The most widespread use of AC electric motors is three-phase induction motors, almost90% of motor... more The most widespread use of AC electric motors is three-phase induction motors, almost90% of motor applications in the industry use three-phase induction motors. The operation of 3phase induction motors generally has voltage imbalance disorders. Voltage imbalance affectsseveral things, including losses and efficiency. This study uses simulation method with the aimto determine the influence of unbalanced voltage on the characteristics of 3 phase inductionmotor and how to secure a 3-phase induction motor when it gets an unbalanced voltage supply.The result of this simulation obtained the smallest efficiency is 56.8% in the voltage dropcondition in one phase and 78.4 in the voltage drop condition in all three phases (R, S and T)with voltage asymmetry of 20% and the biggest loss is 11 406 Watts in the voltage dropcondition on one phase with voltage asymmetry of 20%. In the simulation of 3 phase inductionmotor protection system of unbalanced voltage supply obtained by tripping breaker fas...
It is time for solar power plants to supply electricity to agricultural businesses to avoiddepend... more It is time for solar power plants to supply electricity to agricultural businesses to avoiddependence on oil-fired electricity. Most agricultural businesses find it difficult to get electricitybecause they are located far from the center of the PLN network. The purpose of this study wasto determine the potential and design of PLTS for electricity needs in agricultural businesses.The method of analysis was carried out descriptively by calculating the primary data. The resultsof the analysis on each load requirement show that for a 500 watt load, 24 panels series SP-100-M36 Part Number 53-067, SR-500 - S-12V inverter, minimum battery 4666.66 Ah 47 unitsof Model SMT12100S are needed, 1000 watt load required 47 panels series SP-100-M36,Growatt 1000S inverter, 9333.33 Ah batteries 94 pieces Model SMT12100S, 1500 watt loadrequired 71 panels specification series SP-100-M36, Growatt inverter specification 1500Sminimum capacity battery 14000 Ah 140 pieces Model SMT12100S, 3000 watt load requ...
One of the most influential factors on the grounding system is the type of soil. Each soilhas a d... more One of the most influential factors on the grounding system is the type of soil. Each soilhas a different resistivity. So, it is necessary to add media in the form of additives, one of whichis a mixture of gypsum (CaSO4`.2H2O) and Calcium Oxide (CaO). The purpose of this researchwas to obtain the percentage of the mixture and the effectiveness between gypsum(CaSO4.2H2O) and calcium oxide (CaO) to obtain the maximum quantity of water and to decidethe impact of a mixture of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) with calcium oxide (CaO) as a medium foradditives. to reduce the resistivity of the soil. The method used in this study is an experimentalresearch method. The results of this study showed that the mixture of gypsum and calciumoxide that was effectively used was a mixture with a ratio of 3 kg of gypsum and 1 kg of calciumoxide and the percentage decreased resistance value was 37.93%
This study aims to improve the earthing value of transmission lines which have an earthvalue less... more This study aims to improve the earthing value of transmission lines which have an earthvalue less than the standard value off SPLN No 121: 1996, namely 10 and recommend anearthing system that meets the standards. Theemethodduseddissa descriptive method bycalculating the value of the earthing system by following the SPLN standard No. 121: 1996. Thisanalysis consists of several stages, namely a site survey, measuring soil resistance (R) tocalculate the value of soil resistivity (?) then calculating the value of grounding resistance with 5types of grounding systems to achieve grounding resistance 10 , namely one electrodegrounding system, 2 electrode grounding system planted vertically S > L, 2 electrode earthingsystem planted vertically S < L, plate earthing system, and a grid-rod earthing system. Theresults of the research are for paddy fields using a vertical one-electrode earthing system, thevalue is 7.32 ? with a manufacturing cost of Rp. 857,000, on farmland with a vertical...
Bali has many waterfalls which can be used as Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP). Ituses 2 types of t... more Bali has many waterfalls which can be used as Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP). Ituses 2 types of turbines, one of them is screw turbine or Archimedes screw. Screw turbine isstill rare, therefore a MHPP modeling needs to be made to obtain specific data. This study willdiscuss the analysis of the influence of the Head Slope and the Variation of the Angle of theBlade of Turbine to Performance of the MHPP, to determine the torque, turbine rotation,voltage, current, power and rotation produced by the generator. Best measurement results onthe slope of the head 400 and variations in blade angle 280. Voltage, current and powerobtained by 73.8 V, 148.9 A and 10.98882 W. At the turbine speed before coupling, thegenerator is obtained 596 rpm and 304 rpm after coupling, while the generator rotation is 3863rpm. The resulting torque and efficiency are 0.3492 Nm and 14.16%.
