Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó egzóta fafaj. ... more Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó egzóta fafaj. Jelentôsége sok más országban is növekszik. Új szelekciós program eredményeként nyolc akácklónt állítottunk elô klónkísérletek és magtermesztô ültetvények létesítése céljából. A tanulmányban mikroszaporítással elôállított akácklónok fiatalkori növekedését és törzsminôségét vizsgáltuk két klónkísérletben homoki termôhelyeken. Tízéves korban az 'MB17D3/4', az 'MB17D3/10', valamint a 'PV 201E2/4' jelû klónok bizonyultak a legígéretesebbeknek a minôségi fatermesztés számára. A szövettenyésztéses szaporítási eljárás megfelelô eszköznek tekinthetô kiváló minôségû egyedek klónos elszaporítására, új távlatokat nyitva a kiválasztott genotípusok gyors és tömeges klónozására.
A Leuce-nyárak, mindenekelőtt a fehér nyár (Populus alba) és természetes hibridje, a szürke nyár ... more A Leuce-nyárak, mindenekelőtt a fehér nyár (Populus alba) és természetes hibridje, a szürke nyár (Populus x canescens) szerepe fokozatosan növekszik elsősorban a Duna-Tisza közi meszes homoki termőhelyek erdőtelepítéseiben és mesterséges felújításaiban. A tanulmány a minőségi rönktermelésre, illetve tömegfaválasztékok előállítására alkalmas Leuce-nyárasokra közöl új, egyszerűsített erdőnevelési, valamint kor-célátmérő modelleket. A bemutatott gyakorlatorientált modellek segíthetik a Leuce-nyár hazai termesztésének minőségi fejlesztését.
Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) a legfontosabb állományalkotó exóta lombos fafaj... more Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) a legfontosabb állományalkotó exóta lombos fafaj. Kedvezô termesztéstechnológiai tulajdonságai, valamint fájának egyre bôvülô felhasználási lehetôségei révén jelenlegi területe hazánkban megközelíti a 420 ezer hektárt. Termesztési körzetei közül meghatározó jelentôségû a Nyírség erdészeti táj, ahol mintegy 23 000 ha akácos tenyészik. Növekedési menetük és fatermésük mind pontosabb meghatározására készült el a kísérleti parcellák faállomány-felvételére épülô táji numerikus fatermési tábla, amely a táji erdészet-politikai irányelvek indoklásánál is elônyösen hasznosítható.
The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important cro... more The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important crown variables of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus) based on an experimental plot in southern Hungary. At the age of 20 years the crop trees belonged to different height classes. If the volume of the mean tree from height class I is considered as 100%, the volume of the mean tree of class II is 44.0%, and the mean tree of class III is only 30.3%. In case of timber volume per 1 m 2 crown surface, the values are 72.9 and 61.7%. The DBH of trees showed a positive linear correlation with crown diameter (r = 0.942). Additionally, there were also positive linear relationships between crown diameter and volume (r = 0.901), between crown length and volume (r = 0.721) as well as tree height and crown length (r = 0.661). The variation of crown indices is height even within the same stand and indicates the importance of following a selective thinning operation method.
In this study, the growth and physiological performance of four newly bred black locust (Robinia ... more In this study, the growth and physiological performance of four newly bred black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) clones (‘NK1’, ‘NK2’, ‘PL040’, ‘PL251’) together with one registered in Hungary (‘Üllői’) were monitored and compared in a field experiment located in the dry temperate climatic zone of Eastern Central Europe. Tree height and diameter at breast height were measured monthly during May–August 2022, an extremely dry period. Ecophysiological parameters such as leaf temperature, vapor pressure deficit, intercellular carbon dioxide level, transpiration and assimilation rates, and stomatal conductance to water and CO2 were measured in situ. There was a high clonal effect on survival rate and growth of the trees and on the physiological parameters. ‘NK1’ performed best regarding height (1.88 m), while ‘PL040’ (23.76 mm) had the highest diameter increment (n = 16–26). The highest carboxylation efficiency was found in ‘NK2’ (0.077 µmol m−2 s−1), while the lowest was in ‘NK1’ (0.03...
