Papers by Zorica Kovačević
Inovacije u nastavi
In the modern society of science and technology, scientific literacy is viewed as one of the key ... more In the modern society of science and technology, scientific literacy is viewed as one of the key educational competencies. However, research shows that young people's interest in natural sciences is very low, that the average achievement of our 15-year-olds in the field of natural sciences is significantly lower compared to the OECD average, but also that significantly higher results in the field of natural sciences are achieved by our fourth-grade pupils who were included in the preschool education program. The paper presents the results of the research aimed at examining preschool teachers' attitudes towards natural sciences and the development of scientific competencies in preschool children. The research goal defined in this way was operationalized in the following research tasks: 1) examine how preschool teachers assess their interest in natural sciences and their knowledge in the field of natural sciences 2) examine how preschool teachers assess children's interest...
Nastava i vaspitanje
Play is easy to recognise, though not as easy to define. Its conceptual definitions are numerous ... more Play is easy to recognise, though not as easy to define. Its conceptual definitions are numerous and different, depending on their theoretical starting points. What connects them is the importance they attach to play as a divergent activity of the child in which all the child's potentials are activated. Hovewer, research around the world has shown that children in kindergartens spend considerably less time playing and exploring than doing structured activities; that their opportunities to play in open spaces are constantly decreasing; that, even when they are engaged in play, it is often superficial and chaotic; and the way in which adults perceive children's play is often inconsistent with what play represents from the children's point of view. The aim of the research presented in this paper is to look at how children perceive play - what elements of play children identify as most important, how they perceive their relationship with other children and adults while playi...
Оспособљавање деце за самостално учење значајно је из два аспекта: прво – оно је важно за само де... more Оспособљавање деце за самостално учење значајно је из два аспекта: прво – оно је важно за само дете, јер доприноси његовом оспособљавању да се самообразује, а тиме и природнијем и ефикаснијем уклапању у живот, и друго – оспособљавање деце за самостално учење доприноси бољим резултатима васпитно-образовног процеса. Од савремене наставе се очекује да оспособи ученике да владају методама и техникама интелектуалног рада како би и сами били у могућности да властитим самосталним активностима долазе до нових сазнања. Оспособљавање за самостални рад и учење почињу у раним фазама васпитно-образовног рада. Да би се развиле способности за самосталани ствралачки рад, потребно је поступно и континуирано уводити децу и ученике у технике и процедуре самосталног учења и оспособљавати их за самообразовање и самоконтролу властитог рада. У теоријском делу рада, након питања посвећених појму и развоју самосталности код деце и дидактичког одређења самосталног учења, посебна пажња посвећена је класификац...
Research in Pedagogy
Kada se započelo sa obukama vaspitača za primenu Osnova programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazo... more Kada se započelo sa obukama vaspitača za primenu Osnova programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja - Godine uzleta, učenje i istraživanje dece i vaspitača kroz teme/projekte našlo se u fokusu interesovanja stručne i naučne javnosti u oblasti predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Vaspitači su se našli pred brojnim izazovima, a jedan od prvih jeste izbor i pokretanje tema/projekata. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja koje je imalo cilj da ispita stavove vaspitača u vezi sa izborom i značajem određenih tema/projekata za rad sa decom - kakav odnos imaju prema slobodi koja im je poverena prilikom izbora tema/projekata i sadržaja vezanih za njih, u kojoj meri određeni faktori utiču na njihovu odluku da započnu istraživanje u okviru određene teme/projekta, kojim namerama/ciljevima se vode pri izboru i razvijanju tema/projekata. Korišćena je deskriptivna metoda sa anketiranjem kao istraživačkom tehnikom. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 466 vaspitača sa teritorije Beograda. Rezu...
Универзитет у Београду, Oct 30, 2013
Nastava i vaspitanje
Contemporary educational reforms across the world recognize collaborative learning as a key educa... more Contemporary educational reforms across the world recognize collaborative learning as a key educational competency. In the last decade the question of the importance of collaborative learning has been extended to include the context of higher education, particularly preservice teacher education, with the aim of raising the level of expectations for the use of this type of learning in practice. Preservice teachers' positive beliefs about collaborative learning, developed during their university education, can be crucial since they indicate their predisposition to use this type of learning in their own practice. This paper presents the results of a study which aimed to explore preservice teachers' beliefs about the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative learning. In the study, the descriptive method and scaling as a research technique were employed. The presented results suggest a certain link between the frequency of engagement in collaborative learning during university stu...
