Transactions of the Institute of electronics, information and communication engineers, 1992
One of the major problems in simulating stress-dependent oxidation is slow convergence behavior o... more One of the major problems in simulating stress-dependent oxidation is slow convergence behavior or nonconvergence because of high nonlinearities, especially in the first few time steps, even in a simple initial structure for LOCOS. In this paper we present useful strategies to get stable convergence in a fully stress-dependent finite element oxidation simulator like SUPREM-IV [1]. The s t ra tegies are Firs t , in the stress-dependent oxidation simulation, we have to solve the coupled nonlinear equations of incompressible oxide flow and oxidant diffusion. There are two standard ways to treat the incompressible flow problciri [2]. One is the mixed formulation (unknown variables are velocity and pressure), and the other is the penalty function formulation (unknown variable is velocity only). SUPREM-IV (version 8912) uses the second approach. By using a penalty function method, pressure variable is eliminated from the system of equations which reduces the computational cost and elimina...
Summary: A new analysis method for random dopant induced threshold voltage fluctuations by using ... more Summary: A new analysis method for random dopant induced threshold voltage fluctuations by using Monte Carlo ion implantation were presented. The method was applied to investigate V t fluctuations due to statistical variation of pocket dopant profile in 0.1µm MOSFET's by ...
Accurate static structure factors, which take into account short-ranged (diffraction and symmetry... more Accurate static structure factors, which take into account short-ranged (diffraction and symmetry) quantum effects in a strongly magnetized electron-ion plasma, are introduced in a guiding-center formulation. Quantum and classical analytic expressions are, respectively, obtained for the hydrodynamic (Bohm) (βcl+βqu∼1/B) and the kinetic (αcl+αqu∼1/B2) contributions to the complete hybrid diffusion. (B denotes the magnetic fields strength.) In a certain range of (B,T) parameters, one obtains βqu∼αcl. Large B values are shown to extend the validity of a classical calculation.
Axisymmetric merging of spheromaks is studied extensively by means of a magnetohydrodynamic code.... more Axisymmetric merging of spheromaks is studied extensively by means of a magnetohydrodynamic code. Merging simulations of identical and different spheromaks created by the Princeton slow induction method have revealed that (1) the total magnetic energy decreases rather quickly through reconnection while the magnetic helicity is reasonably conserved; (2) a hollow structure appears in the radial q profile when two different spheromaks merge, while the q profile is doubled when the identical spheromaks merge; and (3) the postmerging toroidal flux becomes the sum of the premerging fluxes, while the postmerging poloidal flux remains the same as the larger of premerging fluxes. It is also observed that kinetic energy once converted from the magnetic energy through reconnection is returned back to the agnetic energy near the end of the merging process, this indicating a relaxation toward a lower-energy force-free equilibrium.
The first « Bridge » graph, which appears at the third order in the nodal expansion of the equili... more The first « Bridge » graph, which appears at the third order in the nodal expansion of the equilibrium two-point distribution for the one-component-plasma model, is computed. Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport au paramètre de plasma, de la fonction de corrélations binaires d'équilibre pour le modèle du plasma classique à un composant, est évalué.
Within the framework of the hydrodynamic guidingcenter approximation, we have investigated such q... more Within the framework of the hydrodynamic guidingcenter approximation, we have investigated such quantum effects as the diffraction correction and the symmetry effect on the classical version of the particle diffusion coefficient~across a dc magnetic field through the temperature-dependent pseudo-potentials. Analytic results are explicitly given with recourse to the order-of-magnitude estimate of a set of parameters pertaining to a laser-driven plasma.
2014 Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport a... more 2014 Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport au paramètre de plasma, de la fonction de corrélations binaires d'équilibre pour le modèle du plasma classique à un composant, est évalué.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1985
The Monte Carlo simulation for the one-dimensional one-component plasma model is camed out. We ob... more The Monte Carlo simulation for the one-dimensional one-component plasma model is camed out. We obtain the pair distribution function g2(x) of a periodic structure, confirming the Kunz prediction that the one-dimensional one-component plasma remains in a crystalline state for any value of the plasma parameter. The Monte Carlo results are then compared with those obtained from the hypernetted-chain equation. Although the correlation energies calculated from the two approaches agree fairly well, the hypernetted chain g2(x) never reproduces the periodic structure, demonstrating that this scheme does not apply to a crystalline state.
A simulation system has been developed to automatically analyze basic electric characteristics of... more A simulation system has been developed to automatically analyze basic electric characteristics of a charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor from a process simulation result. This system shortened the simulation period to approximately 1/10 by getting rid of complicated repetitious procedures. A high-performance new cell technology has been developed successfully with improving impurity distribution in shorter development time by using this system. This technology has been realized as a CCD cell pixel with CCD charge quantity of 1.8 times, effective transfer efficiency of over 99%, no image lag for driving read-out pulse voltage in comparison with conventional technology. A 1/4-in 330 k square pixel progressive-scan CCD was fabricated with this technology. These results are described to demonstrate the effectiveness of the automatic simulation system.