Az akác hazánk legelterjedtebb keménylombos fafaja. Ez a Magyarországon több mint 300 éve tenyész... more Az akác hazánk legelterjedtebb keménylombos fafaja. Ez a Magyarországon több mint 300 éve tenyésző fafaj népszerűségét gyors növekedésének, kemény, tartós fájának, jó nektártermelésének, valamint nagyfokú termőhelyi plaszticításának köszönheti. Ugyanakkor közismert tény, hogy az akácnál igen gyakori a kedvezőtlen törzsalak előfordulása, mely a faanyag megmunkálhatóságát, értékét jelentősen befolyásolja, s alacsony iparifa-kihozatalt eredményez. A törzsminőség javítására, valamint a fatermés fokozására nagyszabású kutatómunka indult az 1960-as években az Erdészeti Tudományos Intézetben. A szelekciós nemesítési munka eredményként nagyszámú akácfajtát állítottak elő. Ezek egyike a ’Nyírségi’ akác, mely az ország számos fajta-összehasonlító kísérletében található meg. A fajtával összefüggő több évtizedes kutató-fejlesztő munka eredményeit összefoglaló tudományos igényességű munka mindez ideig nem jelent meg, így jelen tanulmány hézagpótlóként járulhat hozzá a szelektált akácfajták terme...
Robinia pseudoacacia L. (commonly known as black locust) is an economically and environmentally i... more Robinia pseudoacacia L. (commonly known as black locust) is an economically and environmentally important plant, native to the eastern USA, and introduced into several European countries, including Hungary. An early successional leguminous tree, the black locust is characterized by tolerance to degraded sites, rapid growth rate, dense and rot-resistant wood, and heavy flowering. Due to its economic potential and environmental impact, the historic Hungarian breeding strategy targeted not only increased wood production but also in wood and honey-production quality. However, because many important features of the species are under polygenic control, genome-wide genetic data provided by high-throughput sequencing technology could make possible the identification of gene variants with identifiable functional effects on complex traits. Furthermore, the evaluation of the breeding efforts carried out so far would be also achievable, by comparing bred/selected genotypes with those from the o...
Alley cropping is a specific agroforestry system, which is regarded as sustainable land use manag... more Alley cropping is a specific agroforestry system, which is regarded as sustainable land use management, that could play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Despite its appealing attributes, farmers’ up-take of the system is slow in temperate regions. This study aims to contribute to scaling-up agroforestry through a case study in Hungary and to help to design productive alley cropping systems. We investigated which tree planting pattern of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) results in the most productive alley cropping system when intercropped with triticale (x Triticosecale W.) by statistically analysing the yields of the intercrop and of the trees in nine different layouts and by calculating land equivalent ratios (LER). There was significant difference between the treatments both in triticale and black locust yields. The more trees planted on a hectare, the higher the volume of the stand, and the less yield of triticale was observed, although the latte...
In the context of global change, the integration of non-native tree (NNT) species into European f... more In the context of global change, the integration of non-native tree (NNT) species into European forestry is increasingly being discussed. The ecological consequences of increasing use or spread of NNTs in European forests are highly uncertain, as the scientific evidence is either constraint to results from case studies with limited spatial extent, or concerns global assessments that lack focus on European NNTs. For either case, generalisations on European NNTs are challenging to draw. Here we compile data on the impacts of seven important NNTs (Acacia dealbata, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus globulus, Prunus serotina, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus rubra, Robinia pseudoacacia) on physical and chemical soil properties and diversity attributes in Europe, and summarise commonalities and differences. From a total of 103 publications considered, studies on diversity attributes were overall more frequent than studies on soil properties. The effects on soil properties varied greatly among...
Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in... more Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century the significance of the seed source origin for their economic use was recognized, resulting in the establishment of numerous provenance trials at a national, regional, European and International level, as those led by IUFRO. Breeding programs have also been launched in the continent for the most economically important species. Aim of this work is the formulation of provenance recommendations for planting of five non-native tree species in Europe (Douglas fir, grand fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black locust), based on the information obtained from twenty countries, in the frame of the EU FP-1403 NNEXT Cost Action. The survey revealed that official and non-official national recommendations, based on provenance research results, have been elaborated and followed at a different level and extend for the above five species, but only for Douglas fir...
The forest stand is defined as a group of trees occupying a specific area, which is sufficiently ... more The forest stand is defined as a group of trees occupying a specific area, which is sufficiently uniform in species composition, age arrangement and condition as to be distinguishable from the forest on adjoining areas. It represents the unit for which one and the same silvicultural treatment is prescribed. Quantitative information about stand or forest compartments, therefore, relates directly to silvicultural and management decisions. Stand measurements provide information about age, mean diameter, mean and top height, stand density, stand mixture and stand composition, volume and biomass, site index, site class or yield class, present and future growth, stand quality and vitality as well as yield (Bell and Dilworth, 1990; Laar and Akca, 2007; Veperdi, 2011). Point (angle count) sampling is a method of selecting trees to be tallied on the basis of their sizes rather than by their frequency of occurrence. Sample points, somewhat analogous to plot centers, are located within a fores...
