Papers by Zorica Stanojevic
Behavioral medicine, Jan 25, 2024

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2019
Introduction/Objective. The aim of this follow-up study was to determine the effects of topiramat... more Introduction/Objective. The aim of this follow-up study was to determine the effects of topiramate therapy on cognitive functions in patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. Methods. The study sample comprised of 40 topiramate naive patients. The topiramate starting dose was 25 mg, with a fortnightly titration schedule of 25 mg. A wide range of cognitive functions was evaluated through extensive neuropsychological testing at baseline and six months after reaching the target dose (200 mg/day). Results. The most common side effects following the introduction of topiramate were cognitive impairments, reported by 45% of the participants. The neuropsychological scores on attention, executive function, verbal content recall, improved cognitive flexibility, as well as visuospatial ability and speech, obtained at six-month follow-up were significantly lower than at baseline. However, statistically significant correlation between neuropsychological scores and the number of antiepilept...

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017
Background: The ready availability and use of dietary supplements (DS) by the public means that h... more Background: The ready availability and use of dietary supplements (DS) by the public means that healthcare professionals require education in this area. In the Republic of Serbia, education related to use of DS is included in undergraduate medical training and it is therefore important to assess the effectiveness of this education. The aim of our survey was to investigate the influence of pharmacological education on the use, attitudes and perceptions of risks associated with DS among medical students. Methods: Medical students at the University of Kosovska Mitrovica participated in the survey. Three hundred eighty questionnaires were distributed, yielding a response rate of 89% (n = 334). Data were categorized by year of study, completion of a one-year course in pharmacology and having passed the final exam. The results were compared between 192 (58%) medical students educated in pharmacology (MSEP) and 142 (42%) medical students not educated in pharmacology (MSNEP). The questionnaire was divided into 4 parts: socio-demographic and lifestyle/ behavioral characteristics, use of DS, attitudes about efficacy, safety and perception of risk due to DS use. Chi-square test, Student's t-test, and Mann-Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis. Results: About 53% of respondents used some form of DS. Attitudes regarding the safety of DS consumption showed a difference between the groups. MSEP were more likely to agree that DS have the potential to cause adverse reactions (Likert scale mean 4.1 vs. 3.5, p < 0.001) as well as interactions with conventional drugs (Likert scale mean 4.2 vs. 3.2, p < 0.001) than MSNEP. Finally, MSEP ranked St. John's wort and ginkgo as the most dangerous DS, but creatine and vitamin C were both ranked as relatively safe. Conversely, MSNEP considered ginkgo and vitamin C the most harmful DS, claiming that omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D had the least hazardous side effects. Conclusion: Our results showed that pharmacological education gives young medical students a better understanding of the risks of DS-drug interactions and potential adverse effects. However, their overall attitudes and perception of risk indicate the need for further education.

Praxis medica, 2018
Newly synthetized derivative of bile acid, sodium salt of 3α, 7α-dihydroxy-12-oxo 5β cholanic aci... more Newly synthetized derivative of bile acid, sodium salt of 3α, 7α-dihydroxy-12-oxo 5β cholanic acid (monoketocholanate) expressed a good characteristic as intranasal transport enhancer of xenobiotics.The aim of our sudy was to explore if it has an influence on bile metabolism and to measure its concentration in blood and bile after intravenous and intranasal administration. The experiment was performed in vivo on adult male Wistar rats. The determination of monoketocholanate (MKCh) in rats blood and bile, was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), on an HP ODS2 column, using methanol/acetonitrile/acetate buffer as mobile phase. Absorbances were measured at 210 nm.Blood samples were taken from the prepared right axillary artery in 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes from the beginning of the experiment. Bile was collected in a half an hour intervals,during the three hour period. The results showed that MKCh changed the amount of excreted bile depending on the way of application. Intranasal application increased the bile volume and the MKCh concentration, both in blood and bile compared to the intravenous application (p<0.05). Distributionm of MKCh through animal organism depends on the way of application of the substance, which probably determines its caracterisation as the transport promotor of applied xenobiotics. HPLC has proved as aa relatively simple, fast and effective method for the determination of synthetic bile acid,MKCh in these biological materials. key words: bile acids and salts, HPLC method, intranasal and intravenous administration, rats

