Based on regional geology, Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict is included in the only formation, whi... more Based on regional geology, Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict is included in the only formation, which includes coal seams. The depletion of oil and gas energy sources in Indonesia results in the need for other alternative energy sources, one of which is coal. This study aims to determine the characteristics of coal in the study area. This research was conducted in Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict, North Kalimantan using the geoelectric resistivity method with a pole-pole configuration and 8 tracks which are divided into 2 track blocks. The resistivity geoelectric method is used because it is very suitable for mining exploration. Data processing was done in 2D using Res2dinv software and 3D using Rockworks15 software. The results of the geoelectric data processing of line 1 to 8 show that the coal seam in the study area has a resistivity of 10-30 Ωm with a thickness varying from 17.22 m-60 m as a type of lignite coal. In addition, the research area is also dominated by layers of clay and sandstones. The continuity of the coal seam is also seen in block 1 from line 3 in the southwest direction to line 1 in the northeast direction.
A simple model of earthquake prediction can be constructed based on Magnitude and cumulative freq... more A simple model of earthquake prediction can be constructed based on Magnitude and cumulative frequenty relation by Guttenberg - Richter equation. It is carried out a probability determinated simulation and quake repetition period with a certain magnitude to examine the model. Executing the model to 204 earthquakes data with > 5 RS of magnitude and > 100 km hypocentre which occured in January 1910 to January 2010 in West Java region at 60 – 80 N and 1050 – 1090 W, shown that the earthquake with low magnitude has shorter repetition period and bigger probability to occur. On the other hand the earthquake with higher magnitude has longer repetition period and has small probability to occur. By conducting the model test, it is obtained the seismicity index, a = 9,46 and the rock resistance, b = 1.265, which is showing the resistance of that region to a quake. The highest repetition periods (100 years) = 99,9% is in 3rdarea with 19 year and seismicity index for highest quake is 1.38. Keywords: Earthquake Prediction, Guttenberg-Ritcher, seismicity index, rock resistance.
Geologically, the province of Central Sulawesi is composed of various types of rocks, both in the... more Geologically, the province of Central Sulawesi is composed of various types of rocks, both in the form of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Regarding Central Sulawesi Province, mineral resources both metal and non-metal are quite varied. Increasing demand and demand for minerals, both metals, and non-metals. Research conducted to study the mineral potential in one of the regencies in Central Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in Galang Sub-district, Tolitoli Regency, and Central Sulawesi Province by using the resistivity method and the Induced Polarization (IP) method with the Wenner-Schlumberger arrangement consisting of eight lines. The IP method is very accurate to discuss the potential of minerals that are below the surface. The inversion process does data processing in order to obtain the actual form of resistivity and chargeability modeling. Based on the modeling, the mineral potential in Galang Sub-district, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province is mostly found in all trajectories namely lane 01; 02; 04; 05; 05; 06; 07. Which is marked by a very high chargeability value between 300 msec - 500 msec. The research area also discusses granite and andesite, which have high resistivity values, between 2000 Ωm – 400000 Ωm.
Journal of natural sciences and mathematics research, Jun 27, 2022
The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin ... more The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin has one of the hydrocarbon-producing reservoir in the Kais Formation. The carbonate reservoir in Kais Formation is Middle to Upper Miocene age. The understanding of reservoirs is important for further field development. Petrophysical analysis is a method for understanding reservoirs especially porosity parameter and estimation of hydrocarbon reserve. The data used in study is well data including, mudlog report, well report, Gamma Ray (GR), Sonic, Resistivity (ILD, ILS, MSFL), density (RHOB) and NPHI logs. The aim study is to analyze the reservoir using Gamma Ray log and porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs. The study method includes regional geological literature review, marker analysis, Gamma Ray picking, and reservoir porosity calculations. According to Gamma Ray picking analysis, the Kais Formation GR has values of GRsand = 25 API and values of GRshale = 80 API. The Low Gamma Ray below 60 API is interpretated as carbonate reservoir. For porosity validation, the porosity of routine core analysis (RCAL) data is plotted into porosity logs (porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs). Based on the porosity calculation using three porosity logs (Sonic, Density, NPHI Logs), the porosity estimated from density log is more match with the porosity of routine core analysis (RCAL) data. According to porosity calculation at WTU Well, the porosity from log density in the Kais Formation has value from 2%-25%. The porosity in Carbonate has large value as a result of secondary porosity.
