To investigate the neural representations of faces in primates, particularly in relation to their... more To investigate the neural representations of faces in primates, particularly in relation to their personal familiarity or unfamiliarity, neuronal activities were chronically recorded from the ventral portion of the anterior inferior temporal cortex (AITv) of macaque monkeys during the performance of a facial identification task using either personally familiar or unfamiliar faces as stimuli. By calculating the correlation coefficients between neuronal responses to the faces for all possible pairs of faces given in the task and then using the coefficients as neuronal population-based similarity measures between the faces in pairs, we analyzed the similarity/dissimilarity relationship between the faces, which were potentially represented by the activities of a population of the face-responsive neurons recorded in the area AITv. The results showed that, for personally familiar faces, different identities were represented by different patterns of activities of the population of AITv neurons irrespective of the view (e.g., front, 90u left, etc.), while different views were not represented independently of their facial identities, which was consistent with our previous report. In the case of personally unfamiliar faces, the faces possessing different identities but presented in the same frontal view were represented as similar, which contrasts with the results for personally familiar faces. These results, taken together, outline the neuronal representations of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the AITv neuronal population.
Resumo: A imitação facial é um comportamento involuntário capaz de facilitar a transmissão de inf... more Resumo: A imitação facial é um comportamento involuntário capaz de facilitar a transmissão de informações não verbais relevantes em diferentes contextos sociais. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a capacidade de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais enquanto o observador tensiona a própria face ou imita a face-alvo. A hipótese utilizada foi a de que indivíduos que tensionam a própria face terão menor probabilidade de acertos na execução das tarefas de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais e aqueles que imitam a expressão terão uma maior probabilidade de acertos na execução das mesmas tarefas. A amostra foi composta por 30 participantes, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: o Grupo Imitação (GI) e o Grupo Ruído (GR), ambos com 18 participantes do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino. O experimento consistiu em apresentar fotos de atores expressando facialmente uma emoção básica por 10 segundos. Neste período, os participantes deveriam, então, observar ou intervir facialmente, imitando ou tensionando a própria face (de acordo com o grupo alocado, Imitação ou Ruído). Após os 10 segundos executando a instrução (observar, imitar ou interferir), o participante deveria responder-entre as opções alegria, tristeza, nojo, raiva, surpresa e medo-a emoção correspondente à imagem. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparadas as tarefas de tensionar ou imitar a face-alvo, sugerindo que a alteração da própria face do observador pode influenciar durante o desempenho de uma tarefa de reconhecimento de emoções em faces.
Education is an area directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers started to have ne... more Education is an area directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers started to have new work demands, which can be perceived as stressful variables. This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between cognitive planning and occupational stress among teachers from Distrito Federal, in the COVID-19 pandemic context. This is a correlational and quantitative study, whose variables are cognitive planning, occupational stress and cognitive failures. Data collection was performed electronically with 29 adults aged between 30 and 49 years old, by applying the Cognitive Planning Scale, the Work-related Stress Scale and the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests and correlations. The results indicated that there was no significant relationship between cognitive planning and occupational stress. In addition, the study contributed to the discussion of the effects of the pandemic on basic education professionals.
Studies on crime and parking facilities also appear to have a strong focus on car theft with smal... more Studies on crime and parking facilities also appear to have a strong focus on car theft with small emphasis on psychological and cognitive variables to investigate potential crimes in this environment. Furthermore, there is limited literature on such crimes in South America, particularly in Brazil. This study has the objective of offering an instrument to assess risk perception in public and private parking lots of free circulation, as well as to understand and describe how individual values influence this variable regarding civilians' and police officers' perception of hazards present in free circulation public and private parking lots. A psychometrically valid risk perception and security attitude scale is presented. The scores of the two groups were predicted by human values. It was observed a mapping of risk situations in parking lots, as well as attitudes that can prevent crimes. Implications for the development of social public safety policies are discussed.
ABSTRACT. Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extreme... more ABSTRACT. Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extremely common throughout the course of the pathology, and these behavioral changes present themselves as challenges in clinical management and as a significant cause of caregivers’ burden. Objective: Using a personality inventory based on the five-factor model of personality, this study aimed to assesses the change in these factors by comparing the premorbid and current personality of individuals recently diagnosed with AD. Methods: A total of 30 AD patients were recruited, and their respective family members responded to the personality inventory at home through a hosted site. The patients were also divided into two groups according to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): mild dementia (CDR 1) and moderate dementia (CDR 2). Results: Among all patients, there was a significant increase in neuroticism factor levels and a significant decrease in the extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, an...
