Papers by ahmad thawabieh
International Education Studies, 2011
Academic counseling is considered as one of the most important factors of students instructional ... more Academic counseling is considered as one of the most important factors of students instructional success. Since it orient students to the right direction of the university success and help them to face all academic challenges, especially students with learning disabilities. This study aimed to investigate the extent of the faculties commitment at Jordanian universities towards academic counseling and the factors affecting that.
Educational Research, 2011
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of professional of MIS Teachers in Jordan. The findings o... more This study aimed to evaluate the impact of professional of MIS Teachers in Jordan. The findings of the study indicated that; three-quarters of Teachers, Principals and MIS supervisors agree that the MIS professional development seminars met expectations, however nearly 75% of teachers indicate that to become better teachers they required more professional development. Students and teachers in all schools indicate that limited access to or availability of technology resources, including computers, labs and the internet was a hindrance in the implementation of the MIS curriculum.
Journal of Studies in Education, 2017
This study aimed at constructing a scale to assess psychological stress among employees working w... more This study aimed at constructing a scale to assess psychological stress among employees working with intellectual disabilities, to accomplish that, the researchers constructed the scale and used 58 employees working at these centers to explore its psychometric characteristics. The results indicated that the level of psychological stress among the employees was mid, and the psychometric characteristics were appropriate.
Jordan journal of applied sciences-Humanities Science Series
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على العلاقة بين المرونة المعرفية والثقة بالنفس والسعادة النفسية لدى ع... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على العلاقة بين المرونة المعرفية والثقة بالنفس والسعادة النفسية لدى عينة من طلبة البكالوريوس في جامعة الطفيلة التقنية، والكشف عن وجود فروق في كل من المرونة المعرفية والثقة بالنفس والسعادة النفسية تبعا لمتغيري الجنس والكلية، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطوير أدوات الدراسة، وهي: مقياس المرونة المعرفية ومقياس الثقة بالنفس ومقياس السعادة النفسية والتحقق من صدقها وثباتها، واتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (405) طالب وطالبة من طلبة البكالوريوس في جامعة الطفيلة التقنية للعام الدراسي2019-2020 تم اختيارها عشوائيا، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن طلبة الجامعة يتمتعون بدرجة مرتفعة من المرونة المعرفية والثقة بالنفس والسعادة النفسية مع عدم وجود فروق تعزى لمتغيري الجنس والكلية، كما أظهرت أن هناك علاقة ارتباطية موجبة بين كل من المرونة المعرفية والثقة بالنفس والسعادة النفسية. وفي ضوء النتائج تم تقديم بعض التوصيات. الكلمات المفتاحية: المرونة المعرفية، الثقة بالنفس، السعادة النفسية، جامعة الطفيلة التقنية
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2016
Aims: This study aimed to investigate the factors that affect students' achievement. Stud... more Aims: This study aimed to investigate the factors that affect students' achievement. Study Design: Quantitative descriptive & qualitative designs were employed in this study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Tafila Technical University (TTU), Jordan, during Feb – May 2015. Methodology: The sample of the study consisted of 488 students (219 males and 269 females). The researcher used two methods to collect data; a questionnaire was developed to collect quantitative data, it consisted of 5 sections; the first section includes items for demographic information (gender, academic year, college and students' accumulated average). The other 4 sections were the questionnaire domains; each domain represents the achievement problems from students perspectives related to that domain; domain1 represents achievement problems related to students (10 items), domain 2: problems related to the faculties (7 items), domain 3: Problems related to courses (9 items), domain 4 problems related to test administration (13 items). In order to collect a qualitative data about factors affecting students' achievement, the researcher used focus group discussion (FGD). Results: The results indicated that the following factors affect students' achievement: courses, test administration, students, and faculties. The results indicated also statistical significant differences 2 (P = .05) attributed to gender on the achievement problems associated with test administration, courses and faculties; female students had higher mean in problems associated with courses and test administration, while male students were suffering more from problems associated with faculties. Finally, there are statistically significant differences (P = .05) attributed to colleges on the achievement problems associated with students and faculties; humanity college students have more problems related to students domain, while scientific colleges students have more problems associated with faculty domain. Conclusion: This study is aimed to determine the key factors that influencing students' achievement, the study showed that students' achievement was affected by the factors identified by the researcher; faculties, courses, students and test administration. Students vary in the degree of the effect of these factors according to their gender and the college they study in. The student performance would be improved if the academic institution leaders minimize the influence of the proposed factors and taking care of the psychological factors that influence students' achievement by increasing the role of counseling centers at the universities, providing better environment for assessing students' achievement, faculties must be more fair in assessing their students, Faculties Development Centers at Jordanian universities may need to focus on developing the methods of assessment that used by faculties, and faculties and administrators should advise the students about the factors that affect their achievement and how to overcome these factors. The academic achievement of the students depends on many factors; only 4 of them have been identified by this study. There may be other factors which may have a direct effect on students' achievement, such as; the influence of socioeconomic factors, teacher-student ratio, students attendance in the class, and mother and father education. Based on the findings of this study and in order to generalize the results, the researcher suggests that research should be extended to all Jordanian universities.
