Papers by Yulianes Hosang
The moringa plant (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is a member of the Moringaceae family that grows in Ind... more The moringa plant (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is a member of the Moringaceae family that grows in Indonesia. Moringa plants have many benefits, both as a source of food, medicine, and cosmetics. The development of moringa plants in Indonesia has not been carried out because it is still constrained by the absence of a mother tree and a source of moringa seed gardens. This study aims to identify morphological characters and production potential in two populations of moringa plants. The research was conducted in August 2021 in East Flores District, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The research was conducted by determining the selected mother tree (SMT), observing morphological characters, and seed production. Exploration of selected parent trees was carried out using a survey method on two moringa plant populations in Tiwatobi and Harubala villages. Observations of plant morphological characters were carried out on quantitative and qualitative characters. The production potential is carried ou...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Genetic diversity assessment is vitally important for germplasm management and the assembly of ne... more Genetic diversity assessment is vitally important for germplasm management and the assembly of new varieties. This study aimed to 1) assess the genetic diversity and 2) characterize the distinctness, uniformity, and stability of newly bred clones and check varieties of sweet potatoes based on morphological characters. The present study was conducted in the experimental farm of Universitas Nusa Cendana for two cycles (years) in 2021 and 2022, involving 13 newly bred (hybrid) clones and 6 control varieties. The observations were made on morphological characters of leaf, vine, and storage root, including 31 characteristics. The observed characters were given scores based on the sweet potato descriptors of IPGBR and PPVTPP. The scored morphological data were subjected to cluster analysis followed by a Principal Component Analysis to reveal the genetic diversity level. Euclidean index was used to characterize the distinctness, while the variation of the scored morphological data was used to reveal the uniformity and stability of tested genotypes. The results revealed a high genetic diversity of the studied genotypes. The cluster analysis placed the studied genotypes into four clusters; cluster I consisted of only one genotype, cluster II comprised two sub-clusters and 13 genotype members, cluster II comprised two members, and cluster IV comprised two sub-clusters and three members. The first eight principal components were responsible for about 79% of the observed variability. Euclidean distance index revealed that each of the studied genotypes is distinct from others. No off-type plant was observed; thus, each of the tested genotypes was considered uniform. Phenotypic expressions of the studied genotypes were similar over the two growing cycles; thus, each is said to be stable. The newly bred genotypes G16 and G29 genotypes that meet the distinctness, uniformity, and stability criteria based on their highest number of distinctive characters are eligible for registration as new sweet potato varieties, more specifically for their unique purplish white and purple tuber flesh characters.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The adoption of hybrid maize and OPV’s in the ENT provinces was still under 45% and the use of ma... more The adoption of hybrid maize and OPV’s in the ENT provinces was still under 45% and the use of maize landraces was above 55% The reasons farmers keep using their own traditional local maize remain unclear, but it is assumed that good adaptation to the local conditions and tolerance against maize weevils are the primary reasons. Modelling of a crop like maize (APSIM MODEL) can be used to predict the yield potential of the crop in an area based on the resources available within any particular season. Comparisons of simulated vs observed yields helps identify constraints and develop strategies to reduce the production risk Field planting of maize landraces and an improved variety was conducted at the research station of the Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP NTT) in Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia. There were three West Timor maize landrace used in this field trial; they were white maize landrace A, B and C and Piet kuning variety It can be concluded that APSIM can be...
Maize is the important staple food crop cultivated in West Timor, Indonesia. However, maize produ... more Maize is the important staple food crop cultivated in West Timor, Indonesia. However, maize productivity in West Timor is low (2.7 t/ha in 2010) compared to the national average (4.2 t/ha in 2010), due to low use of fertilisers. Integrating forage legumes into maize cropping systems has the potential to assist in improving maize nutrient supply and also provide high quality forage for livestock. The experiment was conducted on the island of West Timor, Indonesia to evaluate biomass production of herbaceous forage legumes in West Timor environment and to quantify potential nitrogen contribution from forage legumes in to maize in a rotation farming system. Butterfly pea, and Centro (both varieties) produced the most biomass (>6 t DM/ha), estimated shoot N was >150 kg N/ha and had the largest impacts on growth of a subsequent maize crop. Growing legumes and retaining their biomass on the field contributed significant nitrogen supply to the following maize crop, increasing N uptak...