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos do treinamento na detecção de micro-expressõe... more Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos do treinamento na detecção de micro-expressões faciais da mentira. 73 policiais militares participaram do estudo. O Grupo Experimental foi composto por 17 policiais recém-formados (16 homens), com média de idade = 28,57 anos (DP = 3,97). O Grupo Controle foi composto por 56 policiais (52 homens), com média de idade = 47,82 anos (DP = 1,94). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Vídeos de estimulação para detecção de mentiras, Micro Expression Training Tool e Escala de Percepção de Mentiras na Comunicação. Os resultados mostraram que no pré-teste, o GE obteve menos acertos (mediana = 30,78) do que o GC (mediana = 43,15) relacionados à percepção da outra pessoa falando a verdade ou mentindo (U = 432,0; p <0,05 ). No pós-teste o GE (mediana = 27,21) obteve menos acertos que o GC (mediana = 37,55), embora a diferença não tenha sido significativa (U = 309,5; p = 0,07). Comparando o desempenho do GE antes e após o treinamento, f...
ABSTRACT: Among the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, impairment in the recognition ... more ABSTRACT: Among the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, impairment in the recognition of emotional facial expressions has been widely discussed, as the disease may affect brain areas related to this skill. The current study has investigated, among elderly people, the recognition of the six emotional face expressions considered universal using the instrument Test of Emotional Perception of Faces, where participants performed an emotional facial recognition task. Forty-one participants with an average age of 64.9 years were enrolled to this study, 27 men and 14 women. No significant impairment in the recognition of emotional face expression was observed among the parkinsonians. This result may indicate the need to develop more adequate tools and techniques able to investigate this issue in the Brazilian population.
Recognition of facial emotional expressions and its correlation with cognitive abilities in child... more Recognition of facial emotional expressions and its correlation with cognitive abilities in children with
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in redalyc... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System
The Rorschach method has been proved as an effective tool for personality dynamics assessment, as... more The Rorschach method has been proved as an effective tool for personality dynamics assessment, as well as for identify psychopathological patterns, especially with regard to the dissociation of consciousness, which makes it relevant in the context of schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to contribute to the evaluation of the so-called special phenomena in Rorschach protocols in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The sample consisted of ten patients previously diagnosed with ICD-10 F20 who were hospitalised in the Federal District, Brazil, in the Centre for Living and Psychosocial Care (Life Mansion). The participants were chosen in the free choice form by the lead researcher. All were under regular psychiatric care and used medication continuously to treat the illness. Data were analysed according to the interpretative principles of Bruno Klopfer's theoretical and clinical approach. It was found eight fixed special phenomena in the schizophrenic patients' responses to Rorschach tests. All patients responses showed the following special phenomena: confabulation; contamination; named colour; self-referential ideation; referential ideation; looking at the back of the card; perseveration and position response. Normal patients did not present high frequency and intensity of special phenomena in their respective protocols. Taken together, this clinical study supports the conclusion that the Rorschach technique is an important tool for the evaluation of schizophrenic patients.
RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a prevalência do Transtorno Dissociativo de Identid... more RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a prevalência do Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade (TDI) em dez pacientes diagnosticados com esquizofrenia com característica paranóide, com base no Método de Rorschach. Foram registrados indicadores ou sintomas psicológicos que caracterizaram o diagnóstico diferencial desses pacientes, analisadas diferenças clínicas específicas e verificado o enquadramento dos dados obtidos, com a aplicação da Técnica de Rorschach. Para fins de diagnóstico diferencial, observou-se que dois pacientes apresentaram sintomas diferenciais aos da esquizofrenia, sendo que um deles apresentou sintomas dissociativos, não sendo confirmada a prevalência do TDI entre os esquizofrênicos. No caso da esquizofrenia e do TDI, devido às características similares que apresentam, avaliações multidisciplinares são indicadas para se fazer o diagnóstico diferencial entre eles.
RESUMO: Entre os sintomas não motores da doença de Parkinson, dificuldades no reconhecimento de e... more RESUMO: Entre os sintomas não motores da doença de Parkinson, dificuldades no reconhecimento de expressões faciais emocionais vêm sendo amplamente discutidas, pois as áreas cerebrais relacionadas a tal habilidade podem estar afetadas na doença. Este estudo investigou, em idosos, o reconhecimento das seis expressões emocionais faciais consideradas universais por meio do instrumento Teste de Percepção Emocional de Faces, em que participantes executam uma tarefa de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais faciais. Participaram 41 indivíduos com idade média de 64,9 anos, 27 homens e 14 mulheres. Não foi observada significativa dificuldade no reconhecimento de nenhuma das expressões emocionais por parte dos parkinsonianos. Tal resultado pode indicar a necessidade do desenvolvimento de instrumentos e técnicas mais adequadas para esse tipo de investigação na população brasileira.
