Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginn... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. Yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini field days, production costs and farmers' feedback were collected using field observation, check list, and focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Cost-benefit analysis was used for profitability analysis. Awareness creation activities like training and mini field days were arranged for target beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Combined yield evaluation was carried out in which Urgessa gave higher seed yield of 13.84 qt/ha while Gemechis gave 11.73 qt/ha. Direct matrix ranking was used to rank black cumin varieties. Consequently, farmers gave the higher score for Urgessa variety. The result of pair wise ranking indicated that farmers gave high attention for traits of yield, number of branch per plant and number of capsule per plant. The result of profitability analysis also revealed that the farmer who prefers to produce Urgessa variety could get an extra net benefit of 24,360.00 ETB/ha than who prefers to produce Gemechis variety in single production season. Therefore, based on farmers' preference and profitability analysis, Urgessa variety is recommended for pre-scaling up.
Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginn... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. Yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini field days, production costs and farmers' feedback were collected using field observation, check list, and focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Cost-benefit analysis was used for profitability analysis. Awareness creation activities like training and mini field days were arranged for target beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Combined yield evaluation was carried out in which Urgessa gave higher seed yield of 13.84 qt/ha while Gemechis gave 11.73 qt/ha. Direct matrix ranking was used to rank black cumin varieties. Consequently, farmers gave the higher score for Urgessa variety. The result of pair wise ranking indicated that farmers gave high attention for traits of yield, number of branch per plant and number of capsule per plant. The result of profitability analysis also revealed that the farmer who prefers to produce Urgessa variety could get an extra net benefit of 24,360.00 ETB/ha than who prefers to produce Gemechis variety in single production season. Therefore, based on farmers' preference and profitability analysis, Urgessa variety is recommended for pre-scaling up.
Global Journal of Research in Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried... more Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas.
Research Article on Global Journal of Research in Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties w... more ABSTRACT Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas. Key Words: Awareness Creation, Bread wheat, farmers’ criteria, Pre-extension demonstration, Yield performance
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 29, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of in situ moisture conservation technologies was carried out at Ginn... more Pre extension demonstration of in situ moisture conservation technologies was carried out at Ginnir district of Bale zone using in situ moisture conservation technology (furrow) with farmers practice. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate in situ moisture conservation technologies under farmers' condition. The demonstration was under taken on single plot design of 10m x 10m area for each technology with recommended seed and fertilizer rates. Mini-field day was organized at each respective sites on which different stakeholders were participated and experiences were shared. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers' preference to the demonstrated technologies was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using simple ranking methods. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and their criteria were almost similar in all locations. Accordingly, furrow was selected due to its number of head/plant, height of head, seed size, better stem strength, root has got soil, unavailability of unproductive plants and good plant height. Since, all participant farmers selected furrow, it is important to proceed to the task of scaling up/out the technology in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 28, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of improved durum wheat varieties was carried out at Dodola and Adaba... more Pre extension demonstration of improved durum wheat varieties was carried out at Dodola and Adaba districts of West Arsi zone and Agarfa district of Bale zone using one recently released (Bulala) improved variety against standard check (Dire).The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate improved durum wheat varieties in order to enhance farmers to select best fit variety/ies for their localities. The demonstration was under taken on single plot design of 20m x 20m area for each variety with the spacing of 20cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 150kg/ha and fertilizer rates of 100/110kg/ha NPS/UREA. Mini-field day was organized at each respective site on which different stakeholders were participated and experiences were shared. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers' preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and their criteria were almost similar in all locations. Accordingly, Bulala variety was selected due to its high yielder, seed/spike (64-80), tiller (7-8), better and stem strength, good seed colour, more adaptable to environment, more tolerant to disease, good plant height, bigger seed size and big spike. Since, all participant farmers selected Bulala, it is important to proceed to the task of scaling up/out of Bulala in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved emmer wheat varieties was conducted in Sinana and Goba district... more On-farm demonstration of improved emmer wheat varieties was conducted in Sinana and Goba districts of Bale Zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Haydaro variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10 m x 10 m area for each variety with the spacing of 20 cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 150 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 qt ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Haydaro variety performed better than the standard check of Sinana 01 variety with an average yield of 33.5 qt ha-1, while that of the standard check was 27.2 qt ha-1. Haydaro variety had 23...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa di... more On-farm demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Hortu variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10m x 10m area for each variety with row planting, recommended seed rate of 75 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 kg ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Hortu variety performed better than the standard check Harena variety with an average yield of 36.30 qt ha-1 and 31.42 qt ha-1, respectively. Hortu variety had 15.53% yield advantage over the standard check. Furthermore, far...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved faba bean varieties was conducted in Adaba and Dodola districts... more On-farm demonstration of improved faba bean varieties was conducted in Adaba and Dodola districts of West Arsi Zone and Sinana, Goba and Agarfa of Bale Zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Aloshe variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10m x 10m area for each variety with the spacing of 40 cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 180 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 qt ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Aloshe variety performed better than the standard check of Mosisa variety with an average yield of 35.97 qt ha-1, while that of the standard check w...
Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Aga... more Pre extension demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released (Weyib) variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10mx10m area for each variety with the spacing of 30cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 75kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100kg/ha NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Weyib variety performed better than the standard check (Tulu shanan variety) with an average yield of 34.47qt/ha, while that of the standard check was27.26qt/ha. Weyib variety had 17.27% yield advantag...
Pre-extension demonstration of improved fenugreek varieties was conducted in Goro and Ginnir dist... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved fenugreek varieties was conducted in Goro and Ginnir districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released (Burka) variety along with standard and local checks. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10mx10m area for each variety with row planting, recommended full package. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Hundaol variety performed better than the other varieties followed by Burka and Local varieties with an average yield of 11.44 qtha-1, 9.3 qtha-1, and 8.175 qtha-1 respectively. Furthermore, Hundaol and Burka varieties were selected by farmers. Thus, Hundaol and Bu...
Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginn... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. Yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini field days, production costs and farmers' feedback were collected using field observation, check list, and focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Cost-benefit analysis was used for profitability analysis. Awareness creation activities like training and mini field days were arranged for target beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Combined yield evaluation was carried out in which Urgessa gave higher seed yield of 13.84 qt/ha while Gemechis gave 11.73 qt/ha. Direct matrix ranking was used to rank black cumin varieties. Consequently, farmers gave the higher score for Urgessa variety. The result of pair wise ranking indicated that farmers gave high attention for traits of yield, number of branch per plant and number of capsule per plant. The result of profitability analysis also revealed that the farmer who prefers to produce Urgessa variety could get an extra net benefit of 24,360.00 ETB/ha than who prefers to produce Gemechis variety in single production season. Therefore, based on farmers' preference and profitability analysis, Urgessa variety is recommended for pre-scaling up.
Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginn... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. Yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini field days, production costs and farmers' feedback were collected using field observation, check list, and focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Cost-benefit analysis was used for profitability analysis. Awareness creation activities like training and mini field days were arranged for target beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Combined yield evaluation was carried out in which Urgessa gave higher seed yield of 13.84 qt/ha while Gemechis gave 11.73 qt/ha. Direct matrix ranking was used to rank black cumin varieties. Consequently, farmers gave the higher score for Urgessa variety. The result of pair wise ranking indicated that farmers gave high attention for traits of yield, number of branch per plant and number of capsule per plant. The result of profitability analysis also revealed that the farmer who prefers to produce Urgessa variety could get an extra net benefit of 24,360.00 ETB/ha than who prefers to produce Gemechis variety in single production season. Therefore, based on farmers' preference and profitability analysis, Urgessa variety is recommended for pre-scaling up.
Global Journal of Research in Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried... more Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas.
Research Article on Global Journal of Research in Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties w... more ABSTRACT Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas. Key Words: Awareness Creation, Bread wheat, farmers’ criteria, Pre-extension demonstration, Yield performance
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 29, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of in situ moisture conservation technologies was carried out at Ginn... more Pre extension demonstration of in situ moisture conservation technologies was carried out at Ginnir district of Bale zone using in situ moisture conservation technology (furrow) with farmers practice. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate in situ moisture conservation technologies under farmers' condition. The demonstration was under taken on single plot design of 10m x 10m area for each technology with recommended seed and fertilizer rates. Mini-field day was organized at each respective sites on which different stakeholders were participated and experiences were shared. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers' preference to the demonstrated technologies was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using simple ranking methods. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and their criteria were almost similar in all locations. Accordingly, furrow was selected due to its number of head/plant, height of head, seed size, better stem strength, root has got soil, unavailability of unproductive plants and good plant height. Since, all participant farmers selected furrow, it is important to proceed to the task of scaling up/out the technology in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 28, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of improved durum wheat varieties was carried out at Dodola and Adaba... more Pre extension demonstration of improved durum wheat varieties was carried out at Dodola and Adaba districts of West Arsi zone and Agarfa district of Bale zone using one recently released (Bulala) improved variety against standard check (Dire).The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate improved durum wheat varieties in order to enhance farmers to select best fit variety/ies for their localities. The demonstration was under taken on single plot design of 20m x 20m area for each variety with the spacing of 20cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 150kg/ha and fertilizer rates of 100/110kg/ha NPS/UREA. Mini-field day was organized at each respective site on which different stakeholders were participated and experiences were shared. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers' preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and their criteria were almost similar in all locations. Accordingly, Bulala variety was selected due to its high yielder, seed/spike (64-80), tiller (7-8), better and stem strength, good seed colour, more adaptable to environment, more tolerant to disease, good plant height, bigger seed size and big spike. Since, all participant farmers selected Bulala, it is important to proceed to the task of scaling up/out of Bulala in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved emmer wheat varieties was conducted in Sinana and Goba district... more On-farm demonstration of improved emmer wheat varieties was conducted in Sinana and Goba districts of Bale Zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Haydaro variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10 m x 10 m area for each variety with the spacing of 20 cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 150 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 qt ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Haydaro variety performed better than the standard check of Sinana 01 variety with an average yield of 33.5 qt ha-1, while that of the standard check was 27.2 qt ha-1. Haydaro variety had 23...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa di... more On-farm demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Hortu variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10m x 10m area for each variety with row planting, recommended seed rate of 75 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 kg ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Hortu variety performed better than the standard check Harena variety with an average yield of 36.30 qt ha-1 and 31.42 qt ha-1, respectively. Hortu variety had 15.53% yield advantage over the standard check. Furthermore, far...