Due increases develop the electric power system, the more effective security system is needed.One... more Due increases develop the electric power system, the more effective security system is needed.One of the security systems is the earthing system at Hotel X Jimbaran. After takes measurement theaverage measurement results of 1.14 ? ~ 2.47 ? at four different location points that cause the flow ofovercurrent or overvoltage to electrical equipment. This study purpose to improve the existing earthingsystem to achieve earthing resistance <1? according to IEEE standards.This research method consist ofseveral stages, first, survey location to measure the amount of soil resistance (R) to calculate the value ofsoil resistivity (?) then calculate the value of earthing resistance according to the type of earthing systemto achieve an earthing resistance <1 ?, including the Vertical One Earthing Electrode System at Depth Z,Horizontal Earthing One Electrode System, Two Earthing Electrode System with S>L conditions, TwoEarthing Electrode Earthing System with S
PT.Wisesa Group terletak di jalan Hayam Wuruk No 199 Denpasar, PT.Wisesa Group mempunya 2 gedung ... more PT.Wisesa Group terletak di jalan Hayam Wuruk No 199 Denpasar, PT.Wisesa Group mempunya 2 gedung dan 1 bangunan gudang dimana daya yang terpasan sebesar 197 KVA. Hampir semua peralatan listrik yang ada saat ini berbasiskan mikro elektronik. Peralatan jenis ini merupakan jenis beban non linier. Pemasangan filter pasif yang bertujuan untuk meredam harmonisa yang melebihi standar IEEE 519-1992. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi penggunaan filter pasif type c menggunakan sofware etap, pengelompokkan jenis beban non linear, perhitungan daya aktif (P) dan arus beban (IL), simulasi pada sistem sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan filter pasif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pemasangan filter pasif menyebabkan kandungan THD arus dan tegangan telah sesuai dengan standar IEEE 519-1992 yang ditentukan yaitu ? 5%. Daya distorsi harmonisa pada setiap SDP mengalami penurunan. Penempatan filter pasif type c yang terbaik untuk menurunkan THD dan distorsi daya yaitu pada SDP 5 karena dapat menurunkan TH...
ABSTRAK Penyulang tegangan menengah merupakan saluran yang menghubungkan sumber daya listrik dari... more ABSTRAK Penyulang tegangan menengah merupakan saluran yang menghubungkan sumber daya listrik dari gardu induk ke konsumen, di dalam pendistribusian sumber daya listrik di jaringan 20 kV seringkali menyebabkan terputusnya pasokan daya listrik ke pelanggan. Salah satunya sistem pengaman relai pada penyulang. Seperti yang terjadi pada penyulang Blahbatuh perlu dianalisa setting relai pengaman sebelum dam sesudah rekonfigurasi yang dibandingkan dengan data di lapangan. Mencari arus gangguan hubung singkat menggunakan aplikasi Electrical Transient Analisys Program Power Station (ETAP). Hasil analisa mendapatkan arus gangguan hubung singkat sebelum rekonfigurasi jaringan sebesar 9.389 A dan setelah rekonfigurasi jaringan sebesar 9.381 A. Hasil yang diperoleh nilai setting relai sebelum rekonfigurasi dari nilai setting over current relay (OCR) pada pangkal penyulang sebesar 271,2 A dan TMS 0,157 SI, sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh nilai setting relai setelah rekonfigurasi dari nilai setting...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2017
Grounding system is one of the components in building equipment security. To fulfill the operatio... more Grounding system is one of the components in building equipment security. To fulfill the operational continuity of electronic equipment in Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Denpasar, a grounding system with a ground resistance of ? 3 ohms is required to be installed. The aim of this study is to find out the characteristics of grounding system to secure the equipment in the building around the research location, with ground resistance of ? 3 ohms and it is expected to be beneficial to use as a reference in grounding system installation as well as. According to the measurement results at the research location, it is found that the soil resistance value is equal to 0.23 ohms, where the soil resistivity (?) is 28.89 Ohm-meters. There are some results analysis obtained in ground resistance value of ? 3 Ohm. Those are 1) grounding system type 1 rod where minimal depth installation of the electrode is 14 meters with ground resistance value of 2.6751 ohms; 2) grounding system typ...
Sistem pengangkat air dengan menggunakan sumber pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sudah banyak dila... more Sistem pengangkat air dengan menggunakan sumber pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sudah banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa orang atau kelompok, namun pada malam hari panel surya tidak dapat mensuplai mesin pengangkat air karena tidak mendapatkan sinar matahari. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah tidak dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan energi untuk sistem pengangkat air tersebut. Solusi untuk masalah ini adalah dengan membuat rancang bangun baterai charge control untuk sistem tersebut. Metode dalam pembuatan sistem ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu perancangan hardware dan software. Hasil dari sistem charge control ini mampu melakukan pengisian untuk aki GS 12V10Ah dengan arus pengisian mengikuti arus dari PLTS dengan rata-rata arus pengisian sebesar 2,065 ampere dan tegangan pengisian yang diberikan 13V selama 2 jam dan lama pemakaian aki GS 12V10Ah untuk membackup beban pompa 60 Watt selama 1 jam 45 menit.