For non-native tree species with an origin outside of Europe a detailed compilation of enemy spec... more For non-native tree species with an origin outside of Europe a detailed compilation of enemy species including the severity of their attack is lacking up to now. We collected information on native and non-native species attacking non-native trees, i.e. type, extent and time of first observation of damage for 23 important non-native trees in 27 European countries. Our database includes about 2300 synthesised attack records (synthesised per biotic threat, tree and country) from over 800 species. Insects (49%) and fungi (45%) are the main observed biotic threats, but also arachnids, bacteria including phytoplasmas, mammals, nematodes, plants and viruses have been recorded. This information will be valuable to identify patterns and drivers of attacks, and trees with a lower current health risk to be considered for planting. In addition, our database will provide a baseline to which future impacts on non-native tree species could be compared with and thus will allow to analyse temporal t...
The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important cro... more The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important crown variables of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus) based on an experimental plot in southern Hungary. At the age of 20 years the crop trees belonged to different height classes. If the volume of the mean tree from height class I is considered as 100%, the volume of the mean tree of class II is 44.0%, and the mean tree of class III is only 30.3%. In case of timber volume per 1 m2 crown surface, the values are 72.9 and 61.7%. The DBH of trees showed a positive linear correlation with crown diameter (r = 0.942). Additionally, there were also positive linear relationships between crown diameter and volume (r = 0.901), between crown length and volume (r = 0.721) as well as tree height and crown length (r = 0.661). The variation of crown indices is height even within the same stand and indicates the importance of following a selective thinning operation method.
Agroforestry is a key element amongst the tools fighting today's challenges, such as environmenta... more Agroforestry is a key element amongst the tools fighting today's challenges, such as environmental issues, climate change, food safety and food security. It is a common agricultural practice in many countries of the developing world, whereas it has nearly faded away in most of the world's developed countries. In the past 40 years of agroforestry research it has been clarified that the role of trees in the landscape as well as in the farm scale is essential to maintain a healthy environment and it can be an economically viable practice in the long term, given careful planning. These complex agricultural systems address several Sustainable Development Goals, offer countless ecosystem services and are expected to get more attention and role in the future of world's agriculture. In the European Union, the Common Agricultural Policy firstly had played a negative effect on trees in the land, as it had encouraged farmers to eliminate them in order to qualify for subsidies, until in the last call it was encouraging farmers by subsidizing the establishment of agroforestry systems. Today's task is to reserve agroforestry systems which have remained (e.g., wood pastures, shelterbelts); conduct research to answer ecological, economical and management questions; establish demonstartion sites and disseminate knowledge on agroforestry systems. The Monpellier Declaration calls all stakeholders for action.
In Hungary black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is considered as an important exotic stand-form... more In Hungary black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is considered as an important exotic stand-forming tree species growing mostly under unfavourable ecological conditions for forest management. Due to climate change effects its importance is increasing in many other countries, too. As a result of a selection programme new black locust clones were tested in clone trials. Juvenile growth and the morphological as well as phenological traits of four micropropagated black locust clones were evaluated in central Hungary under dry site conditions. Significant differences (P<5%) were found for DBH and field survival rate values. At age of 7 the clone R.p. 'Bácska' ('KH 56A 2/5') appears to be especially promising for mass propagation. Tissue culture can be considered as a suitable tool for propagating superior individuals and offers new prospects for the rapid cloning of selected genotypes used for plantation forestry. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) / clone trial / juvenile growth / micropropagation Kivonat-Mikroszaporított fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) klónok fiatalkori növekedése és morfológiai jellemzői száraz termőhelyeken. Magyarországon a fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) fontos állományalkotó egzóta fafaj, főként az erdőgazdálkodás számára kedvezőtlen termőhelyeken. A klímaváltozás hatásai miatt a fafaj jelentősége folyamatosan növekszik több más országban is. Egy szelekciós program eredményeként új akác klónokat állítottunk elő klónkísérletek létesítése céljából. Jelen tanulmányban négy mikroszaporítással előállított akác klónt értékeltünk fiatalkori növekedésük, továbbá morfológiai és fenológiai jellemzőik alapján Közép-Magyarországon száraz termőhelyi viszonyok között. Szignifikáns különbséget (P<5%) találtunk a mellmagassági átmérő és a megmaradási értékek tekintetében. 7 éves korban az R.p. 'Bácska' ('KH 56A 2/5') klón különösen ígéretesnek tűnik a tömegszaporításra. A szövettenyésztéses szaporítási eljárás megfelelő eszköznek tekinthető az ültetvényes fatermesztés területén kiváló minőségű egyedek klónos elszaporítására, új távlatokat nyújtva ezzel a kiválasztott genotípusok gyors klónozására. Fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) / klónkísérlet / fiatalkori növekedés / mikroszaporítás
