Ergasilus Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) is described from freshwater catfish Wallagu att... more Ergasilus Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) is described from freshwater catfish Wallagu attu parasite on the gills from Haleji Lake, Sindh, Pakistan. This species differs from all its congeners by a combination of characteristics including the shape of the body, structure and armature of the swimming legs.
For length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor (K) analysis, the fish Sardinella melan... more For length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor (K) analysis, the fish Sardinella melanura (Sardine) were caught through gill net from the coast of Gwadar Balochistan during the months of August, 2003 to August, 2006. The study reveals that the coefficient of determination r2 was ≥ 0.911. The regression slop b values falls within the range of 2.5 - 3.5 and mean value of b was 2.79. The length of 20.6±1.41 cm was recorded in post south west monsoon which was the highest and the lowest of 13.2±0.63 cm was in pre south west monsoon. The weight of 72.7±26.40gms was recorded in post south west monsoon which was highest and the lowest of 20.4±4.5 was recorded in pre south west monsoon. The condition factor (K) of 0.90±0.21 was recorded in south west monsoon which was highest and the lowest of 0.80±0.11 was recorded in north east monsoon. The relationships between condition factor and log weight, and condition factor and total length were highly significant
International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2019
This paper describes a new microscopic Isopod species belonging to the genus Paradella. The holot... more This paper describes a new microscopic Isopod species belonging to the genus Paradella. The holotype was collected from the intertidal region of Sandspit, Karachi. The species can be diagnosed on the basis of the following characters: Cephalon wider with rostrum pointed; Pleotelson wider than long, dorsal surface of pleotelson scattered with granules, distal part of pleotelson expanded, with dorsal ovate ventilation slit. Each side of ventral pleotelsonic margins with ridge; both uropodal rami having sinuate lateral and mesial margins; pleon with upturned lateral margins. The species will also be the first representatives from Pakistan.
FIGURE 2. Sergestes brevispinatu, Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular... more FIGURE 2. Sergestes brevispinatu, Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flgellum (left), ventral; 3 ap, I–VII, 1st to 7th segments; cp; B— left third maxilliped; C— left third maxilliped, dactylus.
A study of the length weight relationship and condition factor of Hemiramphus archipelagicus from... more A study of the length weight relationship and condition factor of Hemiramphus archipelagicus from Karachi Coast was conducted from August 2010 to July 2011. Three hundred and Eighty five samples were collected by fishermen using gill net. The fish sample were preserved in formalin and taken to laboratory for identification and measurement of length and weight. Length-weight relationships (LWR) was described by the equation: W = a L b. The highest and lowest values of the slope ' b' in the length-weight relationship were observed in 2.87 and 2.55 and highest and lowest values of the intercept ' a' were observed in-1.577 and-1.023. The Correlation Coefficient of different size classes showed a very high degree of Correlation.
Fish samples of Rastrelliger kanagurta of various lengths (cm) and weight (g) were collected from... more Fish samples of Rastrelliger kanagurta of various lengths (cm) and weight (g) were collected from the coast of Karachi fish Harbour during August, 2006 to December, 2011. Samples were analysed as seasonal variation for Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The highest (24.0±1.75) and the lowest mean (23.5±1.65) lengths of fish were measured in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. The maximum (132±22.76) and minimum (126±18.65) weights were also measured in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. The highest (498.21±161.37 µg/g) and lowest (16.74±14.07 µg/g) mean concentrations of Fe were recorded in liver and gonads of fish during 2007-2008. Maximum (18.23±9.46 µg/g) and minimum (0.51±0.45 µg/g) concentrations of Mn were determined in liver and gonads during 2006-2011. Fishing operations can cause ecological impacts of different types: by catches, damage of the habitat, mortalities caused by lost or discarded gear, pollution, generation of marine debris, etc. Periodic reassessment of the ...
