This study describes the heart rate and oxygen uptake responses during, and the intensity and cal... more This study describes the heart rate and oxygen uptake responses during, and the intensity and caloric cost of, ascending and descending a public-access staircase. Subjects were initially assessed for their maximum oxygen uptake and heart rate on a treadmill in the laboratory. For field measurements, subjects ascended (N = 103) and descended (N = 49) 11 stories of 180 steps, each step of 15 cm in height, for a total vertical displacement of 27.0 m. The mean oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of ascending were 33.5 +/- 4.8 and 159 +/- 15 beats.min(-1), respectively. During the descent, oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of the climb were 17.0 +/- 3.8 and 107 +/- 18 beats.min(-1), respectively. The estimated gross energy expended during ascending and descending were 19.7 and 9.0 kcal, or equivalent to an intensity of 9.6 and 4.9 metabolic equivalents (METs), respectively (or 10.2 and 5.2 kcal.min(-1), respectively). The caloric cost of stepping up and down a step was calculated to be 0.11 and 0.05 kcal, respectively. Stair-climbing exercise using a local public-access staircase met the minimum requirements for cardiorespiratory benefits and can therefore be considered a viable exercise for most people and suitable for promotion of physical activity.
This introduces a series of five papers describing physical, chemical and biological features of ... more This introduces a series of five papers describing physical, chemical and biological features of Bangladesh deepwater rice-fields. Flooding occurs typically from late June to early November. There were two distinct flood peaks (late July, mid-September) at the two main research sites during each of the years 1981–86, with maximum depths reaching about 1.5–2.0 m. Temperature showed a narrow range, with values for the upper part of the water column during July–October seldom outside the range 29–35 °C. Data for PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) obtained with two types of sensor (4 π and cosine) are summarized, with examples of profiles and changes throughout the day. Water chemistries sampled from 13 different locations at various times during 1981–1983 are compared for: conductivity, pH, total alkalinity, O2, major metals (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe), minor metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb), NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, filtrable reactive P, filtrable organic P, non-filtrable P, Cl, SO4-S, reactive-Si. Overall the concentrations of aqueous N and P may be regarded as providing a mesotrophic environment for algae, but with relatively low N : P. Filtrable organic P was at least as important as filtrable reactive P, with mean values at the various locations from 0.020 to 0.036 mg l−1 P for the former and 0.005 to 0.038 mg l−1 for the latter. Measurements of N and P in the water column at any one time typically gave values (expressed per unit area) slightly lower than totals for these elements deposited in sediments throughout the whole season. At least until the end of September, the upper part of the water column was almost always oxic during the daytime and occasionally supersaturated with O2 in the afternoon. However DWR fields in south Bangladesh (Phaltita) visited on a sunny day in late September had waters which were almost entirely anoxic even in the afternoon: channels were lacking here and rotting rice stems from an earlier crop were widespread.
Aquatic macrophytes formed dense beds in fallow areas during the four and a half months of the fl... more Aquatic macrophytes formed dense beds in fallow areas during the four and a half months of the flood season in all but one deepwater rice-growing location in Bangladesh; these included several types of life-form, but the fine-leaved species, Myriophyllum sp., Najas indica, Utricularia stellaris were often especially abundant. The same species grew inside deepwater rice fields, but at much lower densities. A similar contrast occurred for the algae, although deepwater rice often developed dense masses of epiphytes on aquatic roots, stems and leaf sheaths, when plants were growing in isolated, well-illuminated situations. Two widespread algae, Aulosira fertilissima and Scytonema mirabile, were equally successful on soil in the period prior to the arrival of floodwaters and floating on the surface of the water during the flood season. Other species common during the flood season differed from those common on soil. Most blue-green algae inside deepwater rice fields were heterocystous; the only species not so, but forming distinct colonies, was Aphanothece stagnina. However only non-heterocystous forms were found at one location in south Bangladesh (Phaltita) and a change from heterocystous to non-heterocystous forms was noted at the main research site (near Sonargaon) during late September in at least one year. The water column at the former was almost entirely anoxic, while the change at the latter occurred at a time when the water sometimes became anoxic during the night. It is suggested that differences in ability to tolerate anoxic periods may be a key factor in determining the success of the algal and vascular plant species in the different micro-habitats within these DWR-growing areas. Although diatoms were quantitatively only a minor component of the algal biomass, they became more frequent later in the season when the water became microaerobic or anoxic for part of the day. Navicula confervacea was overall the most abundant species at the two main research locations.
Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree n and P (z) its derivative. In this paper we shall obtain cert... more Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree n and P (z) its derivative. In this paper we shall obtain certain sharp generalization of some results of Govil, Malik and P. Turān concerning the maximum modulus of P(z) and P (z) . : 30A06, 30A64.
SERTA IMPLIKASI SOSIAL YANG DITIMBULKANNYA I. IFTITAH Maraknya perbincangan seputar Syi"ah tidak ... more SERTA IMPLIKASI SOSIAL YANG DITIMBULKANNYA I. IFTITAH Maraknya perbincangan seputar Syi"ah tidak terlepas dari peristiwa politik paling spektakuler yang terjadi di Iran, yaitu revolusi nasional yang dipimpin oleh seorang mullah terkemuka dari pengasingan di Paris Perancis Ayatullah Ruhullah Al Musawi Khomeini (Imam Khomeini RA), revolusi Islam menggulingkan rezim dinasti Shah Reza Pahlevi yang notabene adalah "boneka" Amerika Serikat dan Eropa serta menjadi tonggak sejarah awal berdirinya Republik Islam Islam yang dimotori oleh tokoh-tokoh syi"ah ushuli. Revolusi dengan sendirinya anti kemapanan (astablishment), peristiwa revolusioner di suatu negara akan menjadi kewas-wasan tersendiri bagi negara-negara disekelilingnya, termasuk negara-negara yang relatif jauh, karena adanya kesamaan struktur sosial dan demografis termasuk kepentingan politik tertentu. Hal ini barangkali kurang berdampak signifikan terhadap negara Indonesia, disamping karena kecilnya syi"isme di Indonesia baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas juga struktur sosial dan demografis yang agak berbeda jauh dengan timur tengah, ditambah kepentingan politik ekonomi Indonesia yang tidak terlalu signifikan. Lebih dari itu semua, yang lebih baik atau yang diperlukan adalah melihat syi"ah bukan sebagai masalah baik sebagai agama, ideologi, fenomena sejarah, politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya dan lain sebagainya. Syi"ah harus dilihat sebagai kenyataan sejarah internasional Islam baik untuk hari ini maupun untuk masa depan Islam, disamping itu juga yang jauh lebih penting lagi bahwa syi"ah adalah kenyataan historis yang secara tak terpungkiri ikut mewarnai sejarah agama dan umat Islam selama lima belas abad. Mengingkari kenyataan-kenyataan tersebut adalah suatu bentuk kenaifan, kepicikan dan kekerdilan berfikir manusia, bahkan adalah suatu kemustahilan, mengingkari sama dengan menolak kebenaran fakta sejarah. Maka dalam rangka melihat syi"ah sebagai sebuah kenyataan internasional umat Islam, diperlukan sikap yang lebih bersedia untuk memahami, mengkaji, mentelaah, secara obyektif dengan nalar yang sehat dan hati yang tulus dan jujur serta dilaksanakan dengan sikap arif dan bijaksana, disamping itu juga mengenali secara seksama interaksi syi"ah dengan aliran-aliran Islam yang lain, khususnya dengan sunnisme. Selanjutnya umat Islam harus belajar hidup berdampingan dengan memberikan ruang toleransi yang manusiawi berdasar kenyataan internasional umat Islam tersebut. Artinya : Hai manusia, Sesungguhnya kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa -bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling taqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. (QS. Al Hujurat : 13) Artinya : Dengan kembali bertaubat kepada-Nya dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya serta Dirikanlah shalat dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang mempersekutukan Allah, Yaitu orang-orang yang memecah-belah agama mereka dan mereka menjadi beberapa golongan. tiap-tiap golongan merasa bangga dengan apa yang ada pada golongan mereka. (QS. Ar Ruum : 31-32)
This study describes the heart rate and oxygen uptake responses during, and the intensity and cal... more This study describes the heart rate and oxygen uptake responses during, and the intensity and caloric cost of, ascending and descending a public-access staircase. Subjects were initially assessed for their maximum oxygen uptake and heart rate on a treadmill in the laboratory. For field measurements, subjects ascended (N = 103) and descended (N = 49) 11 stories of 180 steps, each step of 15 cm in height, for a total vertical displacement of 27.0 m. The mean oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of ascending were 33.5 +/- 4.8 and 159 +/- 15 beats.min(-1), respectively. During the descent, oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of the climb were 17.0 +/- 3.8 and 107 +/- 18 beats.min(-1), respectively. The estimated gross energy expended during ascending and descending were 19.7 and 9.0 kcal, or equivalent to an intensity of 9.6 and 4.9 metabolic equivalents (METs), respectively (or 10.2 and 5.2 kcal.min(-1), respectively). The caloric cost of stepping up and down a step was calculated to be 0.11 and 0.05 kcal, respectively. Stair-climbing exercise using a local public-access staircase met the minimum requirements for cardiorespiratory benefits and can therefore be considered a viable exercise for most people and suitable for promotion of physical activity.