Background and purpose: White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its most important natural hybrid, the... more Background and purpose: White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its most important natural hybrid, the grey poplar (Populus x canescens SM.) are native tree species in Hungary, covering 3.2% of the forested area. Thanks to their favourite silvicultural and growth characteristics as well as the wood utilization possibilities, their present area is increasing continuously. The most important task ahead of Hungarian poplar growers is to improve the quality and to increase the quantity of poplar stands for wood production. To determine their growth rate and yield as exactly as possible, a yield table has been constructed which is based on the currently applied silvicultural practice. Material and methods: Chapman-Richards function with three parameters was successfully used as a growth function for constructing the height growth model. The white poplar yield table was constructed from data gathered on 50 permanent and 40 temporary plots (cca. 500-1000 m 2). The age of the stands varied between 5 and 45 years. In the course of the stand surveys the key stand characteristics were measured, and then, on the basis of data collected, were calculated such major stand structure features as the average height, diameter (DBH), volume, basal area and stem number given separately for the main (remaining), secondary (removal) and total stands per hectare. Results and conclusion: The numerical (tabulated) yield table of normative nature presents data given to six yield classes (base age: 25 years) including the most im-Original scientific paper portant stand structural and yield features expressing in terms of main stand, removing stand (which can be removed in tending operations) and the total stand. It is based on the Hungarian applied tending operations' practice. The published yield table has already been utilized in the field of the relevant forest inventory as well.
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Hungar... more Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Hungary, covering approximately 23% of the forested land and providing 25% of the annual timber output of the country. One third of these black locust stands are high forests (planted with seedlings) and the remainder coppices. According to the forestry regulations black locust stands can be regenerated both by root suckers and with seedlings in Hungary. This study investigates the influence of different regeneration methods on wood production, stem quality and health. Properly managed regeneration from root suckers produced a higher yield than regeneration from seedlings at a harvest age of 35-37 years. The results show that regeneration of black locust stands from root suckers can be recommended on good and medium quality sites without a decrease in yield or stem quality. Robinia pseudoacacia L. / regeneration methods / yield / health condition Kivonat-Különböző felújítási módok hatása akácosok hozamára: esettanulmány. Az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó fafaj Magyarországon, az erdőterület mintegy 23%-át borítja és az ország éves faanyag-termelésének 25%-át adja. Ezen akácállományok egyharmada szálerdő (mageredetű), a maradék pedig sarj eredetű. Magyarországon a szakmai előírások értelmében az akácosok magról és gyökérsarjról újíthatók fel. A dolgozat különböző felújítási módoknak a fatermésre, a törzsminőségre, illetve a fák egészségi állapotára gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A számított adatok szerint a gyökérsarjról történő szakszerű és gondos felújítás a 35-37 éves véghasználati korban magasabb hozamot eredményezett, mint a magról történő felújítás. A vizsgálati eredmények alapján az akácosok gyökérsarjról történő felújítása elsősorban a jó és közepes termőhelyeken ajánlott a fatermés csökkenése nélkül.
ABSTRACT In Hungary, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important exotic s... more ABSTRACT In Hungary, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important exotic species, forming entire stands. Its importance is increasing in many other countries. As a result of a new selection program eight black locust clones have been improved for establishing clone trials and a seed orchard. In this study juvenile growth and stem quality of micropropagated clones of black locust were evaluated on a marginal site in central Hungary. At ten years old, the clones ‘MB17D3/4’ and ‘PV201E2/4’ appeared to be especially promising for high quality wood production under arid hydrological conditions. A tissue culture method can be considered a suitable tool of propagating superior individual trees and offers new prospects for the rapid cloning of selected genotypes.
White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its natural hybrid, grey poplar (Populus x canescens) are nati... more White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its natural hybrid, grey poplar (Populus x canescens) are native stand-forming tree species in Hungary, covering 3.4 per cent of the forested area (64 000 ha). More than 70 per cent of their stands and plantations can be found on calcareous sandy sites in the Danube–Tisza region, so they play a significant role in the poplar growing of this part of the country. One of the most important tasks ahead of Hungarian poplar growers is to improve the quality of poplar stands and plantations for wood production based on selecting relatively drought-tolerant clones and cultivars. In the paper the juvenile growth and the morphological characteristics of four micropropagated white poplar clones have been evaluated on a marginal site in central Hungary. The clones 'H-337' (P. alba x P. grandidentata) and 'H-384' (P. alba x P. grandidentata) appear to be especially promising for quality wood production under arid hydrological conditions.
Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó egzóta fafaj. ... more Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó egzóta fafaj. Jelentôsége sok más országban is növekszik. Új szelekciós program eredményeként nyolc akácklónt állítottunk elô klónkísérletek és magtermesztô ültetvények létesítése céljából. A tanulmányban mikroszaporítással elôállított akácklónok fiatalkori növekedését és törzsminôségét vizsgáltuk két klónkísérletben homoki termôhelyeken. Tízéves korban az 'MB17D3/4', az 'MB17D3/10', valamint a 'PV 201E2/4' jelû klónok bizonyultak a legígéretesebbeknek a minôségi fatermesztés számára. A szövettenyésztéses szaporítási eljárás megfelelô eszköznek tekinthetô kiváló minôségû egyedek klónos elszaporítására, új távlatokat nyitva a kiválasztott genotípusok gyors és tömeges klónozására.
A Leuce-nyárak, mindenekelőtt a fehér nyár (Populus alba) és természetes hibridje, a szürke nyár ... more A Leuce-nyárak, mindenekelőtt a fehér nyár (Populus alba) és természetes hibridje, a szürke nyár (Populus x canescens) szerepe fokozatosan növekszik elsősorban a Duna-Tisza közi meszes homoki termőhelyek erdőtelepítéseiben és mesterséges felújításaiban. A tanulmány a minőségi rönktermelésre, illetve tömegfaválasztékok előállítására alkalmas Leuce-nyárasokra közöl új, egyszerűsített erdőnevelési, valamint kor-célátmérő modelleket. A bemutatott gyakorlatorientált modellek segíthetik a Leuce-nyár hazai termesztésének minőségi fejlesztését.
Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) a legfontosabb állományalkotó exóta lombos fafaj... more Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) a legfontosabb állományalkotó exóta lombos fafaj. Kedvezô termesztéstechnológiai tulajdonságai, valamint fájának egyre bôvülô felhasználási lehetôségei révén jelenlegi területe hazánkban megközelíti a 420 ezer hektárt. Termesztési körzetei közül meghatározó jelentôségû a Nyírség erdészeti táj, ahol mintegy 23 000 ha akácos tenyészik. Növekedési menetük és fatermésük mind pontosabb meghatározására készült el a kísérleti parcellák faállomány-felvételére épülô táji numerikus fatermési tábla, amely a táji erdészet-politikai irányelvek indoklásánál is elônyösen hasznosítható.
The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important cro... more The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important crown variables of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus) based on an experimental plot in southern Hungary. At the age of 20 years the crop trees belonged to different height classes. If the volume of the mean tree from height class I is considered as 100%, the volume of the mean tree of class II is 44.0%, and the mean tree of class III is only 30.3%. In case of timber volume per 1 m 2 crown surface, the values are 72.9 and 61.7%. The DBH of trees showed a positive linear correlation with crown diameter (r = 0.942). Additionally, there were also positive linear relationships between crown diameter and volume (r = 0.901), between crown length and volume (r = 0.721) as well as tree height and crown length (r = 0.661). The variation of crown indices is height even within the same stand and indicates the importance of following a selective thinning operation method.
In this study, the growth and physiological performance of four newly bred black locust (Robinia ... more In this study, the growth and physiological performance of four newly bred black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) clones (‘NK1’, ‘NK2’, ‘PL040’, ‘PL251’) together with one registered in Hungary (‘Üllői’) were monitored and compared in a field experiment located in the dry temperate climatic zone of Eastern Central Europe. Tree height and diameter at breast height were measured monthly during May–August 2022, an extremely dry period. Ecophysiological parameters such as leaf temperature, vapor pressure deficit, intercellular carbon dioxide level, transpiration and assimilation rates, and stomatal conductance to water and CO2 were measured in situ. There was a high clonal effect on survival rate and growth of the trees and on the physiological parameters. ‘NK1’ performed best regarding height (1.88 m), while ‘PL040’ (23.76 mm) had the highest diameter increment (n = 16–26). The highest carboxylation efficiency was found in ‘NK2’ (0.077 µmol m−2 s−1), while the lowest was in ‘NK1’ (0.03...
