Papers by Ahmet Bulut Tamgörgü
Modernizmin Yansımaları 30'lu Yıllarda Türkiye, 2024
Manifold, 2022
Kebikeç, 2021
Kağıt üretiminde hammadde olarak kullanılan paçavra, çöplerden veya hanelerdeki kullanılmayan bez... more Kağıt üretiminde hammadde olarak kullanılan paçavra, çöplerden veya hanelerdeki kullanılmayan bez artıklardan devşirilen bir maddeyi işaret eder. XIX. yüzyılda kağıt üretim teknolojisinde yaşanan gelişmeler sonucunda kağıt üretim miktarıyla birlikte paçavra talebi de artış gösterdi. Özellikle Amerika ve İngiltere’nin kağıt üretimi konusunda dünyaya egemen olması, onları aynı zamanda en büyük paçavra ihracatçıları haline getirdi. İki ülke arasında yaşanan rekabet sonucunda paçavra fiyatlarının yükselmesi ve Avrupa’daki birçok ülkenin kendi kağıt sanayisini koruyabilmek adına paçavra ihracatını yasaklaması veya vergi politikaları geliştirmesi bu ülkelerin ilgisinin Osmanlı liman kentlerine yöneltmesine yol açtı. Bu çalışma öncelikle Osmanlı İmparatorluğu sınırları içindeki kağıt üretimi ve paçavracılık sektörünü incelemeyi ve Batılı ülkelerin imparatorluk kentlerinden paçavra ithal etmeye başlamasıyla iç piyasanın nasıl etkilendiğini anlamayı hedeflemektedir. Daha sonra sermayenin girişiyle bu sektörün nasıl dönüşüm geçirdiği, kentte nasıl organize (mağaza, depo, iş gücü) bir hal aldığı çerçeveye oturtulmaya çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca kağıt üretimi ve esnaf ilişkisinin formel-enformel sınırlarına, paçavranın bir sektör olarak kentle ve yerel yönetimlerle nasıl ilişkilendiğine ve uluslararası ticarette Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun aldığı konuma yönelik görüşler ileri sürmektedir. Bu makale son olarak günümüz kentlerinde de ‘görünmeyen, tanınmayan’ geri dönüşüm emeğinin tarihsel ufkuna yönelik soruşturma niyeti taşımaktadır.
Rags used in the papermaking as raw materialis collected from garbage or second hand cloths from households. In the nineteenth century, the paper production technology developed and it simultaneously caused an increase in the demand for rags. The domination of England and the USA in the paper industry also made them the largest importers of the material. As a result of the competition between the two countries, the rag prices increased in Europe and some European countries prohibited the rag exporting for protecting their paper industries. Therefore the two countries turned towards the Ottoman port cities. This study primarily aims to examine the papermaking and rag sector in the Ottoman Empire and to understand how the internal market was affected and fluctuated after the Western countries’ interest in the Ottoman rag market. Afterwards it aims to follow how this sector transformed and organized in the cities with the capital inflowing. In addition, the paper puts forward some views on the formal and informal line of papermaking industry and rag pickers, relationship between the sector and municipal sanitary reforms.
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Bulut Tamgörgü
Papers by Ahmet Bulut Tamgörgü
Rags used in the papermaking as raw materialis collected from garbage or second hand cloths from households. In the nineteenth century, the paper production technology developed and it simultaneously caused an increase in the demand for rags. The domination of England and the USA in the paper industry also made them the largest importers of the material. As a result of the competition between the two countries, the rag prices increased in Europe and some European countries prohibited the rag exporting for protecting their paper industries. Therefore the two countries turned towards the Ottoman port cities. This study primarily aims to examine the papermaking and rag sector in the Ottoman Empire and to understand how the internal market was affected and fluctuated after the Western countries’ interest in the Ottoman rag market. Afterwards it aims to follow how this sector transformed and organized in the cities with the capital inflowing. In addition, the paper puts forward some views on the formal and informal line of papermaking industry and rag pickers, relationship between the sector and municipal sanitary reforms.
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Bulut Tamgörgü
Rags used in the papermaking as raw materialis collected from garbage or second hand cloths from households. In the nineteenth century, the paper production technology developed and it simultaneously caused an increase in the demand for rags. The domination of England and the USA in the paper industry also made them the largest importers of the material. As a result of the competition between the two countries, the rag prices increased in Europe and some European countries prohibited the rag exporting for protecting their paper industries. Therefore the two countries turned towards the Ottoman port cities. This study primarily aims to examine the papermaking and rag sector in the Ottoman Empire and to understand how the internal market was affected and fluctuated after the Western countries’ interest in the Ottoman rag market. Afterwards it aims to follow how this sector transformed and organized in the cities with the capital inflowing. In addition, the paper puts forward some views on the formal and informal line of papermaking industry and rag pickers, relationship between the sector and municipal sanitary reforms.