This paper’s working hypothesis is that the indigenous farming practices of Timorese farmers are ... more This paper’s working hypothesis is that the indigenous farming practices of Timorese farmers are those most suitable and adaptable with regard to these farmers’ circumstances. Intensive farming and the acceleration of land conversion in Java lead to a reduction in favorable cropland and the degradation of soil biology. To meet the demand for food production, unfavorable areas outside Java, including marginal semi-arid areas on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara province, have become an important option. Unfortunately, the national crop production policy has paid less attention to the specific biophysical characteristics of the region and how local people have adapted to the diverse marginal environment. We review the literature in the areas of soil nutrition retention and soil biology, vegetation/crop diversity, and farming practices/management, including local wisdom on soil management. This paper highlights that the values of the chemical parameters of the soils in question are vari...
Buletin Plasma Nutfah
Plasmanutfah padi gogo lokal NTT sudah pernah dikoleksi dan dievaluasi sebanyak 97 aksesi oleh ti... more Plasmanutfah padi gogo lokal NTT sudah pernah dikoleksi dan dievaluasi sebanyak 97 aksesi oleh tim peneliti Balai Besar Biogen Bogor pada tahun 1997 yang berhasil mengkoleksi 97 aksesi dari 19 kabupaten di NTT dan dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan koleksi dan karakterisasi oleh Pengkajian Teknologi (BPTP) NTT yang telah mengkoleksi 61 aksesi tanaman padi gogo lokal NTT dari 11 kabupaten di NTT. Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya adalah salah satu wilayah yang memiliki aksesi padi gogo yang terbanyak yaitu sebanyak 20 aksesi karena itu telah dilakukan karakteristik 20 aksesi dari Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya dengan menggunakan descriptor Standard Evaliation Sysrem (SES) IRRI 1996. Dari hasil karakterisasi ini disimpulkan bahwa terdapat variasi karakteristik agronomi dan fenotip yang sangat besar antar aksesi padi gogo lokal tersebut dan Karakter yang paling menunjukkan keragaman antar aksesi adalah bentuk permukaan daun, sudut daun bendera, warna pelepah daun, warna gabah, warna kulit arid an peoduk...
Field Crops Research, 2019
Multiple crops can be grown sequentially on the same field within a 12-month period in tropical h... more Multiple crops can be grown sequentially on the same field within a 12-month period in tropical humid environments. Yield gap analysis focusing on both individual crop cycles and cropping systems can help identifying opportunities to increase annual productivity. Indonesia was used as a case study to evaluate options for increasing annual productivity in rice and maize through closure of existing yield gaps at both crop-cycle and cropping-system levels. A total of 31 (rice) and 11 (maize) sites for irrigated crops, and 24 (rice) and 29 (maize) sites for rainfed crops were selected based on their share of national harvested area. Crop modeling based on local weather, soil, and management data, together with average farmer yield data, were used to estimate yield potential and yield gaps for individual crop cycles (total: 367) and cropping systems (total: 154). Extra rice and maize production potential were estimated for different scenarios of crop intensification and/or cropland expansion and compared against projected increase in grain demand for the two crops by year 2035. Yield gaps were substantially larger in maize versus rice and, in the case of rice, yield gap was larger in rainfed lowland versus irrigated conditions. At national level, average farmer yield for irrigated rice and maize represented 63% and 44% of their respective yield potential (9.5 and 13.6 Mg ha −1) while, in rainfed conditions, average farmer yield was 52% (rice) and 42% (maize) of respective water-limited yield potential (9.2 and 12.2 Mg ha −1). Scenario assessment indicated that Indonesia can produce an extra 24 and 16 million metric tons (MMT) of rice and maize annually (respective 31 and 67% increase relative to current production) and reach near self-sufficiency for both crops on existing cropland area by closing current yield gaps to a level equivalent to 80% of yield potential (irrigated crops) or 70% of water-limited yield potential (rainfed crops). Analysis of cropping-system yield gaps indicated an additional potential increase in annual rice (3 MMT) and maize (11 MMT) production derived from adoption of crop sequences with highest annual yield potential combined with yield gap closure, though this may be limited by extra input requirements and/or increasing risk. Findings from this study demonstrate the utility of yield-gap analysis to estimate extra crop production potential derived from intensification at both individual-crop and cropping-systems levels.