Papers by Wiwid Wijayanti
Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Practicum is an activity that cannot be separated from chemical learning. Chemistry learning can ... more Practicum is an activity that cannot be separated from chemical learning. Chemistry learning can be more meaningful through attractive practicum activities. One obstacle that arises in the implementation of the practicum is the availability of adequate practicum materials and tools. Small-scale chemistry practicum can overcome this obstacle, which is in the form of the use of materials that are environmentally friendly and available in the surrounding environment, as well as simple practicum tools that can be used. One of the small-scale chemistry practicums trained is the water electrolysis practicum. Simple practicum using sodium sulfate and water, able to explain the electrolysis of water well. Through this small-scale chemistry practicum training, teachers are expected to have the skills to carry out simple practicums and develop other practicum topics while still paying attention to the scientific field. Through this small-scale-based chemical practicum training, there is an in...
Social support for the old-ages is needed badly as long as the old-ages themselves still understa... more Social support for the old-ages is needed badly as long as the old-ages themselves still understand the meaning of the social support as their supporter of their lives. However, in the life of old-ages there is often met that not all old-ages could understand the existence of social support come from other people, thus, although they have been receiving it, they still show their unsatisfaction and they reflect it by grumbling, feeling unsatisfied, feeling annoyed and so on. This research aims to know the description of social support for the old-ages live in Social House of Tresna Werdha Abiyoso Yogyakarta. Research method used here is a quantitativedescriptive method within cross-sectional time approach. Data collecting was done in Social House of Tresna Werdha Abiyoso Yogyakarta in March to June 2009 within sample number as many as 24 participants. Data gathering was obtained by questionnaire. The questionnaire used to measure social support is Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) in the alternative form validated by Ismanto (1999). Result of this research is mainly that the most participants have the biggest social support comes from the house officials that is 68.75% and the smallest comes from their children or relatives as many as 10.42%, instrumental support to the oldages live in the house for the biggest is obtained from the house officials as many as 58.33% and the smallest comes from their friends in that house as many as 16.67%, the biggest informational support comes from the house officials as many as 45.83% and the smallest comes from their children or other relatives as many as 12.50%, judge and respect support mainly comes from their friends in the house as many as 70.83% and small other part comes from their children or relatives as many as 8.3%. based on data analysis obtained value for the social support the biggest one comes from the house officials, thus from this research can be gained conclusion that the highest support is obtained from the house officials. The officials have to give better social support to the old-ages live in that house in order to give more benefits to them.
Penelitian ini digunakan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh pemberdayaan, motivasi kerja, di... more Penelitian ini digunakan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh pemberdayaan, motivasi kerja, disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Kanwil X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero. Pengujian data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas dengan KMO dan component matrix, uji reliabilitas dengan Cronbach Alpha, analisis regresi linear berganda, uji t, uji f, uji R2 untuk menguji dan membuktikan hipotesis penelitian. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan di Kanwil X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden dengan pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria apa saja yang bisa untuk dijadikan sampel. Data yang sudah di uji validitas dengan metode KMO dan component matrix dan diuji reliabilitas dengan koefisien alpha (Cronbach Alpha), dimana hasilnya seluruh data dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Hasil dari analisis dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Pemberdayaan berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, semakin tinggi pemberdayaan pegawai maka kinerja pegawai di perusahaan akan semakin menurun; (2). Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, semakin tinggi motivasi kerja maka kinerja karyawan di perusahaan juga semakin meningkat; (3). Disiplin kerja berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, semakin tingginya disiplin kerja maka kinerja karyawan di perusahaan akan semakin menurun. This study was used to test and analyze the effect of empowerment, work motivation, work discipline on the performance of the employees of Regional Office X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero. Testing data used in this study include validity test with KMO and component matrix, reliability test with Cronbach Alpha, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, R2 test to test and prove the research hypothesis. The population in this study were employees at Regional Office X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero with a sample of 100 respondents by taking samples based on what criteria can be used as samples. The data has been tested for validity using the KMO method and component matrix and tested for reliability with alpha coefficients (Cronbach Alpha), where the results are all valid and reliable data. The results of the analysis and discussion show that: (1). Empowerment has a positive and not significant effect on employee performance, the higher the employee empowerment, the employee's performance in the company will decrease; (2). Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the higher the work motivation, the employee's performance in the company also increases; (3). Work discipline has a negative and not significant effect on employee performance, the higher the work discipline, the employee's performance in the company will decrease.
Unnes Science Education Journal
Experiment is integral part of chemistry. Through experiments, everyone can verify and or find so... more Experiment is integral part of chemistry. Through experiments, everyone can verify and or find something new as an alternative solution to attract interest in meaningful chemistry learning. Innovative experimental packaging can be done with Small Scale Chemistry (SSC) to establish the importance of understanding and application related to the use of small amounts of reagents and reduce waste produced during chemistry practicum. This study aims to explore and analyze the science process skills of the second semester students of Chemistry Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, which focused for chemistry grade 12 in water electrolysis using straws and mini test tubes as physical chemistry’s experiment and formation reaction of silver mirror uses vial bottle and mirror media as experiment of organic chemistry. The results show that students’ science process skills which includes observation skills with good average score, prediction skills with good enough average score...
Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The practicum management of chemistry teachers at senior high school on the topic of acid-base is... more The practicum management of chemistry teachers at senior high school on the topic of acid-base is quite good, although the majority are monotonous in testing acid-base properties using large amounts of solution. Some schools only limit the practical use of extracts from various flowers with certain color pigments, then tested on several samples and used as natural indicators, but have not paid attention to the number of reagents and estimated waste generated. The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of classical practicum and the attractiveness of acid-base indicators from materials that refer to the principles of green chemistry. Service activities are carried out in training through the practicum method of making acid-base indicators using purple cabbage extract, sodium alginate, and 1% CaCl2 solution. This training provides a new and innovative description of the formation of purple cabbage extract gel as an acid-base indicator in the form of red balls under acidic ...
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a serious problem for skin health thus the interest in the resear... more Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a serious problem for skin health thus the interest in the research to develop sunscreen agent has been increasing. Chalcone is a promising compound to be developed as its chromophore absorbs in the UV region. Therefore, in the present work, we synthesized eight chalcone derivatives through Claisen–Schmidt condensation at room temperature. The evaluation of the optical properties of each chalcone derivatives in the UV region was conducted through spectroscopic and computational studies. The synthesized chalcones were obtained in good yields and they were active in the UV region. The results revealed that more methoxy substituents to chalcone leads toward red shift. All chalcone derivatives have high molar absorptivity value (21,000–56,000) demonstrating that they have the potential to be used as the sunscreen agent. The cytotoxicity assay showed that chalcone derivatives were demonstrating low toxicity toward normal human fibroblast cell, which is rem...
Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat alat ukur kadar kurkuminoid dengan empat metode yang berbeda, du... more Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat alat ukur kadar kurkuminoid dengan empat metode yang berbeda, dua metode menggunakan sumber cahaya polikromatis dan dua metode menggunakan sumber cahaya monokromatis. Kinerja keempat metode ini akan diperbandingkan dan akan dipilih satu metode yang mempunyai kinerja paling baik. Tahap-tahap penelitian ini adalah pembuatan kurva baku sehingga diperoleh persamaan y=bx+a, penyiapan sampel kunyit dan pembuatan prototipe alat ukur kadar kurkuminoid. Prinsip utama alat ukur ini adalah mengukur perbedaan tegangan yang diterima oleh sensor sebelum dan sesudah cahaya melewati kuvet yang berisi larutan ekstrak kunyit (y). Karena kurkuminoid menyerap cahaya secara maksimal apabila dikenai cahaya ungu, maka keempat metode di atas akan melewatkan cahaya ungu ke kuvet. Dua metode pertama menggunakan monokromator kisi difraksi dan prisma yang akan mengubah cahaya polikromatis menjadi cahaya ungu. Dua metode kedua menggunakan LED dan laser ungu. Dengan diperolehnya y dari pengukuran serta nilai a dan b telah diketahui, maka akan diperoleh kadar kurkumin pada larutan (x) dalam %b/b. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan alat ukur kadar kurkuminoid menggunakan sumber cahaya laser mempunyai kinerja paling baik dengan rata-rata error sebesar 9.356%. Kadar kurkuminoid paling tinggi terdapat pada kunyit dari daerah Magelang dengan kadar 1.11 %b/b.
There is a considerable attention to reduce the carbon dioxide emission or utilize this gaseous w... more There is a considerable attention to reduce the carbon dioxide emission or utilize this gaseous waste as an industrial feedstock. Ionic liquids (ILs) which are liquid salts below 100 °C are known as “green” designer solvents and are due to their unique properties such as, no measurable vapor pressure, tunable physical and chemical properties, and high thermal stability may open future applications in many fields. Highly active zinc tetrahalide-ionic liquid adduct was successfully employed to catalysis the coupling reaction of various epoxides with CO 2 to produce selectively the corresponding cyclic carbonates with high yield. Accessible and relatively cost effective room temperature ionic liquids were also synthesized and tested for the CO 2 capture. It was found that ionic liquid can absorb CO 2 physically and can easily be regenerated under a reduced pressure, thus minimizing the energy consumption for recycling compared to a conventional amine-based aqueous solution.
