Since 2016, Indonesia has been implementing a weekly iron-folic acid supplementation (WIFAS) prog... more Since 2016, Indonesia has been implementing a weekly iron-folic acid supplementation (WIFAS) program in two provinces for school going adolescent girls to reduce anaemia. This study aimed to explore the awareness and understanding of school-going adolescent girls and parents regarding anaemia and WIFAS. The study was conducted in 10 districts, each from East Java province and East Nusa Tenggara province. Twenty focused group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with school-going adolescent girls (n5174) and ten FGDs with parents (n566). Also, in-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted with school-going adolescent girls (n520) and their parents (n510) from 20 schools. All FGDs and IDIs were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed for themes using NVivo Pro 12 software. School going adolescent girls and parents had high levels of misinformation about anaemia and healthy nutritional practices, which were influenced by socio-cultural milieu and local dietary habits. Both parents and girls perceived low risk of anaemia for school-going adolescent girls. Girls stated that their parents' opinion about anaemia influenced their desire to consume iron supplements. In conclusion, girls and parents would benefit from increased access to information about anaemia risks and prevention, and the benefits of WIFAS for adolescent girls. Prevention of anemia should include relevant dietary guidance that considers their socio-cultural milieu and local dietary habits.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan konsumsi pangan, bioavailibilitas dan status anemia ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan konsumsi pangan, bioavailibilitas dan status anemia pada siswi remaja. Studi cross sectional dilakukan di SMK Pelita Ciampea Kabupaten Bogor. Data dikumpulkan dari 74 orang siswi remaja yang meliputi konsumsi pangan dengan recall 2x24 jam dan kadar hemoglobin. Estimasi bioavailabilitas besi dihitung dari konsumsi pangan menggunakan metode Du et al. (1999). Rata-rata konsumsi daging dan buah berturut-turut 68 g/hari dan 73 g/hari. Asupan protein, besi, dan vitamin C berturut-turut 38,3 g, 10,8 mg dan 25 mg; dengan tingkat kecukupan gizi berturut-turut 76,6%, 41,7 % dan 33,4%, Estimasi bioavailabilitas zat besi 1,09 mg atau 10,04 % dan termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Biovalibilitas zat besi (mg) berhubungan nyata dengan konsumsi daging sapi dan ayam (r=0,381) dan asupan vitamin C (r=0,340) (p<0,05). Prevalensi anemia siswi sebesar 10,8%, dan kadar hemoglobin berhubungan nyata dengan asupan vitamin C (r=0,002) dan vitamin A (r=0,022) (p&l...
The objective of this research was to analyze energy intake from calorie beverages (EICB) and it’... more The objective of this research was to analyze energy intake from calorie beverages (EICB) and it’s contribution to the total energy intake of adolescents and adults. The research was carried out through analyzing a data set of THIRST (The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study) collected in 2008 and 2009 by applying a crossectional study design among 606 adolescents (male and female aged 15-18 yrs) and 594 adults (male and female aged 25-55 yrs) in North Jakarta, West Bandung, Surabaya, Malang, Makasar and Malino. Data processing and analysis were conducted in Bogor in April-June 2011. The results showed that the mean EICB among adolescents was 420 ± 406 kcal/day and among adults was 450 ± 382 kcal/day, which is 21.2% and 23.4% of the total energy intake (TEI) of adolescents and adults respectively. EICB was moderately associated with TEI of adolescents (r= 0.58)
Kekurangan vitamin A dapat berpengaruh pada peningkatan morbiditas ibu nifas maupun bayi yang bar... more Kekurangan vitamin A dapat berpengaruh pada peningkatan morbiditas ibu nifas maupun bayi yang baru lahir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak pemberian vitamin A dosis tinggi (2vitA dan 1vitA), minyak goreng fortifikasi (Forti A) dan edukasi gizi (Edukasi) terhadap morbiditas ibu dan bayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi ekpesimen. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini sebesar 295 subjek yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Morbiditas terutama terkait ISPA dan diare diukur setiap 2 minggu sampai bayi berusia 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata ibu nifas dalam penelitian ini berusia 27 tahun dan sekitar 42% ibu nifas telah menyelesaikan pendidikan sampai tingkat SMA. Rata-rata frekuensi sakit ISPA ibu pada kelompok Forti A lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok 2vitA, 1vitA dan edukasi yakni masing-masing 0.04, 0.31, 0.95 dan 0.29 (p<0.000). Begitu pun juga halnya ditemukan pada durasi ISPA untuk setiap kelompok yakni masing-masing 0,17 h...