This study aimed at investigating the forms and causes of vandalism at boys schools in Jordan. In... more This study aimed at investigating the forms and causes of vandalism at boys schools in Jordan. In order to achieve the objectives of the study the researchers developed an instrument. This instrument was applied on a stratified random sample consisting of (237) students (8.4 % of the study population) .The findings of the study indicated that: students displayed different forms of vandalism and the causes of vandalism, These forms could be categorized into four main categories: communication skills and human relations factors, instructional subject factors, family factors, and school factors. Also the results indicated that there were statistically significant differences (α=0.05) on the vandalism attributed to 11 th grade students.
The aim of this research was to investigate the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learni... more The aim of this research was to investigate the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learning (SDL) among Tafila Technical University students'. The sample consisted of 415 students (205 males, 210 females); representing all colleges and all students from 1st to 4th college year's. They represent 8.3 % from the total study population. The researchers built a questionnaire to measure the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learning among university students. The results indicated a low use of Facebook in self- directed learning (average=2.03/5, while the standard deviation = 0.60). They also indicated that there is no statistically significant differences (P = 0.05) attributed to gender and college and the interactions between them in using Facebook by university students in SDL. The study concluded that: Facebook is considered as the most popular social communication media among students. The results of the study indicated that a few number of students in TTU us...
The aim of this research was to investigate the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learni... more The aim of this research was to investigate the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learning (SDL) among university students. The sample consisted of 415 students (205 males, 210 females); representing all colleges and all students from 1 st to 4 th college year's. They represent 8.3 % from the total study population. The researchers built a questionnaire to measure the extent of using Facebook in self- directed learning among university students. The results indicated a low use of Facebook in self- directed learning (average=2.03/5, while the standard deviation =0.60). They also indicated that there is no statistically significant differences (P = 0.05) attributed to gender and college and the interactions between them in using Facebook by university students in SDL. The study concluded that: Facebook is considered as the most popular social communication media among students. The results of the study indicated that a few number of students in TTU use it in SDL. The effi...
International Education Studies, 2010
Academic counseling is considered as one of the most important factors of students instructional ... more Academic counseling is considered as one of the most important factors of students instructional success. Since it orient students to the right direction of the university success and help them to face all academic challenges, especially students with learning disabilities. This study aimed to investigate the extent of the faculties commitment at Jordanian universities towards academic counseling and the factors affecting that.
Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences
ȪàÑ°S 3 Oó©dG 12 ó∏éŸG á«°ùØaedGh ájƒHÎdG ΩΩƒ∏©dG á∏› 2011 ȪàÑ°S 3 Oó©dG 12 ó∏éŸG 80 á«HGƒãdG ó... more ȪàÑ°S 3 Oó©dG 12 ó∏éŸG á«°ùØaedGh ájƒHÎdG ΩΩƒ∏©dG á∏› 2011 ȪàÑ°S 3 Oó©dG 12 ó∏éŸG 80 á«HGƒãdG óªMC G .O ,äGôª©dG óª .O ΩΩ2010/4/15 :öûae∏d ¬dƒÑb ïjQÉJ * ΩΩ2009/11/4 :åëÑdG º∏°ùJ ïjQÉJ * áÑ∏£dG É°VQ áLQO ¢SÉ«≤d IGOC G AÉaeH ' á°SGQódG øY áÑ∏£dG É°VQ áLQO ¢SÉ«≤d IGOC G AÉaeH á«ae≤àdG á∏«Ø£dG á©eÉL ¢üî∏ŸG É°VôdG áLQO ¢SÉ«≤d á«dÉY ájÎeƒµμ«°S ¢üFÉ°üîH ™àªàJ IGOC G AÉaeH ¤E G á°SGQódG âaóg πc ád'óH áLQódG ∂∏J ±ÓàNG ióe øe ≥≤ëàdGh ,á«ae≤àdG á∏«Ø£dG á©eÉL ' á°SGQódG øY Iô≤a (47) øe áfƒµμe IGOC G AÉaeH " óbh ,á«∏µμdGh ,»°SGQódG iƒà°ùŸGh ,»YɪàL'G ƒaedG øe ,»∏eÉ©dG π«∏ëàdG ΩΩGóîà°SÉH IGOC 'G ¥ó°U ä''O êGôîà°SG "h ,ä'É› (5) ≈⋲∏Y âYRƒJ á°SGQódG øY ΩΩÉ©dG áÑ∏£dG É°VQ áLQO ¿C G :á°SGQódG èFÉàf äô¡XC G óbh ,ÚªµμëŸG ¥ó°Uh ¥hôa OƒLh ΩΩóY èFÉàaedG äô¡XC Gh , §°Sƒàe iƒà°ùe ' ™≤j á«ae≤àdG á∏«Ø£dG á©eÉL ' áLQO ôjó≤J ' »°SGQódG iƒà°ùŸGh ,»YɪàL'G ƒaedG Ò¨àŸ Gõ r © o J á«FÉ°üME G ád'O äGP áÑ∏W ídÉ°üdh äÉeóÿG ∫É› ' á«FÉ°üME G ád'O äGP ¥hôa ∑Éaeg âfÉc ÚM ' ,É°VôdG iƒà°ùŸG πYÉØJ ôKC ' á«FÉ°üME G ád'O äGP k Ébhôa ∑Éaeg ¿C Gh ,á«HÎdG á«∏ch ,ΩΩƒ∏©dG á«∏c ,¢ùjQóàdG Ö«dÉ°SC G ‹É› ' ÜGOB 'G á«∏c ' ¤hC 'G áae°ùdG áÑ∏W ídÉ°üdh á«∏µμdG ™e »°SGQódG .»