Transactions of the Institute of electronics, information and communication engineers, 1992
One of the major problems in simulating stress-dependent oxidation is slow convergence behavior o... more One of the major problems in simulating stress-dependent oxidation is slow convergence behavior or nonconvergence because of high nonlinearities, especially in the first few time steps, even in a simple initial structure for LOCOS. In this paper we present useful strategies to get stable convergence in a fully stress-dependent finite element oxidation simulator like SUPREM-IV [1]. The s t ra tegies are Firs t , in the stress-dependent oxidation simulation, we have to solve the coupled nonlinear equations of incompressible oxide flow and oxidant diffusion. There are two standard ways to treat the incompressible flow problciri [2]. One is the mixed formulation (unknown variables are velocity and pressure), and the other is the penalty function formulation (unknown variable is velocity only). SUPREM-IV (version 8912) uses the second approach. By using a penalty function method, pressure variable is eliminated from the system of equations which reduces the computational cost and elimina...
Summary: A new analysis method for random dopant induced threshold voltage fluctuations by using ... more Summary: A new analysis method for random dopant induced threshold voltage fluctuations by using Monte Carlo ion implantation were presented. The method was applied to investigate V t fluctuations due to statistical variation of pocket dopant profile in 0.1µm MOSFET's by ...
Accurate static structure factors, which take into account short-ranged (diffraction and symmetry... more Accurate static structure factors, which take into account short-ranged (diffraction and symmetry) quantum effects in a strongly magnetized electron-ion plasma, are introduced in a guiding-center formulation. Quantum and classical analytic expressions are, respectively, obtained for the hydrodynamic (Bohm) (βcl+βqu∼1/B) and the kinetic (αcl+αqu∼1/B2) contributions to the complete hybrid diffusion. (B denotes the magnetic fields strength.) In a certain range of (B,T) parameters, one obtains βqu∼αcl. Large B values are shown to extend the validity of a classical calculation.
Axisymmetric merging of spheromaks is studied extensively by means of a magnetohydrodynamic code.... more Axisymmetric merging of spheromaks is studied extensively by means of a magnetohydrodynamic code. Merging simulations of identical and different spheromaks created by the Princeton slow induction method have revealed that (1) the total magnetic energy decreases rather quickly through reconnection while the magnetic helicity is reasonably conserved; (2) a hollow structure appears in the radial q profile when two different spheromaks merge, while the q profile is doubled when the identical spheromaks merge; and (3) the postmerging toroidal flux becomes the sum of the premerging fluxes, while the postmerging poloidal flux remains the same as the larger of premerging fluxes. It is also observed that kinetic energy once converted from the magnetic energy through reconnection is returned back to the agnetic energy near the end of the merging process, this indicating a relaxation toward a lower-energy force-free equilibrium.
The first « Bridge » graph, which appears at the third order in the nodal expansion of the equili... more The first « Bridge » graph, which appears at the third order in the nodal expansion of the equilibrium two-point distribution for the one-component-plasma model, is computed. Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport au paramètre de plasma, de la fonction de corrélations binaires d'équilibre pour le modèle du plasma classique à un composant, est évalué.
Within the framework of the hydrodynamic guidingcenter approximation, we have investigated such q... more Within the framework of the hydrodynamic guidingcenter approximation, we have investigated such quantum effects as the diffraction correction and the symmetry effect on the classical version of the particle diffusion coefficient~across a dc magnetic field through the temperature-dependent pseudo-potentials. Analytic results are explicitly given with recourse to the order-of-magnitude estimate of a set of parameters pertaining to a laser-driven plasma.
2014 Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport a... more 2014 Le premier graphe « Bridge », qui apparait au 3e ordre du développement nodal, par rapport au paramètre de plasma, de la fonction de corrélations binaires d'équilibre pour le modèle du plasma classique à un composant, est évalué.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1985
The Monte Carlo simulation for the one-dimensional one-component plasma model is camed out. We ob... more The Monte Carlo simulation for the one-dimensional one-component plasma model is camed out. We obtain the pair distribution function g2(x) of a periodic structure, confirming the Kunz prediction that the one-dimensional one-component plasma remains in a crystalline state for any value of the plasma parameter. The Monte Carlo results are then compared with those obtained from the hypernetted-chain equation. Although the correlation energies calculated from the two approaches agree fairly well, the hypernetted chain g2(x) never reproduces the periodic structure, demonstrating that this scheme does not apply to a crystalline state.
A simulation system has been developed to automatically analyze basic electric characteristics of... more A simulation system has been developed to automatically analyze basic electric characteristics of a charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor from a process simulation result. This system shortened the simulation period to approximately 1/10 by getting rid of complicated repetitious procedures. A high-performance new cell technology has been developed successfully with improving impurity distribution in shorter development time by using this system. This technology has been realized as a CCD cell pixel with CCD charge quantity of 1.8 times, effective transfer efficiency of over 99%, no image lag for driving read-out pulse voltage in comparison with conventional technology. A 1/4-in 330 k square pixel progressive-scan CCD was fabricated with this technology. These results are described to demonstrate the effectiveness of the automatic simulation system.
Papers by Yoshinori Oda