Papers by Wara Indira Rukmi

Public space is a place for which people carry out their activities. Urban public space represent... more Public space is a place for which people carry out their activities. Urban public space represents the desire of urban communities to interact with the surroundings. The development of public space use is adjusted to the increase of public activities in terms of type and intensity. Many people use streets and parks to express their activities as they are types of open and easily accessible public spaces. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the use of active public space, namely the corridors of Ijen and Jakarta street, and the quality of the two public spaces analyzed by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The variables studied were the characteristics of environmental psychology; the activities/utilization of each active public space and the preferences of the users. It was found that there were 7 (seven) factors affecting the use of active public space at the Ijen Boulevard and 3 (three) factors affecting the use of active public space at the Jakarta street. The active public space at Ijen boulevard managed to meet three of the public space criteria, including Meaningful, Responsive and Democratic. On the other hand, active public space at the Jakarta street fulfilled one criterion of public space, which was Democratic.

Influence of the urban environment on fulfilling children's playgrounds can be seen based on the ... more Influence of the urban environment on fulfilling children's playgrounds can be seen based on the quality aspects of public open spaces in the city. This study aims to study the criteria, perceptions and alternatives for developing the quality of child-friendly spaces in city parks of Trunojoyo Smart Park and Singha Merjosari Park, Malang City. Method used in determining the quality of childfriendly criteria using Analysis Hierarchy Process, while in evaluating the quality of child-friendly spaces using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and through interviews with experts for alternative development. The results indicate the main criteria for child-friendly space according to the experts is security criteria with a value of 0.541 and the highest sub-criteria are safe spaces with a value of 0.105. Visitor perceptions on the quality of chil-friendly spaces in Trunojoyo Smart Park and Singha Merjosari Park can be seen by the distribution of park attributes related to performance quality and importance rate according to respondents who are associated with their position in IPA quadrant. Attributes distribution in IPA quadrant for Trunojoyo Smart Park that have good and important service quality are: distance and roads; pathway lane; signage; seating; fences; and garden. Attributes distribution in IPA quadrant for Singha Merjosari Park that have good and important service quality are:distance from the pathway; safe spaces; entrance; pathway lane; and garden. Alternative development in Singha Merjosari Park according to experts is considering designs with those that are influenced by total area, number of playgroud equipments and visitors heterogeneity. The highest development priority of Trunojoyo Smart Park is the play elements of children.

Seminar Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia, 2017
Lanskap budaya sebagai menyediakan beragam manfaat bagi manusia, dalam menghasilkan produk serta ... more Lanskap budaya sebagai menyediakan beragam manfaat bagi manusia, dalam menghasilkan produk serta memberikan batasan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya alam setempat. Oleh karenanya lanskap budaya sebagai suatu yang berharga dan sebagai model interaksi yang harmonis antara manusia dan alam. Indonesia kaya akan lanskap yang bernilai sebagai lanskap budaya yang unggul. Kawasan-kawasan tersebut mengandung nilai sejarah, sumberdaya pusaka, geomorfologi yang khas, sistem alamiah dan proses perubahan biogeofisik serta sosial-budaya yang terus berlangsung. Meski demikian, jejak tatanan lanskap budaya terkubur dalam perkembangan zaman, pergeseran budaya, peperangan, dan/atau bencana alam. Penelitian ini sebagai upaya untuk mengkonstruksikan komposisi lanskap budaya Jawa Kuno pada awal Periode Jawa Timur, yang masih tergambar pada relief Candi Panataran. Dengan perpsepktif constructivism dan metode content analysis dan ccluster analysis, penelitian ini membangun model hipotesis dan menemukan enam tipologi lanskap budaya jawa kuno yang tergambarkan pada relief Candi Panataran, yakni Hutan,

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Access to safe water as a basic infrastructure is still a major problem throughout the world, and... more Access to safe water as a basic infrastructure is still a major problem throughout the world, and it is the main concentration to be solved as stated in SDGs pillars 6 and 9. Availability access to basic needs such as infrastructure of water is also one important homework to deal with for the Indonesian government along with the Universal Access 100-0-100. The research aim is to measure the Water Poverty Index (WPI) through the 5-component to propose a poverty eradication strategy of the water infrastructure at the community level. Jabung District in Malang Regency is chosen as the case study, wherein at about 33, 19% and 16% of households are the receiver of Raskin (Poor Rice) program and Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hopes Program) – the poverty alleviations programs in Indonesia. Both field observation and depth interviews are conducted towards 548 heads of households at the compiling data. The WPI measurement indicates that 1 of the 15 villages have the low safe value of WPI....

DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2020
Pemukiman tradisional di Ulu 3-4Kecamatan ini terletak di pinggiran Sungai Musi, Kota Palembang. ... more Pemukiman tradisional di Ulu 3-4Kecamatan ini terletak di pinggiran Sungai Musi, Kota Palembang. Ada masalah di permukiman tradisional termasuk bangunan baru yang saat ini menutupi bangunan tradisional dan tidak menyesuaikan bentuk bangunan lama serta sosial-budaya dan ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dan non-fisik sebagai input dalam analisis deskriptif yang akan menghasilkan jenis pola pemukiman dan selanjutnya menentukan strategi konservasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif menggambarkan kondisi daerah termasuk sejarah perkembangan permukiman, kegiatan sosial ekonomi dan budaya kekerasan keluarga, bangunan fisik dan Nilai Universal Yang Luar Biasa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,Kecamatan Ulu . Pada setiap jenis pola pemukiman akan dilakukan strategi konservasi termasuk pelestarian, konservasi, rehabilitasi, dan rekonstruksi.

Tata Kota dan Daerah, 2018
Lanskap budaya dihasilkan dari reorganisasi bentang alam secara kontinyu oleh masyarakat asli dal... more Lanskap budaya dihasilkan dari reorganisasi bentang alam secara kontinyu oleh masyarakat asli dalam rangka mengadaptasikan penggunaan lahan dan struktur spasial untuk mencapai pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia yang senantiasa berubah dari masa ke masa. Ia disadari sebagai lanskap multifungsi yang menyediakan beragam manfaat bagi manusia, menghasilkan barang dan produk, mendukung dan memberikan batasan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya lokal, memperbaiki budaya, dan lain sebagainya. Indonesia kaya akan lanskap yang bernilai sebagai lanskap budaya yang unggul (outstanding cultural landscape heritage). Kawasan-kawasan tersebut mengandung nilai sejarah yang kuat, sebagai sumberdaya pusaka, geomorfologi yang khas, hasil dari sistem alamiah dan proses perubahan biogeofisik serta sosial-budaya terus berlangsung. Penelitian ini sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk mengkonstruksikan tipologi komposisi lanskap budaya Jawa Kuno yang terilustrasikan pada relief candi Jawi, Jago dan Panataran. Candi-candi tersebut berasal dari Abad ke-12 Masehi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perspektif constructivism, yang ditujukan untuk membangun model hipotesa tentang tipologi lanskap budaya Jawa Kun. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif eksploratif dengan penggunaan metode Content Analysis dan Cluster Analysis. Analisis klaster menghasilkan temuan bahwa lanskap Budaya Jawa Kuno terklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kelompok besar berdasarkan keragaman fiturnya, yakni: Lanskap Alam dan Lanskap Terbangun. Pada lanskap alam terdapat tipe lanskap kediaman (candi bukur dan mandala). Sedangkan pada Lanskap Buatan terklasifikasikan meejadi dua, tipe lanskap luar kadatwan (staphaka dan patapan; dan tipe lanskap sekitar kadatwan (hutan/taman dan lingkungan kadatwan sebagai kediaman raja/bangsawan). Masing-masing lanskap memiliki kekhasan pada komposisi fitur vegetasi, hewan, struktur buatan, dan fitur bentang alamnya.

