Ambulantes Operieren / Susanne Busch ; Ernst Kistler. - In: Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland / ... more Ambulantes Operieren / Susanne Busch ; Ernst Kistler. - In: Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland / hrsg. vom Statistischen Bundesamt. - Stuttgart : Metzler- Poeschel, 1998. - S. 431-43
Verhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie, 1987
In den letzten Jahren hat die totale Prostatektomie bei der Behandlung des Prostata-Carcinoms zun... more In den letzten Jahren hat die totale Prostatektomie bei der Behandlung des Prostata-Carcinoms zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wir fuhren diesen Eingriff seit August 1971 durch im Stadium Tl und T2, zunehmend aber auch im Stadium T3. Bis zum 5.12. 1985 wurden 304 Patienten operiert, das Durchschnittsalter betrug 60,73 Jahre, der Jungste war 40, die beiden Altesten waren 76 Jahre alt. Alle Patienten, es sei denn ihr Tod war uns schon bekannt, wurden zum Stichtag von uns angeschrieben, lediglich 3 haben wir aus der Beobachtung verloren.
Grundsätzliches zum ambulanten Operieren in der Urologie: Die Urologie als operatives Fach hat in... more Grundsätzliches zum ambulanten Operieren in der Urologie: Die Urologie als operatives Fach hat in den letzten Jahren aufgrund der Verbesserung der anästhesiologischen Möglichkeiten, des technisch-urologischen Instrumentariums und der veränderten Vita der niedergelassenen Vertragsärzte grundsätzlich eine ähnliche Entwicklung durchgemacht wie die übrigen operativen Fächer, allerdings mit dem Unterschied, dass die urologischen ambulanten Operateure erheblich weniger operieren als ihre Kollegen anderer Fachbereiche
In kaum einem Begriff konzentrieren sich die aktuellen Probleme unseres Gesundheitssystems so seh... more In kaum einem Begriff konzentrieren sich die aktuellen Probleme unseres Gesundheitssystems so sehr wie in "Ambulant Operieren".
The regulation for the scale of remuneration for physicians (GÖA) is a Federal act which must be ... more The regulation for the scale of remuneration for physicians (GÖA) is a Federal act which must be approved by the Federal Council. The structure and specification of the services in the current scales are out of date. The current performance ratings should be replaced by a strict economic analysis calculation model. This is the only way the Medical Council (BÄK) can foresee that higher performance ratings for services can be enforced against the health insurance companies.
and members of the EVOCA (Universidad de Sevilla) and IEG (Estaci ó n Biol ó gica de Do ñ ana) gr... more and members of the EVOCA (Universidad de Sevilla) and IEG (Estaci ó n Biol ó gica de Do ñ ana) groups improved an earlier draft of the manuscript with their comments and suggestions. This research was funded by two projects from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Culture (BOS2002-01162 and CGL2006-08507).
In Germany, discussions on the fees for statutory sickness insurance for ambulatory surgery has, ... more In Germany, discussions on the fees for statutory sickness insurance for ambulatory surgery has, in the last few years, become almost a symbol of dispute for the German health services. Outpatient surgeons complain about the fact that the fees do not cover their services. They see innovation severely threatened by bureaucracy, profitability by planned economy, rights by reasons of State, aggravated by the 'reform' attempts of the Greens and Socialist coalition Federal Government. On the other hand their opponents complain about the money mindedness of the doctors. Intentional panic or real disaster? The fundamental consideration to clarify this question is based on a comparison of the German statutory medical insurance fees and private fees with our neighbours. In Europe an economic area with similar prices for goods, services and wages, even 'outpatient operations' services with comparable cost rates should be paid for at a corresponding level. Any discrepancies would give cause to look for an explanation by analysing the historic development of fees and the question of a fair comparison between operations and the non-operative services.
Androgen deprivation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of advanced and progressive pro... more Androgen deprivation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of advanced and progressive prostate cancer. Various prospective randomised trials have investigated whether or not temporary suspension of androgen deprivation might delay the emergence of castration resistant prostate cancer and concomitantly improve quality of life. Until now, no phase III trial has been able to prove that intermittent androgen deprivation might delay the development of castration resistant tumours. Data from previous trials, except for one study, did at least not show adverse effects on survival. Data on quality of life are inconsistent, showing a trend towards improved quality of life with IAD. German as well as European guidelines reflect IAD as an established constituent of day-to-day medical practice. This review is intended to provide a code of practice for an individualised treatment as based on recently published studies.
