Background: Nocturnal enuresis is an important problem among young children living in Turkey. The... more Background: Nocturnal enuresis is an important problem among young children living in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to determine the possible differences in the prevalence of enuresis between children in boarding school and daytime school and the association of enuresis with sociodemographic factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey. A total of 562 self-administered questionnaires were distrubuted to parents from two different types of schools. One of them was a daytime school and the other was a boarding school. To describe enuresis the ICD-10 definition of at least one wet night per month for three consecutive months was used. Chi-square test and a logistic regression model was used to identify significant predictive factors for enuresis. Results: The overall prevalence of nocturnal enuresis was 14.9%. The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis declined with age. Of the 6 year old children 33.3% still wetted their beds, while the ratio was 2.6% for 15 years-olds. There was no significant difference in prevalence of nocturnal enuresis between boys and girls (14.3% versus 16. 8%). Enuresis was reported as 18.5% among children attending day time school and among those 11.5% attending boarding school (p < 0.05). Prevalence of enuresis was increased in children living in villages, with low income and with positive family history (p < 0.05). After multivariate analysis, history of urinary tract infection (OR = 2.02), age (OR = 1.28), low monthly income (OR = 2.86) and family history of enuresis (OR = 3.64) were factors associated with enuresis. 46.4% of parents and 57.1% of enuretic children were significantly concerned about the impact of enuresis. Conclusion: Enuresis was more frequent among children attending daytime school when compared to boarding school. Our findings suggest that nocturnal enuresis is a common problem among school children, especially with low income, smaller age, family history of enuresis and history of urinary tract infection. Enuresis is a pediatric public health problem and efforts at all levels should be made such as preventive, etiological and curative.
Objective: Smoking also causes important health problems in passive smokers. The aim of this stud... more Objective: Smoking also causes important health problems in passive smokers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concern and behaviours of women on passive smoking and determination of smoke exposure of the non-smoking women and the relationship between some socio-demographic status. Methods: 610 women between ages of 15-49 who admitted the 21 family physician centers in the Elazig city district were included in the study. Passive smoke exposure of 227 nonsmoking women were assessed. Passive smoke exposure was ranked between 0 and 10. Results: According to total score of passive exposure, 15.4% had no exposure (0 points), 5.7% had excessive exposure (9-10 points). 84.6% of women exposed passive smoke, 65.6% being at home, 64.7% being outside and husbands of 64.6% women were smokers. 35.7% of women never allowed smoking at their home, 52.4% did in only one room and 11.9% allowed everywhere. The most exposed women are young, married, not working, lower educational level with low...
Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 2009
Page 1. 119 Tamer DEMİR1 Yasemin AÇIK2 M. Kaan KAYA1 S. Erhan DEVECİ2 Edibe PİRİNÇÇİ3 Berrak YILD... more Page 1. 119 Tamer DEMİR1 Yasemin AÇIK2 M. Kaan KAYA1 S. Erhan DEVECİ2 Edibe PİRİNÇÇİ3 Berrak YILDIRIM2 A. Ferdane OĞUZÖNCÜL2 A.Tevfik OZAN2 1Fırat Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Göz Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE ...
... Aralanndaki lark isLatistiksel olarak anlamhdir (p<0.05). Genç ve ark.'mn Bursa'... more ... Aralanndaki lark isLatistiksel olarak anlamhdir (p<0.05). Genç ve ark.'mn Bursa'da yaptigi cah§mada da ak-raba evliligi yapanlarda ev hanimi olanlann oram %92.7 iken, akraba evliligi yap-mayanlarda bu oran %92.2 olup aradaki lark anlamhdir (p<0.05)'24). ...
Bu araştırma, Trakya Üniversitesi Keşan Yusuf Çapraz Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu&#39;nda ... more Bu araştırma, Trakya Üniversitesi Keşan Yusuf Çapraz Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu&#39;nda öğrencilerin beslenme alışkanlıkları ve tercihlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmayı, Aralık 2014 tarihinde 444 öğrenciye yüz yüze uygulanan anketlerden elde edilen veriler oluşturmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre; öğrencilerin %34.0&#39;ü beslenme ile ilgili eğitim almıştır. Öğrencilerin %75.5&#39; i bu eğitimi okuldan ve %24.5&#39;i konferans-panellerden almıştır. Öğrencilerin %36.0&#39;sı sağlıklı bir şekilde beslendiğine inanırken, %64.0&#39;ü inanmamaktadır. Yapılan Ki kare analizinde cinsiyetle, beslenme tercihi, öğünlerin tüketildiği yer ve et ve et mamulleri, süt ve süt mamulleri, meyve, sebze, yumurta tüketim sıklıkları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur.