Penelitian mengenai penerapan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance (AI) dan multi-attribute ... more Penelitian mengenai penerapan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance (AI) dan multi-attribute telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk karakterisasi reservoir pada Cekungan Bonaparte. Pemodelan yang digunakan dalam metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance berupa model based. Sedangkan pada metode seismik multi-attribute menggunakan log porositas dengan menerapkan metode regresi linear serta menggunakan teknik step-wise regression. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas dan analisis dengan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance, zona reservoir dengan litologi batu pasir yang prospek akan hidrokarbon dan mengandung gas berada pada bagian Timur Laut-Barat Daya pada daerah penelitian yang berada di WCB-1, WCB-3 dan WCB-4 dengan rentang nilai acoustic impedance sebesar 4.800-13.000 (m/s)*(g/cc), dan nilai porositas yang dihasilkan dari analisis menggunakan metode seismik multi-attribute berada pada rentang 5-16% pada WCB-1 dan WCB-4, 2-10% pada WCB-3.
Pulau Kalimantan, secara geologi memberikan potensi jebakan bijih besi. Bijih besi merupakan mine... more Pulau Kalimantan, secara geologi memberikan potensi jebakan bijih besi. Bijih besi merupakan mineral yang terkandung dalam batuan sebagai bahan baku baja. Meningkatnya permintaan dunia industri terhadap mineral logam, menjadikan Indonesia bergantung pada impor. Sehingga dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan sebaran bijih besi guna memenuhi kebutuhan yang memadai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah " A" Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan menggunakan data resistivitas dan data Induced Polariation (IP) dengan konfigurasi Wenner yang terdiri dari 23 lintasan. Induced Polarization atau Polarisasi terimbas merupakan salah satu metode geolistrik yang sangat efektif untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan mineral di bawah permukaan. Pengolahan data dawali dengan proses inversi 2-Dimensi untuk mendapatkan nilai resistivitas dan chargeability yang sebenarnya hingga mendapatkan model 3-Dimensi dengan berbagai irisan secara vertikal dan horisontal. Berdasarkan pemodelan, diduga keberadaan bijih besi ditemukan pada 16 lintasan diantaranya lintasan Q,
Lembaran Publikasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Nov 23, 2022
RB-field is located at the Rangkas block in Banten province. The petroleum system has been proven... more RB-field is located at the Rangkas block in Banten province. The petroleum system has been proven to produce hydrocarbon, which is indicated by oil seepage in some places. Unfortunately, the study of reservoir rock candidates has not been yet accomplished. This study aims to determine the type of lithology in the early Miocene in Saraweh formation and the late Oligocene-Early Miocene in Cijengkol formation, which are considered reservoir rock candidates by evaluating its acoustic impedance and porosity. The acoustic impedance is cross-plotted against the gamma-ray to obtain lithology sensitivity. The rock porosity is calculated empirically based on the relationship between the acoustic impedance and neutron-porosity. The results of this study shows that carbonate rock has
Al-Fiziya: Journal of Materials Science, Geophysics, Instrumentation and Theoretical Physics
The position of the west coast of the island of Sumatra, which is the meeting point of the Eurasi... more The position of the west coast of the island of Sumatra, which is the meeting point of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates, has high seismicity due to its tectonic activity. This high level of seismicity indicates that many earthquakes have an effect on ground motion. This study calculates and analyzes the maximum ground motion acceleration (Peak Ground Acceleration - PGA) as the effect of destructive earthquakes in Sumatra for 100 years from January 1, 1920 - December 31, 2020, based on the Kawashumi model. The calculation results give PGA values in the range of 388,190 – 4008,210 gal with a maximum value of 4199.45 gals at 3,295oN, 95,982oE caused by the 9.1 M earthquake on Andaman Island on December 24, 2004. While the minimum PGA value is 314.9 gals located at 4.438oLS - 101.367oBT caused by the Bengkulu 8.4 M earthquake. This calculation results in a map showing a high PGA pattern in the northern part of Sumatra and decreasing towards the south. This shows that destructive ...
