Papers by dewi ayu tri anjani

The aim of this study is to find out the types of errors and the dominant types of errors in the ... more The aim of this study is to find out the types of errors and the dominant types of errors in the descriptive writing product produced by the students of Laboratory School of Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines. This thesis used the writing sheets of students" writing as the source of data and it was being analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. Thus, the data were described in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. The result of this study showed that from 77 students" descriptive writing product, there were 620 errors found in the four categories: cohesion, grammaticality, mechanics, and dictions. In the cohesion category there were 53 errors found including pronoun reference errors (18), conjunction (18), substitution (5), and parallel structures (12) errors. Meanwhile in grammaticality errors, there were 238 errors revealed, including Subject and Verb Agreement (SAV) in total (89), verb tense (58), preposition (26), articles (21), adjective clause , noun (13), part of sentence (10), quantifier (3), gerund (3), and adverb (1). Further, in the mechanics category, there are 285 errors found, including capitalization (89), punctuation including period, comma, apostrophe errors in total 161, miss-spelling (19), word space (11), and paragraph indenting (5). And in the dictions category, there were 44 errors found. Moreover, the result of this study confirmed that there were two dominant errors in the students" descriptive writing. The first dominant type or errors is mechanics with a total number 285 errors, and the second dominant errors category encountered by the students is grammaticality with a total number 238 errors.
I am interested in doing the research about writing skill. So this paper deals with the use of Ga... more I am interested in doing the research about writing skill. So this paper deals with the use of Gallery Wall Tehnique in improving students' Writing Skill.
This is a morphology analyais which specified in Negations Markers in one of dialects exist in Lo... more This is a morphology analyais which specified in Negations Markers in one of dialects exist in Lombok Island, Indonesia.
One of the biggest issues appeared in Language Teaching in Indonesia is Teaching English is a Fai... more One of the biggest issues appeared in Language Teaching in Indonesia is Teaching English is a Failure due to the use of textbook. This paper deals with the textbook analysis used in teaching Englisj for senior high school students: a study in SMAN 1 Lombok Utara
DCM is also called MDTP .It's viewed as a great method in improving atudents's writing skills.
When people interact each other, they cannot avoid for taking a turn. Language features for takin... more When people interact each other, they cannot avoid for taking a turn. Language features for taking turn in spoken discourse will differ cross cultures, and this paper analyze features for taking turn used by Journalist and teachers' coversations. It's aim is to find out the features, and whether it is suitable or not.
This paper deals withh speech error in language production (Psycholinguistics)
This paper is about syllabus for English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) particullary for Medical Crui... more This paper is about syllabus for English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) particullary for Medical Cruise Ship
This paper discussed about three kinds of theories in meaning based on my analysis.
Santiago tried to fulfill his needs. The Needs, according to Maslow's theory (1934) in , are the ... more Santiago tried to fulfill his needs. The Needs, according to Maslow's theory (1934) in , are the needs of human psychological development and divided into five macro needs which have 15 sub parts. Those are: Physiological or Basic needs, Safety needs, Social Belonging, Self-actualization and Esteem needs.
Keberagaman suku, bangsa, dan agama disertai data valid. spesifikasi daerah tempat tinggal.
Here's the introduction to study about meaning in language
Papers by dewi ayu tri anjani