Papers by anselmo fonseca
A Deus que nos inspira sempre a prosseguir a nossa missão. A todos aqueles que directa, ou indire... more A Deus que nos inspira sempre a prosseguir a nossa missão. A todos aqueles que directa, ou indirectamente, contribuíram para que este trabalho pudesse ser preparado.
Contribuição dos Factores Motivacionais para a Satisfação no Trabalho, 2007
Work motivation is viewed, since middle of the 20th Century, as a main... more Abstract
Work motivation is viewed, since middle of the 20th Century, as a main factor of job satisfaction, also for increasing of productivity and quality of goods and services.
By the ending of a Master’s Programme in Global Management, we was moved by a great interest to research and report about the organization human values, important component of which is the people’s satisfaction level in work conditions, obtained through an evaluation of a great number of independent variables, related to two items – work content and work
The main objective of the present dissertation is to identify in which measure the job environmental variables contribute to work satisfaction.
Inspired into the Two Factors Theory (Herzberg, 1959, 1982) and into The Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci, 1971), we intent to relate people satisfaction to different particular variables, which perform two subsystems – intrinsic or motivator, that includes learning, emotions, work itself, achievement and recognition and; extrinsic or hygienic, that includes
salary, supervision and work physical conditions.
Besides a specialized literature review, we took up two separated inquiries within capeverdian companies, the first conducted in October, 2003, and the second in October, 2007, which allowed specifics and general job satisfaction indexes, correlations and comparative analysis.
We concluded that people are fair satisfied on job, and give more emphasis on work content factors, than on work context factors, but the source of satisfaction is different category by category.
Key-words: people, work, motivation, satisfaction.
A Deus que nos inspira sempre a prosseguir a nossa missão. A todos aqueles que directa, ou indire... more A Deus que nos inspira sempre a prosseguir a nossa missão. A todos aqueles que directa, ou indirectamente, contribuíram para que este trabalho pudesse ser preparado. Aos responsáveis e a todos os colaboradores do ISCTE e do ISCEE, aos organizadores que tão sabiamente souberam preparar o curso de MBA / Mestrado em Gestão Global e, claro aos nossos professores, que além da riqueza material deixada durante as sessões presenciais, nos serviram de elos de ligação com a Escola de Gestão. Ao Professor Doutor Albino Pedro Lopes pela paciência e a forma como soube orientar-nos na preparação do presente trabalho. Aos gestores e trabalhadores das várias organizações que tiveram a paciência de nos receber e ajudar na realização dos inquéritos de satisfação no trabalho e realizar o nosso estudo de caso, em especial aos do INDP, do BCA, da BAL, Lda., do HBS, da Enapor e da Transcor SV. Aos colegas e professores do curso de MBA / Mestrado em Gestão Global pelo espírito de equipa que norteou o nosso grupo. À colega Glória Neves pela gentileza prestada na revisão linguística. O agradecimento é extensível à nossa família pela forma como soube aceitar a nossa ausência durante a formação e preparação do presente trabalho. II Resumo A motivação é vista, desde meados do Século XX, como o principal factor de satisfação no trabalho, de aumento da produtividade e de melhoria da qualidade dos produtos e serviços. Na conclusão de um curso conducente ao Mestrado em Gestão Global, interessou-nos abordar o valor humano da organização, cujo componente importante é o nível de satisfação das pessoas no trabalho, obtido da avaliação a um leque de variáveis independentes, relacionadas com duas coisas-o conteúdo do trabalho e o contexto do trabalho. O objectivo da presente dissertação é identificar em que medida as variáveis do meio envolvente do trabalho contribui para a satisfação no trabalho. Inspirados na Teoria dos dois Factores (Herzberg, 1959 e 1982) e na Teoria da Avaliação Cognitiva (Deci, 1971), pretendemos justapor a satisfação das pessoas à diferentes variáveis particulares que formam dois subsistemas-o intrínseco ou motivador, que inclui a aprendizagem, as emoções, o trabalho em si, a realização e o reconhecimento; e o extrínseco ou higiénico, que inclui o salário, a supervisão e as condições físicas. Além de uma incursão à literatura especializada, realizamos dois inquéritos em empresas cabo-verdianas, um em Outubro de 2003 e outro em Outubro de 2007, que nos permitiram determinar índices específicos e gerais de satisfação no trabalho, fazer correlações e análises comparativas. Concluímos que as pessoas estão razoavelmente satisfeitas no trabalho, dão mais ênfase aos factores do conteúdo que aos factores do contexto do trabalho, mas a fonte de satisfação varia de categoria por categoria. As palavras-chave são: pessoas, trabalho, motivação e satisfação.
Papers by anselmo fonseca
Work motivation is viewed, since middle of the 20th Century, as a main factor of job satisfaction, also for increasing of productivity and quality of goods and services.
By the ending of a Master’s Programme in Global Management, we was moved by a great interest to research and report about the organization human values, important component of which is the people’s satisfaction level in work conditions, obtained through an evaluation of a great number of independent variables, related to two items – work content and work
The main objective of the present dissertation is to identify in which measure the job environmental variables contribute to work satisfaction.
Inspired into the Two Factors Theory (Herzberg, 1959, 1982) and into The Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci, 1971), we intent to relate people satisfaction to different particular variables, which perform two subsystems – intrinsic or motivator, that includes learning, emotions, work itself, achievement and recognition and; extrinsic or hygienic, that includes
salary, supervision and work physical conditions.
Besides a specialized literature review, we took up two separated inquiries within capeverdian companies, the first conducted in October, 2003, and the second in October, 2007, which allowed specifics and general job satisfaction indexes, correlations and comparative analysis.
We concluded that people are fair satisfied on job, and give more emphasis on work content factors, than on work context factors, but the source of satisfaction is different category by category.
Key-words: people, work, motivation, satisfaction.
Work motivation is viewed, since middle of the 20th Century, as a main factor of job satisfaction, also for increasing of productivity and quality of goods and services.
By the ending of a Master’s Programme in Global Management, we was moved by a great interest to research and report about the organization human values, important component of which is the people’s satisfaction level in work conditions, obtained through an evaluation of a great number of independent variables, related to two items – work content and work
The main objective of the present dissertation is to identify in which measure the job environmental variables contribute to work satisfaction.
Inspired into the Two Factors Theory (Herzberg, 1959, 1982) and into The Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci, 1971), we intent to relate people satisfaction to different particular variables, which perform two subsystems – intrinsic or motivator, that includes learning, emotions, work itself, achievement and recognition and; extrinsic or hygienic, that includes
salary, supervision and work physical conditions.
Besides a specialized literature review, we took up two separated inquiries within capeverdian companies, the first conducted in October, 2003, and the second in October, 2007, which allowed specifics and general job satisfaction indexes, correlations and comparative analysis.
We concluded that people are fair satisfied on job, and give more emphasis on work content factors, than on work context factors, but the source of satisfaction is different category by category.
Key-words: people, work, motivation, satisfaction.