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology
On-farm demonstration of improved faba bean varieties was conducted in Adaba and Dodola districts... more On-farm demonstration of improved faba bean varieties was conducted in Adaba and Dodola districts of West Arsi Zone and Sinana, Goba and Agarfa of Bale Zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released Aloshe variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10m x 10m area for each variety with the spacing of 40 cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 180 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rate of 100 qt ha-1 NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Aloshe variety performed better than the standard check of Mosisa variety with an average yield of 35.97 qt ha-1, while that of the standard check w...
Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 2022
Pre extension demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Aga... more Pre extension demonstration of improved field pea varieties was conducted in Goba, Sinana and Agarfa districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released (Weyib) variety along with standard check. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10mx10m area for each variety with the spacing of 30cm between rows and recommended seed rate of 75kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100kg/ha NPS. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Weyib variety performed better than the standard check (Tulu shanan variety) with an average yield of 34.47qt/ha, while that of the standard check was27.26qt/ha. Weyib variety had 17.27% yield advantag...
Pre-extension demonstration of improved fenugreek varieties was conducted in Goro and Ginnir dist... more Pre-extension demonstration of improved fenugreek varieties was conducted in Goro and Ginnir districts of Bale zone. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate recently released (Burka) variety along with standard and local checks. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10mx10m area for each variety with row planting, recommended full package. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the demonstrated varieties was identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Hundaol variety performed better than the other varieties followed by Burka and Local varieties with an average yield of 11.44 qtha-1, 9.3 qtha-1, and 8.175 qtha-1 respectively. Furthermore, Hundaol and Burka varieties were selected by farmers. Thus, Hundaol and Bu...
Papers by Ayalew Sida
farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m *
10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer
rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on
training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield
performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was
carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171
and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test
indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave
37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also
statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these
varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of
the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan
variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in
target areas.
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas.
Key Words: Awareness Creation, Bread wheat, farmers’ criteria, Pre-extension demonstration, Yield performance
farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m *
10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer
rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on
training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield
performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was
carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171
and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test
indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave
37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also
statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these
varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of
the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan
variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in
target areas.
Pre-extension demonstration and evaluation of recently released bread wheat varieties was carried out on 17 trial farmers’ field. The new variety, Hachalu, was demonstrated against Galan and Dambal varieties in which 10m * 10m plot size was allocated for each variety. Row planting was used where the seed rate of 150 kg/ha and fertilizer rate of 100 kg/ha for both NPS and UREA was applied. Data such as yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini filed days and farmers’ feedback were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze yield performance of the varieties. ANOVA was used to detect yield difference among varieties. Awareness creation was carried out for farmers and agricultural experts through training and mini field days. Accordingly, a total of 171 and 163 stakeholders were involved on training and mini field days, respectively. The result of ANOVA test indicated that Galan variety gave relatively highest mean yield of 43.33 qt/ha followed by Dambal which gave 37.23 qt/ha while 30.11 qt/ha was recorded for Hachalu variety. The yield difference among these varieties is also statistically significant at less than 1% level of significance. Farmers were encouraged to evaluate and select these varieties by setting their own selection criteria. Accordingly, group discussion was organized in which the role of the researchers was facilitating the discussion. Finally, farmers reported through their group leaders as Galan variety relatively satisfies their criteria. Hence, Galan variety is recommended for those who need to scale out in target areas.
Key Words: Awareness Creation, Bread wheat, farmers’ criteria, Pre-extension demonstration, Yield performance