Thanks to their chemical properties, detergent-like action, and diverse applications in medicine,... more Thanks to their chemical properties, detergent-like action, and diverse applications in medicine, agriculture and pharmacy, bile acids and their salts represent a real research challenge. As far as chemical structure is concerned, transformations have attracted increased attention. Keto derivatives of natural bile acids have been detected as metabolites (tertiary bile acids). The main intermediates in the process of reduction of cholic to chenodeoxycholic acid are 3a,7a-dihydroxy-12-oxo-5b cholanoic acid and its esters. Sodium salt of 3a,7a-dihydroxy-12-oxo-5b cholanoic acid (monoketocholanate or MKCh), has been synthesized from 3a,7a-trihydroxy-12-oxo-5b cholanoic acid. The aim of our study was to determine the amount of excreted MKCh concentrations in blood and bile after intravenous and intranasal applications of MKCh (4 mg/kg b.w.) to rats, and to evaluate its possible effects on glutathione and protein levels in rat liver. Experiments were carried out in vivo on white Wistar ma...

St. John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) has been used in our traditional medicine for treatmen... more St. John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) has been used in our traditional medicine for treatment of different diseases for a long time. In last couple of years use of different St. John's Wort based products is in constant increase. Usually it is a self-medication, patients buying such products in pharmacies or in health food stores, without consulting doctors about severity of disease and adequate dosage for their condition. The aim of research was to examine the efficacy of domestic commercially available St. John's Wort product (HySD) by forced swimming and tail suspension tests in mice. The aim was also to compare hypericin concentrations in different St. John's Wort products, as well as to determine correlation of hypericin concentration and effect in mentioned tests. Methods: Experiment was carried out on NMRI mice b.w. 25-30g. Animals were given water solution of St. John's Wort capsules of domestic origin HySD (standardised by manufacturer to contain 300mcg...

Acta Neurologica Belgica, 2015
The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of an ischemic stroke on the amplitude and lat... more The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of an ischemic stroke on the amplitude and latency of the P300 wave and evaluate their changes over a prospective 1-year follow-up period. We recorded the P300 wave using an auditory oddball paradigm in 60 consecutive brain infarct patients at baseline (i.e., within 4 weeks after the stroke), after 3 months, after 12 months and in 30 healthy control subjects. The P300 latencies in stroke patients were significantly longer and the P300 amplitudes were significantly smaller than those of the control group. The latency of P300 showed a highly significant average improvement 12 months after the stroke compared to the baseline. There was no significant change observed for the P300 amplitude during the same period. The P3 latency is initially more increased in the patients with hemispheric brain infarction but shows a better recovery compared to the patients with brainstem infarction. Also, the results of the P300 latency of patients with the left-sided lesions was significantly longer compared to the patients with rightsided lesions on the beginning of the study but not 3 and 12 months after the stroke. The results of our study show the importance of P300 event-related potentials in the detection and follow-up of cognitive changes after ischemic stroke.
Geospatial Health, 2018
We studied the geospatial distribution of health facilities in Belgrade, the capital of the Repub... more We studied the geospatial distribution of health facilities in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia, in relation to the public transport system. Analyses in this research were based on advanced geographical information systems using numerical methods. We calculated accessibility to health centres as based on public transport properties accounting for the movement of citizens, as well as patients, through the city. Based on results, the city of Belgrade has a moderate connectivity. Public health centres and a group of other health centres in the central-east part of the city have a better connectivity. Also, in this paper we estimated that the average time necessary to reach health facilities on foot is 100 minutes and by public transport vehicles such as buses, trams and trolleys is 42 minutes.
Makedonsko farmacevtski bilten, 2022