Az akác hazánk legelterjedtebb keménylombos fafaja. Ez a Magyarországon több mint 300 éve tenyész... more Az akác hazánk legelterjedtebb keménylombos fafaja. Ez a Magyarországon több mint 300 éve tenyésző fafaj népszerűségét gyors növekedésének, kemény, tartós fájának, jó nektártermelésének, valamint nagyfokú termőhelyi plaszticításának köszönheti. Ugyanakkor közismert tény, hogy az akácnál igen gyakori a kedvezőtlen törzsalak előfordulása, mely a faanyag megmunkálhatóságát, értékét jelentősen befolyásolja, s alacsony iparifa-kihozatalt eredményez. A törzsminőség javítására, valamint a fatermés fokozására nagyszabású kutatómunka indult az 1960-as években az Erdészeti Tudományos Intézetben. A szelekciós nemesítési munka eredményként nagyszámú akácfajtát állítottak elő. Ezek egyike a ’Nyírségi’ akác, mely az ország számos fajta-összehasonlító kísérletében található meg. A fajtával összefüggő több évtizedes kutató-fejlesztő munka eredményeit összefoglaló tudományos igényességű munka mindez ideig nem jelent meg, így jelen tanulmány hézagpótlóként járulhat hozzá a szelektált akácfajták terme...
Robinia pseudoacacia L. (commonly known as black locust) is an economically and environmentally i... more Robinia pseudoacacia L. (commonly known as black locust) is an economically and environmentally important plant, native to the eastern USA, and introduced into several European countries, including Hungary. An early successional leguminous tree, the black locust is characterized by tolerance to degraded sites, rapid growth rate, dense and rot-resistant wood, and heavy flowering. Due to its economic potential and environmental impact, the historic Hungarian breeding strategy targeted not only increased wood production but also in wood and honey-production quality. However, because many important features of the species are under polygenic control, genome-wide genetic data provided by high-throughput sequencing technology could make possible the identification of gene variants with identifiable functional effects on complex traits. Furthermore, the evaluation of the breeding efforts carried out so far would be also achievable, by comparing bred/selected genotypes with those from the o...
Alley cropping is a specific agroforestry system, which is regarded as sustainable land use manag... more Alley cropping is a specific agroforestry system, which is regarded as sustainable land use management, that could play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Despite its appealing attributes, farmers’ up-take of the system is slow in temperate regions. This study aims to contribute to scaling-up agroforestry through a case study in Hungary and to help to design productive alley cropping systems. We investigated which tree planting pattern of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) results in the most productive alley cropping system when intercropped with triticale (x Triticosecale W.) by statistically analysing the yields of the intercrop and of the trees in nine different layouts and by calculating land equivalent ratios (LER). There was significant difference between the treatments both in triticale and black locust yields. The more trees planted on a hectare, the higher the volume of the stand, and the less yield of triticale was observed, although the latte...
In the context of global change, the integration of non-native tree (NNT) species into European f... more In the context of global change, the integration of non-native tree (NNT) species into European forestry is increasingly being discussed. The ecological consequences of increasing use or spread of NNTs in European forests are highly uncertain, as the scientific evidence is either constraint to results from case studies with limited spatial extent, or concerns global assessments that lack focus on European NNTs. For either case, generalisations on European NNTs are challenging to draw. Here we compile data on the impacts of seven important NNTs (Acacia dealbata, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus globulus, Prunus serotina, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus rubra, Robinia pseudoacacia) on physical and chemical soil properties and diversity attributes in Europe, and summarise commonalities and differences. From a total of 103 publications considered, studies on diversity attributes were overall more frequent than studies on soil properties. The effects on soil properties varied greatly among...
Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in... more Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century the significance of the seed source origin for their economic use was recognized, resulting in the establishment of numerous provenance trials at a national, regional, European and International level, as those led by IUFRO. Breeding programs have also been launched in the continent for the most economically important species. Aim of this work is the formulation of provenance recommendations for planting of five non-native tree species in Europe (Douglas fir, grand fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black locust), based on the information obtained from twenty countries, in the frame of the EU FP-1403 NNEXT Cost Action. The survey revealed that official and non-official national recommendations, based on provenance research results, have been elaborated and followed at a different level and extend for the above five species, but only for Douglas fir...
The forest stand is defined as a group of trees occupying a specific area, which is sufficiently ... more The forest stand is defined as a group of trees occupying a specific area, which is sufficiently uniform in species composition, age arrangement and condition as to be distinguishable from the forest on adjoining areas. It represents the unit for which one and the same silvicultural treatment is prescribed. Quantitative information about stand or forest compartments, therefore, relates directly to silvicultural and management decisions. Stand measurements provide information about age, mean diameter, mean and top height, stand density, stand mixture and stand composition, volume and biomass, site index, site class or yield class, present and future growth, stand quality and vitality as well as yield (Bell and Dilworth, 1990; Laar and Akca, 2007; Veperdi, 2011). Point (angle count) sampling is a method of selecting trees to be tallied on the basis of their sizes rather than by their frequency of occurrence. Sample points, somewhat analogous to plot centers, are located within a fores...