Lapangan RB termasuk wilayah kerja blok Rangkas yang berlokasi di propinsi Banten memiliki Petrol... more Lapangan RB termasuk wilayah kerja blok Rangkas yang berlokasi di propinsi Banten memiliki Petroleum System yang sudah terbukti menghasilkan hidrokarbon. Di beberapa tempat terdapat rembesan minyak tetapi masih belum ada kajian yang mendalam mengenai potensi batuan reservoir penghasil hidrokarbon tersebut. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menentukan jenis litologi pada formasi Saraweh berumur Miocene awal dan formasi Cijengkol berumur Oligocene akhir-Miocene awal yang dijadikan sebagai kandidat batuan reservoir dengan melakukan perhitungan nilai impedansi akustik dan porositasnya. Nilai impedansi akustik tersebut dicrossplotkan terhadap parameter litologi gamma ray sebagai indikator litologi. Nilai porositas batuan dihitung berdasarkan hubungan empirik antara nilai impedansi akustik dan neutron-porosity. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa batuan karbonat memiliki nilai impedansi akustik berkisar antara 10000 ((m/s)*(g/cm³)) - 13500 ((m/s)*(g/cm ³)) dan nilai porositas kurang dari 0.20 ...
Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research
The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This bas... more The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin has one of the hydrocarbon-producing reservoir in the Kais Formation. The carbonate reservoir in Kais Formation is Middle to Upper Miocene age. The understanding of reservoirs is important for further field development. Petrophysical analysis is a method for understanding reservoirs especially porosity parameter and estimation of hydrocarbon reserve. The data used in study is well data including, mudlog report, well report, Gamma Ray (GR), Sonic, Resistivity (ILD, ILS, MSFL), density (RHOB) and NPHI logs. The aim study is to analyze the reservoir using Gamma Ray log and porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs. The study method includes regional geological literature review, marker analysis, Gamma Ray picking, and reservoir porosity calculations. According to Gamma Ray picking analysis, the Kais Formation GR has values of GRsand = 25 API and values of GRshale = 80 API. ...
The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from wes... more The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from west to east consisting of an oblique subduction zone with gentle subduction angles, the Mentawai fault, and the Sumatran large fault zone (Semangko fault). These three tectonic systems have caused high seismic activity and have implications for ground movement (Peak Ground Acceleration). This research calculates the PGA value using the Donovan model based on historical data from 100 years of destructive earthquakes. The results of this calculation are mapped and obtained results that have similarities with the tectonic system, where the west coast is a high-risk area for ground movement. The model gives PGA results in the range 8.5508 – 368.1172 gal with a minimum value of 3.295° N, 95.982° E caused by earthquake 9.1 SR, Andaman Island. The maximum value is at 4.436° S, 101.076° E caused by earthquake 5.2 SR, Bengkulu. In general, this map provides an overview of the risk of land movement on the island of Sumatra and can be used for land movement disaster mitigation efforts.
The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from wes... more The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from west to east consisting of an oblique subduction zone with gentle subduction angles, the Mentawai fault, and the Sumatran large fault zone (Semangko fault). These three tectonic systems have caused high seismic activity and have implications for ground movement (Peak Ground Acceleration). This research calculates the PGA value using the Donovan model based on historical data from 100 years of destructive earthquakes. The results of this calculation are mapped and obtained results that have similarities with the tectonic system, where the west coast is a high-risk area for ground movement. The model gives PGA results in the range 8.5508 – 368.1172 gal with a minimum value of 3.295° N, 95.982° E caused by earthquake 9.1 SR, Andaman Island. The maximum value is at 4.436° S, 101.076° E caused by earthquake 5.2 SR, Bengkulu. In general, this map provides an overview of the risk of land movement ...
Al-Fiziya: Journal of Materials Science, Geophysics, Instrumentation and Theoretical Physics, 2019
Sulawesi Island is composed of complex tectonic arrangements. Most earthquake activities in Sulaw... more Sulawesi Island is composed of complex tectonic arrangements. Most earthquake activities in Sulawesi are affected by the Palu - Koro Fault and Matano Fault. Palu - Koro Fault and Matano Fault are one of the faults in Central Sulawesi. Active movement of the fault results in high earthquake activity in the region of Central Sulawesi and its surroundings. This makes the importance of earthquake parameters in Central Sulawesi and surrounding areas. One of the efforts to find out earthquake parameter information accurately is to relocate. The purpose of this study was to conduct hypocenter earthquake relocation and determine the 1-D velocity structure of P waves in Central and surrounding areas using the Coupled Velocity - Hypocenter method with Velest 3.3 software. The data used are tectonic earthquake data from November 2009 to March 2018, data recording stations, and initial speed data. The results of data processing using the Velest 3.3 software are that some of the results of the r...