Praxis medica, 2018
Oksidativni stres ima značajnu ulogu u razvoju stres ulkusnih lezija pacova izloženih indometacin... more Oksidativni stres ima značajnu ulogu u razvoju stres ulkusnih lezija pacova izloženih indometacinskom stresu. Endogeni opioidi se oslobađaju tokom stresa i mogu ublažiti pojavu ulkusnih lezija u želucu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj morfina na razvoj ulkusnih lezija, patohistološke promene i antioksidativni status u želucu pacova izloženih indometacinskom stresu. Eksperiment je izveden na mužjacima Wistar pacova, TM 200-230 g. Indometacinski stres je izazivan intragastričnom primenom indometacina u dozi od 20 mg/kg TM, 6 sati pre žrtvovanja. Morfin je aplikovan intraperitonealno, u dozi 10 mg/kg TM, 15 minuta pre izlaganja indometacinskom stresu.Veličina lezija u vidu petehija i erozija, izražena je kao ukupna površina promena (mm2) tj. ulkusni indeks (UI). Patohistološki preparati analizirani su svetlosnim mikroskopom tipa Leica DML S2, a specifične promene fotodokumentovane digitalnim aparatom tipa Canon Power Shot S70. U homogenatu želuca mereni su aktivnost katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSHPx), glutation reduktaze (GR) i ksantin oksidaze (XOD), ali i sadržaj redukovanog glutationa (GSH) i intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije (Lpx). Morfin je značajno smanjio ulkusni indeks (UI) kod životinja izloženih indometacinskom stresu, a patohistološki je utvrđeno prisustvo velike količine mukusa u mukozi želuca. Primena morfina u pretretmanu indometacinskog stresa je statistički značajno smanjila aktivnost svih enzima u želucu u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, i to aktivnost katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSHPx) i glutation reduktaze (GR), ksantin oksidaze (XOD), kao i intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije (Lpx), dok je sadržaj redukovanog glutationa ostao nepromenjen. Gastroprotektivno dejstvo morfina kod životinja izloženih indometacinskom stresu je najverovatnije posledica jačanja citoprotektivnih mehanizama, a ne antioksidantnog delovanja. Ključne reči: morfin, indometacin, stres ulkus, oksidativni stres, antioksidativni status UVOD Stres mogu izazvati brojni i raznovrsni činioci. On može biti posledica dejstva bioloških činioca (opekotine, povrede, operacije, glad, velika temperaturna kolebanja, nasilna imobilizacija, teška metabolička oboljenja), ali i psihofizičkih (strah, bol, tuga, narušavanje funkcija organizma) [1]. Stres ulkus predstavlja akutnu leziju (petehije, erozije ili ulceracije) mukoze želuca ili akutni hemoragični gastritis, nastao kao posledica delovanja različitih stresora [1, 2]. Kliničko iskustvo pokazalo je da su najčešći uzroci stres ulkusa: politrauma, obimni hirurški zahvati, kraniocerebralne povrede, opekotine, povrede kičmene moždine, sepsa, hemoragični šok, insuficijencija jetre, bubrega ili srca, akutni pankreatitis, ileus, akutni infarkt miokarda, hipotenzija, psihološki stresovi, nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL), kao i visoke doze glikokortikoida [3, 4. 5].

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Given the widespread use of dietary supplements (DS) and herbal products (HP), healthcare profess... more Given the widespread use of dietary supplements (DS) and herbal products (HP), healthcare professionals (HCPs) will increasingly encounter patients who use these preparations with conventional drugs and who need their services to reduce the consequences of adverse therapeutic outcomes. The aim of our survey was to assess the knowledge and behaviors of HCPs regarding the risk of potential drug–dietary supplement (DDSIs) and drug–herbal product (DHPIs) interactions. This cross-sectional survey collected data via on paper-based questionnaire among general practitioners (GPs) (n = 105), specialty doctors (n = 87) and nurses (n = 154). The HCPs were mostly familiar with the interaction of doxycycline with magnesium (83%) and were least familiar with interaction of warfarin with glucosamine (14%). The results on DDSIs and DHPIs knowledge showed that GPs scored significantly higher than nurses (p < 0.001 and p = 0.003, respectively), while specialty doctors scored significantly higher t...

Education about adverse drug reactions (ADRs) for public, healthcare professionals and medical st... more Education about adverse drug reactions (ADRs) for public, healthcare professionals and medical students is the most important for reducing of druginduced patient harm. Some studies have already investigated patient’s knowledge about prescribed medicines (Cullen et al., 2006). Bongard et al. (2002) have shown major differences in the perception of risk of ADRs between health and non-health professionals. In this particular study, non-health professionals and pharmacists did not rank high non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for perceived risk of ADRs compared to general practitioners and pharmacovigilance professional. Montastruc et al. (2003) found differences in the perception of risks of gastrointestinal ADRs with NSAIDs, including coxibs among physicians according to their medical specialization. Rheumatologists systematically considered NSAIDs as less harmful than general practitioners and gastroenterologists. This result may indicate that these physicians are involved ...