Anemia Prevalance and The Knowledge, Attitute and Behaviour Towards Anemia in Pregnant Women Livi... more Anemia Prevalance and The Knowledge, Attitute and Behaviour Towards Anemia in Pregnant Women Living in Abdullahpasa Education and Research Health Center Region The aim of this study was to determine the anemia prevalance and the knowledge level and attitute of pregnant women living in Abdullahpasa Education and Research Health Center. This study was performed between March and April 2001, data were obtained from questionary form and from record of the Health Center about 123 pregnant, women. The mean age of the subjects included in this study was 26.1 years, 39.3% was in age range of 20-24 years, of the subjects 50.9% was primary school graduate, 94.6% was housewife, 15.2% had no social security and 59.8% had less than 200 million TL monlhly income. In 43.8% of the pregnant subjects the haemoglobin level was <1 lg/dl. 65.3% of the patients with anemia was in in third trimester while 40.8% was in the second trimester of the pregnancy. In 71.4% of the patients it was reported that they have had tea and/or coffee after meals. 91.8% was non-smoker, 26.5% was changed the normal feeding habits after they became pregnant. The first three food preferred by the pregnants were milk (43.8%), fruit 32.1%) and vegetables (30.4%), respectively. Or the patients 63.4% was considered the anemia as important health problem, the reason of anemia was thought to be due to multiple birth by 79.5%, to intestinal parasites in 34.8%. and 36.6% was thought that anemia causes tiredness in pregnancy. In 12.5% of the subjects it was thought that the pregnancy interval should be at least 24 months for prevention from anemia. The results of this study indicate that the anemia prevalance was high in the subjects involved in this study and the knowledge level about anemia was low. In conclusion: informative and educational services should be provided and in pregnants with diagnosed anemia medical intervention should be performed Bu arastirma; Abdullahpasa Egitim ve Arastirma Saglik Ocagi bolgesinde yasayan ge-belerdeki anemi prevalansini tespit etmek ve gebelerin anemi konusundaki bilgi, tutum ve davranislarini ogrenmek amaciyla yapilmis kesitsel bir arastirmadir. Saha calismasi Mart Nisan 2001 tarihlerinde yapilan arastirmanin verileri, bir anket formu kullanilarak toplanmis ve Saglik Ocaginin Gebe Izleme Fisleri'nde kayitli olan 123 gebenin tumu arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Calismaya alman gebelerin yas ortalamalari 26.1 yil olup; %39.3'unun 20-24 yas grubunda, %50.9'unun ilkokul mezunu ve %94.6'simn ev hanimi oldugu, %15.2'simn herhangi bir sosyal guvencesi olmadigi ve %59.8'inin aylik gelirinin 200 milyon liranin altinda oldugu belirlenmistir. Gebelerin %43.8'inin hemoglobini llg/cll ve bu degerin altindadir. Anemisi olan gebelerin %65.3'u gebeliginin 3. trimestirinde. %40.8'i ise ikinci gebeligindedir. Gebelerin %71.4'u, yemeklerden sonra cay ve (veya) kahve ictigini, %91.8'i sigara icmedigini, %26.5'i ise gebeliginin baslamasindan sonra, gebelik oncesinde siklikla kullandigi besin maddelerinde degisiklik yaptigini belirtmistir. Gebelerin, gebelik doneminde siklikla alinmasi gerektigini dusundukleri ilk uc gida; sut (%43.8), meyve (%32.1) ve sebzedir (%30.4). Gebelerin %63.4'u gebelikte kansizligin onemli bir saglik sorunu oldugunu, %79.5'i cok dogum yapmanin, %34.8'i bagirsak parazitlerinin kansizlik yapabilecegini ve %36.6'si da, kansizligin gebelerde halsizlige yol acabilecegini belirtmistir. Gebelerin ancak %12.5'i, kansizliktan korunmak icin iki dogum arasindaki surenin en az 24 ay olmasi gerektigini dusunmektedir. Elde edilen verilerden, calismaya alman gebelerin anemi prevalansinin oldukca yuksek bir oranda oldugu ve gebelerin anemi konusunda yeterli bilgi duzeyine sahip olmadiklari anlasilmaktadir. Sonuclar; anemi konusundaki hizmet sunumunun arttirilmasinin, hizmetlerin egitim ile desteklenmesinin ve anemisi oldugu saptanan gebelere tibbi yardim saglanmasinin gerekli oldugunu dusundurmekledir.