This introduces a series of five papers describing physical, chemical and biological features of ... more This introduces a series of five papers describing physical, chemical and biological features of Bangladesh deepwater rice-fields. Flooding occurs typically from late June to early November. There were two distinct flood peaks (late July, mid-September) at the two main research sites during each of the years 1981–86, with maximum depths reaching about 1.5–2.0 m. Temperature showed a narrow range, with values for the upper part of the water column during July–October seldom outside the range 29–35 °C. Data for PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) obtained with two types of sensor (4 π and cosine) are summarized, with examples of profiles and changes throughout the day. Water chemistries sampled from 13 different locations at various times during 1981–1983 are compared for: conductivity, pH, total alkalinity, O2, major metals (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe), minor metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb), NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, filtrable reactive P, filtrable organic P, non-filtrable P, Cl, SO4-S, reactive-Si. Overall the concentrations of aqueous N and P may be regarded as providing a mesotrophic environment for algae, but with relatively low N : P. Filtrable organic P was at least as important as filtrable reactive P, with mean values at the various locations from 0.020 to 0.036 mg l−1 P for the former and 0.005 to 0.038 mg l−1 for the latter. Measurements of N and P in the water column at any one time typically gave values (expressed per unit area) slightly lower than totals for these elements deposited in sediments throughout the whole season. At least until the end of September, the upper part of the water column was almost always oxic during the daytime and occasionally supersaturated with O2 in the afternoon. However DWR fields in south Bangladesh (Phaltita) visited on a sunny day in late September had waters which were almost entirely anoxic even in the afternoon: channels were lacking here and rotting rice stems from an earlier crop were widespread.
Aquatic macrophytes formed dense beds in fallow areas during the four and a half months of the fl... more Aquatic macrophytes formed dense beds in fallow areas during the four and a half months of the flood season in all but one deepwater rice-growing location in Bangladesh; these included several types of life-form, but the fine-leaved species, Myriophyllum sp., Najas indica, Utricularia stellaris were often especially abundant. The same species grew inside deepwater rice fields, but at much lower densities. A similar contrast occurred for the algae, although deepwater rice often developed dense masses of epiphytes on aquatic roots, stems and leaf sheaths, when plants were growing in isolated, well-illuminated situations. Two widespread algae, Aulosira fertilissima and Scytonema mirabile, were equally successful on soil in the period prior to the arrival of floodwaters and floating on the surface of the water during the flood season. Other species common during the flood season differed from those common on soil. Most blue-green algae inside deepwater rice fields were heterocystous; the only species not so, but forming distinct colonies, was Aphanothece stagnina. However only non-heterocystous forms were found at one location in south Bangladesh (Phaltita) and a change from heterocystous to non-heterocystous forms was noted at the main research site (near Sonargaon) during late September in at least one year. The water column at the former was almost entirely anoxic, while the change at the latter occurred at a time when the water sometimes became anoxic during the night. It is suggested that differences in ability to tolerate anoxic periods may be a key factor in determining the success of the algal and vascular plant species in the different micro-habitats within these DWR-growing areas. Although diatoms were quantitatively only a minor component of the algal biomass, they became more frequent later in the season when the water became microaerobic or anoxic for part of the day. Navicula confervacea was overall the most abundant species at the two main research locations.
Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree n and P (z) its derivative. In this paper we shall obtain cert... more Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree n and P (z) its derivative. In this paper we shall obtain certain sharp generalization of some results of Govil, Malik and P. Turān concerning the maximum modulus of P(z) and P (z) . : 30A06, 30A64.
SERTA IMPLIKASI SOSIAL YANG DITIMBULKANNYA I. IFTITAH Maraknya perbincangan seputar Syi"ah tidak ... more SERTA IMPLIKASI SOSIAL YANG DITIMBULKANNYA I. IFTITAH Maraknya perbincangan seputar Syi"ah tidak terlepas dari peristiwa politik paling spektakuler yang terjadi di Iran, yaitu revolusi nasional yang dipimpin oleh seorang mullah terkemuka dari pengasingan di Paris Perancis Ayatullah Ruhullah Al Musawi Khomeini (Imam Khomeini RA), revolusi Islam menggulingkan rezim dinasti Shah Reza Pahlevi yang notabene adalah "boneka" Amerika Serikat dan Eropa serta menjadi tonggak sejarah awal berdirinya Republik Islam Islam yang dimotori oleh tokoh-tokoh syi"ah ushuli. Revolusi dengan sendirinya anti kemapanan (astablishment), peristiwa revolusioner di suatu negara akan menjadi kewas-wasan tersendiri bagi negara-negara disekelilingnya, termasuk negara-negara yang relatif jauh, karena adanya kesamaan struktur sosial dan demografis termasuk kepentingan politik tertentu. Hal ini barangkali kurang berdampak signifikan terhadap negara Indonesia, disamping karena kecilnya syi"isme di Indonesia baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas juga struktur sosial dan demografis yang agak berbeda jauh dengan timur tengah, ditambah kepentingan politik ekonomi Indonesia yang tidak terlalu signifikan. Lebih dari itu semua, yang lebih baik atau yang diperlukan adalah melihat syi"ah bukan sebagai masalah baik sebagai agama, ideologi, fenomena sejarah, politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya dan lain sebagainya. Syi"ah harus dilihat sebagai kenyataan sejarah internasional Islam baik untuk hari ini maupun untuk masa depan Islam, disamping itu juga yang jauh lebih penting lagi bahwa syi"ah adalah kenyataan historis yang secara tak terpungkiri ikut mewarnai sejarah agama dan umat Islam selama lima belas abad. Mengingkari kenyataan-kenyataan tersebut adalah suatu bentuk kenaifan, kepicikan dan kekerdilan berfikir manusia, bahkan adalah suatu kemustahilan, mengingkari sama dengan menolak kebenaran fakta sejarah. Maka dalam rangka melihat syi"ah sebagai sebuah kenyataan internasional umat Islam, diperlukan sikap yang lebih bersedia untuk memahami, mengkaji, mentelaah, secara obyektif dengan nalar yang sehat dan hati yang tulus dan jujur serta dilaksanakan dengan sikap arif dan bijaksana, disamping itu juga mengenali secara seksama interaksi syi"ah dengan aliran-aliran Islam yang lain, khususnya dengan sunnisme. Selanjutnya umat Islam harus belajar hidup berdampingan dengan memberikan ruang toleransi yang manusiawi berdasar kenyataan internasional umat Islam tersebut. Artinya : Hai manusia, Sesungguhnya kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa -bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling taqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. (QS. Al Hujurat : 13) Artinya : Dengan kembali bertaubat kepada-Nya dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya serta Dirikanlah shalat dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang mempersekutukan Allah, Yaitu orang-orang yang memecah-belah agama mereka dan mereka menjadi beberapa golongan. tiap-tiap golongan merasa bangga dengan apa yang ada pada golongan mereka. (QS. Ar Ruum : 31-32)
Papers by abdul aziz