Papers by Alparslan Yavuz

Legal Medicine, 2022
Sex estimation of skeletal remains is an important aspect of forensic anthropology. The clavicle ... more Sex estimation of skeletal remains is an important aspect of forensic anthropology. The clavicle is a bone with relatively high accuracy in sex determination. In this study, 7 clavicular parameters were obtained using the CT images and 3D reconstruction of 360 cases equally distributed as 180 males and 180 females. Sex determination was made using univariate, linear, and stepwise discriminant analyses, and multilayer perceptron neural networks. Maximum sex determination accuracy of 85.3% was achieved with univariate analysis, 89.4% with linear discriminant analysis, 90.0% with stepwise discriminant analysis, and 91.4% with multilayer perceptron neural networks. Significant changes were observed in the MLC, APMD-R and CDC parameters according to age, and these were determined to affect the accuracy of sex determination in different age groups. In forensic anthropological studies, more reliable results can be obtained by considering the confounding factors during sampling. Although high accuracy rates can be achieved with neural networks, the results should be approached with caution.
Van Medical Journal, 2018
Basit faringeal cerrahi prosedürler sırasında internal karotis arter zedelenmeleri kanama riski a... more Basit faringeal cerrahi prosedürler sırasında internal karotis arter zedelenmeleri kanama riski açısından felaketle sonuçlanabilir. Bu çalışmada internal karotis arter servikal segmenti mediale dispozisyonu ve bu varyasyonun "rutin" farengeal cerrahi işlemler açısından olası risk faktörlerini değerlendirmektir.
The Annals of Eurasian Medicine, 2015
Erişkin cağda görülen tumorlerin yaklaşık %3'ünü Renal hucreli karsinom (RHK) oluşturmaktadır. Bö... more Erişkin cağda görülen tumorlerin yaklaşık %3'ünü Renal hucreli karsinom (RHK) oluşturmaktadır. Böbrek tümörlü hastaların %20-30'u direkt olarak metastatik hastalıkla tanı almakta sıklık sırasına göre en fazla Akciğer, Lenf nodları, Karaciğer ve Kemik metastazı görülmektedir. Bu hastalar sıklıkla kitlenin basısına bağlı ağrı şikayeti ile başvururlar. Biz 60 yaşında plörötik göğüs ağrısı şikayeti ile göğüs hastalıkları polikliniğine başvuran ve plevra ile ilişkili kitlenin rezeksiyonu ile Renal Hücreli karsinom tanısı alan bir olguyu sunmaktayız

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 2016
The aim of this research was to study and compare placental elasticity with acoustic radiation fo... more The aim of this research was to study and compare placental elasticity with acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography in pre-eclamptic and normal pregnancies. A total of 107 singleton pregnancies in the third trimester (38 healthy control subjects, 34 patients with gestational hypertension, and 35 pre-eclampsia patients) were included in the study. ARFI elastography was used to determine the placental elasticity in the three predetermined regions of the placenta (the fetal edge, maternal edge, and central part of the placenta). The obstetrical data regarding grayscale and Doppler ultrasonography and perinatal outcomes were reviewed. A mean placental shear wave velocity cut-off value that predicts the presence of pre-eclampsia was determined. The shear wave elasticity values in the pre-eclampsia group in all three regions were significantly higher than in the gestational hypertension and healthy control groups (P = 0.001). The most significant difference was found in the peripheral edge of the placenta from the fetal surface in the pre-eclampsia group (P = 0.001). The stiffness of the placenta determined by the ARFI technique is significantly higher in pre-eclampsia patients. ARFI elastography of the placenta might be used as a non-invasive and easy method in the diagnosis and evaluation of pre-eclampsia as a supplement to the already existing methods.
Eastern Journal of Medicine, 2014
Castleman's Disease (CD), is a rare condition of uncertain etiology, involves a massive prolifera... more Castleman's Disease (CD), is a rare condition of uncertain etiology, involves a massive proliferation of lymphoid tissues and typically presents as mediastinal masses. In general, CD is an incidentally diagnosed disease with an asymptomatic course in most cases. We aimed to present a 48-year old woman who presented with left flank pain and had calcifications at the localization of left kidney on abdomen x-ray. The retroperitoneal mass with paravertebral localization was evaluated, because the size of mass in our case was larger than traditional sizes seen in Castleman Disease and calcifications and localization of the mass on KUB x-ray can mimic renal stone disease.

International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 2014
In the present study, the intention was to reveal the relationship of histological grade and stag... more In the present study, the intention was to reveal the relationship of histological grade and stage with c-erbB2, CD44s, and PCNA immunoreactivity in bladder urothelial carcinomas (UC). In our study, we evaluated 46 items of transurethral resection material of patients submitted by YYU Faculty of Medicine, Main Department of Pathology, with a mass revealed in their bladder after clinical and radiological studies at our laboratories and who were diagnosed with urothelial carcinomas. PCNA, c-erbB2, and CD44s were applied in an immunohistochemical manner comprised from nine low-malignant potential papillary urothelial neoplasia, 23 low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma, and 14 high-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma. Immunostaining was scored according to the percentage of positive cells. The immunohistochemical study demonstrated that the c-erbB2 and PCNA staining ratio increased when an increase occurred in stage and grade. The CD44s staining ratio decreased. C-erbB2, PCNA, and C...

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2007
The interdomal fat pad (IFP) is an important structure related to tip deformity in rhinoplasty. T... more The interdomal fat pad (IFP) is an important structure related to tip deformity in rhinoplasty. This study aimed to evaluate the IFP by ultrasonography before surgery, and to demonstrate the existence of the IFP as a distinct anatomic structure in cadavers and patients. Three dimensions of the IFP were measured in 23 patients using ultrasound before rhinoplasty and in 10 cadavers using dissection. All fat pads were examined by histopathologic methods. In the cadavers, three dimensions of the IFP were found: 2.3 • 3.7 • 12.8 mm. In the patients, three dimensions of IFP were measured by ultrasonography: 2.8 • 4.1 • 13.7 mm. Histopathologic examinations showed that the IFP is a structure differentiated from subcutaneous tissue. The IFP was demonstrated in all cadavers and patients by surgical and radiologic methods. All cases had a fat pad in the interdomal space with varying sizes.
Papers by Alparslan Yavuz