Bulgular: Kadınların %46.4&amp;#x27;ü, erkeklerin %29.6&amp;#x27;sı AP hizmetlerinin sağl... more Bulgular: Kadınların %46.4&amp;#x27;ü, erkeklerin %29.6&amp;#x27;sı AP hizmetlerinin sağlık ocaklarından alınabileceğini belirtmişlerdir. Kadınlar ve erkekler korunma yöntemlerinden en fazla RİA&amp;#x27;yı, hapı, kondomu ve geri çekmeyi bildiklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Kadınların ortalama istemli düşük sayısı ...
The prevalence of obesity is increasing dramatically all over the world. Very little data are cur... more The prevalence of obesity is increasing dramatically all over the world. Very little data are currently available on the prevalence of childhood obesity in Turkey, and more research on the risk factors is required before preventive public health programmes can be put into practice. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity and related factors in primary school students in Elazig, a city in eastern Turkey. In March-June 2007 a cross-sectional study of children aged 6-11 years old was performed. A total of 1782 girls and 1860 boys were observed. Weight and height were measured. Overweight and obesity using age- and sex-specific body mass index (BMI) cut-off points as defined by the International Obesity Taskforce were used. Prevalence of overweight and obesity were 13.2% and 1.6%, respectively. According to gender, the prevalence of obesity in boys was 2.0% and overweight was 13.9%, while in girls, obesity was 1.2% and overweight was 12.5%. We found that overweight and obesity may be related to factors such as eating while watching television, and eating fast food. It was noted as a health problem that there are overweight students aged between 6 and 11 years attending primary schools in Elazig province.
Page 1. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi (Erciyes Medical Journal) 26 (4) 158-164, 2004 158 Elazığ il merkezin... more Page 1. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi (Erciyes Medical Journal) 26 (4) 158-164, 2004 158 Elazığ il merkezinde iki eğitim araştırma sağlık ocağı bölgesinde kadınların sigara içme sıklığı ARAŞTIRMALAR (Research Reports) ELAZIĞ İL ...
Of the outpatient service receiving patients, 53% of them were male, 6.2% of them were not gradua... more Of the outpatient service receiving patients, 53% of them were male, 6.2% of them were not graduates of any school and 45.8% were married whereas, 42.9% of clinic patients were male, 18.5% were not graduates of any school and 68.9% of them were married. The reasons for seeking ...
Amac: Calisma, on lisans ve lisans duzeyinde saglik egitimi alan bir grup ogrencinin empatik egil... more Amac: Calisma, on lisans ve lisans duzeyinde saglik egitimi alan bir grup ogrencinin empatik egilim ve becerilerinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Yontem: Tanimlayici nitelikte olan calismanin evrenini 2010-2011 ogretim yilinda Gumushane Universitesinin saglik egitimi verilen bolumlerinde okuyan ogrenciler (288 kisi) olusturmaktadir. Ayrica orneklem secimine gidilmemis olup evrenin tamami arastirma kapsamina dahil edilmistir. Ulasilan ogrenci sayisi 231'dir (cevaplilik orani: %80.2). Veriler, ogrencilerin sosyo-demografik ozellikleriyle ilgili soru formu ve 1988'de Dokmen tarafindan gelistirilen, gecerligi ve guvenirligi ayni kisi tarafindan test edilen Empatik Beceri Olcegi (EBO) ve Empatik Egilim Olcegi (EEO) ile toplanmistir. Bulgular: Ogrencilerin yas ortalamasi 20.07±2.05 olup, EEO puan ortalamasi 66.07±9.50, EBO puan ortalamasi ise 124.10±16.58 olarak saptanmistir. Kiz ogrencilerin erkek ogrencilere gore EEO ve EBO puan ortalamalarinin daha yuksek oldugu, yin...