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The research was conducted in Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara Province with the research o... more The research was conducted in Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara Province with the research objectives were to describe (i) existing farming system performance, (ii) planting calender, cropping pattern, and harvesting calender, and (iii) farmer’s strategies to manage their farm and income. The district has two agroecosystems, there are dry land and wet climate high land, and dry land and climate and low land. Data was collected from 12 subdistrict in Manggarai district, by using Focus Group Discussion and observation method. The research results showed that farmer’s strategyies were (a) growing multy commodities, so agricultural gumption and income distributed along the year, (b) in certain months were household income was supported by several commodities, but in other months were supported by only one commodity even there is no income. In high land zone, there is a range of time that is supported by several commodities, and in the low land zone, there are two supports from several commodities. In the two zones, there are several months with low income, so it is needed to find the other activity such as off farm and nonfarm to get income. The various farming activities which is running by farmers have aims to distribute risks, food security and also maintain agriculture product stability.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Genetic variability information, which is a heritable difference among maize cultivars, is import... more Genetic variability information, which is a heritable difference among maize cultivars, is important to a long-term plant breeding program. In the last decade a number of researchers have studied the correlation between phenotypic and genetic variability in maize by using Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) markers. Maize landraces as maize cultivars grown ‘on farm’ by farmers who reproduce their seed every year, and they can be distinguished by specific traits, so maize landraces are composed of widely variable populations, where the variation can be seen between and within populations. Five white maize landrace seed samples were obtained from five farmers in each of three villages, Nunmafo, Amol and Ajaobaki; five yellow landrace maize seed samples were obtained from five farmers in Nunmafo village only; while the five certified improved open pollinated varieties (Lamuru, Piet kuning, Bisma, Harapan, Kalingga) were obtained from the Indonesia Cereal Research Institute (ICRI) Maros. The ba...
Maize constitute dominant food crop in upland semi-arid region of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) and as... more Maize constitute dominant food crop in upland semi-arid region of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) and as a main staple for majority of rural farmers. This paper examines Provincial Government programs to increase maize production and to reform maize production orientation. Data and information being used from the recent program: “Maize Planting, Cattle Harvest (MPCH)”. The survey was conducted in all villages in Districts of Timor and Sumba Island as pilot project. The study showed that: 1). Maize farmers keen to change production orientation from subsistence to semi and fully commercial as long as there are surplus production and better access to the market, 2). Average maize productivity of farmers under program (5 – 8 ton/ha) higher than traditional practices (1 – 2 ton/ha), 3). Most farmers under the program have access to have own cattle 1- 2 head/household from surplus production of maize sold with contract price IDR 3,200/kg. This result implies that incorporated farmer into the mar...
Materials Research Express, 2019
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 28, 2020
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Corn waste agricultural by-product that can be used for animal feed at Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) ... more Corn waste agricultural by-product that can be used for animal feed at Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) has a longer dry climate than the rainy ones, caused difficulties in terms of feeding. Farmers utilize corn waste as feed resource. This study was carried out to determine the potential corn waste and evaluate the potential capacities of livestock from corn waste as animal feed. The data was obtained from farmer group, collected during December 2019 to April 2020 in Oeteta Village, Kupang Timur - NTT. The data of corn waste material production included corn straw (stalks and leaves), corn cob, and corn husk in 7 hectares area. Data were collected by using the survey with simple random sampling for estimation of carrying capacity value. The results showed that the fresh corn waste production on the land area of 7 hectares in the Oeteta village were fresh corn straw (451,101 kg year-1), corn cob (65,225.58 kg year-1), corn husk (10,870.86 kg year-1), and total 527,197.44 kg year-1 of ...
Papers by Yulianes Hosang