Papers by Widya Risnawaty
Parenting pattern is a treatment of parents in terms of educating children, which includes a vari... more Parenting pattern is a treatment of parents in terms of educating children, which includes a variety of behaviors to influence the behavior of the child. In today's society there is still a phenomenon where parents use violence to punish children, and is often interpreted as an educational punishment.There are still parents who do not realize that educating with violence can have a psychological impact on the child and potentially create problematic behaviors, trauma experiences to severe psychological disorders. The purpose of this study is to conduct psychometric tests on measuring instruments namely, Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). Psdq measuring instrument used is the result of adaptation from Riany (2018) so it is already in the form of Indonesian language and indeed for use in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative method with sampling technique which is purposive sampling. The content validity test is conducted using an expert test of the stateme...
Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas h... more Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup remaja. Salah satu program yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup remaja adalah program pelatihan konselor sebaya. Program ini dilaksanakan di SMN XYZ, Penjaringan Jakarta Utara. Sekolah tersebut menjadi tempat dilaksanakannya PKM karena berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan dari pihak sekolah, jumlah guru BP tidak sebanding dengan jumlah siswa yang berjumlah 720 siswa. Perbandingan yang cukup signifikan tersebut membuat para siswa tidak mendapatkan pelayanan konseling yang memadai. Adapun beberapa permasalahan yang kerap terjadi di sekolah dan belum dapat tertangani oleh guru BP adalah permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan (a) para siswa memiliki masalah yang beragam, seperti: motivasi berprestasi yang cenderung rendah, tindakan indisipliner, kesenjangan antar grup pertemanan, mendapat kekerasan verbal dari orang tua, perilaku berisiko pada remaja seperti perilak...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
In general, students are in the age of 18-24 years, which is the transition period from late adol... more In general, students are in the age of 18-24 years, which is the transition period from late adolescence to early adulthood so that it is not uncommon during the transition period to arise a variety of problems. The number of stressors in the lecture life makes students must be able to regulate their emotions in order to harmonize the emotional responses that individuals have to the problems or environment they face. As is commonly known that the environment contributes to an important role in shaping the character of each individual. In shaping individual character, emotional and ability, a well-functioning family is needed so that the individual can grow and develop as he should. Therefore, this study aims to find out how big the role of family functioning to emotional regulation in undergraduate students. This study had 114 participants using purposive sampling techniques and measuring instruments in the form of questionnaires in measuring family function and emotional regulation. This study used a simple linear regression analysis that found that there was a positive and significant role of family functioning to emotional regulation in undergraduate students of 27.4% with Z = 0.072 and t = 6,509 > 1,981.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
The goal of this study is to obtain the description of family quality of life in parents with emp... more The goal of this study is to obtain the description of family quality of life in parents with empty-nest syndrome. Empty-nest syndrome is a common phenomenon which occurs when child is grown up and decides to be live separately with the parent. The phenomenon takes place when child is entering the early adulthood phase and faced with various experiences which commonly occurs as an adult. Generally, an adult has the opportunity to get higher education in college, or to focus on their jobs and career, or to choose marriage with their romantic partner. When these things happen, parents who get used on raising and nurturing their child for years have the possibility on being 'empty' after child's departure. This existing phenomenon calls to be studied to see the family quality of life with a couple of parents who experiences the empty-nest syndrome as the analysis unit. This study was studied using a phenomenological qualitative approach to explore the subjective understanding of parents in dealing with this phenomenon. Participants in this study were three pairs of parents who are in the middle adult development phase and live separately from their children because the children are married/working/studying. The interview process lasted for one month (November-December 2020). Data were obtained through interviews as a form of screening for signs of empty-nest syndrome experienced by subjects, then continued with interviews related to dimensions of family quality of life. The results showed that the subject's empty-nest syndrome affects the dimensions of the quality of family life, especially emotional well-being, which is marked by the subject's feelings of sadness 1-3 months after the child's departure. Other dimensions such as family interaction, parenting, and physical/material well-being also change in each subject.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is commonly found in women. Breast cancer patients usually... more Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is commonly found in women. Breast cancer patients usually undergo a series of treatment processes to cure breast cancer within a certain period of time. The breast cancer patients can be affected both mentally and physically. When dealing with breast cancer, not only patients experience stress, but stress is also experienced by the families who take care for the patient. In particular, the husband acts as the first caregiver who immediately feels stress due to the wife's condition. This study aims to describe an overview of dyadic coping in couples whose wife has breast cancer. Dyadic coping is a partner's way of responding to stressful situations or problems that can lead to feelings of stress in the relationship. This research uses a qualitative approach with narrative research study. In-depth interviews were conducted with four couples of wives with breast cancer survivors. The results of this research showed that supportive dyadic coping and common dyadic coping with emotion-focused and problem-focused coping formed in married couples with breast cancer survivors. The study highlighted dyadic coping plays an important role in couples when dealing with stress when the wife has breast cancer. Communication, personality, household pattern, economy, and social support factors affecting dyadic coping were discussed.