Background: Nocturnal enuresis is an important problem among young children living in Turkey. The... more Background: Nocturnal enuresis is an important problem among young children living in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to determine the possible differences in the prevalence of enuresis between children in boarding school and daytime school and the association of enuresis with sociodemographic factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey. A total of 562 self-administered questionnaires were distrubuted to parents from two different types of schools. One of them was a daytime school and the other was a boarding school. To describe enuresis the ICD-10 definition of at least one wet night per month for three consecutive months was used. Chi-square test and a logistic regression model was used to identify significant predictive factors for enuresis. Results: The overall prevalence of nocturnal enuresis was 14.9%. The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis declined with age. Of the 6 year old children 33.3% still wetted their beds, while the ratio was 2.6% for 15 years-olds. There was no significant difference in prevalence of nocturnal enuresis between boys and girls (14.3% versus 16. 8%). Enuresis was reported as 18.5% among children attending day time school and among those 11.5% attending boarding school (p < 0.05). Prevalence of enuresis was increased in children living in villages, with low income and with positive family history (p < 0.05). After multivariate analysis, history of urinary tract infection (OR = 2.02), age (OR = 1.28), low monthly income (OR = 2.86) and family history of enuresis (OR = 3.64) were factors associated with enuresis. 46.4% of parents and 57.1% of enuretic children were significantly concerned about the impact of enuresis. Conclusion: Enuresis was more frequent among children attending daytime school when compared to boarding school. Our findings suggest that nocturnal enuresis is a common problem among school children, especially with low income, smaller age, family history of enuresis and history of urinary tract infection. Enuresis is a pediatric public health problem and efforts at all levels should be made such as preventive, etiological and curative.
Objective: Smoking also causes important health problems in passive smokers. The aim of this stud... more Objective: Smoking also causes important health problems in passive smokers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concern and behaviours of women on passive smoking and determination of smoke exposure of the non-smoking women and the relationship between some socio-demographic status. Methods: 610 women between ages of 15-49 who admitted the 21 family physician centers in the Elazig city district were included in the study. Passive smoke exposure of 227 nonsmoking women were assessed. Passive smoke exposure was ranked between 0 and 10. Results: According to total score of passive exposure, 15.4% had no exposure (0 points), 5.7% had excessive exposure (9-10 points). 84.6% of women exposed passive smoke, 65.6% being at home, 64.7% being outside and husbands of 64.6% women were smokers. 35.7% of women never allowed smoking at their home, 52.4% did in only one room and 11.9% allowed everywhere. The most exposed women are young, married, not working, lower educational level with low...
Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 2009
Page 1. 119 Tamer DEMİR1 Yasemin AÇIK2 M. Kaan KAYA1 S. Erhan DEVECİ2 Edibe PİRİNÇÇİ3 Berrak YILD... more Page 1. 119 Tamer DEMİR1 Yasemin AÇIK2 M. Kaan KAYA1 S. Erhan DEVECİ2 Edibe PİRİNÇÇİ3 Berrak YILDIRIM2 A. Ferdane OĞUZÖNCÜL2 A.Tevfik OZAN2 1Fırat Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Göz Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE ...
... Aralanndaki lark isLatistiksel olarak anlamhdir (p<0.05). Genç ve ark.'mn Bursa'... more ... Aralanndaki lark isLatistiksel olarak anlamhdir (p<0.05). Genç ve ark.'mn Bursa'da yaptigi cah§mada da ak-raba evliligi yapanlarda ev hanimi olanlann oram %92.7 iken, akraba evliligi yap-mayanlarda bu oran %92.2 olup aradaki lark anlamhdir (p<0.05)'24). ...
Bu araştırma, Trakya Üniversitesi Keşan Yusuf Çapraz Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu&#39;nda ... more Bu araştırma, Trakya Üniversitesi Keşan Yusuf Çapraz Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu&#39;nda öğrencilerin beslenme alışkanlıkları ve tercihlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmayı, Aralık 2014 tarihinde 444 öğrenciye yüz yüze uygulanan anketlerden elde edilen veriler oluşturmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre; öğrencilerin %34.0&#39;ü beslenme ile ilgili eğitim almıştır. Öğrencilerin %75.5&#39; i bu eğitimi okuldan ve %24.5&#39;i konferans-panellerden almıştır. Öğrencilerin %36.0&#39;sı sağlıklı bir şekilde beslendiğine inanırken, %64.0&#39;ü inanmamaktadır. Yapılan Ki kare analizinde cinsiyetle, beslenme tercihi, öğünlerin tüketildiği yer ve et ve et mamulleri, süt ve süt mamulleri, meyve, sebze, yumurta tüketim sıklıkları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur.