Beban non linier adalah beban yang komponen arusnya tidak proporsional terhadap komponen tegangan... more Beban non linier adalah beban yang komponen arusnya tidak proporsional terhadap komponen tegangannya. Meningkatnya pengoperasian beban-beban non linier mengakibatkan terjadinya distorsi harmonisa Sehingga perlu diketahui perbandingan distorsi harmonisa dan rugi-rugi daya sebelum dan sesudah terpasangnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya, pada penyulang Abang Karangasem, dengan menggunakan software simulink MATLAB. Hasil simulasi pada kondisi sebelum terpasangnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya nilai THDi sebesar 14,81% dan nilai THDv sebesar 0,01%, rugi-rugi daya adalah 0,109272 KW.Pada kondisi sesudah terpasangnya PLTS nilai THDi meningkat sebesar 21,60% dan nilai THDv tetap sebesar 0,01%, rugi-rugi daya meningkat sebesar 3,7237KW.
ABSTRAK Rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino merupakan sebu... more ABSTRAK Rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino merupakan sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengikuti arah pergerakkan matahari setiap jamnya, mulai dari terbit hingga terbenam. Sistem tracking panel surya ini akan mendeteksi setting waktu yang diinput oleh RTC (Real Time Clock). Pembuatan sistem ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu pertama adalah perancangan perangkat keras (hardware) yang terdiri dari perancangan perangkat elektronika dan perancangan perangkat mekanik. Kedua adalah perancangan perangkat lunak (software). Pemrograman sistem tracking menggunakan software arduino. Panel surya digerakkan dengan menggunakan motor servo yang bergerak sesuai input waktu yang diberikan oleh RTC. Pergerakkan panel surya diatur setiap jam dengan sudut yang telah diuji, sehingga posisi panel surya selalu tegak lurus dengan arah datangnya cahaya matahari. Hasil dari rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino menunjukkan bahwa al...
Dalam jaringan tenaga listrik, terdapat beberapa permasalahan kualitas daya yang sangat mempengar... more Dalam jaringan tenaga listrik, terdapat beberapa permasalahan kualitas daya yang sangat mempengaruhi suatu sistem tenaga listrik, salah satu adalah harmonisa. Harmonisa adalah gejala pembentukan gelombang-gelombang sinus dengan frekuensi kelipatan dari frekuensi fundamental. Gelombang harmonisa akan menumpang pada gelombang sinus murni, sehingga akan terbentuk cacat gelombang yang merupakan hasil penjumlahan gelombang sinus murni dengan gelombang harmonisa. Harmonisa terjadi akibat adanya beban nonlinier yang dihasilkan oleh peralatan listrik, salah satu contohnya adalah inverter. Pada inverter, harmonisa terjadi akibat adanya proses switching yang terjadi ketika inverter mengubah arus DC menjadi arus AC. Pada Penelitian ini akan dihitung berapa distorsi harmonisa yang di hasilkan pada inverter sebelum terpasangnya filter dan sesudah terpasangnya filter, dengan menggunakan software Simulink MATLAB. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan filter pasif berupa single-tuned filter, hasil simula...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2020
Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, PB. Sudirman Denpasar has 5 building units (buildings... more Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, PB. Sudirman Denpasar has 5 building units (buildings A, B, C, D, AF). Currently the AF building is undergoing renovation and is planned to be on 4 floors. The entire building will be equipped with the installation of 2 elevator units. The construction of the two new buildings and the installation of the 2 elevator units caused new problems of electricity shortages, changes in safety settings, unbalanced loads, and changes in the size of the main cable and the needs of the transformer and its capacity. The AF building and building A are supplied from sources on the transformer which are joined with other faculties, while Buildings B, C, D and E are fed by one transformer No. 124303818 with a capacity of 160 kVA. The plan to build an Alumni Building does not yet have electricity. Based on the analysis of the design, the total amount of power needed in all buildings in the Sudirman Denpasar Faculty of Engineering is the result of the AF Buil...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2020
Electrical systems that serve the Dean of electricity load, the electricity load of the Departeme... more Electrical systems that serve the Dean of electricity load, the electricity load of the Departement of Architecture, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Departement of Electrical Engineering, Departement of Information Technology, external lighting facilities supplied by transformers with a capacity of 200 KVA. Lately the quality electrical system has begun to decline with frequent interruptions such as the breakdown of electricity to the load, unbalanced load, THD current exceeds the standard, the fuse on the incoming to the parent panel and the fuse on the main panel is often burned, the grounding system resistance value exceeds the standard equipment value, cable temperature exceeds the standard, even voltage rises to 500 volts. The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of disruption of electricity, and produce a new master installation design to improve the system. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the importance of channel separation between ...