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a healthy breakfast campaign on the change... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a healthy breakfast campaign on the changes in knowledge, attitudes, and breakfast habits among elementary school children in Bogor District. A quasy experimental study was applied to this study. Subjects in this study were 229 elementary school children in the nine villages in Bogor District. Nutrition education media used in this study were power point, puppets, picture cards, and drama. The school childrens knowledge and attitude showed that there was a significant difference between media intervention of power point, puppet, and drama to picture cards. The highest scores of knowledge (73.23±1.14) and attitude (91.84±1.09) was in picture cards. The percentage of subjects having a habit of breakfast before intervention was 78.2% and increased to 81.7% after intervention. Media intervention by picture cards gave highest change to increased breakfast knowledge, attitude, and habits for elementary school children.
The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged... more The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged 19-49 years in Indonesia such as Body Mass Indexs (BMI), ages, education level, tipe of occupation, house hold income and urban-rural settlement. The study used data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010 of the Health Reseach and Development Agency of the Ministry of Helath, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. Total sample woman age 19-49 years was 52044 were selected for analysis. A multiple logistic regression model was applied to analyze the risk factors. The prevalence of consumption carbohidrate below 60% of energy adequancy from carbohydrate among woman was 31,6%. The results showed that the significant risk factor of carbohydrate consumption among adult woman were education level (OR for low education= 0.830, CI: 0.776-0.887), household income (OR for low income= 0.905, CI: 0.870-0.942) and urban-rural settlement (OR for rural= 0.564, CI: 0.542-0.587). Normal ...
Krisis pangan dan gizi merupakan permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap pembangunan di Indonesia. T... more Krisis pangan dan gizi merupakan permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap pembangunan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan protokol pencegahan dan penanggulangan krisis pangan dan gizi. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari data sekunder dan primer. Protokol krisis pangan dan gizi dikembangkan dengan melibatkan ahli dan narasumber dari pemerintah daerah di Sukabumi, Situbondo dan Bogor. Kondisi krisis pangan dan gizi dapat ditetapkan dengan sistem survailan menggunakan indikator yang valid, sensitif, dan mudah dikumpulkan. Model yang sudah ada yaitu “Sistem Kewaspadaan Pangan dan Gizi” dapat digunakan dengan beberapa modifikasi tertutama pada komponen indikator. Protokol pencegahan dan penanggulangan dikembangkan untuk kelompok rumah tangga rawan di masyarakat. Kelompok ini dapat ditetapkan berdasarkan 14 indikator nonmoneter yang dikembangkan oleh BPS, dengan prioritas yang mempunyai anak di bawah usia lima tahun dan atau ibu hamil. Upaya penyelamatan terutama dila...
THE CONSUMPTION OF BEVERAGES AND ITS PREFERENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS LIVING IN JAKARTA AND BANDUNG T... more THE CONSUMPTION OF BEVERAGES AND ITS PREFERENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS LIVING IN JAKARTA AND BANDUNG The objective of the study is to analyze the beverages preference and consumption of adolescents living in two different climates. The cross-sectional study was applied to 110 and 99 of high school students in Northern Jakarta and West Bandung to represent a coastal and mountainous areas respectively. A one week recall was applied to assess estimation of water intakes. The water intake was a summation of various beverages including drinking water.The results showed that the adolescents in Bandung prefered to drink home prepared water which the proportion was higher (73.2%) than those in Jakarta (52.3%). However, the adolescents in the coast mostly drank more bottled-water 3.9 times/day compared to 1.8 times/day in the mountainous area. The average of water intake was significantly higher in the coast (2787±1267 ml) compared to the mountain areas (2195±893 ml). The contribution of total dr...
