УДК 543.1+546.94+546.96 С. І. Корольчуккандидат хімічних наук, доцент кафедри аналітичної хімії т... more УДК 543.1+546.94+546.96 С. І. Корольчуккандидат хімічних наук, доцент кафедри аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки; Ж. О. Кормошкандидат хімічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки Особливості поведінки іонів Рутенію у водних розчинах та форми існування хлоридних комплексів Роботу виконано на кафедрі аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки Розглянуто різні форми існування хлоридних комплексів Рутенію у водних розчинах та подано спектральні характеристики деяких сполук Рутенію. Ключові слова: платинові метали, хлоридні комплекси Рутенію. Корольчук С. И., Кормош Ж. А. Особенности поведения ионов Рутения в водных растворах и формы существования хлоридных комплексов. Рассмотрены разные формы существования хлоридных комплексов Рутения в водных растворах и представлены спектральные характеристики некоторых соединений Рутения. Ключевые слова: платиновые металлы, хлоридные комплексы Рутения. Korolchuk S. I., Kormosh Zh. O. Particularities of Ruthenium Ions in Aqueous Solutions and the Forms of the Existence of the Chloride Complexes. Various forms of the existence of the chloride complexes of ruthenium in aqueous solutions were discussed and the spectral characteristics of selected compounds were presented.
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas
Objetivo: neste trabalho, a avaliação teórica da detecção eletroanalítica do antissifilíticosalva... more Objetivo: neste trabalho, a avaliação teórica da detecção eletroanalítica do antissifilíticosalvarsan é feita pela primeira vez. O oxihidróxido de cobalto em um compostocom o corante esquaraína é usado como modificador de eletrodo. Metodologia:por meio da análise de estabilidade é confirmada a eficiência da determinação desalvarsan. A linearidade da dependência entre o parâmetro eletroquímico e a concentraçãodo fármaco é facilmente obtida e mantida. Conclusão: as instabilidades oscilatóriase monotônicas são percebidas neste sistema, sendo causadas pelas influênciasdos estágios eletroquímicos sobre a dupla camada elétrica (DEL).
The possibility of psilocin electrochemical determination over cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide-modified... more The possibility of psilocin electrochemical determination over cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide-modified anode is evaluated from the mathematical point of view. Psilocin is thereby oxidized yielding either micro- or macromolecular product, being both of them important for the economical and green conducting polymer composite for electrocatalysis, electroanalysis and energy conversion. The analysis of the correspondent mathematical model confirms, that, despite of the high probability of the oscillatory behavior, the electrochemical process is efficient from both analytical and synthetical point of view.
En este trabajo, por la primera vez se ha descrito el proceso de polimerización electroquímica de... more En este trabajo, por la primera vez se ha descrito el proceso de polimerización electroquímica de los compuestos hidroquinónicos, obtenidos electroquímicamente. El análisis del modelo matemático correspondiente mediante la teoría de estabilidad lineal y análisis de bifurcaciones ha mostrado que el comportamiento de este sistema se hace bastante semejante al ya observado durante la “paradoja de politiofeno”. Así, hay una mayor probabilidad del acaecer las inestabilidades oscilatoria y monotónica. El polímero, por su vez, se obtendrá con una conductividad reducida y morfología menos uniforme.
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2021
The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted b... more The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted by the hybrid composite of squaraine dye with CuS nanoparticles has been described. The correspondent reaction mechanism has been proposed, and the correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that the chlorantraniprole electrochemical anodical determination on high potential may be efficiently provided by cupper sulfide nanoparticles, stabilized by the squaraine dye. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instability is also possible, being caused by DEL influences of the electrochemical stage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.1518
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2020
An interesting electroanalytical process for magnesium chlorate electrochemical determination has... more An interesting electroanalytical process for magnesium chlorate electrochemical determination has been described theoretically. The process involves the complex formation of magnesium cation with the azo dye Magnezone XC and the electropolymerization of the resulting complex compound in the presence of the chlorate-ion by two parallel mechanisms. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that from both electroanalytical and electrosynthetical points of view the system is efficient. The linear dependence between the electrochemical parameter and salt concentration is obtained easily, and the material formed during the electroanalytical process is highly conductive and catalytic. On the other hand, the oscillatory behavior in this system will be caused by double electric layer influences on both complexation and electropolymerization stages. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbita...
