Papers by Piyabutr Wanichpongpan
Applied Physics A, Feb 22, 2021
This work explores the possibility of oxytetracycline (OTC) elimination from water by using a mag... more This work explores the possibility of oxytetracycline (OTC) elimination from water by using a magnetite grafted by carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin adsorbent called Mag-CM-β-CD. They were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and vibrating sample magnetometer. This article aims to perform a study on the effect of the pH synthesis process and pH OTC solution on the OTC removal, as well as the effect of the kinetics adsorption and isotherms adsorption of Mag-CM-β-CD on OTC adsorption. Mag-CM-β-CD can remove OTC with a higher adsorption capacity (71.97 mg g−1) than that of magnetite adsorbents (60.02 mg g−1) by using 5% w of CM-β-CD/w of magnetite.
Chemical Engineering and Processing, Dec 1, 2021
Aquaculture Research, Aug 13, 2019
Most Thai farmers have changed their shrimp culture from extensive to intensive since intensive p... more Most Thai farmers have changed their shrimp culture from extensive to intensive since intensive provides a higher harvest size (Flaherty & Karnjanakesorn, 1995; Kongkeo, 1997). The main disadvantage of changing to intensive culture is shrimp diseases due to contaminated water from a large number of pathogenic bacteria (Funge-Smith & Briggs, 1998). A water treatment system, specifically a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), has been utilized in cultivation of shrimps instead of either extensive or intensive systems as RAS saves water consumption, decreases environmental impact and supports shrimp growth (Lin, Jing, & Lee, 2003). However, shrimp farmers are still using antibiotics to eliminate disease caused by bacteria. The Department of Fisheries in Thailand permits the following antibiotics for use with shrimp farming: oxytetracycline (OTC), sarafloxacin, enrofloxacin, oxolinic acid, sulfamonomethoxine sodium, trimethoprim (Department of Fisheries, 2018). Our study focuses on OTC since it has been widely used as a feed additive to inactivate diseases in shrimp farming and to enhance shrimp growth rate. Oxytetracycline exerts antimicrobial action against both gram (−) and (+) bacteria, rickettsias, mycoplasmas and others bacteria (Gómez, Roque, & Guerra Flores, 2001). In many countries, the amount of OTC residues in shrimp muscle should not exceed the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.01 ppm (Organization, 2002) because the use of antibiotics in aquaculture is associated with environmental and human health problems, including bacterial resistance (Cabello, 2006). Normally, the investigational withdrawal period for treated shrimp is 16-25 days (Nogueira-Lima, Gesteira, & Mafezoli, 2006). The drug can be disintegrated by light and attached to the sediment (Bebak-Williams, Bullock, & Carson, 2002; Holmström et al., 2003). Therefore, reducing the withdrawal period is important for disease prevention. Recently, several methods, such as membrane filtration (Li,
Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment, 2013
In this study, an integrated aquaculture system, based on shrimp-fish-seaweed, was designed and t... more In this study, an integrated aquaculture system, based on shrimp-fish-seaweed, was designed and tested for its ability to treat shrimp pond effluent. Marine shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), herbivorous fish (Oreochromis sp.) and seaweed (Entermorpha sp.) were co-cultured in a recirculation system. The experimental results indicated that the integrated aquaculture, that included water-recirculation, could reduce nitrogenous-waste accumulation in shrimp ponds by retaining some nitrogen content in fish and seaweed biomass. 88% of the nitrogen introduced by feeding was collected through this system. Most nitrogen content (45%) was found in the form of pond sediment. 24% of the original nitrogen was retained in the form of aquaculture biomass, i.e. 15%, 6% and 3% for shrimp, fish and seaweed respectively.
วารสารวิจัยและพัฒนา มจธ., 2008
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Materials Testing
Descaling of stainless-steel black coil is an important step to produce white coil with smooth gl... more Descaling of stainless-steel black coil is an important step to produce white coil with smooth glossy surface. The AISI 304L black and white coils from a company containing 1.08–1.71Mn and 0.22–0.40Cu (wt%) were used to study the effects of Mn and Cu on descaling rate by potentiodynamic polarization technique at 25 °C. The pickling solutions were 0.5 M HCl and 0.5 M HCl mixed with H2O2 of 0.5, 0.88 and 1.76 M. The polarization curves of black and white coil samples measured in HCl–H2O2 mixture showed no passive range. The descaling rate of black coil oxide scales, and the corrosion potential (E corr) increased with H2O2 concentration. Low-Mn sample, that is 1.08%Mn0.23%Cu sample, showed higher descaling rate than high-Mn samples. No effects of Cu content on the descaling rate were observed. For white coil samples, the descaling rates were almost constant, but pitting on surface was observed. Passive films were eliminated. The corrosion potentials of black and white coil samples incr...
