The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This i... more The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This increment has to be addressed by an efficient construction process, which includes an adequate material and construction method selection. The utilization of light steel roof trusses is as an innovation which is considered better in terms of cost, time, and quality, compared to a conventional wood roof trusses. This research is aimed to identify the productivity of light steel roof trusses installation. The case study is a housing project in Bandung, which is compared to a historical data from several light steel roof subcontractors within Bandung area. The productivity from the direct observation on the case study is 9.835 m 2 /man-day, while the historical data processing generates 7.355 m 2 /man-day. This different is resulted from the ineffective working time. The ineffective working time covers worker's break time, learning curve, and coordination time. Besides, this different could also be caused by the 7 hours' assumption on the daily working hour. This assumption is not thoroughly achieved due to several factors which are weather and daily working efficiency. In conclusion the conservative value of the light roof steel trusses installation productivity is 7.355 m 2 /man-day.
Bamboo is considered as a sustainable material in the world of construction, and it is vastly ava... more Bamboo is considered as a sustainable material in the world of construction, and it is vastly available in Indonesia. The general utilization of the material is increasingly frequent, however, its usage as a deployable structure-a recently-developed use of bamboo, is still untapped. This paper presents a report on a deployable bamboo structure project, covering the entire building life-cycle phase. The cycle encompasses the designing; fabrication; transportation; construction; operation and maintenance; as well as a plan for future re-use. The building is made of a configuration of the structural module, each being a folding set of bars which could be reduced in size to fit into vehicles for eas y transportation. Each structural module was made of Gigantochloa apus bamboo. The fabrication, transportation, and construction phase require by a minimum of three workers. The fabrication and construction phase require three hours and fifteen minutes respectively. The building is utilized as cafeteria stands, the operation and maintenance phase started since early March 2017. The maintenance plan is scheduled on a monthly basis, focusing on the inspection of the locking mechanism element and the entire structural integrity. The building is designed to allow disassembly process so that it is reusable in the future.
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota), Oct 20, 2017
Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This... more Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This activity then being on growth continuously and exhibit some phenomenon. Some appearence that was seen on this area is about location of commercial activity. The location of commercial activity are not only on the edge of the main road, but also by other roads and scattered in some locations. Furthermore, commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street also look diverse in terms of goods or services types offered and also the arrival frequency of consumer. Commercial activity not only offer goods of daily needs, but also has developed to more complex on a variety of other needs. Based on these appearence, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics and dispersion of commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street corridor. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative approach with the sample used was a commercial building owners or actors/parties running commercial activities in the building and using stratified random sampling technique or techniques with proportional stratified sample of the sample collection.
Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan bagian terpenting dari sistem perekonomian di I... more Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan bagian terpenting dari sistem perekonomian di Indonesia, khususnya Melia Cakes merupakan UMKM yang bergerak di bidang kuliner, yaitu pembuatan macam-macam kue basah dan kering. Untuk memasarkan produknya, UMKM bekerja sama dengan para retailer dalam menjual dan memasarkan produknya. Supply Chain Management (SCM) merupakan suatu konsep pendekatan atau seni yang terintegrasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas suatu sistem perusahaan yang berorientasi untuk memberikan kepastian tentang ketersediaan barang atau jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang tepat. Salah satu bagian penting dari SCM adalah lokasi pabrik yang optimal berdasarkan jarak, biaya dan faktor lainnya. Untuk mengetahui lokasi pabrik dan jaringan distribusi yang optimal diperlukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengurangi biaya transportasi. Salah satu model untuk menentukan lokasi adalah Model gravity, dimana factor- faktor diantaranya: biaya, jar...
The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This i... more The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This increment has to be addressed by an efficient construction process, which includes an adequate material and construction method selection. The utilization of light steel roof trusses is as an innovation which is considered better in terms of cost, time, and quality, com- pared to a conventional wood roof trusses. This research is aimed to identify the productivity of light steel roof trusses installation. The case study is a housing project in Bandung, which is compared to a historical data from several light steel roof subcontractors within Bandung area. The productivity from the direct observation on the case study is 9.821 m2/man-day, while the historical data processing generates 7.355 m2/man-day. This different is resulted from the ineffective working time. The ineffective working time covers worker’s break time, learning curve, and coordination time. Besides, this different could al...
Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This... more Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This activity then being on growth continuously and exhibit some phenomenon. Some appearence that was seen on this area is about location of commercial activity. The location of commercial activity are not only on the edge of the main road, but also by other roads and scattered in some locations. Furthermore, commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street also look diverse in terms of goods or services types offered and also the arrival frequency of consumer. Commercial activity not only offer goods of daily needs, but also has developed to more complex on a variety of other needs. Based on these appearence, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics and dispersion of commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street corridor. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative approach with the sample used was a commercial building owners or actors/parties run...
Papua Province is one of the target areas of national development program in Indonesia. The devel... more Papua Province is one of the target areas of national development program in Indonesia. The development program covers the acceleration of road construction. The issue regarding this acceleration is the frequent occurrence of delay in the road construction project in Papua. This research delivers the risk rating of delay risk factors of road construction project in Papua. The delay risk factors are grouped into project factors; owner; contractor; consultant; design; materials; equipment; labor; external factor; finance and economic; and finance and political factors. Nine risks with high categories are generated from the risk assessment, which are (1) Social and Cultural Effect; (2) Physical factors in the working field; (3) Traffic obstruction within and around the project area; (4) Public security; (5) Ineffective delay penalties; (6) A poor relationship with local communities; (7) Lack of productivity; (8) Change-order by owner during construction; and (9) Delay in revising desig...
Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil 2. Universitas Udayana. Denpasa, Bali.... more Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil 2. Universitas Udayana. Denpasa, Bali. 7-9 Juli 2017.
Situs film merupakan salah satu industry kreatif di subsector perfilman. Industri perfilman tidak... more Situs film merupakan salah satu industry kreatif di subsector perfilman. Industri perfilman tidak hanya sebagai media tontonan bagi masyarakat melainkan juga menjadi salah satu sumber pemasukan ekonomi bagi suatu negara, sehingga dapat meningkatkkan ekonomi negara. Tujuan dari jurnal ini adalah untuk meneliti dari pengaruh situs film terhadap subsektor perfilman Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, strategi survei menggunakan kuesioner dengan 100 responden dari generasi millennial dan Z. Dari pembahasan kami mendapatkan hasil bahwa minat masyarakat dalam memilih situs film online legal sangat sedikit dibandingkan dengan situs film illegal, karena adanya kemudahan akses dan tidak berbayar yang diberikan oleh situs film illegal walaupun mereka menyadari bahwa aktifitas tersebut adalah suatu hal yang tidak dibenarkan.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, Apr 1, 2019
Situational leadership is defined as a style of leadership in which a leader manages to adapt his... more Situational leadership is defined as a style of leadership in which a leader manages to adapt his/her style in order to suit the situation. This situation refers to the circumstances among the leader's employee which could enhance the success of the related project/work. The study is aimed to determine the suitability between the type of the employee and the situational leadership style of the project manager on a construction company. The circumstances of the employee are represented by their commitment and competence maturity level. The suitability result could give an insight to the project manager to enhance the success of their project. This study utilises a descriptive statistical analysis through a questionnaire survey and interview to a construction company in Indonesia. This company is selected because it is one of the biggest construction company in Indonesia. This research observed four high rise building projects which are constructed by this company in 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia. The result summary of the four projects shows a suitability between the type of employee (D3) and the project's manager situational leadership style (S3). In accordance with the situational leadership theory, this suitability could produce a great situation between project manager and his/her employee, enhancing the accomplishment of the project. The company should keep this suitability, if such a shifting happens among the team, a re-identification is recommended. This could help project manager to understand his/her new employee, so he/she could adapt to the new situation and transform his/her leadership style to fit the new type of employee. This could enhance the overall performance of the company.
The utilization of precast concrete pile has become prevalent in Indonesian construction industry... more The utilization of precast concrete pile has become prevalent in Indonesian construction industry. The business process within the fabricator of precast concrete pile includes fabrication and installation process. This study is intended to fill research gap in fabrication process since most of the risk studies focus on the installation process. This study is aimed to identify and rate all risks related to the precast concrete pile fabrication process, followed by a recommendation of mitigation strategy. The preliminary risks are identified through field observation to a precast concrete pile fabricator in Bandung, Indonesia. The preliminary risks are validated using Delphi technique, resulting 22 final risk factors. The final risk factors are rated using risk matrix method. The high and medium category of the rated risks are sling failure; bar-cutter and/or bar-bender machine failure; hoist crane failure; and pile chip defect. Since most of those risks occur on the respective machine, the general mitigation strategies are to provide a backup machine and the frequent monitoring and maintenance. Besides, an adequate standard operation procedure of each fabrication stages needs to be established and its implementation should be monitored carefully.