Rice plays important roles in Indonesians diet. Rice could potentially fortified with micronutrie... more Rice plays important roles in Indonesians diet. Rice could potentially fortified with micronutrient to address nutrition problem such as anemia. About one third of women and teenagers in Indonesia suffering from anemia. The objective of this study was to develop a micronutrient fortified rice and to test its efficacy on increasing serum level of micronutrient. The micronutrient fortified into rice include iron, zinc, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin A. The micronutrient fortified rice to develop based on review of literature, expert review, and sensoric test. The efficacy study was done through randomized control trial among 215 school teenage girls in Medan for fifteen weeks. The biomarkers analyzed included CRP, ferritin, hemoglobin, folic acid, vitamin A and zinc. The results showed that fortified rice with 2% of rice kernel was accepted organoleptically. This analysis show that consuming micronutrient fortified rice -150g per meal, three meals a day for a period o...
The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intak... more The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intake, and the sign of mild dehydration of school age children. The cross-sectional study was applied to 78 boys and 78 girls of elementary school students in Bogor City. Two days food recall was applied to estimate fluid intake. The fluid intake was a summation of various food and beverages. The result showed beside of plain water, most of the school children used to consumed milk and tea (>70%) at home. The total fluid intake was 2283 mL for boys and 2024 mL for girls, and its contribution was 21 percent from food (430-490 mL) and 78 percent from beverages (1600-1800 mL). There are 67.4 percent boys and 62.8 percent girls suffered mild dehydration with minimum three physical signs of dehydration. There are still 18.6 percent boys and 3.5 percent girls that their fluid intake below 100% of the requirement.
The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intak... more The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intake, and the sign of mild dehydration of school age children. The cross-sectional study was applied to 78 boys and 78 girls of elementary school students in Bogor City. Two days food recall was applied to estimate fluid intake. The fluid intake was a summation of various food and beverages. The result showed beside of plain water, most of the school children used to consumed milk and tea (>70%) at home. The total fluid intake was 2283 mL for boys and 2024 mL for girls, and its contribution was 21 percent from food (430-490 mL) and 78 percent from beverages (1600-1800 mL). There are 67.4 percent boys and 62.8 percent girls suffered mild dehydration with minimum three physical signs of dehydration. There are still 18.6 percent boys and 3.5 percent girls that their fluid intake below 100% of the requirement.
Kalsium selama kehamilan selain penting bagi kesehatan tulang ibu dan janin, diperlukan pula untu... more Kalsium selama kehamilan selain penting bagi kesehatan tulang ibu dan janin, diperlukan pula untuk mencegah hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Wanita hamil di negara berkembang umumnya memiliki asupan kalsium yang rendah. Selama ini belum banyak data mengenai asupan kalsium pada ibu hamil di Indonesia. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan menganalisis asupan kalsium pangan dan tingkat kecukupan kalsium pada ibu hamil di Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Wawancara mengenai konsumsi pangan dilakukan kepada 96 orang ibu hamil yang dipilih secara purposive pada bulan Januari sampai Februari 2016 menggunakan food frequency questionnaire semi-kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 81.2% ibu hamil memiliki tingkat kecukupan kalsium yang berada dalam kategori kurang. Asupan kalsium dari pangan memenuhi 67.6% EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) kalsium ibu hamil. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara frekuensi konsumsi susu dan olahannya (r=0.721, p=0.0...
Many studies on metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Indonesia were conducted but the study on female wor... more Many studies on metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Indonesia were conducted but the study on female workers was scarce. The aim of this study was to obtain the proportion of MetS and its risk factors. Study design was cross-sectional and a number of 59 female workers aged 25-49 years at garmen factory in Bogor, West Java was pregnant or breastfeed women participated in this study. Collected data included blood pressure, serum level of triglyceride, high density lipoprotein (HDL), fasting blood glucose, activity, food consumption, anthropometry (weight and height) and social economic.The results showed that the proportion of MetS was 18,6 percent and family size was the significant risk factor for MetS (p<0.05; OR for family size = 6.286; 95% CI: 1.270 -31.102). Physical activity level and nutrient adequacy were not shown as risk factors. This result implied that controlling family size might be important to reduce prevalence of MetS among female workers in Indonesia. Keywords: metaboli...