This research was conducted to investigate the influence of music therapy on the behavior of rats... more This research was conducted to investigate the influence of music therapy on the behavior of rats at different stages of development. The procedures were performed when animals were approximately 1 month of age, and repeated once they completed 2, 3, and 4 months. Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos was played at a sound intensity of 65 dB for 4 hours per day, 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon (12 hours, for 4 days) when the animals reached each age. In the Open Field test, the locomotion in rats with 4 months old was significantly less than in other ages. Female rats 1, 2, and 3 months old, which were exposed to music, increased the percentage of open arms time in the Elevated Plus Maze test while male rats 1 month old reduced this parameter. The statistical differences were observed in the Forced Swimming test only when both genders were 1 month old. In the Inhibitory Avoidance test, an improvement in age-dependent memory was observed. The music therapy based on Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos positively interfered with the behavior of rats at different developmental stages. This result corroborates the clinical practice of palliative care, in which music therapy is generally used to improve patients’ quality of life with anxiety and depression.
The ability to recognize emotions in faces is essential to human interaction and occurs since chi... more The ability to recognize emotions in faces is essential to human interaction and occurs since childhood. Hypothesis: research using the morphing technique assume that children require greater or lesser intensity of emotional expression to perceive it. Objective: to examine the emotional recognition of faces in childhood, using a task with emotional intensity variation. Method: it was applied a Test of Facial Emotion Recognition for Children to 28 children between 7 and 11 years, of both sexes, which presented 168 faces manipulated by the morphing technique, of the six basic emotions. Results: age as a trend growth of the likelihood of success at the task; more right answers for happiness and worst performances for fear; and the emotional intensity increasing at 42% the chance of success by every unit of intensity. Conclusion: these findings are relevant because they show the recognition of emotions at different levels as a more sensitive method.
To investigate the neural representations of faces in primates, particularly in relation to their... more To investigate the neural representations of faces in primates, particularly in relation to their personal familiarity or unfamiliarity, neuronal activities were chronically recorded from the ventral portion of the anterior inferior temporal cortex (AITv) of macaque monkeys during the performance of a facial identification task using either personally familiar or unfamiliar faces as stimuli. By calculating the correlation coefficients between neuronal responses to the faces for all possible pairs of faces given in the task and then using the coefficients as neuronal population-based similarity measures between the faces in pairs, we analyzed the similarity/dissimilarity relationship between the faces, which were potentially represented by the activities of a population of the face-responsive neurons recorded in the area AITv. The results showed that, for personally familiar faces, different identities were represented by different patterns of activities of the population of AITv neurons irrespective of the view (e.g., front, 90u left, etc.), while different views were not represented independently of their facial identities, which was consistent with our previous report. In the case of personally unfamiliar faces, the faces possessing different identities but presented in the same frontal view were represented as similar, which contrasts with the results for personally familiar faces. These results, taken together, outline the neuronal representations of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the AITv neuronal population.
Resumo: A imitação facial é um comportamento involuntário capaz de facilitar a transmissão de inf... more Resumo: A imitação facial é um comportamento involuntário capaz de facilitar a transmissão de informações não verbais relevantes em diferentes contextos sociais. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a capacidade de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais enquanto o observador tensiona a própria face ou imita a face-alvo. A hipótese utilizada foi a de que indivíduos que tensionam a própria face terão menor probabilidade de acertos na execução das tarefas de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais e aqueles que imitam a expressão terão uma maior probabilidade de acertos na execução das mesmas tarefas. A amostra foi composta por 30 participantes, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: o Grupo Imitação (GI) e o Grupo Ruído (GR), ambos com 18 participantes do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino. O experimento consistiu em apresentar fotos de atores expressando facialmente uma emoção básica por 10 segundos. Neste período, os participantes deveriam, então, observar ou intervir facialmente, imitando ou tensionando a própria face (de acordo com o grupo alocado, Imitação ou Ruído). Após os 10 segundos executando a instrução (observar, imitar ou interferir), o participante deveria responder-entre as opções alegria, tristeza, nojo, raiva, surpresa e medo-a emoção correspondente à imagem. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparadas as tarefas de tensionar ou imitar a face-alvo, sugerindo que a alteração da própria face do observador pode influenciar durante o desempenho de uma tarefa de reconhecimento de emoções em faces.