International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2018
This study is conducted in order to find a set of obstacles in implementing green construction co... more This study is conducted in order to find a set of obstacles in implementing green construction concept in Indonesia. The study objective is achieved through an assessment of a case study of an apartment in Bandung, Indonesia. The assessment was performed using Assessment Green Construction model which was introduced by W. I. Ervianto in 2015. This assessment was conducted through the fulfilment of several indicators. The barrier is identified based on the reason behind the unimplemented indicator. The identified barrier from the highest percentage of occurrence to the lowest are no client demand, cost of investment, awareness, and site condition. The client demand issue could be overcome by the establishment of pertinent policy, official assessment system, and incentives. Contractor should aware about the business benefit of the investment. Further socialisation about several aspect of green construction is required to enhance the awareness of contractor. The site condition barrier should be addressed in the development of the Assessment Green Construction model.
Every port in Indonesia must have a Port Master Plan that contains an integrated port developmen... more Every port in Indonesia must have a Port Master Plan that contains an integrated port development plan. This study discusses one important aspect in the preparation of the Port Master Plan, namely the projected movement of goods and passengers, which can be used as a reference in determining the need for facilities at each stage of port development. The case study was conducted at a port located in a district in Maluku Province and aims to evaluate the analysis of projected demand for goods and passengers occurring at the port. The projection method used is time series and econometric projection. The projection results are then compared with the existing data in 2018. The results of this study show that the econometric projection gives adequate results in predicting loading and unloading activities as well as the number of passenger arrival and departure in 2018. This is indicated by the difference in the percentage of projection results towards the existing data, which is smaller ...
The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This i... more The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This increment has to be addressed by an efficient construction process, which includes an adequate material and construction method selection. The utilization of light steel roof trusses is as an innovation which is considered better in terms of cost, time, and quality, compared to a conventional wood roof trusses. This research is aimed to identify the productivity of light steel roof trusses installation. The case study is a housing project in Bandung, which is compared to a historical data from several light steel roof subcontractors within Bandung area. The productivity from the direct observation on the case study is 9.835 m 2 /man-day, while the historical data processing generates 7.355 m 2 /man-day. This different is resulted from the ineffective working time. The ineffective working time covers worker's break time, learning curve, and coordination time. Besides, this different could also be caused by the 7 hours' assumption on the daily working hour. This assumption is not thoroughly achieved due to several factors which are weather and daily working efficiency. In conclusion the conservative value of the light roof steel trusses installation productivity is 7.355 m 2 /man-day.
Bamboo is considered as a sustainable material in the world of construction, and it is vastly ava... more Bamboo is considered as a sustainable material in the world of construction, and it is vastly available in Indonesia. The general utilization of the material is increasingly frequent, however, its usage as a deployable structure-a recently-developed use of bamboo, is still untapped. This paper presents a report on a deployable bamboo structure project, covering the entire building life-cycle phase. The cycle encompasses the designing; fabrication; transportation; construction; operation and maintenance; as well as a plan for future re-use. The building is made of a configuration of the structural module, each being a folding set of bars which could be reduced in size to fit into vehicles for eas y transportation. Each structural module was made of Gigantochloa apus bamboo. The fabrication, transportation, and construction phase require by a minimum of three workers. The fabrication and construction phase require three hours and fifteen minutes respectively. The building is utilized as cafeteria stands, the operation and maintenance phase started since early March 2017. The maintenance plan is scheduled on a monthly basis, focusing on the inspection of the locking mechanism element and the entire structural integrity. The building is designed to allow disassembly process so that it is reusable in the future.
