Papers by silvana bettiol
Quality and safety of genetic testing in Australia and New Zealand: a review of the current regul... more Quality and safety of genetic testing in Australia and New Zealand: a review of the current regulatory framework
Innovation in Aging, 2021
Poor oral health increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia for older people. This is due primari... more Poor oral health increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia for older people. This is due primarily to six pathogens found in the mouth: five bacteria and one fungus. With a cohort of older people who were dependent on others for their oral care, we analyzed the load and type of bacteria and fungi from swabs of cheek, gum, and tongue mucosa. There were no significant differences between the three sites for load of bacteria (H (2) = .89; p = .64); there were significant differences between the sites for type of bacteria (F (2,78) = 11.97; p <.001) with the tongue showing the greatest diversity. There were no significant differences between the three sites for load (H (2) = 2.94; p = .23) or type (F (2,77) = .46; p = .63) of fungi. We then investigated the effect of regular compared to evidence-based oral care over a six-week period, and whether evidence-based oral care could significantly reduce the absolute count of the six oral pathogens specifically related to aspiration pneumo...
Journal of Periodontology, 2020
This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has... more This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
The aim was to recommend practical oral health policies for Timor Leste. Local stakeholders were ... more The aim was to recommend practical oral health policies for Timor Leste. Local stakeholders were consulted to discover what had hindered the execution of previous recommendations, and a review of oral health policy documents was undertaken to find recommendations relevant to Timor-Leste. Oral health promotion legislation, an increased oral health workforce focused on screening and preventive dental care, improved Infrastructure and transportation are needed. The Dental Service monthly report should be redesigned to obtain oral health data.
Environmental determinants of Ross River virus (RRV) have long been studied for their role in out... more Environmental determinants of Ross River virus (RRV) have long been studied for their role in outbreak epidemics. Studies into environmental drivers in RRV outbreaks provide a potentially critical tool in developing early warning detection systems capable of bolstering mitigation strategies. Here, we expand on previous studies exploring the development of forecasting and severity (incidences) models in five areas in Western Australia which experience high attack rates and outbreak epidemics of RRV. Our sites included three Northern areas; Derby, Broome, and Port Hedland and two Southern areas; Mandurah, and Capel. Hurdle and linear regression models were constructed using weekly observations of the maximum and minimum temperature and tidal heights, and total rainfall precipitation to predict both outbreak probability and severity respectively. Results yielded good predictability in both outbreak probability and severity across all sites with the exception of Capel owing to continuou...
Background: Antenatal care (ANC) providers are recommended to promote oral health care during pre... more Background: Antenatal care (ANC) providers are recommended to promote oral health care during pregnancy through the provision of oral health care practices, but studies have indicated that providers remain unclear and inconstant in adopting these practices into routine care. Therefore, the objectives were to undertake a systematic review of the current oral health care practices of ANC providers and identify factors (barriers and facilitators) that influence the provision of ANC providers' oral health care practices. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative studies were systematically searched within four databases (database inception, October 2020). Studies were selected if they were published in English and conducted in developed countries. Thematic analysis was employed where reported barriers and facilitators from the included studies were grouped by themes and were inductively categorized within a multilevel framework. Reported current oral health care practices were deductive...
This case study describes a needle-stick injury that occurred in a healthcare worker as a result ... more This case study describes a needle-stick injury that occurred in a healthcare worker as a result of handling an approved sharps disposal container. This case highlights the fact that even when adequate procedures are deemed to have been followed needlestick injuries can occur as a result of mishap. It reinforces the need for workers to take precautions at all stages of sharps removal from a clinical or laboratory setting. It also emphasises the importance of not overfilling or physically pressurising sharps containers. A commonsense approach to correct handling and disposal of containers will reduce and may even eliminate injuries.
Our course was originally designed in 2012 and delivered in 2013 and is available to Australian a... more Our course was originally designed in 2012 and delivered in 2013 and is available to Australian and international students. It is Masters by coursework, delivered online and includes 25% research, concluding with a capstone thesis assessment. To keep pace with advances in practice, exponential change in the health sector and evolving stakeholder needs, regular curriculum renewal is required. There are many approaches to curriculum design and many more tools for curriculum mapping to assist in the design process. Professor Romy Lawson creator of the Curriculum Design Workbench highlights that regardless of the tool used, the most important element for successful curriculum design is to ensure teaching team involvement and engagement from the outset. In line with this, our teaching team applied the evidence-based approach described in Emeritus Professor Geoff Scott’s Senior Office of Learning and Teaching Fellowship to inform our curriculum renewal. Scott describes Six Rights to curri...