Instalasi Listrik merupakan salah untuk menyalurkan tenaga listrik dari pusat pembangkit ke pusat... more Instalasi Listrik merupakan salah untuk menyalurkan tenaga listrik dari pusat pembangkit ke pusat beban. Kebakaran gedung diakibatkan oleh listrik sering terjadi. Kebakaran tersebut diakibatkan beberapa hal seperti : instalasi yang tidak sesuai standar PUIL, penggunaan kotak kontak menumpuk, pemeliharaan instalasi kurang teratur, umur instalasi melebihi standar. Permasalahan tersebut penting diatasi dengan melakukan sosialisasi keamanan instalasi listrik bagi masyarakat untuk menghindari terjadinya bahaya kebakaran pada gedung. Pemahaman tentang hemat energi juga penting bagi masyarakat agar masyarakat dapat menghemat biaya listrik. Sasaran dari pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat yang sehari-hari mengoperasikan peralatan listrik di Banjar Tingkih Kerep, Kecamatan Penebel Kabupaten Tabanan. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari kegiatan persiapan hingga pelaksanaan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai bulan Nopember 2017, sosialisasi bertempat di Balai ...
Bali National Golf Resort has a high level of non-linear load usage. A harmonic is emerged due to... more Bali National Golf Resort has a high level of non-linear load usage. A harmonic is emerged due to a high level of non-linear load usage which was the main problem on the quality of electric power. On the other hand, it is also lead to an adverse impact for the electric power system such as the wave form and voltage were not sinusoidal. Then, in order to reduce it, an active filter could be used as one of the best way. This research focused on the simulation of PID (Proportional Integral Derivate) Controller towards an active filter to reduce the harmonic and MATLAB R2013 software that applicated as the instrument. As the result,the usage of PID Controller on the active filter could reduce the THDi into 1.89% and THDv into 0.59 % as an average percentage at Bali National Golf Resort.
The fires of peatlands on oil palm plantations are very vulnerable to occur in the dry season. Fi... more The fires of peatlands on oil palm plantations are very vulnerable to occur in the dry season. Fires will arise due to a decrease in the surface of the water resulting in the top layer of peatland becoming dry. Manually monitoring ground level is very difficult. The solution is to make a remote water level monitoring prototype in order to be able to regulate irrigation on peat land and make the system open and close the irrigation door during the dry season and when the rainy season arrives. The design of groundwater level monitoring uses a program installed on the Arduino Uno microcontroller.Water level data is sent by prototype via GSM SIM 800L network, 8 level conditions that have been determined from a depth of 15 cm multiples of five so on to 55 cm. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is a detector for water level. Data can be accessed at any time via SMS by sending "Check" to the prototype. The results of the tests performed indicated that the tool can function in accordance w...
This study was conducted to determine the potential power obtained at home with the Balinese roof... more This study was conducted to determine the potential power obtained at home with the Balinese roof pattern when developed with renewable energy sources. Solar energy as a source of renewable energy has enormous potential, especially in Indonesia. Balinese architecture-based roof pattern has 4 fields, the north and south side are trapezoidal and the east and west sides are triangular with 350 roof inclination angle. One of Bali's traditional buildings is Bale Sari, which is a case study with an area of ??32.64 m2, length 6.40m and width 5.10m. Bale Sari's roof has a pyramid pattern, each side having the same length and width. Methods performed in this study with manual calculations to find the potential maximum power. The total number of solar panels used is 234 pieces. With this amount, obtained the best potential results on the southern side, with an average power gained of 667.67 Watt. The results are obtained when the sun is at a maximum warming point or precisely when the...
Penyulang Pecatu merupakan penyulang yang memiliki konfigurasi sistem distribusi tipe radial, den... more Penyulang Pecatu merupakan penyulang yang memiliki konfigurasi sistem distribusi tipe radial, dengan panjang saluran 31 kms. Selain itu, penyulang ini memiliki trafo distribusi sebanyak 105 buah dengan total jumlah pelanggan mencapai 11.800 pelanggan. Untuk melindungi penyulang dari gangguan surja petir , maka dipasang Arrester Multi Chamber pada tiap tiang gawang pada saluran distribusi untuk melindungi saluran distribusi pada Penyulang Pecatu. Pemasangan Arrester Multi Chamber di penyulang Pecatu dengan tujuan, yaitu mengetahui bagaimana data teknis dan kinerja dari pemasangan Arrester Multi Chamber di sepanjang jaringan distribusi di penyulang Pecatu dan mengetahui data gangguan yang ditimbulkan oleh sambaran petir. Dengan penempatan arrester sekitar berjarak 200 m di setiap empat sampai lima gawang , diperoleh kenaikan tegangan saat mengalami surja petir dengan kecepatan gelombang 4/10 µs, dengan waktu sampai kepuncak 10 µs, dimana dengan arus surja 65 kA yaitu 4.147,1831 kV, ...
