Tulisan ini berupaya mendriskipsikan pemahaman pluralisme menurut mahasiswa Jurusan Perbandingan ... more Tulisan ini berupaya mendriskipsikan pemahaman pluralisme menurut mahasiswa Jurusan Perbandingan Agama Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel. Ditemukan bahwa pemahaman tentang pluralisme menurut mahasiswa sangat beragam. Pluralisme diartikan mahasiswa sebagai suatu sikap yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh semua umat khususnya masyarakat Indonesia yang pada dasarnya adalah berbeda dari segi apapun, karena dilihat dari arti pluralisme sendiri adalah “menerima kemajemukan,” dan kemajemukan tersebut merupakan hukum alam dan tidak bisa dipungkiri adanya. Kehidupan yang berdampingan bukan berarti menghapus ciri khas dan keontetikan masing-masing entitas, melainkan usaha untuk memahami dan mencerna bahwa apapun yang mempunyai latar belakang berbeda membuat entitas lain dapat teridentifikasi, tidak menjadi persoalan yang mendasar. Dengan ini diharapkan akan tercipta suatu kehidupan bersama antar agama yang harmonis, penuh toleransi, dan saling menghargai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kua...
One of the fundamental studies of Micro hydro power with low head is the Archimedes screw runner.... more One of the fundamental studies of Micro hydro power with low head is the Archimedes screw runner. This research focuses on the study of behavior of fluid flow acting on the Archimedes screw runner blade and prediction of erosion pattern from fluid flow. The CAD model of the Archimedes screw blade was re-inversely design from past researcher. In order to determine the flow pattern, computational fluid dynamic, CFD was used to obtain the pressure distribution along blade structure. Analysis of three-dimensional with steady state flow was done with a standard k-e as the turbulence model. The result obtained from pressure pattern shows that the highest value of coefficient of pressure obtained at the blade tip. This result shows that the prediction of crack may occur mostly at the blade tip. Further studies of blade design can be improved by reducing crack.
One of the fundamental studies of Micro hydro power with low head is the Archimedes screw runner.... more One of the fundamental studies of Micro hydro power with low head is the Archimedes screw runner. This research focuses on the study of behaviour of fluid flow acting on the Archimedes screw runner blade and prediction of erosion pattern from fluid flow. The CAD model of the Archimedes screw blade was re-inversely design from past researcher. In order to determine the flow pattern, computational fluid dynamic, CFD was used to obtain the pressure distribution along blade structure. Analysis of three-dimensional with steady state flow was done with a standard k-e as the turbulence model. The result obtained from pressure pattern shows that the highest value of coefficient of pressure obtained at the blade tip. This result shows that the prediction of crack may occur mostly at the blade tip. Further studies of blade design can be improved by reducing crack.
In this project I will develop and design an inflator system for life jacket to save a life in an... more In this project I will develop and design an inflator system for life jacket to save a life in an emergency situation. This inflator system of life jacket is using compress gas as an agent to inflate the life jacket when in emergency situation. The method used in preparing this project include the preparing of the objective, preparing of the scope, research, identifying customer needs, set product design specification (PDS), make functional model analysis, generate the concept, and choose the best concept. At the beginning stage, a research will be conducted to get all the information and data through internet research and survey approaches. Next, all the information and data will be study to generate several concept design of quick life jacket. Finally, the best design will be choosing to be fabricated. At the second phase of this project, the final design of the product will be drawn in CAD software. After that the fabrication of the product is being done. When the part of product had been fabricated and assembled, experimental testing will be conducted before project realisation and verification started. This project will end by verification of supervisor and panel of seminal. At the end of this project, the inflator system for life jacket has been successfully designed. It is able to inflate the life jacket in emergency situation. Lastly, I hope this design can be successful in the market if someone makes the improvements to this product.