This research was conducted to determine and mapping the value of the PGA in Indonesian territory... more This research was conducted to determine and mapping the value of the PGA in Indonesian territory using two empirical models of attenuation equations from the transition of the second generation to the third generation. The research was conducted by applying the Frisenda’s and Luzi’s. The calculation is based on a catalog of earthquakes that occurred from 1 January 1970 - 31 December 2020 with a variable earthquake magnitude ≥ 5 SR and hypocentre depth ≤ 60 km (destructive earthquake). The calculation results in the maximum value of PGA respectively 0.6613 g for Frisenda, and 12.257 g in the Luzi. The maximum PGA value in Luzi model is the effects of the Andaman Islands earthquake on December 26th, 2004, with a magnitude of 9,1 SR, and the maximum PGA value in the Frisenda model is the effects of the Flying Fish Cove, Christmas Island earthquake on June 13th, 2013, with the magnitude 6.7 SR. In general, these two maps show different or even opposite patterns.
Al-Fiziya Journal of Material Sciences, Geophysics, and Theoretical Physicsics, Instrumentations, 2021
Posisi pantai barat pulau Sumatera yang merupakan wilayah pertemuan lempeng Eurasia dan IndoAustr... more Posisi pantai barat pulau Sumatera yang merupakan wilayah pertemuan lempeng Eurasia dan IndoAustralia memiliki seismisitas yang tinggi karena aktivitas tektoniknya. Tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi ini mengindikasikan sangat banyaknya kejadian gempabumi yang memberikan efek gerakan tanah. Penelitian ini melakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap percepatan gerakan tanah maksimum (
Based on regional geology, Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict is included in the only formation, whi... more Based on regional geology, Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict is included in the only formation, which includes coal seams. The depletion of oil and gas energy sources in Indonesia results in the need for other alternative energy sources, one of which is coal. This study aims to determine the characteristics of coal in the study area. This research was conducted in Tanjung Palas Timur Subdistrict, North Kalimantan using the geoelectric resistivity method with a pole-pole configuration and 8 tracks which are divided into 2 track blocks. The resistivity geoelectric method is used because it is very suitable for mining exploration. Data processing was done in 2D using Res2dinv software and 3D using Rockworks15 software. The results of the geoelectric data processing of line 1 to 8 show that the coal seam in the study area has a resistivity of 10-30 Ωm with a thickness varying from 17.22 m-60 m as a type of lignite coal. In addition, the research area is also dominated by layers of clay and sandstones. The continuity of the coal seam is also seen in block 1 from line 3 in the southwest direction to line 1 in the northeast direction.
A simple model of earthquake prediction can be constructed based on Magnitude and cumulative freq... more A simple model of earthquake prediction can be constructed based on Magnitude and cumulative frequenty relation by Guttenberg - Richter equation. It is carried out a probability determinated simulation and quake repetition period with a certain magnitude to examine the model. Executing the model to 204 earthquakes data with > 5 RS of magnitude and > 100 km hypocentre which occured in January 1910 to January 2010 in West Java region at 60 – 80 N and 1050 – 1090 W, shown that the earthquake with low magnitude has shorter repetition period and bigger probability to occur. On the other hand the earthquake with higher magnitude has longer repetition period and has small probability to occur. By conducting the model test, it is obtained the seismicity index, a = 9,46 and the rock resistance, b = 1.265, which is showing the resistance of that region to a quake. The highest repetition periods (100 years) = 99,9% is in 3rdarea with 19 year and seismicity index for highest quake is 1.38. Keywords: Earthquake Prediction, Guttenberg-Ritcher, seismicity index, rock resistance.