The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of stunting among 0—2... more The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of stunting among 0—23 month old children in Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara. The data was gathered from Basic Health Research 2010, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Basic Health Research 2010 was a cross-sectional survey. The Three provinces i.e Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara were selected as they had a mild, moderate, and severe levels of stunting among children aged less than five years, respectively. A total of 1 554 children aged 0—23 months were selected in the analysis. Prevalence of stunting in Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara was 35.9%, 31.4% and 45.0%, respectively. Chi-square test revealed that there are positive and significant associations between low birth weight, poor sanitation, paternal smoking in the house, low level of maternal and paternal education, low income, and mother’s height less than 150 cm with stunting among 0—23 months old children (p<0.05). ...
Studi Pengembangan Protokol Penyelamatan dan Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan dan Gizi pada Kelompok ... more Studi Pengembangan Protokol Penyelamatan dan Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan dan Gizi pada Kelompok Rawan. IPB Repository. ...
The study objective was to analyze the effect of nutrition education programs on snacking behavio... more The study objective was to analyze the effect of nutrition education programs on snacking behavior of school children. A pre-post intervention study was conducted at 13 districts/cities from 8 provinces in Indonesia, and involved 1,600 grade 5 school children. The snack education program was done by PT Unilever Indonesia in the period of May 2016. The intervention was conducted at the schools by applying education media such as flipcharts, posters and audio-kinetic for children exercices. A selfadministered measurement by a validated questionnaire was applied to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices before and after the program. The results showed that before intervention there are 50.9% of school children had good knowledge, 82.8% had good attitude, 34.0% of children had bad practices on snacks food. After the education program, the good knowledge increase by 16.2% and the good attitudes increased by 7.4% of children. Only few students (2.7%) increased practices on good snackin...
Since 2016, Indonesia has been implementing a weekly iron-folic acid supplementation (WIFAS) prog... more Since 2016, Indonesia has been implementing a weekly iron-folic acid supplementation (WIFAS) program in two provinces for school going adolescent girls to reduce anaemia. This study aimed to explore the awareness and understanding of school-going adolescent girls and parents regarding anaemia and WIFAS. The study was conducted in 10 districts, each from East Java province and East Nusa Tenggara province. Twenty focused group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with school-going adolescent girls (n5174) and ten FGDs with parents (n566). Also, in-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted with school-going adolescent girls (n520) and their parents (n510) from 20 schools. All FGDs and IDIs were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed for themes using NVivo Pro 12 software. School going adolescent girls and parents had high levels of misinformation about anaemia and healthy nutritional practices, which were influenced by socio-cultural milieu and local dietary habits. Both parents and girls perceived low risk of anaemia for school-going adolescent girls. Girls stated that their parents' opinion about anaemia influenced their desire to consume iron supplements. In conclusion, girls and parents would benefit from increased access to information about anaemia risks and prevention, and the benefits of WIFAS for adolescent girls. Prevention of anemia should include relevant dietary guidance that considers their socio-cultural milieu and local dietary habits.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan konsumsi pangan, bioavailibilitas dan status anemia ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan konsumsi pangan, bioavailibilitas dan status anemia pada siswi remaja. Studi cross sectional dilakukan di SMK Pelita Ciampea Kabupaten Bogor. Data dikumpulkan dari 74 orang siswi remaja yang meliputi konsumsi pangan dengan recall 2x24 jam dan kadar hemoglobin. Estimasi bioavailabilitas besi dihitung dari konsumsi pangan menggunakan metode Du et al. (1999). Rata-rata konsumsi daging dan buah berturut-turut 68 g/hari dan 73 g/hari. Asupan protein, besi, dan vitamin C berturut-turut 38,3 g, 10,8 mg dan 25 mg; dengan tingkat kecukupan gizi berturut-turut 76,6%, 41,7 % dan 33,4%, Estimasi bioavailabilitas zat besi 1,09 mg atau 10,04 % dan termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Biovalibilitas zat besi (mg) berhubungan nyata dengan konsumsi daging sapi dan ayam (r=0,381) dan asupan vitamin C (r=0,340) (p<0,05). Prevalensi anemia siswi sebesar 10,8%, dan kadar hemoglobin berhubungan nyata dengan asupan vitamin C (r=0,002) dan vitamin A (r=0,022) (p&l...
