of the behavior of policy implementers who lack public accountability so that the change in the policy field. Michael Lipsky stated that the tendency of bureaucrats doing it because, first was due to fund operations and executive power is insufficient. The second is that bureaucrats lack empathi (altruism) to perform public service for the will serve as well as possible be based only on minimum standards and it is done only by the mechanism of 'copying' which turns out was actually done by reducing service to the community. Done if seen doing alone policy, it is referred to as the reduced form of service to the community in other words done for good imaging performance of the implementing agency for the assessment of both superiors and for the assessment of the public good. The third factor is due to a conflict with people who...
Kabupaten Jember sebagai salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia dan merupakan pintu masuk utama ke... more Kabupaten Jember sebagai salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia dan merupakan pintu masuk utama ke kawasan Indonesia Timur, membuat Kabupaten Jember memiliki salah satu dampak perkembangan perekonomian yang cukup pesat. Salah satunya yang membuat banyak investor atau pengusaha yang kemudian melirik Kabupaten Jember sebagai tempat untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka. Salah satu diantaranya adalah dengan mendirikan usaha makan dan minum di Kabupaten Jember. Tercatat dari tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2016, usaha restoran di Jember terus mengalami peningkatan dan jumlahnya sudah ratusan. Pada tahun 2010, jumlah Restoran di Kabupaten Jember yang masuk dalam data Badan Pendapatan Daerah Daerah Kabupaten Jember mencapai 651 Restoran. Kemudian bertambah di tahun 2011 menjadi 675 Restoran. Dan pada tahun 2012 bertambah menjadi 721 Restoran. bahwa: 1). Kesadaran membayar wajib pajak lisan cukup baik, terbukti dari tiga pertanyaan tentang kesadaran membayar pajak mayoritas responden memandang paja...
Tujuan dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah menganalisis seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan... more Tujuan dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah menganalisis seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan tinggi pratama di Pemerintahan Kabupaten Jember. Dalam seleksi JPT Pratama ini yang mengikuti harus memiliki kompetensi yang baik untuk mengisi jabatan yang lowong sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan adalah bagaimana proses sistem seleksi terbuka jabatan pimpinan tinggi pratama dalam peningkatan kualitas kinerja birokrat di pemerintah Kabupaten Jember pada badan kepegawaian dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia daerah Kabupaten Jember? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian adapun responden dan informan yang merupakan orang benar – benar mengetahui permasalahan yang akan di teliti dan narasumber yang memiliki keahlian serta pemahaman yang baik mengenai isu – isu tertentu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana proses seleksi JPT Pratama di lingkungan pemerintah...
Berdasarkan observasi oleh penulis, menemukan fakta bahwa dalam pengelolaan dan pelayanan oleh PD... more Berdasarkan observasi oleh penulis, menemukan fakta bahwa dalam pengelolaan dan pelayanan oleh PDAM Kabupaten Jember menemukan beberapa persoalan, pelayanan, yang dianggap oleh para pelanggan masih belum optimal maka oleh karena it penulis mengambil topik kajian tentang kualitas pelayanan di PDAM jember, studi kasus Di Kelurahan Sumbersari. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian pustaka ini adalah diskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1). Keandalan (reliability) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. 2). Daya tanggap (responsiveness) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. 3). Jaminan (assurance) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember, dan 4). Emphaty (kepedulian) PDAM Kabupaten Jember tidak signifikan bagi kualitas pelayanan PDAM Kabupaten Jember. Kata kunci: Kualitas dan Pelayanan
Conflict that had been over is not meant harmless. Conflict resolution that relies on written agr... more Conflict that had been over is not meant harmless. Conflict resolution that relies on written agreement and by creating all of the actors to be “silent” is the beginning effort, in order that societies have a trusty that there is an intention for reconcilement. This reconciliation should be followed up. At this rate, it is important to dig the potency of real conflict resolution. The source of conflict in Puger Kulon, is understood as the difference ideology between Sunni-Syiah that “covers” private conflict among families. „ustad‟ Fauzi (Sunni) and Habib Ali Umar al Habsyi (Syiah). This study uses political and economical approach, and it is successful in finding a description about significant role of state corporation institution in relation to the power. RT/RW as a part of civil institution that is used by the government since New Orde seems having synergy with local power in having reconciliation of conflict in Puger, of course, with natural activity. For instance, for example,...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019), 2019
This study aims to describe the reality of community empowerment among lower class prostitutes. T... more This study aims to describe the reality of community empowerment among lower class prostitutes. The background of the research is that the existence of this group needs continuous attention. More attention is needed because empowerment of vulnerable communities has a high failure rate. This study will describe the obstacles in dealing with lower class prostitution communities. This research is based on primary data (prostitutes, local government, and surrounding communities). Data were obtained through in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that community empowerment within the lower class prostitute community had been carried out by the government by equipping the prostitutes with business skills and providing them with business capital support. However, the government's efforts did not yield positive results. Some of the contributing factors include the reproduction of prostitution, ambiguity in implementing prostitution banning policies, and ignorance of the surrounding community. Thus the recommendation of this study is "cutting the chain of prostitution community."
