Papers by Wolfgang Rohrbach
Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja, 2013
Evropskoj Uniji predstoji obimna reforma njenog zakona o nadzoru osiguranja. Jula 2007. EU komisi... more Evropskoj Uniji predstoji obimna reforma njenog zakona o nadzoru osiguranja. Jula 2007. EU komisija je posle obimnog pripremnog rada podnela Nacrt za dosta diskutovanu "Smernicu vezano za započeto i učestalo obavljanje delatnosti osiguranja i reosiguranja-Solventnost II". Time je utvrđen jedan od najznačajnijih pravnih akata tekućeg perioda zakonodavstva. Prema planu, okvirna Smernica (Direktiva) treba da se prihvati jula 2008. u Evropskom parlamentu, a u decembru 2008. od strane Saveta Evrope. Mere za sprovođenje smernice treba da budu na raspolaganju kao odredbe najkasnije 18 meseci pre primene, a to je april 2011. Svi propisi treba da se primenjuju od 1. novembra 2012. Krajnji cilj Smernice je usaglašavanje propisa širom Evrope radi zaštite osiguranika. * Državni univerzitet u Beču.
Strani pravni život, Aug 31, 2011
The paper discusses the measures taken by the Austrian government to resolve a consequence the co... more The paper discusses the measures taken by the Austrian government to resolve a consequence the collapse of "Phoenix", as well as on measures taken by the Yugoslav government. Unfortunately, when it comes to Yugoslavia, the actual consideration of the implementation of economic-technical-actuarial effects of rehabilitation "Phoenix" by the adopted regulation could not be achieved due to World War II, as well as the reorganization of our security.
Th e corona pandemic is incredible and, allegedly, a new phenomenon for many Europeans. Th at is ... more Th e corona pandemic is incredible and, allegedly, a new phenomenon for many Europeans. Th at is why few people know the history of European pandemics. Th e lack of interest (disinterest) in historical development is due to the misconception of many experts. Preventive care and advances in medicine and technology always require only “looking ahead”. Th is (future-oriented) advanced way of thinking and acting meant that any disease that has epidemic proportions can, in the shortest possible time, be “defeated”. However, history shows that in Europe, from the Middle Ages until today, not a century has passed without epidemics or pandemics, and that signifi cant lessons and conclusions for the future could be drawn from any such crisis. Since the 18th century, development has tended more and more towards an insurance-oriented health and social policy, which in the 19th century was called insurance policy. By combining traditional experience with new or modifi ed concepts based on the p...
Zbornik radova: "100 GODINA OD VIDOVDANSKOG USTAVA", 2021
Much of the literature that emerged in the 20th century about relationships between Serbia and th... more Much of the literature that emerged in the 20th century about relationships between Serbia and the Republic of Austria, is marked by emotional guilt assigning and political or nationalist influences. That is why, since the beginning of the 21st century, a group of European historians researched events in the Balkans in the first third of the 21st century. The results of this research are partly contrary to all previous theses on the completion of the First World War II and its influence on the creation of Yugoslavia. In addition to South Slavic experts, the authors of this paper also belong to this group of researchers. Our own analyzes and conclusions, as well as quotes from colleagues show how often partial information were consciously taken from archival material, from which (sometimes voluntarily), distorted overall picture were made. This article tries to, through additional source material and contemporary literature on the years 1914-2021, acts enlightening in areas where per...
Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja, 2021
USLUGE i vladavina prava, 2021
Die Corona-Pandemie hat einer Reihe von Branchen keineswegs nur Stillstand oder robuste Entschleu... more Die Corona-Pandemie hat einer Reihe von Branchen keineswegs nur Stillstand oder robuste Entschleunigung beschert. Vielmehr hat sie im Großteil der Unternehmen und Verwaltungen zu vielen Umbrüchen geführt. Wir erleben -seit die Impfaktionen geordnet verlaufen- eine nie gesehene Innovationsdynamik: Arbeitsprozesse, Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle werden neu ausgerichtet. Alles tendiert zu digitaler, agiler und noch volatiler Maximierung. In Bezug auf die Arbeit der Zukunft bedeutet Digitalisierung jedoch nicht nur den Einsatz neuer Technologien. Erst in der Kombination mit einer modernen Aufbau- und Arbeitsorganisation sowie qualifizierten und motivierten Mitarbeitenden entfesseln neue Technologien ihre volle Leistungsstärke.
Direktiva Evropske unije o posredovanju u osiguranju iz godine 2002. (do 2005. godine ugradena u ... more Direktiva Evropske unije o posredovanju u osiguranju iz godine 2002. (do 2005. godine ugradena u većinu nacionalna zakonodavstva) svela je samostalne delatnosti agenata i brokera pod jedinstveni naziv posrednika u osiguranju. Skeptici su postavili pitanje-čemu tako široka tolerancija i mogućnosti tumačenja za dršave članice EU? Na primeru Austrije se može pokazati da dva sveta prodaje u osiguranju, od ranog 19. veka organski srasla, ne mogu nestati donošenjem zakonskog akta, ma kako on bio važan. Objašnjanje za to treba tražiti u istorijskom razvoju. Svi nosimo pečat prošlosti i s njom smo neraskidivo vezani. Mudri zakoni nastaju samo uz uvažavanje ovih meduzavisnosti.
der negativsten Auswirkungen des globalisierten Neoliberalismus war und ist das Eskalieren des un... more der negativsten Auswirkungen des globalisierten Neoliberalismus war und ist das Eskalieren des unlauteren Wettbewerbs im Bank-und Assekuranzbereich. Agressive und irrejuhrende Informationen sowie Geschaftspraktiken machten nicht nur seridsen Mitbewerbern auf dem Versicherungsmarkt zu schaffen, sondern auch den oft geprellten Konsumenten, aufdie statt der versprochenen hohen Renditen immer mehr Risiken abgewalzt wurden. Aus einer Vertrauenskrise wurde bald eine Finanzkrise. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird-gleichsam als "legistische Absage"an den Neoliberalismus-das neue deutsche Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb(UWG) samt begleitenden Mafinahmen (am Beispiel Osterreichsjvorgestellt, die ein Biindel von rigorosen Informationspflichten fur Versicherer gegeniiber Kunden enthalten. Mit einer als Anhang deklarierten "Schwarzen Liste" iiber 30 verbotene Werbe-und Geschdftsmethoden haben Rechtsexperten ein fiir die gesamte EU samt Kandidatenlandern vorbildhaftes und fiir Konsumenten leicht verstandliches Instrumentarium zur wirksamen Bekampfung wettbewerbswidriger Praktiken geschaffen. Auch Serbiens Assekuranz kann langfristig aus derartigen iibernommenen Gesetzesregelungen der EU grofien Nutzen (Vertrauenszu-wachse) ziehen.
Papers by Wolfgang Rohrbach