ÁOÉcC 'G OÉ°TQE 'G ∫É› ' ÜGOB 'G á«∏c ' á©HGôdG áae°ùdG áÑ∏W ídÉ°üdh ,äÉeóÿGh ≈⋲∏Y πª©dGh ,áÑ∏£dG É°VQ ádC É°ùà á©eÉ÷G ' QGô≤dG hòîàe ºà¡j ¿C ÉH ¿ÉãMÉÑdG »°Uƒjh .ábÓ©dG äGP äÉ°SGQódG AGôLE G ' QGôªà°S'Gh ,ÉgGƒà°ùe ™aQ .á«ae≤àdG á∏«Ø£dG á©eÉL ,IGOC G AÉaeH ,áÑ∏£dG É°VQ ,¢SÉ«≤e :á«MÉàØŸG äɪ∏μdG 2011 ȪàÑ°S 3 Oó©dG 12 ó∏éŸG 81 á«°ùØaedGh ájƒHÎdG ΩΩƒ∏©dG á∏› Constructing an Instrument to Measure Student's Satisfaction about Studying at Tafila Technical University
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, Feb 5, 2017
This study aimed to compare between the students' self-assessment and teachers' assessment. The s... more This study aimed to compare between the students' self-assessment and teachers' assessment. The study sample consisted of 71 students at Tafila Technical University studying Introduction to Psychology course. The researcher used 2 students' self-assessment tools and 2 tests. The results indicated that students can assess themselves accurately if they are trained how to implement self-assessment.
World Journal of Social Science, Jun 22, 2018
This study aims at investigating the relationship between predicting personality types through ph... more This study aims at investigating the relationship between predicting personality types through physiognomy on the one hand and through using personality scale on the other. 474 volunteers participated. 3 scales were used to collect data: physiognomy judgments, Abulaban physiognomy scale and Herman brain dominance scale. The results indicated that there were high positive correlations between the three scales. The study recommends using physiognomy as a method to determine personality type as it is easy, valid, and provides fast results.
This study aimed to investigate how students evaluate their faculty and the effect of gender, exp... more This study aimed to investigate how students evaluate their faculty and the effect of gender, expected grade, and college on students' evaluation. The study sample consisted of 5291 students from Tafila Technical University Faculty evaluation scale was used to collect data. The results indicated that student evaluation of faculty was high (mean = 4.14, S.D. = 0.79) and there were statistically significant differences in students' evaluation attributed to students' gender, college and expected grade in the course.
Journal of Studies in Education ISSN 2162-6952, 2017
This study aimed at constructing a scale to assess psychological stress among employees working w... more This study aimed at constructing a scale to assess psychological stress among employees working with intellectual disabilities, to accomplish that, the researchers constructed the scale and used 58 employees working at these centers to explore its psychometric characteristics. The results indicated that the level of psychological stress among the employees was mid, and the psychometric characteristics were appropriate.
i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology
This study aimed to investigate the type of personalities that students had and the relationship ... more This study aimed to investigate the type of personalities that students had and the relationship between personality type with future anxiety and students' achievement. The sample of the study consisted of 304 students from Tafila Technical University and Al-Hussien Bin Talal University. The researchers used the big five scale which was developed by Costa and McCrae (1992) and adapted by Al-Ansari (1997). The results indicated that the most popular personality trait was conscientiousness and the least one was neuroticism. There was a statistically significant difference in agreeableness personality attributed to gender in favor of female students. Future anxiety level was mid and it was negatively correlated with the extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness and positively correlated with neuroticism. Finally, the result indicated that differences involving achievement were statistically significant in favor of female students, and there was not a statistically significant difference in means of future anxiety attributed to gender.
Papers by ahmad thawabieh