Anemia Prevalance and The Knowledge, Attitute and Behaviour Towards Anemia in Pregnant Women Livi... more Anemia Prevalance and The Knowledge, Attitute and Behaviour Towards Anemia in Pregnant Women Living in Abdullahpasa Education and Research Health Center Region The aim of this study was to determine the anemia prevalance and the knowledge level and attitute of pregnant women living in Abdullahpasa Education and Research Health Center. This study was performed between March and April 2001, data were obtained from questionary form and from record of the Health Center about 123 pregnant, women. The mean age of the subjects included in this study was 26.1 years, 39.3% was in age range of 20-24 years, of the subjects 50.9% was primary school graduate, 94.6% was housewife, 15.2% had no social security and 59.8% had less than 200 million TL monlhly income. In 43.8% of the pregnant subjects the haemoglobin level was <1 lg/dl. 65.3% of the patients with anemia was in in third trimester while 40.8% was in the second trimester of the pregnancy. In 71.4% of the patients it was reported that they have had tea and/or coffee after meals. 91.8% was non-smoker, 26.5% was changed the normal feeding habits after they became pregnant. The first three food preferred by the pregnants were milk (43.8%), fruit 32.1%) and vegetables (30.4%), respectively. Or the patients 63.4% was considered the anemia as important health problem, the reason of anemia was thought to be due to multiple birth by 79.5%, to intestinal parasites in 34.8%. and 36.6% was thought that anemia causes tiredness in pregnancy. In 12.5% of the subjects it was thought that the pregnancy interval should be at least 24 months for prevention from anemia. The results of this study indicate that the anemia prevalance was high in the subjects involved in this study and the knowledge level about anemia was low. In conclusion: informative and educational services should be provided and in pregnants with diagnosed anemia medical intervention should be performed Bu arastirma; Abdullahpasa Egitim ve Arastirma Saglik Ocagi bolgesinde yasayan ge-belerdeki anemi prevalansini tespit etmek ve gebelerin anemi konusundaki bilgi, tutum ve davranislarini ogrenmek amaciyla yapilmis kesitsel bir arastirmadir. Saha calismasi Mart Nisan 2001 tarihlerinde yapilan arastirmanin verileri, bir anket formu kullanilarak toplanmis ve Saglik Ocaginin Gebe Izleme Fisleri'nde kayitli olan 123 gebenin tumu arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Calismaya alman gebelerin yas ortalamalari 26.1 yil olup; %39.3'unun 20-24 yas grubunda, %50.9'unun ilkokul mezunu ve %94.6'simn ev hanimi oldugu, %15.2'simn herhangi bir sosyal guvencesi olmadigi ve %59.8'inin aylik gelirinin 200 milyon liranin altinda oldugu belirlenmistir. Gebelerin %43.8'inin hemoglobini llg/cll ve bu degerin altindadir. Anemisi olan gebelerin %65.3'u gebeliginin 3. trimestirinde. %40.8'i ise ikinci gebeligindedir. Gebelerin %71.4'u, yemeklerden sonra cay ve (veya) kahve ictigini, %91.8'i sigara icmedigini, %26.5'i ise gebeliginin baslamasindan sonra, gebelik oncesinde siklikla kullandigi besin maddelerinde degisiklik yaptigini belirtmistir. Gebelerin, gebelik doneminde siklikla alinmasi gerektigini dusundukleri ilk uc gida; sut (%43.8), meyve (%32.1) ve sebzedir (%30.4). Gebelerin %63.4'u gebelikte kansizligin onemli bir saglik sorunu oldugunu, %79.5'i cok dogum yapmanin, %34.8'i bagirsak parazitlerinin kansizlik yapabilecegini ve %36.6'si da, kansizligin gebelerde halsizlige yol acabilecegini belirtmistir. Gebelerin ancak %12.5'i, kansizliktan korunmak icin iki dogum arasindaki surenin en az 24 ay olmasi gerektigini dusunmektedir. Elde edilen verilerden, calismaya alman gebelerin anemi prevalansinin oldukca yuksek bir oranda oldugu ve gebelerin anemi konusunda yeterli bilgi duzeyine sahip olmadiklari anlasilmaktadir. Sonuclar; anemi konusundaki hizmet sunumunun arttirilmasinin, hizmetlerin egitim ile desteklenmesinin ve anemisi oldugu saptanan gebelere tibbi yardim saglanmasinin gerekli oldugunu dusundurmekledir.