Geologically, the province of Central Sulawesi is composed of various types of rocks, both in the... more Geologically, the province of Central Sulawesi is composed of various types of rocks, both in the form of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Regarding Central Sulawesi Province, mineral resources both metal and non-metal are quite varied. Increasing demand and demand for minerals, both metals, and non-metals. Research conducted to study the mineral potential in one of the regencies in Central Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in Galang Sub-district, Tolitoli Regency, and Central Sulawesi Province by using the resistivity method and the Induced Polarization (IP) method with the Wenner-Schlumberger arrangement consisting of eight lines. The IP method is very accurate to discuss the potential of minerals that are below the surface. The inversion process does data processing in order to obtain the actual form of resistivity and chargeability modeling. Based on the modeling, the mineral potential in Galang Sub-district, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province is mostly found in all trajectories namely lane 01; 02; 04; 05; 05; 06; 07. Which is marked by a very high chargeability value between 300 msec - 500 msec. The research area also discusses granite and andesite, which have high resistivity values, between 2000 Ωm – 400000 Ωm.
Journal of natural sciences and mathematics research, Jun 27, 2022
The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin ... more The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin has one of the hydrocarbon-producing reservoir in the Kais Formation. The carbonate reservoir in Kais Formation is Middle to Upper Miocene age. The understanding of reservoirs is important for further field development. Petrophysical analysis is a method for understanding reservoirs especially porosity parameter and estimation of hydrocarbon reserve. The data used in study is well data including, mudlog report, well report, Gamma Ray (GR), Sonic, Resistivity (ILD, ILS, MSFL), density (RHOB) and NPHI logs. The aim study is to analyze the reservoir using Gamma Ray log and porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs. The study method includes regional geological literature review, marker analysis, Gamma Ray picking, and reservoir porosity calculations. According to Gamma Ray picking analysis, the Kais Formation GR has values of GRsand = 25 API and values of GRshale = 80 API. The Low Gamma Ray below 60 API is interpretated as carbonate reservoir. For porosity validation, the porosity of routine core analysis (RCAL) data is plotted into porosity logs (porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs). Based on the porosity calculation using three porosity logs (Sonic, Density, NPHI Logs), the porosity estimated from density log is more match with the porosity of routine core analysis (RCAL) data. According to porosity calculation at WTU Well, the porosity from log density in the Kais Formation has value from 2%-25%. The porosity in Carbonate has large value as a result of secondary porosity.
Penelitian mengenai penerapan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance (AI) dan multi-attribute ... more Penelitian mengenai penerapan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance (AI) dan multi-attribute telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk karakterisasi reservoir pada Cekungan Bonaparte. Pemodelan yang digunakan dalam metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance berupa model based. Sedangkan pada metode seismik multi-attribute menggunakan log porositas dengan menerapkan metode regresi linear serta menggunakan teknik step-wise regression. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas dan analisis dengan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance, zona reservoir dengan litologi batu pasir yang prospek akan hidrokarbon dan mengandung gas berada pada bagian Timur Laut-Barat Daya pada daerah penelitian yang berada di WCB-1, WCB-3 dan WCB-4 dengan rentang nilai acoustic impedance sebesar 4.800-13.000 (m/s)*(g/cc), dan nilai porositas yang dihasilkan dari analisis menggunakan metode seismik multi-attribute berada pada rentang 5-16% pada WCB-1 dan WCB-4, 2-10% pada WCB-3.
