Teknologi metamaterial absorber telah banyak menarik perhatian para peneliti karena memiliki sifa... more Teknologi metamaterial absorber telah banyak menarik perhatian para peneliti karena memiliki sifat yang unik dalam mengurangi interferensi gelombang elektromagnetik pada instrumentasi telekomunikasi. Di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), pengujian parameter instrumentasi telekomunikasi baik berupa antena maupun perangkat telekomunikasi lainya umumnya dilakukan secara outdoor agar didapatkan ambient noise dan interferensi gelombang pantul yang seminimal mungkin. Tetapi, tempat terbuka yang ideal susah ditemui dan tidak selalu ada sehingga dibutuhkan tempat pengujian indoor (anechoic chamber) dengan karakteristik free-space loss condition yang dapat menyerap semua gelombang datang. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan metamaterial absorber untuk aplikasi anechoic chamber. Teknologi metamaterial absorber digunakan karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan diantaranya low profile dan low cost. Pada proses perancangan desain metamaterial absorber penulis menggunakan dua...
Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) is an equipment to detect and determine the position and... more Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) is an equipment to detect and determine the position and target data around him actively, where the plane took active if it receives the RF signal emitted secondary radar. In this study aims (1) to design a prototype omnidirectional microstrip patches array for applications Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) according to the characteristics of the antenna by using the software High Frequency Structure Simulator version 13 (HFSS v13) that operate at a frequency of 1030-1090 MHz and get characteristics of the antenna such as Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), the radiation pattern and gain (2) Implement the design of antenna omnidirectional microstrip patches array into physical form and measure VSWR, gain and radiation pattern characteristics of the prototype has been created and analyzed the characteristics Between desaian antenna with the prototype antenna that has been made. This research method using the rectangular microstrip patches dimensional array to determine the size of the microstrip antenna array patches and simulated using HFSS v13 software. The results of the analysis parameters pacth microstrip antenna array in HFSS v13 Software demonstrate the value of Ref. AMPL his 40.950739 dB, the analysis results pacth microstrip antenna array using the software HFSS v13 obtained gain value by achieving-29dB, and the results of the analysis, the value of the radiation pattern reaches the radiation pattern of 33.28dBm.
2019 2nd International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2019
In this study, we presented a design of microwave absorbers based on double split-ring resonator ... more In this study, we presented a design of microwave absorbers based on double split-ring resonator wideband. The geometry of this design was formed a basic square by modifying angular changes. Also, at the end of the side is a double split-ring resonator. Furthermore, in the cell unit simulation process, the design was obtained a multi-band frequency values with narrow bandwidth. Hence, the cell unit design engineering with a combination technique of angular changes at the geometry edge of the square arranged periodically was needed. The combination preparation of a cell unit design was carried out with a vertical cross technique. Based on the simulation results using Computer Simulation Technology (CST), studio software was obtained a broadband frequency from 1 to 10 GHz with overall parameter $\mathrm {S}_{11}\leq -10\mathrm {d}\mathrm {B}$ and absorption rate - $\geq$92%. It meant that the microwave absorber design of this study had met predetermined standards.
This paper explained the design and investigation of the characteristic structure of split ring r... more This paper explained the design and investigation of the characteristic structure of split ring resonator circular in the parameter of microwave metamaterial absorber in X-band frequency. The result showed that bigger value of inner radius circular geometry obtained the resonance frequency shifted to bigger such as 9.20 GHz to 9.30 GHz, and maximum absorption rate increased from 88.9% to 93,35%. When the inner radius smaller and the outer higher, represented the resonance frequency shifted to lower, 11.13 GHz to 9.94 GHz, and the maximum absorption rate decreased from 85% to 78,27%. In another condition, the lower gap variation affected resonance frequency shifted to lower 9.30 GHz to 9.13 GHz but maximum absorption rate increased 88.64% to 89,2%, thus opposite.
When designing a microstrip antenna, the designers determined the desired parameters. However, th... more When designing a microstrip antenna, the designers determined the desired parameters. However, the simulation software can only give the parameters result based on the given dimension. Therefore, optimization is required to meet the desired parameters. The designers usually do the optimization by the trial-error process. This research conducts machine learning implementation to predict the microstrip antenna dimension. The study focused on rectangular patch microstrip antenna with resonant frequency ranged from 1-8 GHz. The dataset used to make the prediction is obtained from simulation with antenna width ranged from 19-63 mm and length 10-54 mm. There are four algorithms employed: decision tree, random forest, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Among all algorithms, random forest with estimator 15 gives the best result with Mean Square Error (MSE) value is 3.45. From the obtained result, the researchers can estimate the rectangular patch microstri...