For the first time, the electrochemical determination of neotame sugar substitute on the composit... more For the first time, the electrochemical determination of neotame sugar substitute on the composite VO(OH) – Squaraine dye has been described theoretically. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. By analysis of the model it was shown that the squaraine dye and vanadium oxyhydroxide may serve as efficient electrode modifiers for neotame electrochemical determination. The linear dependence between the concentration and current is realized in a vast range of parameters. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instabilities are also viable.
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2020
In this work, the electrochemical description for metformin electrochemical determination, assist... more In this work, the electrochemical description for metformin electrochemical determination, assisted by Ag2O2 composite with squaraine dye, is evaluated from the theoretical point of view. Metformin oxidation is realized via assisted electrochemical 1,2,4-triazole formation, followed by its polymerization and N-oxidation. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has shown that the neutral and basic media are more efficient for metformin electrochemical determination than acidic media, due to the absence of the influences of non-protonated aminogroupsand, furtherly, pyridinic nitrogen atoms to double electric layer (DEL) ionic force, conductivity and impedance. In these conditions, the electrochemical instabilities are less capable to realize and, therefore, the linear dependence between the analyte concentration and the current of the system will be easier to obtain and maintain, as no side r...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, 2020
Pela primeira vez, foi feita uma abordagem teórica do desempenho dos novos derivados triazólicos ... more Pela primeira vez, foi feita uma abordagem teórica do desempenho dos novos derivados triazólicos durante a determinação química dos alcaloides acridínicos do grupo insubosina, na presença de uma concentração pequena de um composto de ligação. A detecção eletroanalítica é realizada mediante um mecanismo híbrido, envolvendo ou não a formação de novos compostos iônicos. É possível mostrar que o estado estacionário é estabilzado, apesar de a região topológica, que lhe é correspondente, ser mais estreita que no caso da detecção mais comum. O comportamento oscilatório, neste caso, é mais provável que nos casos mais comuns, mas o fator adicional é relacionado apenas com a introdução de um composto de ligação.
УДК 543.1+546.94+546.96 С. І. Корольчуккандидат хімічних наук, доцент кафедри аналітичної хімії т... more УДК 543.1+546.94+546.96 С. І. Корольчуккандидат хімічних наук, доцент кафедри аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки; Ж. О. Кормошкандидат хімічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки Особливості поведінки іонів Рутенію у водних розчинах та форми існування хлоридних комплексів Роботу виконано на кафедрі аналітичної хімії та екотехнологій ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки Розглянуто різні форми існування хлоридних комплексів Рутенію у водних розчинах та подано спектральні характеристики деяких сполук Рутенію. Ключові слова: платинові метали, хлоридні комплекси Рутенію. Корольчук С. И., Кормош Ж. А. Особенности поведения ионов Рутения в водных растворах и формы существования хлоридных комплексов. Рассмотрены разные формы существования хлоридных комплексов Рутения в водных растворах и представлены спектральные характеристики некоторых соединений Рутения. Ключевые слова: платиновые металлы, хлоридные комплексы Рутения. Korolchuk S. I., Kormosh Zh. O. Particularities of Ruthenium Ions in Aqueous Solutions and the Forms of the Existence of the Chloride Complexes. Various forms of the existence of the chloride complexes of ruthenium in aqueous solutions were discussed and the spectral characteristics of selected compounds were presented.
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas
Objetivo: neste trabalho, a avaliação teórica da detecção eletroanalítica do antissifilíticosalva... more Objetivo: neste trabalho, a avaliação teórica da detecção eletroanalítica do antissifilíticosalvarsan é feita pela primeira vez. O oxihidróxido de cobalto em um compostocom o corante esquaraína é usado como modificador de eletrodo. Metodologia:por meio da análise de estabilidade é confirmada a eficiência da determinação desalvarsan. A linearidade da dependência entre o parâmetro eletroquímico e a concentraçãodo fármaco é facilmente obtida e mantida. Conclusão: as instabilidades oscilatóriase monotônicas são percebidas neste sistema, sendo causadas pelas influênciasdos estágios eletroquímicos sobre a dupla camada elétrica (DEL).