For non-native tree species with an origin outside of Europe a detailed compilation of enemy spec... more For non-native tree species with an origin outside of Europe a detailed compilation of enemy species including the severity of their attack is lacking up to now. We collected information on native and non-native species attacking non-native trees, i.e. type, extent and time of first observation of damage for 23 important non-native trees in 27 European countries. Our database includes about 2300 synthesised attack records (synthesised per biotic threat, tree and country) from over 800 species. Insects (49%) and fungi (45%) are the main observed biotic threats, but also arachnids, bacteria including phytoplasmas, mammals, nematodes, plants and viruses have been recorded. This information will be valuable to identify patterns and drivers of attacks, and trees with a lower current health risk to be considered for planting. In addition, our database will provide a baseline to which future impacts on non-native tree species could be compared with and thus will allow to analyse temporal t...
The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important cro... more The paper provides the results of a detailed analysis of timber volume and the most important crown variables of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus) based on an experimental plot in southern Hungary. At the age of 20 years the crop trees belonged to different height classes. If the volume of the mean tree from height class I is considered as 100%, the volume of the mean tree of class II is 44.0%, and the mean tree of class III is only 30.3%. In case of timber volume per 1 m2 crown surface, the values are 72.9 and 61.7%. The DBH of trees showed a positive linear correlation with crown diameter (r = 0.942). Additionally, there were also positive linear relationships between crown diameter and volume (r = 0.901), between crown length and volume (r = 0.721) as well as tree height and crown length (r = 0.661). The variation of crown indices is height even within the same stand and indicates the importance of following a selective thinning operation method.
Agroforestry is a key element amongst the tools fighting today's challenges, such as environmenta... more Agroforestry is a key element amongst the tools fighting today's challenges, such as environmental issues, climate change, food safety and food security. It is a common agricultural practice in many countries of the developing world, whereas it has nearly faded away in most of the world's developed countries. In the past 40 years of agroforestry research it has been clarified that the role of trees in the landscape as well as in the farm scale is essential to maintain a healthy environment and it can be an economically viable practice in the long term, given careful planning. These complex agricultural systems address several Sustainable Development Goals, offer countless ecosystem services and are expected to get more attention and role in the future of world's agriculture. In the European Union, the Common Agricultural Policy firstly had played a negative effect on trees in the land, as it had encouraged farmers to eliminate them in order to qualify for subsidies, until in the last call it was encouraging farmers by subsidizing the establishment of agroforestry systems. Today's task is to reserve agroforestry systems which have remained (e.g., wood pastures, shelterbelts); conduct research to answer ecological, economical and management questions; establish demonstartion sites and disseminate knowledge on agroforestry systems. The Monpellier Declaration calls all stakeholders for action.
In Hungary black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is considered as an important exotic stand-form... more In Hungary black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is considered as an important exotic stand-forming tree species growing mostly under unfavourable ecological conditions for forest management. Due to climate change effects its importance is increasing in many other countries, too. As a result of a selection programme new black locust clones were tested in clone trials. Juvenile growth and the morphological as well as phenological traits of four micropropagated black locust clones were evaluated in central Hungary under dry site conditions. Significant differences (P<5%) were found for DBH and field survival rate values. At age of 7 the clone R.p. 'Bácska' ('KH 56A 2/5') appears to be especially promising for mass propagation. Tissue culture can be considered as a suitable tool for propagating superior individuals and offers new prospects for the rapid cloning of selected genotypes used for plantation forestry. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) / clone trial / juvenile growth / micropropagation Kivonat-Mikroszaporított fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) klónok fiatalkori növekedése és morfológiai jellemzői száraz termőhelyeken. Magyarországon a fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) fontos állományalkotó egzóta fafaj, főként az erdőgazdálkodás számára kedvezőtlen termőhelyeken. A klímaváltozás hatásai miatt a fafaj jelentősége folyamatosan növekszik több más országban is. Egy szelekciós program eredményeként új akác klónokat állítottunk elő klónkísérletek létesítése céljából. Jelen tanulmányban négy mikroszaporítással előállított akác klónt értékeltünk fiatalkori növekedésük, továbbá morfológiai és fenológiai jellemzőik alapján Közép-Magyarországon száraz termőhelyi viszonyok között. Szignifikáns különbséget (P<5%) találtunk a mellmagassági átmérő és a megmaradási értékek tekintetében. 7 éves korban az R.p. 'Bácska' ('KH 56A 2/5') klón különösen ígéretesnek tűnik a tömegszaporításra. A szövettenyésztéses szaporítási eljárás megfelelő eszköznek tekinthető az ültetvényes fatermesztés területén kiváló minőségű egyedek klónos elszaporítására, új távlatokat nyújtva ezzel a kiválasztott genotípusok gyors klónozására. Fehér akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) / klónkísérlet / fiatalkori növekedés / mikroszaporítás