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
The family, as the smallest unit in society, is the main foundation of healthy and mature persona... more The family, as the smallest unit in society, is the main foundation of healthy and mature personal growth. Therefore, the functioning of the family must be kept and maintained. But in reality, every family faces various challenges. The Catholic Church is very concerned and strives to keep the Catholic family survive and carry out its functions properly. One effort undertaken by the Jakarta Archdiocese Family Apostolic Commission (Kom-KK KAJ) is to provide assistance for families who are having psychological problems in the form of counseling by trained lay counselors. The purpose of this PKM activity is to address the needs of partners related to the importance of knowing how to do counseling in a non-professional context. These lay counselors are non-professionals who have a concern to help others, especially in terms of family assistance. Therefore, Kom-KK KAJ believes that these lay counselors need to be equipped with basic knowledge about the process and how to provide basic cou...
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
The present community service activities were held to provide peer counselor training for high sc... more The present community service activities were held to provide peer counselor training for high school Students in West Jakarta. Results from our survey showed several problems such as high achievement demand from parents, disparity between peer groups, and verbal abuse from parents. Despite these problems, students prefer to share their problems with their peers to consulting their problems with the Guidance and Counseling (GC) teacher, subject teacher, or homeroom teacher. To address this problem, the solution offered was to prepare assistance for GC teachers by giving training to selected students so that they are able to help other students, that is as peer counselors. Students who were trained must pass a selection process to meet standard qualifications as peer counselors. The peer counselor training aimed to provide competency-based knowledge and skills as a counselor. The task of these peer counselors was to act as peer assistants who can accommodate stories and complaints fr...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni
Family Strengths Framework mengulas lebih banyak tentang kekuatan positif yang dimiliki oleh kelu... more Family Strengths Framework mengulas lebih banyak tentang kekuatan positif yang dimiliki oleh keluarga dan anggota keluarga di dalamnya, sehingga dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi tantangan dan kesulitan hidup. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus tunggal yang bertujuan untuk menggali perspektif partisipan terhadap kekuatan keluarga dengan latar belakang budaya Jawa. Partisipan dipilih karena merepresentasikan keluarga harmonis yang dilatarbelakangi oleh budaya Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan di Yogyakarta. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya satu temuan khas yaitu konsep “Iso lan Gelem”, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat diartikan “Bisa dan Mau”. Konsep “Iso lan Gelem” ini merupakan kekuatan positif keluarga dari partisipan, yang selama ini digunakan oleh partisipan sebagai acuan dalam hidup berkeluarga. Konsep “Iso lan Gelem” yang dikemukakan oleh partisipan memiliki kesepadanan ma...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penerapan hortikultura guna meningkatkan self-efficacy pad... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penerapan hortikultura guna meningkatkan self-efficacy pada lansia di panti werdha Y. Lansia merupakan orang dewasa yang telah memasuki umur 60 tahun ke atas. Lansia yang berdaya merupakan lansia yang aktif dalam beraktivitas. Aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan oleh lansia sangatlah beragam. Salah satunya adalah kegiatan bercocok tanam. Kegiatan bercocok tanam yang dilakukan adalah kegiatan menanam kangkung. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah tiga orang lansia berusia lebih dari 60 tahun yang berada di Panti Werdha Y. Namun karena pengaruh kesehatan yang memburuk hanya menyisakan dua partisipan. Pengukuran dengan MMSE dan wawancara dilakukan dalam pengambilan data. Hsil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-efficacy sesudah melakukan kegiatan hortikultura meningkat.
Arkhe, May 5, 2010
Infidelity creates enormous impact on women physically as well as mentally. Infidelity tends to c... more Infidelity creates enormous impact on women physically as well as mentally. Infidelity tends to create divorce. While infidelity itself cause tremendous impact on women, divorce as the consequence of infidelity delivers even greater impact to the victims. Repeating life hardships may create unpleasant life impression and causes a person lose the meaning of life. Anyone who has lost the meaning of life will lose the spirit of life. However, there are woman who suffered from divorce due to infidelity of their husbands remain able to find the meaning of live. The question of this research lies on “how do these women describe their meaning of life after having divorce as a result of their spouse’s infidelity?” Data collection was conducted between March to May 2006 be using in-depth interview. The result indicates that all subjects experienced losing the meaning of life soon after divorcee. They regained the meaning of life after obtaining insight by actively engaging experienced after obtaining their life commitment.