The possibility of psilocin electrochemical determination over cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide-modified... more The possibility of psilocin electrochemical determination over cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide-modified anode is evaluated from the mathematical point of view. Psilocin is thereby oxidized yielding either micro- or macromolecular product, being both of them important for the economical and green conducting polymer composite for electrocatalysis, electroanalysis and energy conversion. The analysis of the correspondent mathematical model confirms, that, despite of the high probability of the oscillatory behavior, the electrochemical process is efficient from both analytical and synthetical point of view.
En este trabajo, por la primera vez se ha descrito el proceso de polimerización electroquímica de... more En este trabajo, por la primera vez se ha descrito el proceso de polimerización electroquímica de los compuestos hidroquinónicos, obtenidos electroquímicamente. El análisis del modelo matemático correspondiente mediante la teoría de estabilidad lineal y análisis de bifurcaciones ha mostrado que el comportamiento de este sistema se hace bastante semejante al ya observado durante la “paradoja de politiofeno”. Así, hay una mayor probabilidad del acaecer las inestabilidades oscilatoria y monotónica. El polímero, por su vez, se obtendrá con una conductividad reducida y morfología menos uniforme.
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2021
The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted b... more The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted by the hybrid composite of squaraine dye with CuS nanoparticles has been described. The correspondent reaction mechanism has been proposed, and the correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that the chlorantraniprole electrochemical anodical determination on high potential may be efficiently provided by cupper sulfide nanoparticles, stabilized by the squaraine dye. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instability is also possible, being caused by DEL influences of the electrochemical stage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.1518
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2020
An interesting electroanalytical process for magnesium chlorate electrochemical determination has... more An interesting electroanalytical process for magnesium chlorate electrochemical determination has been described theoretically. The process involves the complex formation of magnesium cation with the azo dye Magnezone XC and the electropolymerization of the resulting complex compound in the presence of the chlorate-ion by two parallel mechanisms. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that from both electroanalytical and electrosynthetical points of view the system is efficient. The linear dependence between the electrochemical parameter and salt concentration is obtained easily, and the material formed during the electroanalytical process is highly conductive and catalytic. On the other hand, the oscillatory behavior in this system will be caused by double electric layer influences on both complexation and electropolymerization stages. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbita...
For the first time, the electrochemical determination of neotame sugar substitute on the composit... more For the first time, the electrochemical determination of neotame sugar substitute on the composite VO(OH) – Squaraine dye has been described theoretically. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. By analysis of the model it was shown that the squaraine dye and vanadium oxyhydroxide may serve as efficient electrode modifiers for neotame electrochemical determination. The linear dependence between the concentration and current is realized in a vast range of parameters. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instabilities are also viable.
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, 2020
In this work, the electrochemical description for metformin electrochemical determination, assist... more In this work, the electrochemical description for metformin electrochemical determination, assisted by Ag2O2 composite with squaraine dye, is evaluated from the theoretical point of view. Metformin oxidation is realized via assisted electrochemical 1,2,4-triazole formation, followed by its polymerization and N-oxidation. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has shown that the neutral and basic media are more efficient for metformin electrochemical determination than acidic media, due to the absence of the influences of non-protonated aminogroupsand, furtherly, pyridinic nitrogen atoms to double electric layer (DEL) ionic force, conductivity and impedance. In these conditions, the electrochemical instabilities are less capable to realize and, therefore, the linear dependence between the analyte concentration and the current of the system will be easier to obtain and maintain, as no side r...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas, 2020
Pela primeira vez, foi feita uma abordagem teórica do desempenho dos novos derivados triazólicos ... more Pela primeira vez, foi feita uma abordagem teórica do desempenho dos novos derivados triazólicos durante a determinação química dos alcaloides acridínicos do grupo insubosina, na presença de uma concentração pequena de um composto de ligação. A detecção eletroanalítica é realizada mediante um mecanismo híbrido, envolvendo ou não a formação de novos compostos iônicos. É possível mostrar que o estado estacionário é estabilzado, apesar de a região topológica, que lhe é correspondente, ser mais estreita que no caso da detecção mais comum. O comportamento oscilatório, neste caso, é mais provável que nos casos mais comuns, mas o fator adicional é relacionado apenas com a introdução de um composto de ligação.
Papers by Zholt Kormosh