Ambulantes Operieren / Susanne Busch ; Ernst Kistler. - In: Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland / ... more Ambulantes Operieren / Susanne Busch ; Ernst Kistler. - In: Gesundheitsbericht für Deutschland / hrsg. vom Statistischen Bundesamt. - Stuttgart : Metzler- Poeschel, 1998. - S. 431-43
Verhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie, 1987
In den letzten Jahren hat die totale Prostatektomie bei der Behandlung des Prostata-Carcinoms zun... more In den letzten Jahren hat die totale Prostatektomie bei der Behandlung des Prostata-Carcinoms zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wir fuhren diesen Eingriff seit August 1971 durch im Stadium Tl und T2, zunehmend aber auch im Stadium T3. Bis zum 5.12. 1985 wurden 304 Patienten operiert, das Durchschnittsalter betrug 60,73 Jahre, der Jungste war 40, die beiden Altesten waren 76 Jahre alt. Alle Patienten, es sei denn ihr Tod war uns schon bekannt, wurden zum Stichtag von uns angeschrieben, lediglich 3 haben wir aus der Beobachtung verloren.
Grundsätzliches zum ambulanten Operieren in der Urologie: Die Urologie als operatives Fach hat in... more Grundsätzliches zum ambulanten Operieren in der Urologie: Die Urologie als operatives Fach hat in den letzten Jahren aufgrund der Verbesserung der anästhesiologischen Möglichkeiten, des technisch-urologischen Instrumentariums und der veränderten Vita der niedergelassenen Vertragsärzte grundsätzlich eine ähnliche Entwicklung durchgemacht wie die übrigen operativen Fächer, allerdings mit dem Unterschied, dass die urologischen ambulanten Operateure erheblich weniger operieren als ihre Kollegen anderer Fachbereiche
In kaum einem Begriff konzentrieren sich die aktuellen Probleme unseres Gesundheitssystems so seh... more In kaum einem Begriff konzentrieren sich die aktuellen Probleme unseres Gesundheitssystems so sehr wie in "Ambulant Operieren".
The regulation for the scale of remuneration for physicians (GÖA) is a Federal act which must be ... more The regulation for the scale of remuneration for physicians (GÖA) is a Federal act which must be approved by the Federal Council. The structure and specification of the services in the current scales are out of date. The current performance ratings should be replaced by a strict economic analysis calculation model. This is the only way the Medical Council (BÄK) can foresee that higher performance ratings for services can be enforced against the health insurance companies.
and members of the EVOCA (Universidad de Sevilla) and IEG (Estaci ó n Biol ó gica de Do ñ ana) gr... more and members of the EVOCA (Universidad de Sevilla) and IEG (Estaci ó n Biol ó gica de Do ñ ana) groups improved an earlier draft of the manuscript with their comments and suggestions. This research was funded by two projects from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Culture (BOS2002-01162 and CGL2006-08507).
In Germany, discussions on the fees for statutory sickness insurance for ambulatory surgery has, ... more In Germany, discussions on the fees for statutory sickness insurance for ambulatory surgery has, in the last few years, become almost a symbol of dispute for the German health services. Outpatient surgeons complain about the fact that the fees do not cover their services. They see innovation severely threatened by bureaucracy, profitability by planned economy, rights by reasons of State, aggravated by the 'reform' attempts of the Greens and Socialist coalition Federal Government. On the other hand their opponents complain about the money mindedness of the doctors. Intentional panic or real disaster? The fundamental consideration to clarify this question is based on a comparison of the German statutory medical insurance fees and private fees with our neighbours. In Europe an economic area with similar prices for goods, services and wages, even 'outpatient operations' services with comparable cost rates should be paid for at a corresponding level. Any discrepancies would give cause to look for an explanation by analysing the historic development of fees and the question of a fair comparison between operations and the non-operative services.
Androgen deprivation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of advanced and progressive pro... more Androgen deprivation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of advanced and progressive prostate cancer. Various prospective randomised trials have investigated whether or not temporary suspension of androgen deprivation might delay the emergence of castration resistant prostate cancer and concomitantly improve quality of life. Until now, no phase III trial has been able to prove that intermittent androgen deprivation might delay the development of castration resistant tumours. Data from previous trials, except for one study, did at least not show adverse effects on survival. Data on quality of life are inconsistent, showing a trend towards improved quality of life with IAD. German as well as European guidelines reflect IAD as an established constituent of day-to-day medical practice. This review is intended to provide a code of practice for an individualised treatment as based on recently published studies.
Papers by W. Rulf