Tata Kota dan Daerah, 2019
Kemiskinan meruapakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di negara-negara di dunia khususnya pada n... more Kemiskinan meruapakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di negara-negara di dunia khususnya pada negara berkembang. Perhitungan nilai kemiskinan mangalami beberapa berubahan atau modifikasi sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini. Kondisi kemiskinan tidak lagi hanya dipandang sebagai keterbatasan seseorang dari sisi finansial (pendapatan), tetapi juga beberapa dimensi lainnya. Pengukuran kemiskinan menggunakan metode Multidimensional Poverty Index merupakan salah satu metode pengukuran kemiskinan yang memperhatikan 3 (tiga) dimensi antara lain pendidikan, kesehatan dan standar hidup. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Kedungkandang. Kecamatan Kedungkandang merpakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Malang yang memiliki jumlah penerima beras miskin tertinggi yaitu sebesar 5260 KK miskin. Kecamatan Kedungkandang memiliki penduduk sebesar 1.888.175 jiwa yang terbagi menjadi 12 kelurahan. Pengukuran kemiskinan menggunakan Multidimensional Poverty Index di Kecamatan Kedungkandang terbagi mejadi kategori sangat rendah. Kelurahan yang memiliki nilai MPI terendah yaitu Kelurahan Kotalama (0,01) dan Kelurahan Sawojajar (0,01) sedangkang Kelurahan yang memiliki nilai MPI tertnggi adalah Kelurahan Lesanpura (0,07) dan Kelurahan Wonokoyo (0,07). Semakin tinggi nilai MPI mengindikasikan daerah tersebut semakin miskin.

Tata Kota dan Daerah, 2019
Perkembangan permukiman tradisional yang berada pada tengah Kota Malang kondisinya semakin tersud... more Perkembangan permukiman tradisional yang berada pada tengah Kota Malang kondisinya semakin tersudut dan terdesak dikarenakan oleh perkembangan kota. Permukiman tradisional sendiri sebenarnya merupakan aset kawasan kota yang dapat memberikan ciri kota, tatanan lingkungan binaan, ciri aktifitas sosial budaya masyarakatnya, yang merupakan manifestasi nilai sosial budaya masyarakat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perubahan interaksi sosial dalam pembentukan pola permukimannya(Rapoport,1969). Permasalahan yang terjadi pada kampung dan interaksi sisalamnya menunjukkan perlu adanya kajian lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan adanya penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pola permukiman serta perwujudan interaksi sosial dalam pola permukiman kampung yang terdapat pada Kampung Panggung Kota Malang. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana karakteristik pola permukiman dan mengidentifikasi interaksi sosial yang terdapat didalamnya menggunakan teknik metode analisis deskriptif berupa analisis sinkronik/diakronik, analisis behaviour, serta analisis family tree. Hasil identifikasi karakteristik menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial dapat terbentuk berdasarkan hubungan kekerabatan tanpa dibatasi oleh pola permukiman, selain itu pola permukiman sendri juga dapat membentuk interaks sosial. Selain itu interaksi sosial yang ditemukan dapat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan fungsi bangunan yang dapat berupa perubahan secara positif maupun konflik.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Popular paradigm defines urban area as a Growth-Pole which has been expected to give trickle-down... more Popular paradigm defines urban area as a Growth-Pole which has been expected to give trickle-down effect and spread welfare to its hinterlands and rural areas. In fact, urban growth tends to generate resource exploitations from its hinterland to comply urban necessity. Those, sharpen the dichotomy between urban and rural welfare and generate Desakota phenomenon. New paradigm sought as an alternative strategy seeks balance in the role of rural-urban linkages. This study aimed to bring out a model of spatial order that had existed in ancient Javanese civilization which followed a philosophy of maintaining the balance between human and nature in utilizing environment. Qualitative research was conducted through content exploration on ancient Javanese civilization references. Those contents were cross-diachronic to unravel the connection between politic and economic situation when that spatial order model had existed. Wenua (village) was located in a configuration that followed four geog...

Jakarta Kota Tua's (old town) Area is a historical area that located in Capital City of Indon... more Jakarta Kota Tua's (old town) Area is a historical area that located in Capital City of Indonesia, namely Jakarta which continues to degrade in both physical and nonphysical ways, resulting in an unfavorable image and an unappealing location, one of which is the lack of pedestrian facilities in the Kota Tua area, not to mention the fact that during the holidays, pedestrians are jammed with street vendors, making it impossible for pedestrians to walk in the area around the Old Town Area. Furthermore, there are still neglected facilities such as trash cans and bus stations where passengers can wait for buses that are not fit for their intended purpose. This research aims to find out the walkibility based on existing condition in the Jakarta Kota Tua area. The analytical method that uses in this research is descriptive analysis based on pedestrian path characteristic walkability index analysis. According to the calculation results, 1st zone is included in the waiting to walk catego...