Abstract: It has been carried out the isolation of citronellal from citronella oil by fractinatio... more Abstract: It has been carried out the isolation of citronellal from citronella oil by fractinational distillation under reduced pressure. From 500 g citronella oil, citronellal has been received at the amount of 10 g with the purity of 81.30%, 210 g with the purity of 99.14%. Keywords: isolation of citronellal, citronella oil, fractional distillation under reduced pressure
Penelitian ini digunakan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh pemberdayaan, motivasi kerja, di... more Penelitian ini digunakan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh pemberdayaan, motivasi kerja, disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Kanwil X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero. Pengujian data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas dengan KMO dan component matrix, uji reliabilitas dengan Cronbach Alpha, analisis regresi linear berganda, uji t, uji f, uji R2 untuk menguji dan membuktikan hipotesis penelitian. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan di Kanwil X1 Semarang PT. Pegadaian Persero dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden dengan pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria apa saja yang bisa untuk dijadikan sampel. Data yang sudah di uji validitas dengan metode KMO dan component matrix dan diuji reliabilitas dengan koefisien alpha (Cronbach Alpha), dimana hasilnya seluruh data dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Hasil dari analisis dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Pemberdayaan berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, semakin tinggi...
Abstract: Antibiotics will be used safely when it is used rationally, and rational use of antibio... more Abstract: Antibiotics will be used safely when it is used rationally, and rational use of antibiotics need an appropriately of knowledge. In accordance to achieve appropriately knowledge about antibiotics, it is important to identify the level of knowledge about antibiotics to improve an educational method and material about antibiotics. As a qualitative study using focus group discussion (FGD) among residence of Four Sub-district in Yogyakarta City, e.g.: Mergangsan, Gondokusuman, Umbulhardjo and Kotagede. There was eight key person of each sub district involved in the study. The inclusion criteria are: Residence of one of the four sub-districts with age above 17 years old, willing to attend the activities. The exclusion criteria are: residence with Pharmacy education background, moving limited and mental disability. Results of the study show the characteristic demography of the participants are: 5 Female and 3 Male, age range from 40 to 52 years old, with educational lev...
ABSTRAK Para pelaku bisnis dan pemerintah dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomi membutuhkan informa... more ABSTRAK Para pelaku bisnis dan pemerintah dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomi membutuhkan informasi tentang kondisi dan kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Analisis rasio keuangan merupakan alternatif untuk menguji apakah informasi keuangan bermanfaat untuk melakukan prediksi terhadap laba masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rasio-rasio keuangan yang relevan digunakan untuk memprediksi laba pada masa yang akan datang. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah delapan perusahaan yang listing di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) pada tahun 2004-2006 dan dipilih secara purposive sampling. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan uji t untuk menguji pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen secara parsial atau individu, serta uji F untuk pengujian variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen secara bersama-sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga rasio keuangan dari tujuh rasio yang digunakan terbukti sig...
Lately, tourism activity at Gunungkidul Region is flourishing. The awareness of the local people ... more Lately, tourism activity at Gunungkidul Region is flourishing. The awareness of the local people to manage the tourism attraction in their neighbourhood is also increasing. However, due to the lack of skills, the management of the tourism attraction still needs to be improved. Considering that the region has various potential tourism attraction, a well-planned scheme of tourism attraction development is badly needed. This study is non experimental in nature. Data was collected through observation, focus group discussion and questionnaires. Then, the data was analyzed using WEKA and J48 Decision Tree Algorithms. The results of the analysis, then, were used to arrange tourism development planning in the area where the study was conducted. Key words : destinasi wisata, persepsi masyarakat, sumber daya manusia, budaya, sumber daya alam
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia), 2020
Chemistry practicum does not have to be complicated and requires expensive apparatus and chemical... more Chemistry practicum does not have to be complicated and requires expensive apparatus and chemicals, and is considered not environmentally friendly. The concept of small scale chemistry practicum is one of appropriate technology that is packaged elegantly to introduce and embed the principles of green chemistry in every chemistry experiments, and also to enhance the concepts of chemistry through verification and scientific discovery. This study aims to create the newest product, the small scale chemistry practicum module to identify the ability of the students of chemistry education study program, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta in formulating predictions on phenomenon based on the insights they have, making direct observations through small scale chemistry practicum, and explaining the results of observations and emphasis on concepts in detail and depth. This research is the development research with the model of Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE). Data ...
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2018
The purpose of the Science and Technology Implementation of Nata de Coco Business Owners is to in... more The purpose of the Science and Technology Implementation of Nata de Coco Business Owners is to increase the income of the Nata de Coco business owners through education and training on product processing as well as on the management of their business. The idea of implementing science and technology for Nata de Coco entrepreneurs stemmed from the fact that nata de coco entrepreneurs were generally less skilled in processing nata de coco products. The products were less hygienic and were not marketed under their own trademark. The specific target in IbM's activities was the increasing income of the nata de coco businessmen. The method used to achieve this goal was a collaborative method through various trainings, intensive facilitation, hands-on practice, monitoring and evaluation. The outcome of IbM's program was the production of nata de coco's distinctive, varied, hygienic, and delicious products so that the sales turnover and the nata de coco craftsmen income continue to increase. Kata kunci: produk nata de coco, higienis, wirausaha .
Papers by Wiwid Wijayanti