Papers by Željko Dolijanović
Сажетак. На основу досадашњих сазнања и праћења одређених тенденција развоја пољопривреде, могу с... more Сажетак. На основу досадашњих сазнања и праћења одређених тенденција развоја пољопривреде, могу се уочити бројне промјене. Суочени са новом свјетском економском кризом и недостатком појединих ресурса, повећањем броја становника на планети и глобалним промјенама климе, интензивније се размишља о неминовним промјенама у савременој пољопривредној пракси. Све је очигледније да се одрживост пољопривредних система мора заснивати на паметном коришћењу обновљивих ресурса и/или обнављању ресурса. Систем који зависи од ресурса чије је коришћење ограничено, као што су фосилна горива, не може бити бесконачно одржив. Oдржива пољопривреда данас се не дефинише само као правац развоја, него више као систем принципа који треба дугорочно одржавати и подржавати. Када се говори о одрживој пољопривреди, треба имати на уму њен дугорочни циљ, а то је да се обезбиједи довољно стабилна производња квалитетне хране и биљних
Prema mnogim istraživanjima u svetu došlo se do zaključka da se pravilnim plodoredom može rešiti ... more Prema mnogim istraživanjima u svetu došlo se do zaključka da se pravilnim plodoredom može rešiti oko 70 % problema s bolestima i štetočinama u ratarstvu. Uloga mu je višestruka: •održava i poboljšava plodnost i strukturu zemljišta •podstiče pokretanja hraniva iz nižih slojeva •reguliše bolesti, štetočine i korove •dovodi do smanjenja gubitka hraniva ispiranjem •sprečava pojavu erozije •podstiče mikrobiološke procese.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of various systems of soil tillage and nitrogen d... more The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of various systems of soil tillage and nitrogen doses on the mineral composition of the grain of the common winter wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), cv. Azra selected for the conventional intensive production. The field experiment was conducted on luvic chernozem in completely randomized blocks. Wheat was grown under three soil tillage systems: conventional tillage, mulch tillage and no-tillage, and the experiment included two doses of N fertilization (60 and 120 kg ha-1). Concentrations of eighteen elements (As,
The influence of crop rotation and different weed managements on leaf area and maize (Zea mays L.... more The influence of crop rotation and different weed managements on leaf area and maize (Zea mays L.) yield was examined. The trial with split-plot design was set up during seasons of 2009-2011 on experimental field of Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje", on slightly calcareous chernozem soil type. Experiment involved maize monoculture and two-year rotation of maize and winter wheat (Triticum vulgare L.). Hybrid ZP 677 was sowed during all three years, on maize field, while the wheat variety Takovčanka was sowed in the autumn of 2009 on field with two-year rotation. The different in-treatments were applied in maize crop: a) treatment with isoxaflutole + acetochlor herbicides (750 + 768 g a.i. ha-1); b) weed removing by manual cultivating; c) control-without cultivating and herbicides. The leaf area index (LAI) and maize yield were observed. In 2011, when the first rotation of maize and wheat was completed, LAI had the highest values of maize crop in two-year rotation in all in-treatments, what is 0.3-0.9 m 2 m-2 higher than in monoculture. Besides, the higher maize yield was observed in two-year rotation in all in-treatments, too. It was around 1.1-2.2 t ha-1 higher in relation to monoculture.
The aim of the paper is to enlighten the role that organic agriculture can have in the achievemen... more The aim of the paper is to enlighten the role that organic agriculture can have in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Currently, sustainable agriculture systems are not adequately recognized in SDG and supported by the decision-makers. Given that agriculture plays one of the key roles in sustainable development accomplishment, the expansion of an organic agriculture can be a basis to implementing SDG. Organic agriculture has multiple benefits as most valuable option in redesigning food systems to achieve ecological, economic, and social sustainability. Moreover it could encompass and establish food system from field to fork necessary to complete the SDG without oversize resource depletion and negative impact on the environment. The study showed that by placing organic agriculture high in the agenda of SDG it is possible to create conditions for sustainable development while identify and manage trade-offs in agriculture and maximize co-benefits.
An (Randomized Complete Block) experiment with a maize and soybean intercropping system was set u... more An (Randomized Complete Block) experiment with a maize and soybean intercropping system was set up at the experimental school of the Faculty of Agriculture-Radmilovac, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. The experiment were carried out during 2002 and 2003 on the eutric cambisol soil type. Two spatial planting arrangements were applied: strip intercropping and alternate rows. Intercropping was done according to the method of replacement series and the main goal of this approach is to exchange the particular number of plants of one species with another. This examination included four experimental hybrids of maize from various FAO groups of maturity (400, 500, 600 and 700) and a soybean cultivar, ZPS-015 (maturity group O). The aim of this paper was to determine the optimal plant arrangement pattern of maize and soybean toward getting the maximum aboveground biomass with the best quality of silage. Likewise it is important to examine the advantage of late maturity maize hybrids (FAO 600 and 700) compared with medium early maturity hybrids (FAO 400 and 500). Weather had a large influence on biomass productivity. The increase of intercrop productivity in 2002 (when rainfall was adequate) was from 25-38% (strips) and 27-43% (alternate rows), while in 2003 (when rainfall was inadequate in parts of the growing season) this increase was a little bit lower: 8-18% (strips) and 13-40% (alternate rows). Intercrop variants with medium late hybrids of maize (FAO 600 and 700) gave significantly higher yield of above ground biomass in 2002. In second year of the examination 2003, the advantage was on the side of intercrop with hybrids of shorter vegetation period (FAO 400 and 500) because of drought. The greatest yield appeared in 2002 in variants of alternate rows intercrop with hybrids FAO 400 and FAO 700.
Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 15-18, 2015. Book of Proceedings, 2015
Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 15-18, 2015. Book of Proceedings, 2015
Poljoprivredna tehnika, 2010
... Duan Kovačević, eljko Dolijanović, Mićo Oljača, Jasmina Oljača 52 ZAKLJUČAK Na osnovu ispit... more ... Duan Kovačević, eljko Dolijanović, Mićo Oljača, Jasmina Oljača 52 ZAKLJUČAK Na osnovu ispitivanja uticaja meliorativnog sistema obrade zemljita na vanije fizičke osobine livadskog ... [9] Kovačević, D. Momirović, N., Oljača Sneana, Oljača VM, Glamočlija Đ., Radoević. ...
Agronomy, May 30, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Poljoprivredna tehnika, 2005
... Uticaj tehnologije gajenja na prinos ozime penice. Kovačević Duan a , Dolijanović eljko a ... more ... Uticaj tehnologije gajenja na prinos ozime penice. Kovačević Duan a , Dolijanović eljko a , Jovanović ivota b , Milić Vesna c. a ... 6. Kovačević, D., Momirović, N., Broćić, Z., Oljača, S.,Radoević, ., Raičević, V. (1997) Uticaj sistema obrade i đubrenja na zakorovljenost ozime ...
High and quality yields of winter wheat, as well as other filed crops, largely depend on climatic... more High and quality yields of winter wheat, as well as other filed crops, largely depend on climatic conditions. Since climate provides good light conditions and sufficient heat energy in a greater part of Serbian territory, the success of the cultivation of this crop mainly depends on precipitation sums and their distribution. The objective of the present study was to analyse temperature and precipitation regimes during the past two decades (1991-2010) and to determine the dependence of the average winter wheat yields on these climate parameters. The analysis of temperature and precipitation regimes over full-year periods, growing seasons and three subperiods (autumn, winter and spring) during the 1990-2010 period show extremely dry years such as 1992/93, 1995/96, 2002/03 and 2006/07, but also extremely wet years such as 2003/04, 2008/09 and 2009/10, which also caused damages in crops. The regression and correlation analysis of the simultaneous effect of observed factors on the winter wheat grain yield show statistical significance in autumn and during the growing season of winter wheat. The greatest dependence of winter wheat grain yield, expressed through the coefficients of correlation, is on autumnal and meteorological conditions during the growing season. The regression equation shows that the 1-mm precipitation increase of autumnal, winter and total precipitation sums in the growing season resulted in grain yields increase with the exception of lower yields caused by spring rainfalls. Of the two observed meteorological conditions, air temperatures, particularly summer and temperatures during the winter wheat growing season, had greater effects on grain yields.
Helia, 2011
The level of weed infestation directly affects the intensity of competitive relationship between ... more The level of weed infestation directly affects the intensity of competitive relationship between sunflower crops and weeds. The greatest damage is caused by annual, broad-leaf and invasive weeds, such as Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Xanthium strumarium L. and Datura stramonium L. Suppression of these weeds is difficult because of deficiency of adequate herbicides and because in years with dry springs, such as in 2009, the use of herbicides gives no results. This two-year study dealt with the observed effects of pre-emergence flurochloridone + s-metolachlor herbicides on the distribution of weeds in different stages of sunflower development. Weed infestation was estimated over the sunflower developmental stages, i.e., in the periods when weeds were removed and when the total fresh and dry biomass of the weed species was determined. Simultaneously, in order to monitor the effects of weeds in dependence on herbicides application and the duration of competition, the sunflower plant height was measured. At the end of the life cycle, the yield and the oil content of the sunflower seeds were established. The total fresh weed biomass changed in dependence on the sunflower developmental stages and was always lower on the herbicide-treated area. This affected the sunflower plant height, yield and the oil content, which were higher, on the average, in the variants with herbicide applications (70.4 cm, 2959.7 kg ha-1 and 42.0%) than in the variants without herbicides application (57.4 cm, 2711.1 kg ha-1 and 40.1%). Weed suppression in the sunflower crop has to be done with adequate herbicides and in due time in order to suppress a significant reduction in morphological and yield parameters.
Plant Soil and Environment, Mar 31, 2012
A field experiment was conducted in order to estimate the influence of different arrangement patt... more A field experiment was conducted in order to estimate the influence of different arrangement patterns of maize plants (Zea mays L.) in combination with low rates of herbicides on weed infestation and on production parameters of the crop. The maize was sown at 70-, 50-, and 35-cm row space with the same crop density. The weed biomass declined with smaller row spaces and was, on average, the lowest with the 35-cm row space; even though the arrangement patterns of the maize plants had no significant effect on the average values of the weed biomass. The interaction of the arrangement pattern and the herbicide rate significantly influenced weed biomass. Maize grain yield expressed the greatest variation under the effects of applied factors, but did not differ significantly between treatments with the full and the half rate of herbicides. The results indicate that it is possible to control weed infestation level if maize is grown with increased spatial uniformity and combined application of other practices such are herbicides. In such a way, maize plants are more competitive against weeds and even lower amounts of herbicides could be applied in order to achieve high yields.
Acta horticulturae, Aug 1, 2021
Papers by Željko Dolijanović