Background and purpose: White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its most important natural hybrid, the... more Background and purpose: White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its most important natural hybrid, the grey poplar (Populus x canescens SM.) are native tree species in Hungary, covering 3.2% of the forested area. Thanks to their favourite silvicultural and growth characteristics as well as the wood utilization possibilities, their present area is increasing continuously. The most important task ahead of Hungarian poplar growers is to improve the quality and to increase the quantity of poplar stands for wood production. To determine their growth rate and yield as exactly as possible, a yield table has been constructed which is based on the currently applied silvicultural practice. Material and methods: Chapman-Richards function with three parameters was successfully used as a growth function for constructing the height growth model. The white poplar yield table was constructed from data gathered on 50 permanent and 40 temporary plots (cca. 500-1000 m 2). The age of the stands varied between 5 and 45 years. In the course of the stand surveys the key stand characteristics were measured, and then, on the basis of data collected, were calculated such major stand structure features as the average height, diameter (DBH), volume, basal area and stem number given separately for the main (remaining), secondary (removal) and total stands per hectare. Results and conclusion: The numerical (tabulated) yield table of normative nature presents data given to six yield classes (base age: 25 years) including the most im-Original scientific paper portant stand structural and yield features expressing in terms of main stand, removing stand (which can be removed in tending operations) and the total stand. It is based on the Hungarian applied tending operations' practice. The published yield table has already been utilized in the field of the relevant forest inventory as well.
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Hungar... more Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Hungary, covering approximately 23% of the forested land and providing 25% of the annual timber output of the country. One third of these black locust stands are high forests (planted with seedlings) and the remainder coppices. According to the forestry regulations black locust stands can be regenerated both by root suckers and with seedlings in Hungary. This study investigates the influence of different regeneration methods on wood production, stem quality and health. Properly managed regeneration from root suckers produced a higher yield than regeneration from seedlings at a harvest age of 35-37 years. The results show that regeneration of black locust stands from root suckers can be recommended on good and medium quality sites without a decrease in yield or stem quality. Robinia pseudoacacia L. / regeneration methods / yield / health condition Kivonat-Különböző felújítási módok hatása akácosok hozamára: esettanulmány. Az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó fafaj Magyarországon, az erdőterület mintegy 23%-át borítja és az ország éves faanyag-termelésének 25%-át adja. Ezen akácállományok egyharmada szálerdő (mageredetű), a maradék pedig sarj eredetű. Magyarországon a szakmai előírások értelmében az akácosok magról és gyökérsarjról újíthatók fel. A dolgozat különböző felújítási módoknak a fatermésre, a törzsminőségre, illetve a fák egészségi állapotára gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A számított adatok szerint a gyökérsarjról történő szakszerű és gondos felújítás a 35-37 éves véghasználati korban magasabb hozamot eredményezett, mint a magról történő felújítás. A vizsgálati eredmények alapján az akácosok gyökérsarjról történő felújítása elsősorban a jó és közepes termőhelyeken ajánlott a fatermés csökkenése nélkül.
ABSTRACT In Hungary, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important exotic s... more ABSTRACT In Hungary, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important exotic species, forming entire stands. Its importance is increasing in many other countries. As a result of a new selection program eight black locust clones have been improved for establishing clone trials and a seed orchard. In this study juvenile growth and stem quality of micropropagated clones of black locust were evaluated on a marginal site in central Hungary. At ten years old, the clones ‘MB17D3/4’ and ‘PV201E2/4’ appeared to be especially promising for high quality wood production under arid hydrological conditions. A tissue culture method can be considered a suitable tool of propagating superior individual trees and offers new prospects for the rapid cloning of selected genotypes.
White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its natural hybrid, grey poplar (Populus x canescens) are nati... more White poplar (Populus alba L.) and its natural hybrid, grey poplar (Populus x canescens) are native stand-forming tree species in Hungary, covering 3.4 per cent of the forested area (64 000 ha). More than 70 per cent of their stands and plantations can be found on calcareous sandy sites in the Danube–Tisza region, so they play a significant role in the poplar growing of this part of the country. One of the most important tasks ahead of Hungarian poplar growers is to improve the quality of poplar stands and plantations for wood production based on selecting relatively drought-tolerant clones and cultivars. In the paper the juvenile growth and the morphological characteristics of four micropropagated white poplar clones have been evaluated on a marginal site in central Hungary. The clones 'H-337' (P. alba x P. grandidentata) and 'H-384' (P. alba x P. grandidentata) appear to be especially promising for quality wood production under arid hydrological conditions.
Papers by Zsolt Keserű