The most widespread use of AC electric motors is three-phase induction motors, almost90% of motor... more The most widespread use of AC electric motors is three-phase induction motors, almost90% of motor applications in the industry use three-phase induction motors. The operation of 3phase induction motors generally has voltage imbalance disorders. Voltage imbalance affectsseveral things, including losses and efficiency. This study uses simulation method with the aimto determine the influence of unbalanced voltage on the characteristics of 3 phase inductionmotor and how to secure a 3-phase induction motor when it gets an unbalanced voltage supply.The result of this simulation obtained the smallest efficiency is 56.8% in the voltage dropcondition in one phase and 78.4 in the voltage drop condition in all three phases (R, S and T)with voltage asymmetry of 20% and the biggest loss is 11 406 Watts in the voltage dropcondition on one phase with voltage asymmetry of 20%. In the simulation of 3 phase inductionmotor protection system of unbalanced voltage supply obtained by tripping breaker fas...
It is time for solar power plants to supply electricity to agricultural businesses to avoiddepend... more It is time for solar power plants to supply electricity to agricultural businesses to avoiddependence on oil-fired electricity. Most agricultural businesses find it difficult to get electricitybecause they are located far from the center of the PLN network. The purpose of this study wasto determine the potential and design of PLTS for electricity needs in agricultural businesses.The method of analysis was carried out descriptively by calculating the primary data. The resultsof the analysis on each load requirement show that for a 500 watt load, 24 panels series SP-100-M36 Part Number 53-067, SR-500 - S-12V inverter, minimum battery 4666.66 Ah 47 unitsof Model SMT12100S are needed, 1000 watt load required 47 panels series SP-100-M36,Growatt 1000S inverter, 9333.33 Ah batteries 94 pieces Model SMT12100S, 1500 watt loadrequired 71 panels specification series SP-100-M36, Growatt inverter specification 1500Sminimum capacity battery 14000 Ah 140 pieces Model SMT12100S, 3000 watt load requ...
One of the most influential factors on the grounding system is the type of soil. Each soilhas a d... more One of the most influential factors on the grounding system is the type of soil. Each soilhas a different resistivity. So, it is necessary to add media in the form of additives, one of whichis a mixture of gypsum (CaSO4`.2H2O) and Calcium Oxide (CaO). The purpose of this researchwas to obtain the percentage of the mixture and the effectiveness between gypsum(CaSO4.2H2O) and calcium oxide (CaO) to obtain the maximum quantity of water and to decidethe impact of a mixture of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) with calcium oxide (CaO) as a medium foradditives. to reduce the resistivity of the soil. The method used in this study is an experimentalresearch method. The results of this study showed that the mixture of gypsum and calciumoxide that was effectively used was a mixture with a ratio of 3 kg of gypsum and 1 kg of calciumoxide and the percentage decreased resistance value was 37.93%
This study aims to improve the earthing value of transmission lines which have an earthvalue less... more This study aims to improve the earthing value of transmission lines which have an earthvalue less than the standard value off SPLN No 121: 1996, namely 10 and recommend anearthing system that meets the standards. Theemethodduseddissa descriptive method bycalculating the value of the earthing system by following the SPLN standard No. 121: 1996. Thisanalysis consists of several stages, namely a site survey, measuring soil resistance (R) tocalculate the value of soil resistivity (?) then calculating the value of grounding resistance with 5types of grounding systems to achieve grounding resistance 10 , namely one electrodegrounding system, 2 electrode grounding system planted vertically S > L, 2 electrode earthingsystem planted vertically S < L, plate earthing system, and a grid-rod earthing system. Theresults of the research are for paddy fields using a vertical one-electrode earthing system, thevalue is 7.32 ? with a manufacturing cost of Rp. 857,000, on farmland with a vertical...
Bali has many waterfalls which can be used as Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP). Ituses 2 types of t... more Bali has many waterfalls which can be used as Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP). Ituses 2 types of turbines, one of them is screw turbine or Archimedes screw. Screw turbine isstill rare, therefore a MHPP modeling needs to be made to obtain specific data. This study willdiscuss the analysis of the influence of the Head Slope and the Variation of the Angle of theBlade of Turbine to Performance of the MHPP, to determine the torque, turbine rotation,voltage, current, power and rotation produced by the generator. Best measurement results onthe slope of the head 400 and variations in blade angle 280. Voltage, current and powerobtained by 73.8 V, 148.9 A and 10.98882 W. At the turbine speed before coupling, thegenerator is obtained 596 rpm and 304 rpm after coupling, while the generator rotation is 3863rpm. The resulting torque and efficiency are 0.3492 Nm and 14.16%.