Bulgular: Kadınların %46.4&amp;#x27;ü, erkeklerin %29.6&amp;#x27;sı AP hizmetlerinin sağl... more Bulgular: Kadınların %46.4&amp;#x27;ü, erkeklerin %29.6&amp;#x27;sı AP hizmetlerinin sağlık ocaklarından alınabileceğini belirtmişlerdir. Kadınlar ve erkekler korunma yöntemlerinden en fazla RİA&amp;#x27;yı, hapı, kondomu ve geri çekmeyi bildiklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Kadınların ortalama istemli düşük sayısı ...
The prevalence of obesity is increasing dramatically all over the world. Very little data are cur... more The prevalence of obesity is increasing dramatically all over the world. Very little data are currently available on the prevalence of childhood obesity in Turkey, and more research on the risk factors is required before preventive public health programmes can be put into practice. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity and related factors in primary school students in Elazig, a city in eastern Turkey. In March-June 2007 a cross-sectional study of children aged 6-11 years old was performed. A total of 1782 girls and 1860 boys were observed. Weight and height were measured. Overweight and obesity using age- and sex-specific body mass index (BMI) cut-off points as defined by the International Obesity Taskforce were used. Prevalence of overweight and obesity were 13.2% and 1.6%, respectively. According to gender, the prevalence of obesity in boys was 2.0% and overweight was 13.9%, while in girls, obesity was 1.2% and overweight was 12.5%. We found that overweight and obesity may be related to factors such as eating while watching television, and eating fast food. It was noted as a health problem that there are overweight students aged between 6 and 11 years attending primary schools in Elazig province.
Page 1. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi (Erciyes Medical Journal) 26 (4) 158-164, 2004 158 Elazığ il merkezin... more Page 1. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi (Erciyes Medical Journal) 26 (4) 158-164, 2004 158 Elazığ il merkezinde iki eğitim araştırma sağlık ocağı bölgesinde kadınların sigara içme sıklığı ARAŞTIRMALAR (Research Reports) ELAZIĞ İL ...
Of the outpatient service receiving patients, 53% of them were male, 6.2% of them were not gradua... more Of the outpatient service receiving patients, 53% of them were male, 6.2% of them were not graduates of any school and 45.8% were married whereas, 42.9% of clinic patients were male, 18.5% were not graduates of any school and 68.9% of them were married. The reasons for seeking ...
Amac: Calisma, on lisans ve lisans duzeyinde saglik egitimi alan bir grup ogrencinin empatik egil... more Amac: Calisma, on lisans ve lisans duzeyinde saglik egitimi alan bir grup ogrencinin empatik egilim ve becerilerinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Yontem: Tanimlayici nitelikte olan calismanin evrenini 2010-2011 ogretim yilinda Gumushane Universitesinin saglik egitimi verilen bolumlerinde okuyan ogrenciler (288 kisi) olusturmaktadir. Ayrica orneklem secimine gidilmemis olup evrenin tamami arastirma kapsamina dahil edilmistir. Ulasilan ogrenci sayisi 231'dir (cevaplilik orani: %80.2). Veriler, ogrencilerin sosyo-demografik ozellikleriyle ilgili soru formu ve 1988'de Dokmen tarafindan gelistirilen, gecerligi ve guvenirligi ayni kisi tarafindan test edilen Empatik Beceri Olcegi (EBO) ve Empatik Egilim Olcegi (EEO) ile toplanmistir. Bulgular: Ogrencilerin yas ortalamasi 20.07±2.05 olup, EEO puan ortalamasi 66.07±9.50, EBO puan ortalamasi ise 124.10±16.58 olarak saptanmistir. Kiz ogrencilerin erkek ogrencilere gore EEO ve EBO puan ortalamalarinin daha yuksek oldugu, yin...
Papers by Yasemin Acik