Papers by Wiendu Nuryanti
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Aug 28, 2023
Lasem, a city of a thousand gates often referred to as "Petit Chinois" by foreign tourists, posse... more Lasem, a city of a thousand gates often referred to as "Petit Chinois" by foreign tourists, possesses extraordinary historical heritage as the former capital, making it a Heritage City. This is one of the reasons for choosing Lasem as a research study location. This article contributes by identifying typical spatial patterns in Lasem. In this study, the focus of observation is Chinese settlements located in Babagan Village, Soditan Village, Karangturi Village, and Gedongmulyo Village, where these areas are the locations for the development of Chinese settlements in Lasem. This paper aims to understand the development of the typology of Chinese residential courtyards in Lasem and their survival to the present day, so that they can become part of the national cultural heritage. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, involving literature studies, field surveys, and analysis using graph access. The results found that the typology of the morphological floor plans of the Chinese settlement houses in Lasem differs in accessgraphy from their country of origin. Courtyards, which serve as building shafts in their home country, are not found in the houses of the Lasem Chinese settlements. The courtyards in the Chinese settlements of Lasem are precisely positioned around the main building. The uniqueness of the typology of the Chinese settlement courtyards in Lasem is the result of the space occupied by humans to survive and the community's attachment to their place of residence.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2017
Contents: Crafts, Culture and Technological Change: Quo vadis batik?, Iwan Tirta Aspects of intel... more Contents: Crafts, Culture and Technological Change: Quo vadis batik?, Iwan Tirta Aspects of intellectual property and textiles, Bill Morrow Innovation, change and tradition in the batik industry, Teruo Sekimoto. Traditional Batik: Cultural values and traditional batik patterns, Oetari K.W. Siswomihardjo Function and meaning of batik-lurik a " a reconstruction, Renske Heringa The philosophy and meaning of classic batik patterns of Central Java, S. Hertini Adiwoso Textiles in ancient Bali, I. Wayan Ardika The classical batiks of Jambi, Fiona G. Kerlogue The development of motifs in Indonesian batik fashion trends from 1850 onwards, Ardiyanto Pranata The Garunda motif and cultural identity, Woro Aryandini S. Comparative Batik: Parang Rusak design in European art, Maria Wronska-Friend Javanese and Indonesian batik in Germany, Irene Romeo Reflections on Moscow batik, Joachim Blank Batik as both art and craft, Rita Trefois Malay (Perak) embroidery in contemporary batik, Nazlina Shaari The art of batik in Sri Lanka, Siva Obeyesekere Persistence of traditional dress in Mesoamerica, Carol Hayman Batik effect on pure woven wool, Dougal Pleasance Batik on paper bi- and tridimensional structures, Alicia Farkas Independent European batik technique on Easter eggs, Annegret Haake and Hani Winotosastro. Batik Conservation: Textile exhibition issues in Indonesian museums, Puspitasari Wibisono Batik conservation in the Rotterdam museum of ethnology, Linda Hansen The batik collection at the Tropenmuseum, Itie van Hout. Virtual and Souvenir Batiks: Extraterrestrial inspiration a " a remarkable batik from the textile museum collection, Mattiebelle Gittinger The challenge for batik in the year 2020: art, commodity and technology, Amri Yahya Lifestyles in the borderless world: marketing Sarawak textiles as cultural identity products, Mohammad Zulkifli Batik route: batik and tourism, Fred W. van Oss The threads that tie textiles to tourism, Kaye Crippen Modern influences on East Sumbanese textiles, Karin Smedjebacka Tourism and Geringsing textiles in Bali: a case study from Tenganan, Ir sulistyawati, MS Endek and its role in tourism development in Bali, Tri Budhi Sastrio Textile production, tourism and the Internet a " the Austrian experience, Amin Tjoa and Roland R. Wagner The role of tartan in the development of the image of Scotland, Richard Butler Traditions, tourism and textiles: creativity at the cutting edge, Nelson H.H. Graburn Conclusions, Michael Hitchcock and Wiendu Nuranti.
Atrium, Jun 7, 2023
Isu keberlanjutan menjadi penting saat sebuah desa atau wilayah hendak dikembangkan sebagai desti... more Isu keberlanjutan menjadi penting saat sebuah desa atau wilayah hendak dikembangkan sebagai destinasi wisata karena berpotensi menimbulkan dampak bagi kelangsungan kehidupan dan lingkungan suatu wilayah. Negeri Oma tercatat sebagai salah satu desa wisata berkembang di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah menurut Kemenparekraf sejak tahun 2021. Beberapa keunikan alam dimiliki yakni mata air tawar alami Air Asol, mata air panas alami Air Panas Asol dan Air Panas Bak, Pantai Sila, serta Tanjung Simale tersebar di kawasan Desa Wisata Negeri Oma. Daya dukung pariwisata yang telah dimiliki yaitu ketersediaan transportasi darat dan laut, ketersediaan fasilitas pendukung pariwisata dan non pariwisata, serta keterlibatan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian mengenai desa wisata dan prinsip keberlanjutan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan arsitektur pariwisata, dengan menelaah data dan informasi lapangan serta didukung teori-teori terkait topik penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan Desa Wisata Negeri Oma secara keseluruhan telah mengarah kepada pariwisata berkelanjutan, namun masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan yang membutuhkan peningkatan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak, sehingga prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan dapat ditingkatkan dan dinikmati oleh pelaku wisata secara terus-menerus.