The objective of this research was to analyze energy intake from calorie beverages (EICB) and it’... more The objective of this research was to analyze energy intake from calorie beverages (EICB) and it’s contribution to the total energy intake of adolescents and adults. The research was carried out through analyzing a data set of THIRST (The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study) collected in 2008 and 2009 by applying a crossectional study design among 606 adolescents (male and female aged 15-18 yrs) and 594 adults (male and female aged 25-55 yrs) in North Jakarta, West Bandung, Surabaya, Malang, Makasar and Malino. Data processing and analysis were conducted in Bogor in April-June 2011. The results showed that the mean EICB among adolescents was 420 ± 406 kcal/day and among adults was 450 ± 382 kcal/day, which is 21.2% and 23.4% of the total energy intake (TEI) of adolescents and adults respectively. EICB was moderately associated with TEI of adolescents (r= 0.58)
Kekurangan vitamin A dapat berpengaruh pada peningkatan morbiditas ibu nifas maupun bayi yang bar... more Kekurangan vitamin A dapat berpengaruh pada peningkatan morbiditas ibu nifas maupun bayi yang baru lahir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak pemberian vitamin A dosis tinggi (2vitA dan 1vitA), minyak goreng fortifikasi (Forti A) dan edukasi gizi (Edukasi) terhadap morbiditas ibu dan bayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi ekpesimen. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini sebesar 295 subjek yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Morbiditas terutama terkait ISPA dan diare diukur setiap 2 minggu sampai bayi berusia 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata ibu nifas dalam penelitian ini berusia 27 tahun dan sekitar 42% ibu nifas telah menyelesaikan pendidikan sampai tingkat SMA. Rata-rata frekuensi sakit ISPA ibu pada kelompok Forti A lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok 2vitA, 1vitA dan edukasi yakni masing-masing 0.04, 0.31, 0.95 dan 0.29 (p<0.000). Begitu pun juga halnya ditemukan pada durasi ISPA untuk setiap kelompok yakni masing-masing 0,17 h...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a healthy breakfast campaign on the change... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a healthy breakfast campaign on the changes in knowledge, attitudes, and breakfast habits among elementary school children in Bogor District. A quasy experimental study was applied to this study. Subjects in this study were 229 elementary school children in the nine villages in Bogor District. Nutrition education media used in this study were power point, puppets, picture cards, and drama. The school childrens knowledge and attitude showed that there was a significant difference between media intervention of power point, puppet, and drama to picture cards. The highest scores of knowledge (73.23±1.14) and attitude (91.84±1.09) was in picture cards. The percentage of subjects having a habit of breakfast before intervention was 78.2% and increased to 81.7% after intervention. Media intervention by picture cards gave highest change to increased breakfast knowledge, attitude, and habits for elementary school children.
The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged... more The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged 19-49 years in Indonesia such as Body Mass Indexs (BMI), ages, education level, tipe of occupation, house hold income and urban-rural settlement. The study used data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010 of the Health Reseach and Development Agency of the Ministry of Helath, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. Total sample woman age 19-49 years was 52044 were selected for analysis. A multiple logistic regression model was applied to analyze the risk factors. The prevalence of consumption carbohidrate below 60% of energy adequancy from carbohydrate among woman was 31,6%. The results showed that the significant risk factor of carbohydrate consumption among adult woman were education level (OR for low education= 0.830, CI: 0.776-0.887), household income (OR for low income= 0.905, CI: 0.870-0.942) and urban-rural settlement (OR for rural= 0.564, CI: 0.542-0.587). Normal ...