No 6. Sebuah potensiometer yang memiliki 15 langkah masing-masing 5Ω dansebuah kawat geser 5,5 Ω ... more No 6. Sebuah potensiometer yang memiliki 15 langkah masing-masing 5Ω dansebuah kawat geser 5,5 Ω dihubungkan seri dengan batere kerja 2,40V dan sebuah tahanan geser. Rangkuman maksimal instrumen adalah 1,61V. Sensitifitas
Teknologi metamaterial absorber telah banyak menarik perhatian para peneliti karena memiliki sifa... more Teknologi metamaterial absorber telah banyak menarik perhatian para peneliti karena memiliki sifat yang unik dalam mengurangi interferensi gelombang elektromagnetik pada instrumentasi telekomunikasi. Di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), pengujian parameter instrumentasi telekomunikasi baik berupa antena maupun perangkat telekomunikasi lainya umumnya dilakukan secara outdoor agar didapatkan ambient noise dan interferensi gelombang pantul yang seminimal mungkin. Tetapi, tempat terbuka yang ideal susah ditemui dan tidak selalu ada sehingga dibutuhkan tempat pengujian indoor (anechoic chamber) dengan karakteristik free-space loss condition yang dapat menyerap semua gelombang datang. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan metamaterial absorber untuk aplikasi anechoic chamber. Teknologi metamaterial absorber digunakan karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan diantaranya low profile dan low cost. Pada proses perancangan desain metamaterial absorber penulis menggunakan dua...
Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) is an equipment to detect and determine the position and... more Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) is an equipment to detect and determine the position and target data around him actively, where the plane took active if it receives the RF signal emitted secondary radar. In this study aims (1) to design a prototype omnidirectional microstrip patches array for applications Radar SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) according to the characteristics of the antenna by using the software High Frequency Structure Simulator version 13 (HFSS v13) that operate at a frequency of 1030-1090 MHz and get characteristics of the antenna such as Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), the radiation pattern and gain (2) Implement the design of antenna omnidirectional microstrip patches array into physical form and measure VSWR, gain and radiation pattern characteristics of the prototype has been created and analyzed the characteristics Between desaian antenna with the prototype antenna that has been made. This research method using the rectangular microstrip patches dimensional array to determine the size of the microstrip antenna array patches and simulated using HFSS v13 software. The results of the analysis parameters pacth microstrip antenna array in HFSS v13 Software demonstrate the value of Ref. AMPL his 40.950739 dB, the analysis results pacth microstrip antenna array using the software HFSS v13 obtained gain value by achieving-29dB, and the results of the analysis, the value of the radiation pattern reaches the radiation pattern of 33.28dBm.
2019 2nd International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2019
In this study, we presented a design of microwave absorbers based on double split-ring resonator ... more In this study, we presented a design of microwave absorbers based on double split-ring resonator wideband. The geometry of this design was formed a basic square by modifying angular changes. Also, at the end of the side is a double split-ring resonator. Furthermore, in the cell unit simulation process, the design was obtained a multi-band frequency values with narrow bandwidth. Hence, the cell unit design engineering with a combination technique of angular changes at the geometry edge of the square arranged periodically was needed. The combination preparation of a cell unit design was carried out with a vertical cross technique. Based on the simulation results using Computer Simulation Technology (CST), studio software was obtained a broadband frequency from 1 to 10 GHz with overall parameter $\mathrm {S}_{11}\leq -10\mathrm {d}\mathrm {B}$ and absorption rate - $\geq$92%. It meant that the microwave absorber design of this study had met predetermined standards.
This paper explained the design and investigation of the characteristic structure of split ring r... more This paper explained the design and investigation of the characteristic structure of split ring resonator circular in the parameter of microwave metamaterial absorber in X-band frequency. The result showed that bigger value of inner radius circular geometry obtained the resonance frequency shifted to bigger such as 9.20 GHz to 9.30 GHz, and maximum absorption rate increased from 88.9% to 93,35%. When the inner radius smaller and the outer higher, represented the resonance frequency shifted to lower, 11.13 GHz to 9.94 GHz, and the maximum absorption rate decreased from 85% to 78,27%. In another condition, the lower gap variation affected resonance frequency shifted to lower 9.30 GHz to 9.13 GHz but maximum absorption rate increased 88.64% to 89,2%, thus opposite.
When designing a microstrip antenna, the designers determined the desired parameters. However, th... more When designing a microstrip antenna, the designers determined the desired parameters. However, the simulation software can only give the parameters result based on the given dimension. Therefore, optimization is required to meet the desired parameters. The designers usually do the optimization by the trial-error process. This research conducts machine learning implementation to predict the microstrip antenna dimension. The study focused on rectangular patch microstrip antenna with resonant frequency ranged from 1-8 GHz. The dataset used to make the prediction is obtained from simulation with antenna width ranged from 19-63 mm and length 10-54 mm. There are four algorithms employed: decision tree, random forest, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Among all algorithms, random forest with estimator 15 gives the best result with Mean Square Error (MSE) value is 3.45. From the obtained result, the researchers can estimate the rectangular patch microstri...
No 6. Sebuah potensiometer yang memiliki 15 langkah masing-masing 5Ω dansebuah kawat geser 5,5 Ω ... more No 6. Sebuah potensiometer yang memiliki 15 langkah masing-masing 5Ω dansebuah kawat geser 5,5 Ω dihubungkan seri dengan batere kerja 2,40V dan sebuah tahanan geser. Rangkuman maksimal instrumen adalah 1,61V. Sensitifitas
Papers by arif fahmi