Pulau Kalimantan, secara geologi memberikan potensi jebakan bijih besi. Bijih besi merupakan mine... more Pulau Kalimantan, secara geologi memberikan potensi jebakan bijih besi. Bijih besi merupakan mineral yang terkandung dalam batuan sebagai bahan baku baja. Meningkatnya permintaan dunia industri terhadap mineral logam, menjadikan Indonesia bergantung pada impor. Sehingga dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan sebaran bijih besi guna memenuhi kebutuhan yang memadai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah " A" Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan menggunakan data resistivitas dan data Induced Polariation (IP) dengan konfigurasi Wenner yang terdiri dari 23 lintasan. Induced Polarization atau Polarisasi terimbas merupakan salah satu metode geolistrik yang sangat efektif untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan mineral di bawah permukaan. Pengolahan data dawali dengan proses inversi 2-Dimensi untuk mendapatkan nilai resistivitas dan chargeability yang sebenarnya hingga mendapatkan model 3-Dimensi dengan berbagai irisan secara vertikal dan horisontal. Berdasarkan pemodelan, diduga keberadaan bijih besi ditemukan pada 16 lintasan diantaranya lintasan Q,
Lembaran Publikasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Nov 23, 2022
RB-field is located at the Rangkas block in Banten province. The petroleum system has been proven... more RB-field is located at the Rangkas block in Banten province. The petroleum system has been proven to produce hydrocarbon, which is indicated by oil seepage in some places. Unfortunately, the study of reservoir rock candidates has not been yet accomplished. This study aims to determine the type of lithology in the early Miocene in Saraweh formation and the late Oligocene-Early Miocene in Cijengkol formation, which are considered reservoir rock candidates by evaluating its acoustic impedance and porosity. The acoustic impedance is cross-plotted against the gamma-ray to obtain lithology sensitivity. The rock porosity is calculated empirically based on the relationship between the acoustic impedance and neutron-porosity. The results of this study shows that carbonate rock has
Al-Fiziya: Journal of Materials Science, Geophysics, Instrumentation and Theoretical Physics
The position of the west coast of the island of Sumatra, which is the meeting point of the Eurasi... more The position of the west coast of the island of Sumatra, which is the meeting point of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates, has high seismicity due to its tectonic activity. This high level of seismicity indicates that many earthquakes have an effect on ground motion. This study calculates and analyzes the maximum ground motion acceleration (Peak Ground Acceleration - PGA) as the effect of destructive earthquakes in Sumatra for 100 years from January 1, 1920 - December 31, 2020, based on the Kawashumi model. The calculation results give PGA values in the range of 388,190 – 4008,210 gal with a maximum value of 4199.45 gals at 3,295oN, 95,982oE caused by the 9.1 M earthquake on Andaman Island on December 24, 2004. While the minimum PGA value is 314.9 gals located at 4.438oLS - 101.367oBT caused by the Bengkulu 8.4 M earthquake. This calculation results in a map showing a high PGA pattern in the northern part of Sumatra and decreasing towards the south. This shows that destructive ...
Lapangan RB termasuk wilayah kerja blok Rangkas yang berlokasi di propinsi Banten memiliki Petrol... more Lapangan RB termasuk wilayah kerja blok Rangkas yang berlokasi di propinsi Banten memiliki Petroleum System yang sudah terbukti menghasilkan hidrokarbon. Di beberapa tempat terdapat rembesan minyak tetapi masih belum ada kajian yang mendalam mengenai potensi batuan reservoir penghasil hidrokarbon tersebut. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menentukan jenis litologi pada formasi Saraweh berumur Miocene awal dan formasi Cijengkol berumur Oligocene akhir-Miocene awal yang dijadikan sebagai kandidat batuan reservoir dengan melakukan perhitungan nilai impedansi akustik dan porositasnya. Nilai impedansi akustik tersebut dicrossplotkan terhadap parameter litologi gamma ray sebagai indikator litologi. Nilai porositas batuan dihitung berdasarkan hubungan empirik antara nilai impedansi akustik dan neutron-porosity. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa batuan karbonat memiliki nilai impedansi akustik berkisar antara 10000 ((m/s)*(g/cm³)) - 13500 ((m/s)*(g/cm ³)) dan nilai porositas kurang dari 0.20 ...
Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research
The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This bas... more The Bintuni Basin is one of several oil and gas producing basin in Eastern Indonesia. This basin has one of the hydrocarbon-producing reservoir in the Kais Formation. The carbonate reservoir in Kais Formation is Middle to Upper Miocene age. The understanding of reservoirs is important for further field development. Petrophysical analysis is a method for understanding reservoirs especially porosity parameter and estimation of hydrocarbon reserve. The data used in study is well data including, mudlog report, well report, Gamma Ray (GR), Sonic, Resistivity (ILD, ILS, MSFL), density (RHOB) and NPHI logs. The aim study is to analyze the reservoir using Gamma Ray log and porosity calculation using Sonic, RHOB and NPHI logs. The study method includes regional geological literature review, marker analysis, Gamma Ray picking, and reservoir porosity calculations. According to Gamma Ray picking analysis, the Kais Formation GR has values of GRsand = 25 API and values of GRshale = 80 API. ...