This study aims to describe the synergy of the Government and the Society in affording to develop... more This study aims to describe the synergy of the Government and the Society in affording to develop the Tourism Village (Study on the Tribal Tourism Village of Osing Kemiren Glagah Sub-district of Banyuwangi Regency) which covers the Central, Regional and Village Governments. The study describes the form of cooperation or synergy between the Government and the community in developing the Tourism Village Adat Kemiren. The research method uses qualitative approach. Source of data in obtaining primary and secondary data isby means of doing interview, observation, and documentation by using purposive sampling. The analysis uses interactive datamodel which covers the data collection, the data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The synergic involvementbetween government and society in an effort to develop the Kemiren Traditional Tourism Village consists of three forms of synergy: (1). Synergy of Policy on Tourism Village from Central Government to Village Government; (2). The synergy of Local Community about human resources empowerment,as well as the implementation of policies which have been made (3). The synergy of community toward self-reliance activities, that is a tradition of the Osing Society atthe Kemiren village which is initiated by the District Government to be the Annual Festival Agenda being promoted to tourists.By the existence of three forms of synergies, the Government and the Society have tried to develop the Tourism Village for the sake of community welfare, empowering the community and directly involved in order to be economically and socially feltdue to the development of village tourism.In its implementation of village tourism development involves many organizations, such as Karang Taruna and Pokdarwis at Kemiren village as well as the other youths involvement
Interaction is one of the requirements for the occurrence of activities-anatara activities inidiv... more Interaction is one of the requirements for the occurrence of activities-anatara activities inidividu one with other individuals or individuals with the group. Wages are a reward for the work that workers do for a company where they work. In the case of wages there needs to be a clear rule and a clear process before the wages are fixed. With the description, the authors want to examine more deeply about the process that occurred before the wage is set and pour it further in the form of a thesis entitled: Influence Interaction Government, Labor and Business Actors to the determination of District Minimum Wage in Jember District. This study aims are: To know how the influence of government interaction, laborers and business actors to the determination of District Minimum Wage. The theory used is the theory of social interaction, the type of research using quantitative descriptive method with the location of research Department of Manpower Jember district, data collection using questionnaire and interview methods. From the research result show that: the influence of interaction of government, laborer and business actor in determination of minimum wage determination of kabuptaen so that in process of determination of minimum wage of district is established cooperation or good interaction between three element. So the determination of the district minimum wage goes well every year despite the problems that arise. However, the government is able to resolve the problems that arise so that each year it can set the district minimum wage.
This study uses a performance evaluation used by the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Disaster Manag... more This study uses a performance evaluation used by the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Disaster Management Agency to measure organizational performance after an earthquake. The research method used in this study is that qualitative research carried out in the research conducted is descriptive research that discusses the analysis of events. The unit of analysis in this study is the effectiveness of the performance evaluation of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The type of research used by the authors in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations and documents related to research. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out qualitatively. Objectives / goals / plans in achieving the goals, objectives, mission, organizational vision contained in the formulation of strategic planning (strategic planning) of an organization. Then, the results of the assessment that shows the results of sys...
Berdasarkan hasil analisa data dan pembahasan kajian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Radio Desa yang ada... more Berdasarkan hasil analisa data dan pembahasan kajian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Radio Desa yang ada di Desa Sempu memiliki hubungan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan desa, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena radio desa dipersepsikan positif, baik secara informasikan yang diberikan oleh Radio Desa dan acara yang disuguhkan oleh radio desa sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan berdampak pada partisipasi masyarakat desa, sehingga Radio Desa sudah memerankan diri sebagai komunikasi massa, hal tersebut terbukti dari 7 varibel pertanyaan, dan 7 pertanyaan terkait dengan partisipasi masyarakat desa. selanjutnya berdasarkan mayoritas jawaban responden terhadap semua pertanyaan memberikan penjelasan bahwa keberadaan Radio Desa memiliki dampak atau hubungan signifikan terhadap peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat di Desa Sempu.