Poor oral health adversely affects a person’s quality of life. Oral health and systemic health ar... more Poor oral health adversely affects a person’s quality of life. Oral health and systemic health are interlinked, particularly in the areas of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, pregnancy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. More associations between oral and systemic health are being found all the time. With the exception of fluoride exposure, the causes of poor oral health are the same as for poor systemic health. These include poor hygiene, poor diet, smoking, betel nut chewing, not regularly attending health services, and poor social determinants such as low education and income. This suggests that oral health should be handled as a component of overall health, and not as a separate entity as occurs in Australia. Copying Australia’s approach to dental care will result in the expensive "repeat restoration cycle" where teeth are repeatedly restored leading onto crowns bridges and implants. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has poor oral health and arguably the highest incidenc...
Obesity Reviews, 2018
This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has... more This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2000
An experimental feeding study was designed to assess the role of earthworms in the transmission o... more An experimental feeding study was designed to assess the role of earthworms in the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii infection to eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii). Six animals with no agglutinating antibodies to T. gondii were fed artificially cultured earthworms that had been maintained in autoclaved nutrient-enriched soil. Two animals were given earthworms that had been maintained in soil contaminated with T. gondii oocysts (P89/VEG strain); two animals were fed on earthworms, which initially had been exposed to soil containing T. gondii oocysts then transferred through three changes of sterile soil; two control bandicoots were fed earthworms maintained in sterile soil. Both bandicoots fed earthworms maintained in T. gondii contaminated soil died 11 and 14 days after feeding. The necropsy findings were consistent with acute toxoplasmosis. Bandicoots fed earthworms exposed to oocysts but then transferred through changes of sterilized soil remained healthy as did control animals. All surviving animals remained seronegative over the 6 wk observation period after feeding. These findings confirm that earthworms, a major component of the natural diet of P. gunnii, can transmit T. gondii infection. It appears that oocysts present in the alimentary tracts of the worms, rather than infective stages of T. gondii in worm somatic tissues, are responsible for these infections.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2000
Wild-caught eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) initially seronegative to Toxoplasma gon... more Wild-caught eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) initially seronegative to Toxoplasma gondii, were inoculated orally with approximately 100 T. gondii oocysts. The bandicoots were maintained in indoor pens under laboratory conditions and observed daily. Serial blood samples were tested for agglutinating antibodies to T. gondii. Inoculated bandicoots died 15 and 17 days post infection. A rise in Direct Agglutination Test (DAT) titres was detected at the time of death (1:256, 1:64 respectively). Clinical observations, serological changes, gross findings at necropsy, and histopathological changes were consistent with acute toxoplasmosis. The findings indicate that eastern barred bandicoots are likely to die from primary T. gondii infection, often even before detectable antibodies are produced, reinforcing the significance of toxoplasmosis as a potential contributor to the reduction in numbers of wild populations of eastern barred bandicoots.
Journal of Travel Medicine, 2006
Journal of Travel Medicine, 2006
Background: With the inclusion of elective programs, often overseas, in many medical courses, it ... more Background: With the inclusion of elective programs, often overseas, in many medical courses, it was decided that a p re l i m i n a ry re t rospective analysis of health problems associated with these programs in medical students from the University of Tasmania would be desirable. Methods: A questionnaire covering general travel health issues was distributed to all medical students in the University of Tasmania, on re t u rn from their elective. They were asked to complete the questionnaire and re t u rn it on an anonymous and voluntary basis. In addition, student elective submissions were consulted for information relating to their chosen destination. Results: Results of the study indicate that general practitioners were the most common source of pretravel advice for Tasmanian medical students. Overall, 64% of students experienced some sort of health problem of which travelers' diarrh e a was the most common. Most problems were mild and self-limiting, but a number of serious infections were recorded, including acute leptospirosis, paratyphoid, and Staphylococcus aureus cellulitis. Of particular concern were the reports of assault and sexual harassment recorded by several students. C o n c l u s i o n s : Elective programs are an important part of many medical courses. With the widespread destinations chosen by students, it is important that they be given adequate pretravel health advice. Most of the health problems encountere d by students from the University of Tasmania were mild, but exposure to serious infections was re c o rded. It is thus imperative that students take out travel health insurance and that they are counseled on how to avoid dangerous situations while abroad.
Papers by silvana bettiol