Krisis pangan dan gizi merupakan permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap pembangunan di Indonesia. T... more Krisis pangan dan gizi merupakan permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap pembangunan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan protokol pencegahan dan penanggulangan krisis pangan dan gizi. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari data sekunder dan primer. Protokol krisis pangan dan gizi dikembangkan dengan melibatkan ahli dan narasumber dari pemerintah daerah di Sukabumi, Situbondo dan Bogor. Kondisi krisis pangan dan gizi dapat ditetapkan dengan sistem survailan menggunakan indikator yang valid, sensitif, dan mudah dikumpulkan. Model yang sudah ada yaitu “Sistem Kewaspadaan Pangan dan Gizi” dapat digunakan dengan beberapa modifikasi tertutama pada komponen indikator. Protokol pencegahan dan penanggulangan dikembangkan untuk kelompok rumah tangga rawan di masyarakat. Kelompok ini dapat ditetapkan berdasarkan 14 indikator nonmoneter yang dikembangkan oleh BPS, dengan prioritas yang mempunyai anak di bawah usia lima tahun dan atau ibu hamil. Upaya penyelamatan terutama dila...
THE CONSUMPTION OF BEVERAGES AND ITS PREFERENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS LIVING IN JAKARTA AND BANDUNG T... more THE CONSUMPTION OF BEVERAGES AND ITS PREFERENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS LIVING IN JAKARTA AND BANDUNG The objective of the study is to analyze the beverages preference and consumption of adolescents living in two different climates. The cross-sectional study was applied to 110 and 99 of high school students in Northern Jakarta and West Bandung to represent a coastal and mountainous areas respectively. A one week recall was applied to assess estimation of water intakes. The water intake was a summation of various beverages including drinking water.The results showed that the adolescents in Bandung prefered to drink home prepared water which the proportion was higher (73.2%) than those in Jakarta (52.3%). However, the adolescents in the coast mostly drank more bottled-water 3.9 times/day compared to 1.8 times/day in the mountainous area. The average of water intake was significantly higher in the coast (2787±1267 ml) compared to the mountain areas (2195±893 ml). The contribution of total dr...
Rice plays important roles in Indonesians diet. Rice could potentially fortified with micronutrie... more Rice plays important roles in Indonesians diet. Rice could potentially fortified with micronutrient to address nutrition problem such as anemia. About one third of women and teenagers in Indonesia suffering from anemia. The objective of this study was to develop a micronutrient fortified rice and to test its efficacy on increasing serum level of micronutrient. The micronutrient fortified into rice include iron, zinc, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin A. The micronutrient fortified rice to develop based on review of literature, expert review, and sensoric test. The efficacy study was done through randomized control trial among 215 school teenage girls in Medan for fifteen weeks. The biomarkers analyzed included CRP, ferritin, hemoglobin, folic acid, vitamin A and zinc. The results showed that fortified rice with 2% of rice kernel was accepted organoleptically. This analysis show that consuming micronutrient fortified rice -150g per meal, three meals a day for a period o...
The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intak... more The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intake, and the sign of mild dehydration of school age children. The cross-sectional study was applied to 78 boys and 78 girls of elementary school students in Bogor City. Two days food recall was applied to estimate fluid intake. The fluid intake was a summation of various food and beverages. The result showed beside of plain water, most of the school children used to consumed milk and tea (>70%) at home. The total fluid intake was 2283 mL for boys and 2024 mL for girls, and its contribution was 21 percent from food (430-490 mL) and 78 percent from beverages (1600-1800 mL). There are 67.4 percent boys and 62.8 percent girls suffered mild dehydration with minimum three physical signs of dehydration. There are still 18.6 percent boys and 3.5 percent girls that their fluid intake below 100% of the requirement.
The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intak... more The study objectives were to analyze the food and beverages contribution to the total fluid intake, and the sign of mild dehydration of school age children. The cross-sectional study was applied to 78 boys and 78 girls of elementary school students in Bogor City. Two days food recall was applied to estimate fluid intake. The fluid intake was a summation of various food and beverages. The result showed beside of plain water, most of the school children used to consumed milk and tea (>70%) at home. The total fluid intake was 2283 mL for boys and 2024 mL for girls, and its contribution was 21 percent from food (430-490 mL) and 78 percent from beverages (1600-1800 mL). There are 67.4 percent boys and 62.8 percent girls suffered mild dehydration with minimum three physical signs of dehydration. There are still 18.6 percent boys and 3.5 percent girls that their fluid intake below 100% of the requirement.
