Papers by Daniel P.
I Believe the amazing breakthrough you'll read about in the following pages is proving to be the ... more I Believe the amazing breakthrough you'll read about in the following pages is proving to be the most important medical discovery in decades-or perhaps ever. I Believe that anyone using this knowledge will be freed from sickness, infections, diseases and toxins, the third most common cause of all casualties in the US and the fi rst cause of deaths in the third world. I Believe this tested and true information has the potential to release a person from dependency on doctors, pharmaceuticals, medicines and hospitals. This technology also has the potential to release us from threat of incurable diseases and biological warfare agents. Even cancer disappears when interleuken and interferon are again produced by a restored immune system. Yet experience shows that 85% of the population will ignore, disbelieve, or vigorously resist these data: they're too simple, cheap, effective and revolutionary. This also requires assuming responsibility for your own health. You'll see why this dynamite truth must be suppressed to preserve multinational corporations. What is it? It's now scientifi cally established that mild, safe and simple electrifi cation neutralizes bacteria, germs, viruses, parasites, pathogens, fungi and other foreign invaders in blood. Results are rapid, dirt cheap, comfortable and without side effects. Medical "cures" once strove to match expensive antibiotics to the few germs they killed before many diseases evolved as strainresistant. Today's new paradigm is harmless, infallible, and hasn't encountered any resistant microorganism. Unlike antibiotics and vaccines and their targets, you don't even care what anything is called medically.
Dac este ceva în aceast sear ce ai vrea cu adev rat pe lumea asta, atunci experimenteaz în imagin... more Dac este ceva în aceast sear ce ai vrea cu adev rat pe lumea asta, atunci experimenteaz în imagina ie ce ai experimenta în carne i oase de i-ai fi realizat deja scopul i apoi astup i urechile i acoper i ochii la toate cele care neag realitatea asump iei tale. " -Neville, 1948 Prelegeri compilate de Dr. Joe Vitale Orator i publicist al curentului motiva ional.
Acest material prezinta A, Be, Ce-darul Succesului. Învatamintele pe care le vei dobândi aici te ... more Acest material prezinta A, Be, Ce-darul Succesului. Învatamintele pe care le vei dobândi aici te vor ajuta sa-ti construiesti viata pe care ti-ai visat-o dintotdeauna. Acest material te va învata practic stiinta conditionarii tale pentru a avea succes în viata.
Această carte îşi propune să explice modul în care omul trebuie să gîndească, precum şi imaginile... more Această carte îşi propune să explice modul în care omul trebuie să gîndească, precum şi imaginile benefice ce trebuiesc cultivate cu perseverenţă în minte pentru a crea şi transforma propriul lui destin. Sunt prezentate aici tehnici adecvate, care permit fiinţei umane să se branşeze la PUTEREA colosală a subconştientului ei, oferindu-i şansa să obţină tot ceea ce doreşte.
Adevărat, adevărat zic vouă: EU SUNT mai înainte de a fi fost Avraam. -Ioan 8:58
Books by Daniel P.
Teaching Documents by Daniel P.
The following is a "book review" of The 14 CD set of Kevin Trudeau's Your Wish Is Your Command. I... more The following is a "book review" of The 14 CD set of Kevin Trudeau's Your Wish Is Your Command. I wrote this highlighting all of the important information Kevin discusses, as well as all of the information that I would want if I were purchasing this myself and had not ever heard the CD set. The CD set was recorded during a 2 day seminar that Kevin was giving in the Swiss Alps of Europe. Kevin broke the system up into 14 CD's with each CD being approximately an hour in length. Day 1 covers the Your Wish is Your Command system (CD's 1-8), and Day 2 discusses how anyone can make millions: The Money Making Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know About. (CD's 9-14). DAY 1: Your Wish Is Your Command CD 1 Track 1: (10:09) Kevin first begins by welcoming everyone to the Alps of Europe. He tells them that he is excited to have them with him, and that he is very excited to share this information with them. He says that "today" they are going to talk about making all your dreams come true; how to manifest all of your desires and make them come true. Similarly, Kevin says that he is going to cover how all of "you" can have your own magic lamp and call forth your own genie to grant you your every wish. Then after Kevin discusses how many of the audience members are shocked to find out who some of the "special guests" are (he doesn't tell us who they are), he bring up his first point: Who do you listen to? Kevin discusses how there are thousands of books and audio CD's about how to manifest your desires and make your dreams come true. Unfortunately, even thought the information sounds good and you start to believe it (because it sounds logical), Kevin says that most of these authors or speakers don't have what they want-all of their own desires. Kevin says that this isn't every case, but a very high percentage of those authors/speakers do not have their own magic genie that they can call upon. Furthermore, Kevin says they are teaching you theory; they're not giving you information that works in real life because they don't have evidence themselves that what they are teaching really works. Kevin then continues by saying how all of those in attendance are blown away because of the opulence all around them at the beautiful Swiss Alps. Additionally, he says they are blown away because they know this (seminar) isn't available to the public and access isn't given to just anyone. …Kevin continues on to Track 2…
Papers by Daniel P.
Books by Daniel P.
Teaching Documents by Daniel P.