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2013
Feeding habits of Hemiramphus archipelagicus (Hemiramphidae), Collette and Parin, 1978 in Karachi... more Feeding habits of Hemiramphus archipelagicus (Hemiramphidae), Collette and Parin, 1978 in Karachi coast, Pakistan were studied based on the analysis of stomach contents. Monthly samples were taken from September, 2009 to December, 2009 from Karachi Fish Harbour. Stomach contents of 333 fishes (male n = 200 , female n = 133) were examined. Eleven food categories were identified: Polychaeta , Mollusca, Bivalvia, Crustacea, Amphipoda, Brachyura, Cirripedia, Pisces , Unidentified animal materials , Unidentified plant materials and Unidentified materials. The results showed that H. archipelagicus is an omnivorous predator and its diet depends upon the availability of local prey species, especially in intertidal areas. The proportions of food items in the diet composition of the H. archipelagicus in the category of 145-185 mm and 195-235 mm length were to be found roughly equal.
In order to define the period of maturity of penaeid shrimps at least three indices (fecundity, s... more In order to define the period of maturity of penaeid shrimps at least three indices (fecundity, size structure and density of mature females) are required. During the present study the relationships between fecundity and total length, carapace length, ovary length, body weight and ovary weight of three species of Penaeid shrimps, Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) indicus, Penaeus (Marsupenaeus) japonicus and Penaeus (Penaeus) monodon were found out. Samples of shrimps were collected from fish market, identified to the species level, morphometric measurements of each individual were recorded and the fecundity of each developed shrimp was estimated. The relationship between body weight and fecundity and between body length and fecundity were linear in all three species. The result indicated positive strong correlation between total length (size) and fecundity in all three species. Positive strong correlations were observed between carapace length and the fecundity, ovary length and fecundity, ...
Microplastics are one of the major pollution problems of nowadays, have been found in both marine... more Microplastics are one of the major pollution problems of nowadays, have been found in both marine environments and various fish species worldwide. In this study, the presence of microplastics in digestive systems and gills of 6 species from the Scombridae family on the coast of Karachi in Pakistan was investigated. A total of 336 fish were examined for the presence of microplastic in gills and digestive systems. Microplastics were detected in digestive systems and gills in 11.11%-19.51% and 58.62%-85.71% of total individuals, respectively. The amount of microplastic varied from 0.19 to 1.12 items.ind-1 in digestive system and 1.5 to 7.04 items.ind-1 in gill. Fibre was dominant both gills (98.67-99.17%) and digestive systems (100%). More extensive and further investigations are needed on microplastic contamination of the biota on Pakistan coast.
The length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor of adult Pomadasys stridens (Forsskäl, ... more The length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor of adult Pomadasys stridens (Forsskäl, 1775) samples (N = 192) collected during 2013 and 2014 from Karachi Coast was determined. The largest fish was 20.8 cm long and the heaviest fish was 69.0g in weight. The relationship between length and weight of adult P. stridens within the size range of length: 13.8 -20.8 cm was best given by a simple linear equation, W (g) = -2.000 + 3.3621L (cm) ± 1.0194 (r = 0.9788; r 2 =0.9580; Adj. r 2 =0.9578; F = 43337.80 (p < 0.0001). The power equation W (g) = 2.8403.L (cm) 1.0467 ± 0.01888 (r = 0.9779; r 2 = 0.9562; Adj. r 2 = 0.9560; F = 4151.086 (p < 0.0001) was not better than the linear equation in explanatory power. The LW relationship didn’t follow the cube law and indicated a negative allometry between length and weight. The relative condition factor (Kn) averaged to 1.104 ± 0.003 varying from 0.9254 to 1.044 i.e. around 1.7% only). Like, Weight / Length ratio, it was significantly higher in pre-monsoon season. Kn positively associated closely with Weight /Length ratio of the fish.
FIGURE 7. Sergestes edwardsii Kröyer, 1855. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flag... more FIGURE 7. Sergestes edwardsii Kröyer, 1855. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flagellum (left); ventral; 3ap; I–VII, 1st to 7th segments; cp; B—left third maxilliped; C—left third maxilliped dactylus further enlarged; D—apex of the dactylus.
FIGURE 8. Sergestes brevispinatus Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—left first pereiopod; B—carpopropo... more FIGURE 8. Sergestes brevispinatus Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—left first pereiopod; B—carpopropodalarticulation, further enlarged; C—chela of first pereiopod; D—left second pereiopod; E— chela of second pereiopod, further enlarged; F—left third pereiopod; G—chela of third pereiopod; further enlarged; H—left fourth pereiopod; I—left fifth pereiopod.