Due increases develop the electric power system, the more effective security system is needed.One... more Due increases develop the electric power system, the more effective security system is needed.One of the security systems is the earthing system at Hotel X Jimbaran. After takes measurement theaverage measurement results of 1.14 ? ~ 2.47 ? at four different location points that cause the flow ofovercurrent or overvoltage to electrical equipment. This study purpose to improve the existing earthingsystem to achieve earthing resistance <1? according to IEEE standards.This research method consist ofseveral stages, first, survey location to measure the amount of soil resistance (R) to calculate the value ofsoil resistivity (?) then calculate the value of earthing resistance according to the type of earthing systemto achieve an earthing resistance <1 ?, including the Vertical One Earthing Electrode System at Depth Z,Horizontal Earthing One Electrode System, Two Earthing Electrode System with S>L conditions, TwoEarthing Electrode Earthing System with S
PT.Wisesa Group terletak di jalan Hayam Wuruk No 199 Denpasar, PT.Wisesa Group mempunya 2 gedung ... more PT.Wisesa Group terletak di jalan Hayam Wuruk No 199 Denpasar, PT.Wisesa Group mempunya 2 gedung dan 1 bangunan gudang dimana daya yang terpasan sebesar 197 KVA. Hampir semua peralatan listrik yang ada saat ini berbasiskan mikro elektronik. Peralatan jenis ini merupakan jenis beban non linier. Pemasangan filter pasif yang bertujuan untuk meredam harmonisa yang melebihi standar IEEE 519-1992. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi penggunaan filter pasif type c menggunakan sofware etap, pengelompokkan jenis beban non linear, perhitungan daya aktif (P) dan arus beban (IL), simulasi pada sistem sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan filter pasif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pemasangan filter pasif menyebabkan kandungan THD arus dan tegangan telah sesuai dengan standar IEEE 519-1992 yang ditentukan yaitu ? 5%. Daya distorsi harmonisa pada setiap SDP mengalami penurunan. Penempatan filter pasif type c yang terbaik untuk menurunkan THD dan distorsi daya yaitu pada SDP 5 karena dapat menurunkan TH...
ABSTRAK Penyulang tegangan menengah merupakan saluran yang menghubungkan sumber daya listrik dari... more ABSTRAK Penyulang tegangan menengah merupakan saluran yang menghubungkan sumber daya listrik dari gardu induk ke konsumen, di dalam pendistribusian sumber daya listrik di jaringan 20 kV seringkali menyebabkan terputusnya pasokan daya listrik ke pelanggan. Salah satunya sistem pengaman relai pada penyulang. Seperti yang terjadi pada penyulang Blahbatuh perlu dianalisa setting relai pengaman sebelum dam sesudah rekonfigurasi yang dibandingkan dengan data di lapangan. Mencari arus gangguan hubung singkat menggunakan aplikasi Electrical Transient Analisys Program Power Station (ETAP). Hasil analisa mendapatkan arus gangguan hubung singkat sebelum rekonfigurasi jaringan sebesar 9.389 A dan setelah rekonfigurasi jaringan sebesar 9.381 A. Hasil yang diperoleh nilai setting relai sebelum rekonfigurasi dari nilai setting over current relay (OCR) pada pangkal penyulang sebesar 271,2 A dan TMS 0,157 SI, sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh nilai setting relai setelah rekonfigurasi dari nilai setting...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2017
Grounding system is one of the components in building equipment security. To fulfill the operatio... more Grounding system is one of the components in building equipment security. To fulfill the operational continuity of electronic equipment in Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Denpasar, a grounding system with a ground resistance of ? 3 ohms is required to be installed. The aim of this study is to find out the characteristics of grounding system to secure the equipment in the building around the research location, with ground resistance of ? 3 ohms and it is expected to be beneficial to use as a reference in grounding system installation as well as. According to the measurement results at the research location, it is found that the soil resistance value is equal to 0.23 ohms, where the soil resistivity (?) is 28.89 Ohm-meters. There are some results analysis obtained in ground resistance value of ? 3 Ohm. Those are 1) grounding system type 1 rod where minimal depth installation of the electrode is 14 meters with ground resistance value of 2.6751 ohms; 2) grounding system typ...
Sistem pengangkat air dengan menggunakan sumber pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sudah banyak dila... more Sistem pengangkat air dengan menggunakan sumber pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sudah banyak dilakukan oleh beberapa orang atau kelompok, namun pada malam hari panel surya tidak dapat mensuplai mesin pengangkat air karena tidak mendapatkan sinar matahari. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah tidak dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan energi untuk sistem pengangkat air tersebut. Solusi untuk masalah ini adalah dengan membuat rancang bangun baterai charge control untuk sistem tersebut. Metode dalam pembuatan sistem ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu perancangan hardware dan software. Hasil dari sistem charge control ini mampu melakukan pengisian untuk aki GS 12V10Ah dengan arus pengisian mengikuti arus dari PLTS dengan rata-rata arus pengisian sebesar 2,065 ampere dan tegangan pengisian yang diberikan 13V selama 2 jam dan lama pemakaian aki GS 12V10Ah untuk membackup beban pompa 60 Watt selama 1 jam 45 menit.