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota), Oct 20, 2017
Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This... more Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This activity then being on growth continuously and exhibit some phenomenon. Some appearence that was seen on this area is about location of commercial activity. The location of commercial activity are not only on the edge of the main road, but also by other roads and scattered in some locations. Furthermore, commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street also look diverse in terms of goods or services types offered and also the arrival frequency of consumer. Commercial activity not only offer goods of daily needs, but also has developed to more complex on a variety of other needs. Based on these appearence, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics and dispersion of commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street corridor. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative approach with the sample used was a commercial building owners or actors/parties running commercial activities in the building and using stratified random sampling technique or techniques with proportional stratified sample of the sample collection.
Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan bagian terpenting dari sistem perekonomian di I... more Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan bagian terpenting dari sistem perekonomian di Indonesia, khususnya Melia Cakes merupakan UMKM yang bergerak di bidang kuliner, yaitu pembuatan macam-macam kue basah dan kering. Untuk memasarkan produknya, UMKM bekerja sama dengan para retailer dalam menjual dan memasarkan produknya. Supply Chain Management (SCM) merupakan suatu konsep pendekatan atau seni yang terintegrasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas suatu sistem perusahaan yang berorientasi untuk memberikan kepastian tentang ketersediaan barang atau jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang tepat. Salah satu bagian penting dari SCM adalah lokasi pabrik yang optimal berdasarkan jarak, biaya dan faktor lainnya. Untuk mengetahui lokasi pabrik dan jaringan distribusi yang optimal diperlukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengurangi biaya transportasi. Salah satu model untuk menentukan lokasi adalah Model gravity, dimana factor- faktor diantaranya: biaya, jar...
The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This i... more The needs of housing in Indonesia is increasing in conjunction with the population growth. This increment has to be addressed by an efficient construction process, which includes an adequate material and construction method selection. The utilization of light steel roof trusses is as an innovation which is considered better in terms of cost, time, and quality, com- pared to a conventional wood roof trusses. This research is aimed to identify the productivity of light steel roof trusses installation. The case study is a housing project in Bandung, which is compared to a historical data from several light steel roof subcontractors within Bandung area. The productivity from the direct observation on the case study is 9.821 m2/man-day, while the historical data processing generates 7.355 m2/man-day. This different is resulted from the ineffective working time. The ineffective working time covers worker’s break time, learning curve, and coordination time. Besides, this different could al...
Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This... more Commercial activity on area of Seturan Street actually been around since the last few years. This activity then being on growth continuously and exhibit some phenomenon. Some appearence that was seen on this area is about location of commercial activity. The location of commercial activity are not only on the edge of the main road, but also by other roads and scattered in some locations. Furthermore, commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street also look diverse in terms of goods or services types offered and also the arrival frequency of consumer. Commercial activity not only offer goods of daily needs, but also has developed to more complex on a variety of other needs. Based on these appearence, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics and dispersion of commercial activity on the area of Seturan Street corridor. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative approach with the sample used was a commercial building owners or actors/parties run...
Papua Province is one of the target areas of national development program in Indonesia. The devel... more Papua Province is one of the target areas of national development program in Indonesia. The development program covers the acceleration of road construction. The issue regarding this acceleration is the frequent occurrence of delay in the road construction project in Papua. This research delivers the risk rating of delay risk factors of road construction project in Papua. The delay risk factors are grouped into project factors; owner; contractor; consultant; design; materials; equipment; labor; external factor; finance and economic; and finance and political factors. Nine risks with high categories are generated from the risk assessment, which are (1) Social and Cultural Effect; (2) Physical factors in the working field; (3) Traffic obstruction within and around the project area; (4) Public security; (5) Ineffective delay penalties; (6) A poor relationship with local communities; (7) Lack of productivity; (8) Change-order by owner during construction; and (9) Delay in revising desig...
Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil 2. Universitas Udayana. Denpasa, Bali.... more Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil 2. Universitas Udayana. Denpasa, Bali. 7-9 Juli 2017.