Pernikahan adalah fenomena yang dipandang sebagai suatu kelaziman, sehingga bila ada yang memilih... more Pernikahan adalah fenomena yang dipandang sebagai suatu kelaziman, sehingga bila ada yang memilih berbeda, yakni melajang, justru dipandang aneh. Berbondong-bondong orang memutuskan untuk menikah. Mereka yang sedang menjalani hidup melajang pun turut resah menunggu 'gilirannya' untuk menikah. Apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi? Pernahkah terpikir bahwa mereka telah tenggelam dalam hingar bingar itu tanpa sadar apa yang sedang dilakukannya? Keputusan untuk menikah adalah keputusan yang penting karena memberi implikasl yang sangat kompleks bagi kehidupan selanjutnya. Disadari atau tidak pasti akan dialami oleh si pengambil keputusan. Dengan berdasar pada suatu keyakinan bahwa pengambilan keputusan untuk menikah atau melajang adalah penting, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah lebih jauh proses pengambilan keputusan seorang perempuan dalam memutuskan pilihan hidupnya, menikah atau melajang. Penelitian melibatkan delapan responden perempuan yang terdiri atas: enam perempuan memutuskan menikah (berusia 17-32 tahun) dan dua perempuan yang masih melajang (berusia 49 tahun). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif (3rounded research) dengan tehnik wawancara mendalam. Dipilihnya metode ini karena penelitian ini ingin menggali apa yang sebenarnya ada dibalik fenomena hingar-bingar pernikahan tersebut. Peneliti berperan sebagai instrumen utama dalam penelitian karena yang akan melakukan wawancara langsung dengan para responden. Data yang diperoleh berupa transkrip wawancara dan dilaporkan dalam bentuk narasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan explanation building, yakni penyusunan tema-tema yang diperoleh dari data mentah yang kemudian disusun dalam kategori-kategori. Kategori-kategori inilah yang kemudian akan dianalisis. Hasil analisis data pada responden menemukan proses pengambilan keputusan menikah-melajang sebagai opsi. Proses pengambitan keputusan ini sangat diwarnai oleh konformitas terhadap desakan sosial. Model pertama adalah proses pengambilan keputusan yang ditemukan dari data pada semua kasus penelitian. Bercermin pada model pertama, maka dibuatlah model kedua sebagai model ideal proses pengambilan keputusan, yakni pengambilan keputusan menikah-melajang sebagai pilihan. Dikatakan ideal karena si pengambil keputusan dengan kebebasan (independensi) dan kemerdekaannya memilih dengan sadar pilihan hidup yang ia kehendaki. Ada rasa memiliki dan bertanggungjawab atas keputusan yang diambil. Ia tidak sekedar 'mengutip' apa yang menurut masyarakat baik. Penelitian menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan bahwa menikah-melajang adalah suatu opsi, di mana si pengambil keputusan mengambil apa yang dipilihkan oleh normative belief yang meliputi budaya, norma, masyarakat dan figur-figur yang memiliki relevansi dengan dirinya. Penelitian ini berhasil merumuskan bahwa apabila normative belief kuat pengaruhnya dan mengendalikan personal beliefs dan beliefs about ease or difficulty to control behavior, maka yang terjadi adalah menikah sebagai opsi. Sebaliknya, apabila personal beliefs dan beliefs about ease or difficulty to control behavior sangat dominan pengaruhnya, dan normative beliefs tidak dimaknai sebagai desakan atau kurang kuat pengaruhnya maka keputusan yang diambil menikah atau melajang sebagai suatu pilihan.
Javanese culture (one of the cultural groups in Indonesia) emphasizes the importance of social no... more Javanese culture (one of the cultural groups in Indonesia) emphasizes the importance of social norms and social consequences as a control to social behavior. The aim of this research is to study the dimension of restraint in the behavior and psychological dynamics of Javanese late adolescents, who live at two orphanages in Central Java. The participants are 40 male adolescents in the care of two public orphanage houses, with the age range between 12 to 19 years. The method used in data retrieval is qualitative, that is through observation, interviews, and drawing test. The results showed that the behavior and psychological dynamics that occur on the individual self between those two orphanages are quite similar. Participants in both orphanage houses tend to control ways to express their feelings. They also present themselves as calm, tight in norms, and under control. Additionally, showing control of emotions and being not easily surprised is also important. These observations may r...
Papers by Widya Risnawaty