This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school tea... more This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school teachers in Serbia expect their pupils to show related to the elements of history within the subject Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE). The data were acquired by analyzing the pedagogical documentation (373 tasks devised by teachers) and by observing 46 SESE classes devoted to elements of history. The findings show that no matter which technique of testing pupils ’ knowledge is applied, there is a notable predominance of demands on historical facts, rather than other forms of historical thinking, which appear only sporadically. Key words: elements of history; historical thinking; SESE (Social Environmental and Scientific Education); testing knowledge.
Hrvatski Casopis Za Odgoj I Obrazovanje, Jul 24, 2013
This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school tea... more This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school teachers in Serbia expect their pupils to show related to the elements of history within the subject Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE). The data were acquired by analyzing the pedagogical documentation (373 tasks devised by teachers) and by observing 46 SESE classes devoted to elements of history. The findings show that no matter which technique of testing pupils' knowledge is applied, there is a notable predominance of demands on historical facts, rather than other forms of historical thinking, which appear only sporadically.
Inovacije u nastavi - časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2009
Nastava i Vaspitanje, 2005
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 2019
This paper examines how children aged 6-7, see scientists. By combining the data collected throug... more This paper examines how children aged 6-7, see scientists. By combining the data collected through the analysis of the drawings (Draw-a-scientist-test) and interviews, it was established that boys are more inclined to expressing gender stereotypes about scientists and showing them in their pictures. Among other stereotypical elements referring to scientists, formerly established in other studies, the most observable ones among considered preschoolers refer to the presence of the following: a lab coat, eyeglasses, scientist's messy hair, and activity related to the field of natural sciences. The significance of this kind of research lies in getting a more complete view on children's image of scientists through the analysis of data obtained by means of two instruments, and in the possibility of developing adequate approaches in preschool teachers' work that could help reduce preschoolers' stereotypical views of science and scientists.
Pre-school children gain knowledge about the world through everyday interaction with their social... more Pre-school children gain knowledge about the world through everyday interaction with their social surroundings and through direct contact with materials. Many theoreticians from the field of pre-school pedagogy think that in those circumstances, work with different worksheets cannot significantly contribute to advancement and development of pre-school children. Opposite to them, there are theoreticians who, within discussing methodological approaches, desirable for preparation of children for school enrolment, give certain attention to work with work sheets. There are no defined standards of work sheets quality aimed for children of pre-school age in our country on one hand. On the other hand, there is greater presence in catalogues of publishing houses an everyday pedagogical-educational work in kindergartens on the other hand, and this initiated our intention to study attitudes of our pre-school teachers about the pedagogical role work sheets for pre-school children. Results of th...
Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, 2013
This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school tea... more This study was undertaken with the aim to identify the kind of knowledge which primary school teachers in Serbia expect their pupils to show related to the elements of history within the subject Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE). The data were acquired by analyzing the pedagogical documentation (373 tasks devised by teachers) and by observing 46 SESE classes devoted to elements of history. The findings show that no matter which technique of testing pupils' knowledge is applied, there is a notable predominance of demands on historical facts, rather than other forms of historical thinking, which appear only sporadically. Key words: elements of history; historical thinking; SESE (Social Environmental and Scientific Education); testing knowledge. --- Sažetak Vrednovanje ucenickih znanja o povijesnim sadržajima utemeljeno na razvoju povijesnoga misljenja pomice fokus s ucenja cinjenica na ovladavanje proceduralnim znanjima. U suvremenim pristupima tim sadržajima uc...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2017
Inovacije u nastavi, 2021
Cooperative learning enables the process of construction or co-construction of knowledge, contrib... more Cooperative learning enables the process of construction or co-construction of knowledge, contributes to the development of self-regulation in learning and supports learning in the sociocultural context. Research has shown that despite the observed positive effects of cooperative learning, practitioners are still reluctant to plan their teaching practice and teach using cooperative learning activities. This paper presents the results of a research aimed at examining the prevalence of cooperative learning of children aged 5 to 10 in the field of learning about and understanding the world around us and teaching Science and Social Studies, as well as examining the attitudes of preschool and primary school teachers towards the benefits and weaknesses of cooperative learning. The results of the research, which were obtained using a systematic observation and scaling, indicate: that the representation of cooperative learning in our educational practice is very low, that there is a certain...
Papers by Zorica Kovačević