Beban non linier adalah beban yang komponen arusnya tidak proporsional terhadap komponen tegangan... more Beban non linier adalah beban yang komponen arusnya tidak proporsional terhadap komponen tegangannya. Meningkatnya pengoperasian beban-beban non linier mengakibatkan terjadinya distorsi harmonisa Sehingga perlu diketahui perbandingan distorsi harmonisa dan rugi-rugi daya sebelum dan sesudah terpasangnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya, pada penyulang Abang Karangasem, dengan menggunakan software simulink MATLAB. Hasil simulasi pada kondisi sebelum terpasangnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya nilai THDi sebesar 14,81% dan nilai THDv sebesar 0,01%, rugi-rugi daya adalah 0,109272 KW.Pada kondisi sesudah terpasangnya PLTS nilai THDi meningkat sebesar 21,60% dan nilai THDv tetap sebesar 0,01%, rugi-rugi daya meningkat sebesar 3,7237KW.
ABSTRAK Rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino merupakan sebu... more ABSTRAK Rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino merupakan sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengikuti arah pergerakkan matahari setiap jamnya, mulai dari terbit hingga terbenam. Sistem tracking panel surya ini akan mendeteksi setting waktu yang diinput oleh RTC (Real Time Clock). Pembuatan sistem ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu pertama adalah perancangan perangkat keras (hardware) yang terdiri dari perancangan perangkat elektronika dan perancangan perangkat mekanik. Kedua adalah perancangan perangkat lunak (software). Pemrograman sistem tracking menggunakan software arduino. Panel surya digerakkan dengan menggunakan motor servo yang bergerak sesuai input waktu yang diberikan oleh RTC. Pergerakkan panel surya diatur setiap jam dengan sudut yang telah diuji, sehingga posisi panel surya selalu tegak lurus dengan arah datangnya cahaya matahari. Hasil dari rancang bangun sistem tracking panel surya berbasis mikrokontroler arduino menunjukkan bahwa al...
Dalam jaringan tenaga listrik, terdapat beberapa permasalahan kualitas daya yang sangat mempengar... more Dalam jaringan tenaga listrik, terdapat beberapa permasalahan kualitas daya yang sangat mempengaruhi suatu sistem tenaga listrik, salah satu adalah harmonisa. Harmonisa adalah gejala pembentukan gelombang-gelombang sinus dengan frekuensi kelipatan dari frekuensi fundamental. Gelombang harmonisa akan menumpang pada gelombang sinus murni, sehingga akan terbentuk cacat gelombang yang merupakan hasil penjumlahan gelombang sinus murni dengan gelombang harmonisa. Harmonisa terjadi akibat adanya beban nonlinier yang dihasilkan oleh peralatan listrik, salah satu contohnya adalah inverter. Pada inverter, harmonisa terjadi akibat adanya proses switching yang terjadi ketika inverter mengubah arus DC menjadi arus AC. Pada Penelitian ini akan dihitung berapa distorsi harmonisa yang di hasilkan pada inverter sebelum terpasangnya filter dan sesudah terpasangnya filter, dengan menggunakan software Simulink MATLAB. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan filter pasif berupa single-tuned filter, hasil simula...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2020
Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, PB. Sudirman Denpasar has 5 building units (buildings... more Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, PB. Sudirman Denpasar has 5 building units (buildings A, B, C, D, AF). Currently the AF building is undergoing renovation and is planned to be on 4 floors. The entire building will be equipped with the installation of 2 elevator units. The construction of the two new buildings and the installation of the 2 elevator units caused new problems of electricity shortages, changes in safety settings, unbalanced loads, and changes in the size of the main cable and the needs of the transformer and its capacity. The AF building and building A are supplied from sources on the transformer which are joined with other faculties, while Buildings B, C, D and E are fed by one transformer No. 124303818 with a capacity of 160 kVA. The plan to build an Alumni Building does not yet have electricity. Based on the analysis of the design, the total amount of power needed in all buildings in the Sudirman Denpasar Faculty of Engineering is the result of the AF Buil...
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics, 2020
Electrical systems that serve the Dean of electricity load, the electricity load of the Departeme... more Electrical systems that serve the Dean of electricity load, the electricity load of the Departement of Architecture, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Departement of Electrical Engineering, Departement of Information Technology, external lighting facilities supplied by transformers with a capacity of 200 KVA. Lately the quality electrical system has begun to decline with frequent interruptions such as the breakdown of electricity to the load, unbalanced load, THD current exceeds the standard, the fuse on the incoming to the parent panel and the fuse on the main panel is often burned, the grounding system resistance value exceeds the standard equipment value, cable temperature exceeds the standard, even voltage rises to 500 volts. The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of disruption of electricity, and produce a new master installation design to improve the system. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the importance of channel separation between ...