Situs film merupakan salah satu industry kreatif di subsector perfilman. Industri perfilman tidak... more Situs film merupakan salah satu industry kreatif di subsector perfilman. Industri perfilman tidak hanya sebagai media tontonan bagi masyarakat melainkan juga menjadi salah satu sumber pemasukan ekonomi bagi suatu negara, sehingga dapat meningkatkkan ekonomi negara. Tujuan dari jurnal ini adalah untuk meneliti dari pengaruh situs film terhadap subsektor perfilman Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, strategi survei menggunakan kuesioner dengan 100 responden dari generasi millennial dan Z. Dari pembahasan kami mendapatkan hasil bahwa minat masyarakat dalam memilih situs film online legal sangat sedikit dibandingkan dengan situs film illegal, karena adanya kemudahan akses dan tidak berbayar yang diberikan oleh situs film illegal walaupun mereka menyadari bahwa aktifitas tersebut adalah suatu hal yang tidak dibenarkan.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, Apr 1, 2019
Situational leadership is defined as a style of leadership in which a leader manages to adapt his... more Situational leadership is defined as a style of leadership in which a leader manages to adapt his/her style in order to suit the situation. This situation refers to the circumstances among the leader's employee which could enhance the success of the related project/work. The study is aimed to determine the suitability between the type of the employee and the situational leadership style of the project manager on a construction company. The circumstances of the employee are represented by their commitment and competence maturity level. The suitability result could give an insight to the project manager to enhance the success of their project. This study utilises a descriptive statistical analysis through a questionnaire survey and interview to a construction company in Indonesia. This company is selected because it is one of the biggest construction company in Indonesia. This research observed four high rise building projects which are constructed by this company in 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia. The result summary of the four projects shows a suitability between the type of employee (D3) and the project's manager situational leadership style (S3). In accordance with the situational leadership theory, this suitability could produce a great situation between project manager and his/her employee, enhancing the accomplishment of the project. The company should keep this suitability, if such a shifting happens among the team, a re-identification is recommended. This could help project manager to understand his/her new employee, so he/she could adapt to the new situation and transform his/her leadership style to fit the new type of employee. This could enhance the overall performance of the company.
The utilization of precast concrete pile has become prevalent in Indonesian construction industry... more The utilization of precast concrete pile has become prevalent in Indonesian construction industry. The business process within the fabricator of precast concrete pile includes fabrication and installation process. This study is intended to fill research gap in fabrication process since most of the risk studies focus on the installation process. This study is aimed to identify and rate all risks related to the precast concrete pile fabrication process, followed by a recommendation of mitigation strategy. The preliminary risks are identified through field observation to a precast concrete pile fabricator in Bandung, Indonesia. The preliminary risks are validated using Delphi technique, resulting 22 final risk factors. The final risk factors are rated using risk matrix method. The high and medium category of the rated risks are sling failure; bar-cutter and/or bar-bender machine failure; hoist crane failure; and pile chip defect. Since most of those risks occur on the respective machine, the general mitigation strategies are to provide a backup machine and the frequent monitoring and maintenance. Besides, an adequate standard operation procedure of each fabrication stages needs to be established and its implementation should be monitored carefully.
International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2018
This study is conducted in order to find a set of obstacles in implementing green construction co... more This study is conducted in order to find a set of obstacles in implementing green construction concept in Indonesia. The study objective is achieved through an assessment of a case study of an apartment in Bandung, Indonesia. The assessment was performed using Assessment Green Construction model which was introduced by W. I. Ervianto in 2015. This assessment was conducted through the fulfilment of several indicators. The barrier is identified based on the reason behind the unimplemented indicator. The identified barrier from the highest percentage of occurrence to the lowest are no client demand, cost of investment, awareness, and site condition. The client demand issue could be overcome by the establishment of pertinent policy, official assessment system, and incentives. Contractor should aware about the business benefit of the investment. Further socialisation about several aspect of green construction is required to enhance the awareness of contractor. The site condition barrier should be addressed in the development of the Assessment Green Construction model.
Every port in Indonesia must have a Port Master Plan that contains an integrated port developmen... more Every port in Indonesia must have a Port Master Plan that contains an integrated port development plan. This study discusses one important aspect in the preparation of the Port Master Plan, namely the projected movement of goods and passengers, which can be used as a reference in determining the need for facilities at each stage of port development. The case study was conducted at a port located in a district in Maluku Province and aims to evaluate the analysis of projected demand for goods and passengers occurring at the port. The projection method used is time series and econometric projection. The projection results are then compared with the existing data in 2018. The results of this study show that the econometric projection gives adequate results in predicting loading and unloading activities as well as the number of passenger arrival and departure in 2018. This is indicated by the difference in the percentage of projection results towards the existing data, which is smaller ...
Drafts by adrian firdaus
Papers by adrian firdaus