Masyarakat Puger memiliki potensi untuk dapat sejahtera. Kesejahteran nelayan amat terbuka tidak ... more Masyarakat Puger memiliki potensi untuk dapat sejahtera. Kesejahteran nelayan amat terbuka tidak hanya dari banyaknya hasil tangkapan ikan dari laut, namun lebih dari itu juga dapat melalui upaya peningkatan kualitas hasil tangkapan. Kualitas hasil tangkapan nelayan dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan sentuhan teknologi pengawetan ikan. Pengawetan ikan yang ada, dan secara umum dilakukan oleh masyarakat adalah dengan melalui pembekuan dan pengasinan ikan. Pembekuan ikan dilakukan dengan memberi es dan garam pada ikan segar yang baru ditangkap. Namun demikian, teknologi penge-es-an ini dilakukan dengan sangat sederhana. Umumnya nelayan meletakkan di ‘stereofoam’ (kotak gabus putih) yang diberi es batu dan diberi garam. Upaya pengawetan ini dapat diharapkan menjaga kualitas ikan hanya dalam jangka waktu 24 jam. Selepas itu, ikan mulai mengalami penurunan kualitas yang ditunjukkan dengan ikan bermata merah dan mulai berbau kurang sedap. Upaya untuk menjaga kualitas ikan pada dasarnya har...
Good governance is always concerned with directing, controlling, and influencing public affairs. ... more Good governance is always concerned with directing, controlling, and influencing public affairs. The government performs that function, to regulate society and business actors by using public policy. In terms of public goods arrangements, the government is required to have consistency of bureaucrats, from top bureaucrats to street level bureaucrats. This consistency is essential to good policy implementation. This study finds relevance between the role of bureaucrats in the field and the implementation of public policy. In the case of black public goods (prostitution) arrangements, the role of bureaucrats in the street level should be the policy of prohibiting prostitution, but these bureaucrats actually do the reduction and modification of policies with their own wisdom. Ultimately, prostitution is still consumed by the public in disguise. Reduction and modification of prohibited prohibition policies, which can be called 'real policies' to organized and manage these public ...
Penelitian ini yang berjudul Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Perik... more Penelitian ini yang berjudul Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Perikanan Budidaya di Kecamatan Tlogosari Kabupaten Bondowoso ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan dan dampak adanya perikanan budidaya bagi masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari beberapa tahapan yaitu melalui wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi, kemudian analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Peran Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bondowoso dalam mensosialisasikan program perikanan budidaya kepada pembudidaya di Kecamatan Tlogosari dengan menyampaikan informasi-inftor yaitu mengoptimalisasi pengelolaan dan pemasaran produksi perikanan, program pengembangan perikanan budidaya, mengembangkan kawasan budidaya laut, air tawar dan air payau, dan faktor-faktor ya...
Usaha mikro, bagi perempuan adalah sektor kerja yang sangat menunjang alokasi ketenaga kerja pere... more Usaha mikro, bagi perempuan adalah sektor kerja yang sangat menunjang alokasi ketenaga kerja perempuan. Hampir delapan puluh persen tenaga kerja perempuan kelompok bawah terserap dalam sektor kerja mandiri yakni usaha mikro. Jenis usaha mikro yang beragam dan tidak bergantung pada tingkat keterampilan kerja yang tinggi menjadikan perempuan teralokasi pada bidang ini lebih besar dari pada usaha sektor lain. Namun demikian usaha mikro yang digeluti oleh perempuan bertahun-tahun dan memiliki prospek untuk berkembang terhambat oleh terbatasnya fasilitasi dari pihak pemerintah. Hal ini disebabkan usaha mikro minim memiliki persyaratan bagi sebuah usaha yang dianggap establish. Sejauh ini usaha mikro yang oleh karena sifatnya mudah berubah dan beralih bisnis (jenis usaha) maka pihak perbankan atau pihak pemerintah baik pihak dinas koperasi, usaha mikro dan menengah mengalami kekhawatiran dan kesulitan untuk memberikan fasilitas pengembangan usaha. Legalitas usaha dan konsistensi usaha dari usaha-usaha mikro ini yang merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk akses fasilitas pengembangan usaha dari pihak perbankan dan pihak pemerintah. Pengabdian pada masyarakat kali ini berusaha untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan pendampingan bagi para pengusaha mikro perempuan pesisir di Desa Puger Wetan untuk memperoleh Legalitas usaha mikro dari pemerintah terkait. Kata Kunci: usaha mikro perempuan pesisir, pemahaman, pendampingan peroleh legalitas usaha
This article is the study of literature, which describe the change of the local community due to ... more This article is the study of literature, which describe the change of the local community due to the global situation. Globalization can be defined as a process that spread institutional features of modernity, which can bring a huge impact on the life and identity of the community. Changes could lead to displacement of local culture by global culture, global and local cultures coexist without significant unification between the two (coexistence), local and global culture are synthesized, and a global culture rejected by a strong local culture. The study concludes that more local culture shifted and raises identity conflicts, thus strengthening-reinforcement is needed. The government must intervene policies to encourage significant strengthening. Keywords: changes in the community, local culture shifted, government policy interventions
Papers by emy kholifah