The shrimp processing industries produce a large quantity of wastes, such shrimp shell, and head,... more The shrimp processing industries produce a large quantity of wastes, such shrimp shell, and head, varying from 45 55% of the weight of raw shrimp. Therefore, it has been very useful to utilize these wastes into the valueadded byproducts. In this study, the optimum conditions for preparation of glucosamine by the hydrolysis of chitosan extracted from shrimp shell were determined. The conditions involve the ratio of mixture to hydrolysate for preparation of crude glucosamine hydrochloride, the ratio of ethanol to hydrolysate for preparation of crystalline glucosamine hydrochloride, and the optimum temperature and reaction time for preparation of glucosamine sulfate. Finally, the purity of the glucosamine sulfate was determined by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis.
Oxytetracycline (OTC) is an effective antibiotics used in aquaculture for a long time. However, O... more Oxytetracycline (OTC) is an effective antibiotics used in aquaculture for a long time. However, OTC may cause severe environmental contamination and has aroused concerning about its impact on public health. For this reason, this article aims to removal OTC from aqueous solution by using the β-cyclodextrin /carboxymethylcellulose (β-CD/CMC) hydrogel films as adsorbent. The hydrogel film were prepared by esterification-crosslinking method. The films were evaluated for active β-CD content, swelling ratio and adsorption capacity. The adsorption of OTC have been studied in terms of pseudo-firstand -second-order kinetics. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models have also been used to the equilibrium adsorption data. The results obtained from the study indicated that the adsorption capacity of OTC mainly depends on β-cyclodextrin content.
Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2021
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021
Graphene oxide and carboxymethylcellulose film modified by citric acid for antibiotic removal<!-<... more Graphene oxide and carboxymethylcellulose film modified by citric acid for antibiotic removal<!-<ForCover>Juengchareonpoon K, Wanichpongpan P, Boonamnuayvitaya V, Graphene oxide and carboxymethylcellulose film modified by citric acid for antibiotic removal,
Aquaculture Research, 2019
Most Thai farmers have changed their shrimp culture from extensive to intensive since intensive p... more Most Thai farmers have changed their shrimp culture from extensive to intensive since intensive provides a higher harvest size (Flaherty & Karnjanakesorn, 1995; Kongkeo, 1997). The main disadvantage of changing to intensive culture is shrimp diseases due to contaminated water from a large number of pathogenic bacteria (Funge-Smith & Briggs, 1998). A water treatment system, specifically a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), has been utilized in cultivation of shrimps instead of either extensive or intensive systems as RAS saves water consumption, decreases environmental impact and supports shrimp growth (Lin, Jing, & Lee, 2003). However, shrimp farmers are still using antibiotics to eliminate disease caused by bacteria. The Department of Fisheries in Thailand permits the following antibiotics for use with shrimp farming: oxytetracycline (OTC), sarafloxacin, enrofloxacin, oxolinic acid, sulfamonomethoxine sodium, trimethoprim (Department of Fisheries, 2018). Our study focuses on OTC since it has been widely used as a feed additive to inactivate diseases in shrimp farming and to enhance shrimp growth rate. Oxytetracycline exerts antimicrobial action against both gram (−) and (+) bacteria, rickettsias, mycoplasmas and others bacteria (Gómez, Roque, & Guerra Flores, 2001). In many countries, the amount of OTC residues in shrimp muscle should not exceed the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.01 ppm (Organization, 2002) because the use of antibiotics in aquaculture is associated with environmental and human health problems, including bacterial resistance (Cabello, 2006). Normally, the investigational withdrawal period for treated shrimp is 16-25 days (Nogueira-Lima, Gesteira, & Mafezoli, 2006). The drug can be disintegrated by light and attached to the sediment (Bebak-Williams, Bullock, & Carson, 2002; Holmström et al., 2003). Therefore, reducing the withdrawal period is important for disease prevention. Recently, several methods, such as membrane filtration (Li,
Water Science and Technology, 2004
Duckweed was used to treat effluent from a shrimp farm in a batch wise and recirculation system. ... more Duckweed was used to treat effluent from a shrimp farm in a batch wise and recirculation system. The result showed that duckweed could efficiently remove nutrients in the effluent, especially ammonia, which seemed to be the preferred nitrogen source of the plant. Red tilapia was used in the recirculation system and showed high potential in removal of uneaten shrimp feed.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Environment, 2013
In this study, an integrated aquaculture system, based on shrimp-fish-seaweed, was designed and t... more In this study, an integrated aquaculture system, based on shrimp-fish-seaweed, was designed and tested for its ability to treat shrimp pond effluent. Marine shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), herbivorous fish (Oreochromis sp.) and seaweed (Entermorpha sp.) were co-cultured in a recirculation system. The experimental results indicated that the integrated aquaculture, that included water-recirculation, could reduce nitrogenous-waste accumulation in shrimp ponds by retaining some nitrogen content in fish and seaweed biomass. 88% of the nitrogen introduced by feeding was collected through this system. Most nitrogen content (45%) was found in the form of pond sediment. 24% of the original nitrogen was retained in the form of aquaculture biomass, i.e. 15%, 6% and 3% for shrimp, fish and seaweed respectively.
Papers by Piyabutr Wanichpongpan