PLOS ONE, 2021
This study aimed to generate a linguistic equivalent of the COVID Stress Scales (CSS) in the Serb... more This study aimed to generate a linguistic equivalent of the COVID Stress Scales (CSS) in the Serbian language and examine its psychometric characteristics. Data were collected from September to December 2020 among the general population of three cities in Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, countries where the Serbian language is spoken. Participants completed a socio-demographic questionnaire, followed by the CSS and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The CSS was validated using the standard methodology (i.e., forward and backward translations, pilot testing). The reliability of the Serbian CSS was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega coefficients and convergent validity was evaluated by correlating the CSS with PSS. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the construct validity of the Serbian CSS. This study included 961 persons (52.8% males and 47.2% females). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Serbian CSS was 0.964 and McDonald’s omega was 0....

Open Geosciences, 2020
In December 2019, the virus SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was detected in the ... more In December 2019, the virus SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The virus started to spread from China and dispersed over the rest of the world. In March 2020, WHO (World Health Organization) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. The transmission path of the pandemic was accelerated by different types of transportation. With complete analysis of spatial data, population density, types of traffic networks, and their properties, the spatial distribution of COVID-19 was estimated. GIS (Geographical Information System), numerical methods, and software for network analysis were used in this research to model scenarios of virus distribution on a global scale. The analyzed data included air, railway, marine, and road traffic. In the pandemic research, numerous models of possible trajectory of viruses can be created. Many have a stochastic character. This study includes all countries in the world affected by the COVID-19 up to date. In this st...

Praxis medica, 2017
It is well known that there is a relationship between the zinc and diabetes, and its antioxidant ... more It is well known that there is a relationship between the zinc and diabetes, and its antioxidant potential. Based on that, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of different doses of zinc (9,2 and 18,4 mg / day) in combination with metformin and glibenclamide, to the total antioxidant status (TAS) and the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in experimentally-induced diabetic rabbits. The study was conducted on 24 New Zealand rabbits of both sexes, body weight 2,5 to 3,2 kg. In rabbits, experimental diabetes was induced i.v. injection of alloxan (80 mg / kg body weight). Three weeks after causing diabetes, the animals were divided into two groups: first group was treated oral with metformin, an appropriate dose (120 mg / kg body weight), while the second group of rabbits was treated with a suitable dose of glibenclamide (0,6 mg / kg BW). After the washout period (10 t1/2), the rabbits were treated with metformin and a first dose of zinc (9,2 mg) combination, i.e. glibenclamide and zinc (9,2 mg). After another washout period (10 t1/2) the rabbits were treated with metformin and a second dose of zinc (18,4 mg) combination, i.e. of ENGLISH 2017; 46 (3-4) 23-29 29 ORIGINALNI RADOVI glibenclamide and zinc (18,4 mg). Blood samples were taken in a specified time interval. The TAS value was significantly increased after administration of metformin, single and in combination with zinc, in doses of 9,2 and 18,4 mg, with respect to the value recorded before their application (p <0.05). Also, it is noted a significantly increased SOD activity after administration of metformin (i.e., glibenclamide), and zinc in combination, in a dose of 18,4 mg (p <0.05). This indicates that zinc and metformin have a significant positive effects on the parameters of antioxidative status, but with glibenclamide this effect did not occur.

The combination of aspirin and ticlopidine reduce the incidence of haemorrhagic and vascular comp... more The combination of aspirin and ticlopidine reduce the incidence of haemorrhagic and vascular complications after intracoronary stenting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of aspirin and ticlopidine alone and in combination on bleeding time and serum activity of creatin kinase (CK) and correlation between this two variables in rats. The experiment was conducted on white laboratory rats, type Wistar. Thirty-two rats were divided in four groups and they received one of the following treatments for three days: group I - control, saline (1 ml/kg, i.p.); group II - aspirin (50 mg/kg/day i.p.); group III - ticlopidine (125 mg/kg/day i.p.) and group IV - aspirin+ticlopidine combination (50 mg/kg/day+125 mg/kg/day i.p.). Bleeding time and CK activity were determined at once after taking the sample of blood. Relationship between two measured variables was determined by calculating linear correlation coefficient (r). Bleeding time was significantly prolonged in aspirin, tic...
Papers by Zorica Stanojevic