Education is an area directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers started to have ne... more Education is an area directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers started to have new work demands, which can be perceived as stressful variables. This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between cognitive planning and occupational stress among teachers from Distrito Federal, in the COVID-19 pandemic context. This is a correlational and quantitative study, whose variables are cognitive planning, occupational stress and cognitive failures. Data collection was performed electronically with 29 adults aged between 30 and 49 years old, by applying the Cognitive Planning Scale, the Work-related Stress Scale and the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests and correlations. The results indicated that there was no significant relationship between cognitive planning and occupational stress. In addition, the study contributed to the discussion of the effects of the pandemic on basic education professionals.
Studies on crime and parking facilities also appear to have a strong focus on car theft with smal... more Studies on crime and parking facilities also appear to have a strong focus on car theft with small emphasis on psychological and cognitive variables to investigate potential crimes in this environment. Furthermore, there is limited literature on such crimes in South America, particularly in Brazil. This study has the objective of offering an instrument to assess risk perception in public and private parking lots of free circulation, as well as to understand and describe how individual values influence this variable regarding civilians&#39; and police officers&#39; perception of hazards present in free circulation public and private parking lots. A psychometrically valid risk perception and security attitude scale is presented. The scores of the two groups were predicted by human values. It was observed a mapping of risk situations in parking lots, as well as attitudes that can prevent crimes. Implications for the development of social public safety policies are discussed.
ABSTRACT. Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extreme... more ABSTRACT. Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extremely common throughout the course of the pathology, and these behavioral changes present themselves as challenges in clinical management and as a significant cause of caregivers’ burden. Objective: Using a personality inventory based on the five-factor model of personality, this study aimed to assesses the change in these factors by comparing the premorbid and current personality of individuals recently diagnosed with AD. Methods: A total of 30 AD patients were recruited, and their respective family members responded to the personality inventory at home through a hosted site. The patients were also divided into two groups according to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): mild dementia (CDR 1) and moderate dementia (CDR 2). Results: Among all patients, there was a significant increase in neuroticism factor levels and a significant decrease in the extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, an...
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos do treinamento na detecção de micro-expressõe... more Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos do treinamento na detecção de micro-expressões faciais da mentira. 73 policiais militares participaram do estudo. O Grupo Experimental foi composto por 17 policiais recém-formados (16 homens), com média de idade = 28,57 anos (DP = 3,97). O Grupo Controle foi composto por 56 policiais (52 homens), com média de idade = 47,82 anos (DP = 1,94). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Vídeos de estimulação para detecção de mentiras, Micro Expression Training Tool e Escala de Percepção de Mentiras na Comunicação. Os resultados mostraram que no pré-teste, o GE obteve menos acertos (mediana = 30,78) do que o GC (mediana = 43,15) relacionados à percepção da outra pessoa falando a verdade ou mentindo (U = 432,0; p <0,05 ). No pós-teste o GE (mediana = 27,21) obteve menos acertos que o GC (mediana = 37,55), embora a diferença não tenha sido significativa (U = 309,5; p = 0,07). Comparando o desempenho do GE antes e após o treinamento, f...
ABSTRACT: Among the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, impairment in the recognition ... more ABSTRACT: Among the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, impairment in the recognition of emotional facial expressions has been widely discussed, as the disease may affect brain areas related to this skill. The current study has investigated, among elderly people, the recognition of the six emotional face expressions considered universal using the instrument Test of Emotional Perception of Faces, where participants performed an emotional facial recognition task. Forty-one participants with an average age of 64.9 years were enrolled to this study, 27 men and 14 women. No significant impairment in the recognition of emotional face expression was observed among the parkinsonians. This result may indicate the need to develop more adequate tools and techniques able to investigate this issue in the Brazilian population.
