andreyanna ivanchenko
Doctor of Psychological Sciences and PhD in General Psychology.
Full Professor at the Department of Psychology, Kharkiv Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” (Kharkiv, Ukraine); address: 3 Beketova st., Kharkiv, 61007, Ukraine; internet sites:
• Member of international editorial board of the Canadian multidisciplinary scientific Journal «Fundamental and Applied Researches in Practice of Leading Scientific Schools» (ISSN 2708-0994):
• Member of international editorial board of Brazilian scientific Journal of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) «Revista Italiano UERJ» (ISSN 2236-4064); Journal publishes articles in all humanitarian/education areas:
• Professor of Psychology and of Foreign Languages (Italian, English and Russian as a foreign language);
• Lecturer of Russian as a foreign language during 1986-1988 years at the Venice Ca’ Foscari University, Italy, on the basis of the cultural exchange within the framework between the ministries of Italy and USSR (in accordance with a provision 24 of the Law 62/87);
• Qualification improvement (as philologist-Italianist) during the 1998-1999 years, executed at the Venice Ca’ Foscari University in Italy, on the basis of studying scholarship obtained (the bursar was offered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italian Government, received at the Italian Embassy in Ukraine);
• Reiki Master/Teacher of theoretic bases and practical techniques according to Ancient Eastern psychological-philosophical tradition “Usui Reiki Ryoho” aimed to reaching the natural-ollistic self-healing of the body (Teacher of the First, Second and Third levels, the studying course was fulfilled in 2002-2004 in Venice, Italy, taught by two Reiki Master/Teachers – Italian and Japanese);
• Publications’ sites (scientific research and work in the field of educational and professional activities):
Scopus Author ID: 57216510903 Publications: since 1984 more than 130 scientific publications: 13 training aids, 27 abstracts of reports at conferences, the rest are research articles and monographs.
Full Professor at the Department of Psychology, Kharkiv Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” (Kharkiv, Ukraine); address: 3 Beketova st., Kharkiv, 61007, Ukraine; internet sites:
• Member of international editorial board of the Canadian multidisciplinary scientific Journal «Fundamental and Applied Researches in Practice of Leading Scientific Schools» (ISSN 2708-0994):
• Member of international editorial board of Brazilian scientific Journal of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) «Revista Italiano UERJ» (ISSN 2236-4064); Journal publishes articles in all humanitarian/education areas:
• Professor of Psychology and of Foreign Languages (Italian, English and Russian as a foreign language);
• Lecturer of Russian as a foreign language during 1986-1988 years at the Venice Ca’ Foscari University, Italy, on the basis of the cultural exchange within the framework between the ministries of Italy and USSR (in accordance with a provision 24 of the Law 62/87);
• Qualification improvement (as philologist-Italianist) during the 1998-1999 years, executed at the Venice Ca’ Foscari University in Italy, on the basis of studying scholarship obtained (the bursar was offered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italian Government, received at the Italian Embassy in Ukraine);
• Reiki Master/Teacher of theoretic bases and practical techniques according to Ancient Eastern psychological-philosophical tradition “Usui Reiki Ryoho” aimed to reaching the natural-ollistic self-healing of the body (Teacher of the First, Second and Third levels, the studying course was fulfilled in 2002-2004 in Venice, Italy, taught by two Reiki Master/Teachers – Italian and Japanese);
• Publications’ sites (scientific research and work in the field of educational and professional activities):
Scopus Author ID: 57216510903 Publications: since 1984 more than 130 scientific publications: 13 training aids, 27 abstracts of reports at conferences, the rest are research articles and monographs.
Papers by andreyanna ivanchenko
The monograph is intended for researchers, teachers and students, as well as for everyone who is interested in the psychology of personality development, issues of spirituality, creative life-orientation and creativity, self-actualization, psycho-somophysiology of health, psycho-energetic reserves of a person, the relationship between the disclosure of his spiritual and creative potential and the quality of life.
To contact the authors: [email protected] [email protected]
В данной книге феномен креативности впервые рассматривается как жизнесозидающая динамическая направленность и обосновывается положение о том, что креативный образ жизни – это не только стратегический жизненный девиз, но и способ пребывания в хорошем психосоматическом состоянии. Установлено позитивное воздействие данного типа креативности на психоэнергетику и сомофизиологическое состояние здоровья человека, при этом система Рэйки (как один из древневосточных искусств восстановления и самовосстановления психофизиологических функций) выступает в роли дополнительного вспомогательного здоровье-стабилизирующего средства, действенно влияющего на организм и экзистенцию человека. Учение и техника применения системы Рэйки впервые получают научное обоснование. Определена психолого-философская база исследования, обобщены теоретические и эмпирические результаты, дана квинтэссенция историко-философских и культурологических сведений из жизни ряда восточноазиатских государств, кратко представлены некоторые факты об их самобытности, жизненные приоритеты и исконные традиции. Система Рэйки, выявленная с точки зрения ее положительного влияния на восстановительные процессы в организме, описана (в главе 3) в сотрудничестве с итальянским оператором-оллистом, психологом Массимо Мадоро.
Монография предназначена для научных работников, преподавателей и студентов, а также для всех, кто интересуется психологией становления личности, вопросами духовности, жизненной креативности, самоактуализации, психо-сомофизиологии здоровья, психоэнергетических резервов человека, взаимосвязи между раскрытием его духовно-креативного потенциала и качеством жизни.
Для контакта с авторами: [email protected] [email protected]