The settlement area in RW 04 is determined as one of the priority areas that the Government of Ma... more The settlement area in RW 04 is determined as one of the priority areas that the Government of Malang City should overcome from slum problems. Slum factors in RW 04 are caused by density settlement, unlivable residential area, and environmental pollution by the community activities. Therefore, the local government creates a program to diminish the slum and to support the 100-0-100 Program as well. The effort to overcome the slum problems is done through a progam called PLPBK (Penataan Lingkungan Permukiman Berbasis Komunitas) which can affect community place attachment. Hence, the community image of RW 04 would change from a slum into a clean and beautiful residential area. The environmental transformation in RW 04 could strengthen place attachment and as a result, the people feel more comfortable, proud, and safe. This study aims to identify community place attachment in RW 04, Polehan, Malang and the analysis used is descriptive statistics. This research shows that the community ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Archimariture, 2018

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2020
Indonesia has a diversity of landscapes and communities. This creates a diversity of lifestyles t... more Indonesia has a diversity of landscapes and communities. This creates a diversity of lifestyles that reflect the identity of the area or a place. This identity is also reflected in the form and how people carry out the traditions that have been existed from generation to generation. Kampung Naga, as one of Indonesian traditional village has its own uniqueness characteristics. This can be seen from the culture, traditions, interactions and spaces created by these traditional activities. Therefore, research is needed that has the aim of finding out how the traditional activities of the Kampung Naga produce social interactions in certain spaces. By using descriptive explorative methods and descriptive analysis and assisted by behavior mapping, will explain the interactions and spaces in traditional activities. The output of this study is to determine the interactions that occur in every traditional activity in Kampung Naga.

Bidang arsitektur dan profesi arsitek merupakan entitas yang sangat tua dan selalu terkait dengan... more Bidang arsitektur dan profesi arsitek merupakan entitas yang sangat tua dan selalu terkait dengan kehidupan masyarakat. Seorang arsitek juga dituntut untuk selalu berpikir, yang mana salah satunya bertujuan untuk menghasilkan keserasian dalam rancangannya. SCAN ke 6 kali ini, dengan tema “Finding the Fifth Element… After Water, Earth, Wind and Fire”, pasti tidak terlepas dari kegalauan arsitek sebagai pemikir untuk selalu berkembang dan beradaptasi, serta mencari hal-hal baru; atau mendefinisikan kembali sesuatu yang dipunyai menjadi sesuatu hal yang dapat diselaraskan dengan konteks masa kini. Pada SCAN kali ini diharapkan kreativitas arsitek dan ilmuwan lain dapat mengemuka, sehingga gagasan-gagasan yang genuine dapat muncul. Tentu saja “the fifth element” bagi satu dan lain orang dapat merupakan sesuatu yang berbeda atau sama. Namun terlepas dari semua itu, kita tentu sepakat bahwa sesuatu yang kita hasilkan, entah itu berupa buah pikiran atau karya rancangan, harus lah merupakan...
The development of the Alun Alun Merdeka and Tugu Area areas has caused changes in visual charact... more The development of the Alun Alun Merdeka and Tugu Area areas has caused changes in visual characters to the image of the area in both public spaces. However, not many people are interested to visit those areas. This shows that the image of the region is less supportive in increasing visitor interest. The image of the public spaces can be assessed based on the views of pedestrian lane users as it has a role as an image booster of the public space. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the image perception of public space elements according to the users with their own types of activity on the pedestrian pathway. The results of the study demonstrated that there are similarities in the parameters and indicators of image of the public space elements from the perception giver based on the type of

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The government of Malang city has developed public space by increasing the number of city parks a... more The government of Malang city has developed public space by increasing the number of city parks and revitalising the existing parks, functioned as active parks and city forests. Despite the development of individual city parks, about the debate has circulated regarding how the parks are integrated with the city’s spatial system. The focus of this research comprises the evaluation of city parks performance according to the parks’ relative position in the city’s spatial system. This study applies the two variables, including: the relative position of city parks and the visit frequency. The relative position is identified by employing the notion of spatial configuration and space syntax. The visit frequency is explored by utilizing questionnaires. The correlation between the two variables is investigated by using Pearson Product Moment. The research indicates that there is a correlation between the two variables. This finding additionally proves that the spatial configuration determine...

Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, 2021
Times have led to changes in land functions and changes in environmental psychology's social,... more Times have led to changes in land functions and changes in environmental psychology's social, economic, and environmental aspects. Within Pandaan sub-district , there is a main road linking Surabaya and Malang to the road hierarchy as a national arterial road, and the Gempol-Pandaan toll road has changed the function of agricultural land, particularly in Durensewu and Plintah Village. This study aims to determine the land conversion that occurs in the Pandaan District by knowing the place dependence and the relationship between the place dependence and the residents' decision to change land use. The analytical method used is the analysis of land-use change, the analysis of place dependence, and the relationship between place dependence and land-use change. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is an indirect and positive relationship between place dependence and land-use change in the Pandaan District and that one of the dimensions of place dependence ...

MatSciRN: Other Computational Materials Science (Topic), 2020
Human adaptation to their place of dwelling is an effort to adapt to physical condition of a limi... more Human adaptation to their place of dwelling is an effort to adapt to physical condition of a limited habitation environment. Environmental adaptation has three basic elements, which consist of physical (ecology/environment and human) and nonphysical (culture and behavior or interaction between human-environment) elements. Adaptation concept includes behavioral and functional aspects, which are reflected on activities of the adaptation agent, as well as structural aspect, which is reflected on physical-spatial layout of the environment. Settlement development of the Madurese migrant since 1950s up to the present time has indicated the adaptation process. Study on the dwelling adaptation element of the Madurese migrant at the studied area was intended to find out what adaptation element used by the Madurese migrant in interacting with their settlement environment. This study used descriptive qualitative method and inductive analysis. Object of the study was determined following the li...

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2020
Kampung Naga has an extraordinary appeal, from the built of the house, the rituals that are still... more Kampung Naga has an extraordinary appeal, from the built of the house, the rituals that are still being carried out, as well as the natural scenery, until finally the tourism development is carried out by the government, which is not based on community local customs, thus, resulting in a shift in the function of traditional places. However, the community still has an effort to maintain the inherited traditions of their ancestors. This tradition is manifested in various forms, from norms, rituals, to village arrangements. The spatial setting of Kampung Naga is not only influenced by tradition, but also by cosmological value. Therefore, the researcher wants to look for cosmological values contained in the spatial setting of Kampung Naga. The research method is descriptive-explanatory with the analytical method used is descriptive analysis, behavior mapping analysis, and overlay analysis. Research variables are cosmological beliefs, traditions, ecological elements, and spatial elements. The results of this study note that: 1) orientation is influenced by the order of the universe, the philosophy of tri tangtu dina buana, physical nature, and traditional belief. 2) the layout is influenced by the concept of Sundanese settlements (kaca-kaca and lemah-cai), tri tangtu (structure of the universe). 3) space hierarchy is influenced by the concepts of luhur-handap and tri tangtu (structure of the universe).

Journal of International Studies, 2021
The phenomenon of land conversion continues to increase due to the rise in population, thereby in... more The phenomenon of land conversion continues to increase due to the rise in population, thereby increasing the demand for housing and other facilities rapidly. The attachment of population to a place creates a special relationship with the surrounding environment. Place dependence is defined as a form of population attachment to a place in terms of functional dimensions, in such a way that it provides benefits for people to meet their needs. The existence of this attachment is expected to affect a person's decision regarding land conversion. This study aims to determine the relationship between population place dependence and land conversion (decision change or not). The data were empirically obtained from 500 households that owned land in the sub-district of Pandaan District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Indonesia, and analyzed using the structural equation model (SEM) partial least square analysis technique. The existence of this place dependence is expected to affect a person's land conversion decision.
Papers by Wara Indira Rukmi