Ergasilus Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) is described from freshwater catfish Wallagu att... more Ergasilus Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) is described from freshwater catfish Wallagu attu parasite on the gills from Haleji Lake, Sindh, Pakistan. This species differs from all its congeners by a combination of characteristics including the shape of the body, structure and armature of the swimming legs.
For length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor (K) analysis, the fish Sardinella melan... more For length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor (K) analysis, the fish Sardinella melanura (Sardine) were caught through gill net from the coast of Gwadar Balochistan during the months of August, 2003 to August, 2006. The study reveals that the coefficient of determination r2 was ≥ 0.911. The regression slop b values falls within the range of 2.5 - 3.5 and mean value of b was 2.79. The length of 20.6±1.41 cm was recorded in post south west monsoon which was the highest and the lowest of 13.2±0.63 cm was in pre south west monsoon. The weight of 72.7±26.40gms was recorded in post south west monsoon which was highest and the lowest of 20.4±4.5 was recorded in pre south west monsoon. The condition factor (K) of 0.90±0.21 was recorded in south west monsoon which was highest and the lowest of 0.80±0.11 was recorded in north east monsoon. The relationships between condition factor and log weight, and condition factor and total length were highly significant
International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2019
This paper describes a new microscopic Isopod species belonging to the genus Paradella. The holot... more This paper describes a new microscopic Isopod species belonging to the genus Paradella. The holotype was collected from the intertidal region of Sandspit, Karachi. The species can be diagnosed on the basis of the following characters: Cephalon wider with rostrum pointed; Pleotelson wider than long, dorsal surface of pleotelson scattered with granules, distal part of pleotelson expanded, with dorsal ovate ventilation slit. Each side of ventral pleotelsonic margins with ridge; both uropodal rami having sinuate lateral and mesial margins; pleon with upturned lateral margins. The species will also be the first representatives from Pakistan.
FIGURE 2. Sergestes brevispinatu, Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular... more FIGURE 2. Sergestes brevispinatu, Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flgellum (left), ventral; 3 ap, I–VII, 1st to 7th segments; cp; B— left third maxilliped; C— left third maxilliped, dactylus.
A study of the length weight relationship and condition factor of Hemiramphus archipelagicus from... more A study of the length weight relationship and condition factor of Hemiramphus archipelagicus from Karachi Coast was conducted from August 2010 to July 2011. Three hundred and Eighty five samples were collected by fishermen using gill net. The fish sample were preserved in formalin and taken to laboratory for identification and measurement of length and weight. Length-weight relationships (LWR) was described by the equation: W = a L b. The highest and lowest values of the slope ' b' in the length-weight relationship were observed in 2.87 and 2.55 and highest and lowest values of the intercept ' a' were observed in-1.577 and-1.023. The Correlation Coefficient of different size classes showed a very high degree of Correlation.
Fish samples of Rastrelliger kanagurta of various lengths (cm) and weight (g) were collected from... more Fish samples of Rastrelliger kanagurta of various lengths (cm) and weight (g) were collected from the coast of Karachi fish Harbour during August, 2006 to December, 2011. Samples were analysed as seasonal variation for Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The highest (24.0±1.75) and the lowest mean (23.5±1.65) lengths of fish were measured in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. The maximum (132±22.76) and minimum (126±18.65) weights were also measured in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. The highest (498.21±161.37 µg/g) and lowest (16.74±14.07 µg/g) mean concentrations of Fe were recorded in liver and gonads of fish during 2007-2008. Maximum (18.23±9.46 µg/g) and minimum (0.51±0.45 µg/g) concentrations of Mn were determined in liver and gonads during 2006-2011. Fishing operations can cause ecological impacts of different types: by catches, damage of the habitat, mortalities caused by lost or discarded gear, pollution, generation of marine debris, etc. Periodic reassessment of the ...
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2013
Feeding habits of Hemiramphus archipelagicus (Hemiramphidae), Collette and Parin, 1978 in Karachi... more Feeding habits of Hemiramphus archipelagicus (Hemiramphidae), Collette and Parin, 1978 in Karachi coast, Pakistan were studied based on the analysis of stomach contents. Monthly samples were taken from September, 2009 to December, 2009 from Karachi Fish Harbour. Stomach contents of 333 fishes (male n = 200 , female n = 133) were examined. Eleven food categories were identified: Polychaeta , Mollusca, Bivalvia, Crustacea, Amphipoda, Brachyura, Cirripedia, Pisces , Unidentified animal materials , Unidentified plant materials and Unidentified materials. The results showed that H. archipelagicus is an omnivorous predator and its diet depends upon the availability of local prey species, especially in intertidal areas. The proportions of food items in the diet composition of the H. archipelagicus in the category of 145-185 mm and 195-235 mm length were to be found roughly equal.