Kalsium selama kehamilan selain penting bagi kesehatan tulang ibu dan janin, diperlukan pula untu... more Kalsium selama kehamilan selain penting bagi kesehatan tulang ibu dan janin, diperlukan pula untuk mencegah hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Wanita hamil di negara berkembang umumnya memiliki asupan kalsium yang rendah. Selama ini belum banyak data mengenai asupan kalsium pada ibu hamil di Indonesia. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan menganalisis asupan kalsium pangan dan tingkat kecukupan kalsium pada ibu hamil di Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Wawancara mengenai konsumsi pangan dilakukan kepada 96 orang ibu hamil yang dipilih secara purposive pada bulan Januari sampai Februari 2016 menggunakan food frequency questionnaire semi-kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 81.2% ibu hamil memiliki tingkat kecukupan kalsium yang berada dalam kategori kurang. Asupan kalsium dari pangan memenuhi 67.6% EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) kalsium ibu hamil. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara frekuensi konsumsi susu dan olahannya (r=0.721, p=0.0...
Many studies on metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Indonesia were conducted but the study on female wor... more Many studies on metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Indonesia were conducted but the study on female workers was scarce. The aim of this study was to obtain the proportion of MetS and its risk factors. Study design was cross-sectional and a number of 59 female workers aged 25-49 years at garmen factory in Bogor, West Java was pregnant or breastfeed women participated in this study. Collected data included blood pressure, serum level of triglyceride, high density lipoprotein (HDL), fasting blood glucose, activity, food consumption, anthropometry (weight and height) and social economic.The results showed that the proportion of MetS was 18,6 percent and family size was the significant risk factor for MetS (p<0.05; OR for family size = 6.286; 95% CI: 1.270 -31.102). Physical activity level and nutrient adequacy were not shown as risk factors. This result implied that controlling family size might be important to reduce prevalence of MetS among female workers in Indonesia. Keywords: metaboli...
The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of stunting among 0—2... more The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of stunting among 0—23 month old children in Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara. The data was gathered from Basic Health Research 2010, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Basic Health Research 2010 was a cross-sectional survey. The Three provinces i.e Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara were selected as they had a mild, moderate, and severe levels of stunting among children aged less than five years, respectively. A total of 1 554 children aged 0—23 months were selected in the analysis. Prevalence of stunting in Bali, West Java, and East Nusa Tenggara was 35.9%, 31.4% and 45.0%, respectively. Chi-square test revealed that there are positive and significant associations between low birth weight, poor sanitation, paternal smoking in the house, low level of maternal and paternal education, low income, and mother’s height less than 150 cm with stunting among 0—23 months old children (p<0.05). ...
Studi Pengembangan Protokol Penyelamatan dan Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan dan Gizi pada Kelompok ... more Studi Pengembangan Protokol Penyelamatan dan Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan dan Gizi pada Kelompok Rawan. IPB Repository. ...
The study objective was to analyze the effect of nutrition education programs on snacking behavio... more The study objective was to analyze the effect of nutrition education programs on snacking behavior of school children. A pre-post intervention study was conducted at 13 districts/cities from 8 provinces in Indonesia, and involved 1,600 grade 5 school children. The snack education program was done by PT Unilever Indonesia in the period of May 2016. The intervention was conducted at the schools by applying education media such as flipcharts, posters and audio-kinetic for children exercices. A selfadministered measurement by a validated questionnaire was applied to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices before and after the program. The results showed that before intervention there are 50.9% of school children had good knowledge, 82.8% had good attitude, 34.0% of children had bad practices on snacks food. After the education program, the good knowledge increase by 16.2% and the good attitudes increased by 7.4% of children. Only few students (2.7%) increased practices on good snackin...
Papers by dodik briawan