The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from wes... more The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from west to east consisting of an oblique subduction zone with gentle subduction angles, the Mentawai fault, and the Sumatran large fault zone (Semangko fault). These three tectonic systems have caused high seismic activity and have implications for ground movement (Peak Ground Acceleration). This research calculates the PGA value using the Donovan model based on historical data from 100 years of destructive earthquakes. The results of this calculation are mapped and obtained results that have similarities with the tectonic system, where the west coast is a high-risk area for ground movement. The model gives PGA results in the range 8.5508 – 368.1172 gal with a minimum value of 3.295° N, 95.982° E caused by earthquake 9.1 SR, Andaman Island. The maximum value is at 4.436° S, 101.076° E caused by earthquake 5.2 SR, Bengkulu. In general, this map provides an overview of the risk of land movement on the island of Sumatra and can be used for land movement disaster mitigation efforts.
The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from wes... more The island of Sumatra is characterized by three tectonic systems, which are sequentially from west to east consisting of an oblique subduction zone with gentle subduction angles, the Mentawai fault, and the Sumatran large fault zone (Semangko fault). These three tectonic systems have caused high seismic activity and have implications for ground movement (Peak Ground Acceleration). This research calculates the PGA value using the Donovan model based on historical data from 100 years of destructive earthquakes. The results of this calculation are mapped and obtained results that have similarities with the tectonic system, where the west coast is a high-risk area for ground movement. The model gives PGA results in the range 8.5508 – 368.1172 gal with a minimum value of 3.295° N, 95.982° E caused by earthquake 9.1 SR, Andaman Island. The maximum value is at 4.436° S, 101.076° E caused by earthquake 5.2 SR, Bengkulu. In general, this map provides an overview of the risk of land movement ...
Al-Fiziya: Journal of Materials Science, Geophysics, Instrumentation and Theoretical Physics, 2019
Sulawesi Island is composed of complex tectonic arrangements. Most earthquake activities in Sulaw... more Sulawesi Island is composed of complex tectonic arrangements. Most earthquake activities in Sulawesi are affected by the Palu - Koro Fault and Matano Fault. Palu - Koro Fault and Matano Fault are one of the faults in Central Sulawesi. Active movement of the fault results in high earthquake activity in the region of Central Sulawesi and its surroundings. This makes the importance of earthquake parameters in Central Sulawesi and surrounding areas. One of the efforts to find out earthquake parameter information accurately is to relocate. The purpose of this study was to conduct hypocenter earthquake relocation and determine the 1-D velocity structure of P waves in Central and surrounding areas using the Coupled Velocity - Hypocenter method with Velest 3.3 software. The data used are tectonic earthquake data from November 2009 to March 2018, data recording stations, and initial speed data. The results of data processing using the Velest 3.3 software are that some of the results of the r...
This research was conducted to determine and mapping the value of the PGA in Indonesian territory... more This research was conducted to determine and mapping the value of the PGA in Indonesian territory using two empirical models of attenuation equations from the transition of the second generation to the third generation. The research was conducted by applying the Frisenda’s and Luzi’s. The calculation is based on a catalog of earthquakes that occurred from 1 January 1970 - 31 December 2020 with a variable earthquake magnitude ≥ 5 SR and hypocentre depth ≤ 60 km (destructive earthquake). The calculation results in the maximum value of PGA respectively 0.6613 g for Frisenda, and 12.257 g in the Luzi. The maximum PGA value in Luzi model is the effects of the Andaman Islands earthquake on December 26th, 2004, with a magnitude of 9,1 SR, and the maximum PGA value in the Frisenda model is the effects of the Flying Fish Cove, Christmas Island earthquake on June 13th, 2013, with the magnitude 6.7 SR. In general, these two maps show different or even opposite patterns.
Al-Fiziya Journal of Material Sciences, Geophysics, and Theoretical Physicsics, Instrumentations, 2021
Posisi pantai barat pulau Sumatera yang merupakan wilayah pertemuan lempeng Eurasia dan IndoAustr... more Posisi pantai barat pulau Sumatera yang merupakan wilayah pertemuan lempeng Eurasia dan IndoAustralia memiliki seismisitas yang tinggi karena aktivitas tektoniknya. Tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi ini mengindikasikan sangat banyaknya kejadian gempabumi yang memberikan efek gerakan tanah. Penelitian ini melakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap percepatan gerakan tanah maksimum (
Papers by Tati Zera