Papers by Bernadetta Zawilińska
Streszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono problem postrzegania jednostek pomocniczych miasta przez i... more Streszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono problem postrzegania jednostek pomocniczych miasta przez ich mieszkańców. Przybliżono historię powstania dzielnic samorządowych w Krakowie, zaprezentowano wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród mieszkańców trzech dzielnic (n=1433) oraz odniesiono je do obserwacji innych autorów, prezentowanych w literaturze przedmiotu. Badania ukazały, że funkcjonujące już ponad ćwierć wieku dzielnice samorządowe słabo wpisały się w świadomość mieszkańców i nie odgrywają istotnej roli w ich życiu. Respondenci w większości nie potrafili poprawnie podać nazwy własnej dzielnicy i nie znali jej zasięgu przestrzennego. Nadal silnie zakorzenione w ich świadomości okazały się dawne podziały administracyjne i historyczne jednostki osiedleńcze (dawne wsie). Ankietowani na ogół nie brali udziału w życiu publicznym dzielnic i nie włączali się w podejmowane na ich szczeblu inicjatywy.
Residents of the city towards self-governing districts – an example of districts VIII Dębniki and... more Residents of the city towards self-governing districts – an example of districts VIII Dębniki and X Swoszowice in Cracow. The Cracow districts have the status of auxiliary self-governing units within this city and, generally should be communities of residents living in particular parts of the city, close to them, in which they implement their daily practices. In theer article, the authors, by examining the sense of belonging to the district, undertook to identify its perception by residents and relations between the residents and their auxiliary units, on the example of two such districts this of VIII Dębniki and X Swoszowice. Attitudes of their residents towards self-governing districts were identified on the basis of 1141 questionnaires, obtaining during surveys conducted in 2017. The authors have found relatively weak relations of residents with their auxiliary units, as evidenced by small involvement in initiatives taken for the benefit of this districts. The analysis, however, ...
Warsztaty z Geografii Turyzmu, Tom 11, Krajoznawstwo a turystyka, 2021
The article analyzes activity in the landscape parks of Małopolska Voivodeship in terms of educat... more The article analyzes activity in the landscape parks of Małopolska Voivodeship in terms of education and tourism development. The empirical part of the article consists of two components: (1) analysis of the activities undertaken by the landscape parks, carried out on the basis of materials obtained from their joint management and interviews with its employees; (2) presentation of residents’, tourists’ and local authorities’ opinions on these activities collected through questionnaire surveys. Landscape parks conduct educational activity which is closely related to activities in the field of tourism development. These include conducting thematic classes - mainly taking place in schools and less often in the field, maintaining educational centers, educational trails and websites, as well as publishing materials. The functioning of landcape parks is supported both by local residents and tourists, although the parks as an institution are only poorly recognized. The high declared intere...
Sustainability, 2021
An increasingly popular approach to protected areas as places that should combine natural and soc... more An increasingly popular approach to protected areas as places that should combine natural and socioeconomic goals, poses questions regarding the effects of achieving such goals, particularly in the context of generating local economic benefits. Therefore, the objectives of this study are as follows: (1) determining the level and diversity of the socioeconomic development of communes with national parks as compared with neighboring communes that are not protected because of national parks (treating them as a point of reference for comparisons), and (2) presenting the level of tourism development in communes with national parks as compared with neighboring areas and other components of socioeconomic development. The achievement of the research objectives is based on the use of 28 indicators which, following the standardization process, allow for constructing a synthetic index (Composite Development Index-CDI) that shows development disparities in the two analyzed groups of communes. T...
Social perception of building development in Ojców National Park and its buffer zone. The article... more Social perception of building development in Ojców National Park and its buffer zone. The article presents the problem of the settlements development in the Ojców National Park (ONP) and its buffer zone, both located in the suburban area of Cracow (Poland). The aim of the research was to recognize the social perception of this phenomenon, as well as the residents opinion about the limitations in spatial management related to the functioning of the Park. Interviews were made among 204 residents, and 40 representatives of local self-governments, cultural institutions, associations, administrators of tourist facilities and entrepreneurs. The local community perceives constraints in the new buildings construction and in enlargement or modernization of the existing ones as the main problem for people living in the ONP or its buffer zone. Driven by their particular interests, residents advocate the further development of the settlements and tourist infrastructure within the Park and the b...
Papers by Bernadetta Zawilińska