Development of urban waterfront areas, especially in Indonesia is one of the potential and charac... more Development of urban waterfront areas, especially in Indonesia is one of the potential and characteristics that must be developed, especially those dealing with aspects of functionality and accessibility. Development of urban waterfront areas, especially in Indonesia is one of the potential and characteristics that must be developed, especially those dealing with aspects of the function and aksesibelitas. Development of urban waterfront area can be directed to the development of the tourism function, economy, culture, education, industry, warehousing and defense. In its development the need for specific identification of the physical characteristics of the environment and its activities that take place therein. Sungai Jawi area is one area on the outskirts of the city of Pontianak on through by a river which empties into the great river of the Kapuas River. Sungai Jawi is one area that can potentially become an attractive residential area other than as a business and trade, as well as in its development found to the various problems that arise as a result of acculturation and socio-cultural changes in the original priority to transport water as aksesibelitas and is now replaced by ground transportation . The role of the river has decreased due to road construction as new transportation routes, changes in technology, behavioral and cultural change, this change is not just happening in developed countries but also have an impact on countries that while it is being developed especially in Asia and the cities waterfront in Indonesia in general. These changes not only alter the community's economy around Sungai Jawi, but this change also affects the shape and function of the building along the road space H Rais, A Rahman as the axis of Sungai Jawi area. Growth of new buildings to be out of control, no longer pay attention to the environmental situation around the road space, and the river became underdeveloped areas of the region. Formal and informal economic activities are scattered along the road space. with different activities in the morning as the trading and at night as the annual culinary culture interspersed with riverside community celebrations on the river along the road space. This study aims to provide a picture of the specific characteristics, problems and potentials in the development of waterfront cities in Indonesia in terms of physical parameters of environmental, economic, social and cultural as well as within a residential area and trading business.
... Penekanan arsitekturnya adalah pada dekonstruksi program. ... Dekonstruksi program ini juga m... more ... Penekanan arsitekturnya adalah pada dekonstruksi program. ... Dekonstruksi program ini juga merupakan penyelesaian terhadap kedinamisan fungsi, yang tidak lagi berurutan, tapi bertumpuk. No Inventaris, c.1 (4315-H-2007). ...
The research was conducted on destination image formation is used as a location for filming. The ... more The research was conducted on destination image formation is used as a location for filming. The purpose of this study is to identify the image formed through the film and the marketing of destinations that can affect the developing destinations as a tourist destination. The resulting findings are: (1) Movies are very influential on Belitung island destination image formation, (2) Factor demand destinations as the location for filming is very high but not yet supported by supply factors destinations as a tourist destination is influenced by the film (film-induced tourism). From the analysis it can be concluded that: (1) Film Laskar Pelangi firmly establish a positive image of destinations and interesting place to visit through the image of the beautiful coastal scenery and a strong theme of the story, (2) Marketing destinations as a tourist destination need to optimize image that have been formed through the film Laskar Pelangi, either through marketing programs and destinations beyond the provision of facilities supporting film tourism activities at the site.
Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri paling besar dalam pemasukan devisa negara yang... more Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri paling besar dalam pemasukan devisa negara yang berpengaruh besar terhadap pengembangan dan peningkatan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya serta peningkatan kualitas lingkungan. Namun di Surakarta, dengan tumbuh berkembangnya kampung wisata terjadilah percampuran aktivitas antara hunian dan komersial. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak disertai dengan kejelasan penataan bangunan dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membangun teori atau konsep mengenai proses terjadinya transformasi arsitektural dari kampung kota menjadi kampung wisata. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus ganda dengan perpaduan antara pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsikan proses terjadinya transformasi arsitektur dari tiga kampung kota menjadi kampung wisata (Baluwarti, Kauman dan Laweyan) yang berbeda lokasi dan ke unikannya. Penelitian diawali dengan kajian teoritik, proposisi, dilanjutkan eksplorasi keunikan di lapangan untuk di deskripsikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses terjadinya transformasi arsitektural dari kampung kota menjadi kampung wisata tersebut, disebabkan adanya perubahan aktivitas komersial masyarakat yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dari adanya kebutuhan dan motivasi masyarakat dan faktor eksternal adanya kebijakan dari Pemerintah. Dengan demikian proses terjadinya transformasi arsitektural merupakan suatu proses dari adanya perubahan aktivitas masyarakat yang berdampak pada perubahan kawasan, meliputi bangunan dan lingkungan yang terus berkembang, sehingga terjadi keragaman percampuran antara zone hunian dan komersial kepariwisataan. Maka ditemukan konsep bahwa: proses terjadinya transformasi arsitektural pada kawasan akan memperlihatkan adanya tingkatan yang berdasarkan pada konsistensi kepedulian peran aktif masyarakat dalam menjaga kelokalan dari adanya perubahan fisik pada tata bangunan dan lingkungan yang melingkupi. Secara teoretis, hasil penelitian ini berkontribusi positif dalam membawa trend baru dalam bidang ilmu arsitektur dan perencanaan, sebagai solusi dalam strategi pembangunan pengembangan dan penataan kualitas kawasan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan dengan memperhatikan potensi karakter potensi kelokalan. Hal ini bisa diakomodasi untuk penyusunan pedoman perencanaan, pembangunan dan pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang lebih kompetitif dan berkelanjutan. [Kata kunci: transformasi arsitektural, perubahan, kampung kota, kampung wisata].
Routledge eBooks, Dec 5, 2016
Routledge eBooks, Dec 5, 2016
Papers by Wiendu Nuryanti