Recognition of facial emotional expressions and its correlation with cognitive abilities in child... more Recognition of facial emotional expressions and its correlation with cognitive abilities in children with
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in redalyc... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System
The Rorschach method has been proved as an effective tool for personality dynamics assessment, as... more The Rorschach method has been proved as an effective tool for personality dynamics assessment, as well as for identify psychopathological patterns, especially with regard to the dissociation of consciousness, which makes it relevant in the context of schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to contribute to the evaluation of the so-called special phenomena in Rorschach protocols in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The sample consisted of ten patients previously diagnosed with ICD-10 F20 who were hospitalised in the Federal District, Brazil, in the Centre for Living and Psychosocial Care (Life Mansion). The participants were chosen in the free choice form by the lead researcher. All were under regular psychiatric care and used medication continuously to treat the illness. Data were analysed according to the interpretative principles of Bruno Klopfer's theoretical and clinical approach. It was found eight fixed special phenomena in the schizophrenic patients' responses to Rorschach tests. All patients responses showed the following special phenomena: confabulation; contamination; named colour; self-referential ideation; referential ideation; looking at the back of the card; perseveration and position response. Normal patients did not present high frequency and intensity of special phenomena in their respective protocols. Taken together, this clinical study supports the conclusion that the Rorschach technique is an important tool for the evaluation of schizophrenic patients.
RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a prevalência do Transtorno Dissociativo de Identid... more RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a prevalência do Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade (TDI) em dez pacientes diagnosticados com esquizofrenia com característica paranóide, com base no Método de Rorschach. Foram registrados indicadores ou sintomas psicológicos que caracterizaram o diagnóstico diferencial desses pacientes, analisadas diferenças clínicas específicas e verificado o enquadramento dos dados obtidos, com a aplicação da Técnica de Rorschach. Para fins de diagnóstico diferencial, observou-se que dois pacientes apresentaram sintomas diferenciais aos da esquizofrenia, sendo que um deles apresentou sintomas dissociativos, não sendo confirmada a prevalência do TDI entre os esquizofrênicos. No caso da esquizofrenia e do TDI, devido às características similares que apresentam, avaliações multidisciplinares são indicadas para se fazer o diagnóstico diferencial entre eles.
RESUMO: Entre os sintomas não motores da doença de Parkinson, dificuldades no reconhecimento de e... more RESUMO: Entre os sintomas não motores da doença de Parkinson, dificuldades no reconhecimento de expressões faciais emocionais vêm sendo amplamente discutidas, pois as áreas cerebrais relacionadas a tal habilidade podem estar afetadas na doença. Este estudo investigou, em idosos, o reconhecimento das seis expressões emocionais faciais consideradas universais por meio do instrumento Teste de Percepção Emocional de Faces, em que participantes executam uma tarefa de reconhecimento de expressões emocionais faciais. Participaram 41 indivíduos com idade média de 64,9 anos, 27 homens e 14 mulheres. Não foi observada significativa dificuldade no reconhecimento de nenhuma das expressões emocionais por parte dos parkinsonianos. Tal resultado pode indicar a necessidade do desenvolvimento de instrumentos e técnicas mais adequadas para esse tipo de investigação na população brasileira.
This research was conducted to investigate the influence of music therapy on the behavior of rats... more This research was conducted to investigate the influence of music therapy on the behavior of rats at different stages of development. The procedures were performed when animals were approximately 1 month of age, and repeated once they completed 2, 3, and 4 months. Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos was played at a sound intensity of 65 dB for 4 hours per day, 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon (12 hours, for 4 days) when the animals reached each age. In the Open Field test, the locomotion in rats with 4 months old was significantly less than in other ages. Female rats 1, 2, and 3 months old, which were exposed to music, increased the percentage of open arms time in the Elevated Plus Maze test while male rats 1 month old reduced this parameter. The statistical differences were observed in the Forced Swimming test only when both genders were 1 month old. In the Inhibitory Avoidance test, an improvement in age-dependent memory was observed. The music therapy based on Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos positively interfered with the behavior of rats at different developmental stages. This result corroborates the clinical practice of palliative care, in which music therapy is generally used to improve patients’ quality of life with anxiety and depression.
The ability to recognize emotions in faces is essential to human interaction and occurs since chi... more The ability to recognize emotions in faces is essential to human interaction and occurs since childhood. Hypothesis: research using the morphing technique assume that children require greater or lesser intensity of emotional expression to perceive it. Objective: to examine the emotional recognition of faces in childhood, using a task with emotional intensity variation. Method: it was applied a Test of Facial Emotion Recognition for Children to 28 children between 7 and 11 years, of both sexes, which presented 168 faces manipulated by the morphing technique, of the six basic emotions. Results: age as a trend growth of the likelihood of success at the task; more right answers for happiness and worst performances for fear; and the emotional intensity increasing at 42% the chance of success by every unit of intensity. Conclusion: these findings are relevant because they show the recognition of emotions at different levels as a more sensitive method.
Papers by Wânia Souza