In order to define the period of maturity of penaeid shrimps at least three indices (fecundity, s... more In order to define the period of maturity of penaeid shrimps at least three indices (fecundity, size structure and density of mature females) are required. During the present study the relationships between fecundity and total length, carapace length, ovary length, body weight and ovary weight of three species of Penaeid shrimps, Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) indicus, Penaeus (Marsupenaeus) japonicus and Penaeus (Penaeus) monodon were found out. Samples of shrimps were collected from fish market, identified to the species level, morphometric measurements of each individual were recorded and the fecundity of each developed shrimp was estimated. The relationship between body weight and fecundity and between body length and fecundity were linear in all three species. The result indicated positive strong correlation between total length (size) and fecundity in all three species. Positive strong correlations were observed between carapace length and the fecundity, ovary length and fecundity, ...
Microplastics are one of the major pollution problems of nowadays, have been found in both marine... more Microplastics are one of the major pollution problems of nowadays, have been found in both marine environments and various fish species worldwide. In this study, the presence of microplastics in digestive systems and gills of 6 species from the Scombridae family on the coast of Karachi in Pakistan was investigated. A total of 336 fish were examined for the presence of microplastic in gills and digestive systems. Microplastics were detected in digestive systems and gills in 11.11%-19.51% and 58.62%-85.71% of total individuals, respectively. The amount of microplastic varied from 0.19 to 1.12 items.ind-1 in digestive system and 1.5 to 7.04 items.ind-1 in gill. Fibre was dominant both gills (98.67-99.17%) and digestive systems (100%). More extensive and further investigations are needed on microplastic contamination of the biota on Pakistan coast.
The length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor of adult Pomadasys stridens (Forsskäl, ... more The length-weight relationship (LWR) and condition factor of adult Pomadasys stridens (Forsskäl, 1775) samples (N = 192) collected during 2013 and 2014 from Karachi Coast was determined. The largest fish was 20.8 cm long and the heaviest fish was 69.0g in weight. The relationship between length and weight of adult P. stridens within the size range of length: 13.8 -20.8 cm was best given by a simple linear equation, W (g) = -2.000 + 3.3621L (cm) ± 1.0194 (r = 0.9788; r 2 =0.9580; Adj. r 2 =0.9578; F = 43337.80 (p < 0.0001). The power equation W (g) = 2.8403.L (cm) 1.0467 ± 0.01888 (r = 0.9779; r 2 = 0.9562; Adj. r 2 = 0.9560; F = 4151.086 (p < 0.0001) was not better than the linear equation in explanatory power. The LW relationship didn’t follow the cube law and indicated a negative allometry between length and weight. The relative condition factor (Kn) averaged to 1.104 ± 0.003 varying from 0.9254 to 1.044 i.e. around 1.7% only). Like, Weight / Length ratio, it was significantly higher in pre-monsoon season. Kn positively associated closely with Weight /Length ratio of the fish.
FIGURE 7. Sergestes edwardsii Kröyer, 1855. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flag... more FIGURE 7. Sergestes edwardsii Kröyer, 1855. Adult male: A—clasping organ of lower antennular flagellum (left); ventral; 3ap; I–VII, 1st to 7th segments; cp; B—left third maxilliped; C—left third maxilliped dactylus further enlarged; D—apex of the dactylus.
FIGURE 8. Sergestes brevispinatus Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—left first pereiopod; B—carpopropo... more FIGURE 8. Sergestes brevispinatus Judkins, 1978. Adult male: A—left first pereiopod; B—carpopropodalarticulation, further enlarged; C—chela of first pereiopod; D—left second pereiopod; E— chela of second pereiopod, further enlarged; F—left third pereiopod; G—chela of third pereiopod; further enlarged; H—left fourth pereiopod; I—left fifth pereiopod.
Papers by Farzana Yousuf