Instalasi Listrik merupakan salah untuk menyalurkan tenaga listrik dari pusat pembangkit ke pusat... more Instalasi Listrik merupakan salah untuk menyalurkan tenaga listrik dari pusat pembangkit ke pusat beban. Kebakaran gedung diakibatkan oleh listrik sering terjadi. Kebakaran tersebut diakibatkan beberapa hal seperti : instalasi yang tidak sesuai standar PUIL, penggunaan kotak kontak menumpuk, pemeliharaan instalasi kurang teratur, umur instalasi melebihi standar. Permasalahan tersebut penting diatasi dengan melakukan sosialisasi keamanan instalasi listrik bagi masyarakat untuk menghindari terjadinya bahaya kebakaran pada gedung. Pemahaman tentang hemat energi juga penting bagi masyarakat agar masyarakat dapat menghemat biaya listrik. Sasaran dari pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat yang sehari-hari mengoperasikan peralatan listrik di Banjar Tingkih Kerep, Kecamatan Penebel Kabupaten Tabanan. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari kegiatan persiapan hingga pelaksanaan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai bulan Nopember 2017, sosialisasi bertempat di Balai ...
Bali National Golf Resort has a high level of non-linear load usage. A harmonic is emerged due to... more Bali National Golf Resort has a high level of non-linear load usage. A harmonic is emerged due to a high level of non-linear load usage which was the main problem on the quality of electric power. On the other hand, it is also lead to an adverse impact for the electric power system such as the wave form and voltage were not sinusoidal. Then, in order to reduce it, an active filter could be used as one of the best way. This research focused on the simulation of PID (Proportional Integral Derivate) Controller towards an active filter to reduce the harmonic and MATLAB R2013 software that applicated as the instrument. As the result,the usage of PID Controller on the active filter could reduce the THDi into 1.89% and THDv into 0.59 % as an average percentage at Bali National Golf Resort.
The fires of peatlands on oil palm plantations are very vulnerable to occur in the dry season. Fi... more The fires of peatlands on oil palm plantations are very vulnerable to occur in the dry season. Fires will arise due to a decrease in the surface of the water resulting in the top layer of peatland becoming dry. Manually monitoring ground level is very difficult. The solution is to make a remote water level monitoring prototype in order to be able to regulate irrigation on peat land and make the system open and close the irrigation door during the dry season and when the rainy season arrives. The design of groundwater level monitoring uses a program installed on the Arduino Uno microcontroller.Water level data is sent by prototype via GSM SIM 800L network, 8 level conditions that have been determined from a depth of 15 cm multiples of five so on to 55 cm. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is a detector for water level. Data can be accessed at any time via SMS by sending "Check" to the prototype. The results of the tests performed indicated that the tool can function in accordance w...
This study was conducted to determine the potential power obtained at home with the Balinese roof... more This study was conducted to determine the potential power obtained at home with the Balinese roof pattern when developed with renewable energy sources. Solar energy as a source of renewable energy has enormous potential, especially in Indonesia. Balinese architecture-based roof pattern has 4 fields, the north and south side are trapezoidal and the east and west sides are triangular with 350 roof inclination angle. One of Bali's traditional buildings is Bale Sari, which is a case study with an area of ??32.64 m2, length 6.40m and width 5.10m. Bale Sari's roof has a pyramid pattern, each side having the same length and width. Methods performed in this study with manual calculations to find the potential maximum power. The total number of solar panels used is 234 pieces. With this amount, obtained the best potential results on the southern side, with an average power gained of 667.67 Watt. The results are obtained when the sun is at a maximum warming point or precisely when the...
Penyulang Pecatu merupakan penyulang yang memiliki konfigurasi sistem distribusi tipe radial, den... more Penyulang Pecatu merupakan penyulang yang memiliki konfigurasi sistem distribusi tipe radial, dengan panjang saluran 31 kms. Selain itu, penyulang ini memiliki trafo distribusi sebanyak 105 buah dengan total jumlah pelanggan mencapai 11.800 pelanggan. Untuk melindungi penyulang dari gangguan surja petir , maka dipasang Arrester Multi Chamber pada tiap tiang gawang pada saluran distribusi untuk melindungi saluran distribusi pada Penyulang Pecatu. Pemasangan Arrester Multi Chamber di penyulang Pecatu dengan tujuan, yaitu mengetahui bagaimana data teknis dan kinerja dari pemasangan Arrester Multi Chamber di sepanjang jaringan distribusi di penyulang Pecatu dan mengetahui data gangguan yang ditimbulkan oleh sambaran petir. Dengan penempatan arrester sekitar berjarak 200 m di setiap empat sampai lima gawang , diperoleh kenaikan tegangan saat mengalami surja petir dengan kecepatan gelombang 4/10 µs, dengan waktu sampai kepuncak 10 µs, dimana dengan arus surja 65 kA yaitu 4.147,1831 kV, ...
Papers by arta wijaya