Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and n... more Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and nutrient intake throughout the feedlot period (starting with 15 ± 0.221 until 32 ± 0.265 kg of body weight). Treatments were: IN (in natura sugarcane + concentrate), AER (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition + concentrate) and ANA (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition + concentrate). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight replicates per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed diet allowing 10% refusals. Lambs were weighed weekly to obtain the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. Nutrient intake was computed based on the amount of nutrients fed to the animals and the amount of nutrients of the refusals. Means were tested by Tukey HSD range test (P < 0.05). No difference was observed between treatments for performance, in which average daily weight gain was 0.241 kg and feed conversion was 3.99. Lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under anaerobic condition had the highest mineral matter intake (69.97 g day-1) compared to other treatments. No differences for the other nutrient intakes were observed. Sugarcane hydrolyzed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions do not affect the performance neither the nutrient intake of the animals. The choice between supplying in natura or hydrolyzed sugarcane will depend on an economic analysis.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o rendimento e a composição centesimal e mineral dos não componentes... more RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o rendimento e a composição centesimal e mineral dos não componentes da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 12,5 e 25,0% de feno de amoreira em substituição ao concentrado. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros machos não castrados da raça Ile de France, com peso corporal inicial de 15 kg e final de 32 kg. Observou-se que à medida que aumentou feno de amoreira na dieta houve efeito quadrático para os pesos de esôfago (R 2 =1,0) e baço (R 2 =1,0), teor de ferro do pulmão (R 2 =0,94), cálcio no coração (R 2 =0,99) e sódio e potássio nos rins (R 2 = 1,00). Efeito linear decrescente foi observado para peso da pele (R 2 =0,98) e extremidade dos membros (R 2 =0,93), e linear crescente para o teor de cobre no pulmão (R 2 =1,00), sódio no fígado (R 2 =0,93), potássio no coração, (R 2 =0,97) e ferro nos rins (R 2 =0,77). Houve efeito linear crescente para a maioria dos minerais na língua, exceto para magnésio, manganês e zinco. A composição centesimal dos não componentes da carcaça não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Desta forma, o feno de amoreira pode ser incluído até 25% na dieta dos cordeiros sem alterar negativamente as principais características quantitativas e nutricionais dos não componentes da carcaça ovina. Palavras-chave: alimento alternativo, mineral, órgãos, ovinos, vísceras.
The main goal of this paper was evaluate the effect of<br> diets containing different level... more The main goal of this paper was evaluate the effect of<br> diets containing different levels of probiotic on performance and milk<br> composition of lactating cows.<br> Eight Holstein cows were distributed in two 4x4 Latin square. The<br> diets were based on corn silage, concentrate and the treatment (0, 3, 6<br> or 9 grams of probiotic/animal/day). It was evaluated the dry matter<br> intake of nutrients, milk yield and composition.<br> The use of probiotics did not affect the nutrient intake (p>0.05)<br> neither the daily milk production or corrected to 4% fat (p>0.05).<br> However, it was observed that there was a significant fall in milk<br> composition with higher levels of probiotics supplementation.<br> These results emphasize the need of further studies with different<br> experimental designs or improve the number of Latin square with<br> longer periods of adaptation.
This study aimed to evaluate the muscularity and tissue composition of 24 legs of Ile de France l... more This study aimed to evaluate the muscularity and tissue composition of 24 legs of Ile de France lambs. They were fed with diets containing "in nature" or hydrolyzed sugarcane with 0.6% of calcium oxide in aerobic and anaerobic environments. Animals entered the trial at 15 and were slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The leg tissue composition, as well as muscularity (0.47), muscle:bone (6.66) and muscle:fat (4.25) were not affected (P>0.05) by treatments. The proportions found were: 67.62% for muscle, 17.52% for bone and 10.15% for fat. In relation to lambs fed with "in nature" sugarcane, hydrolyzed sugarcane with calcium oxide in aerobic and anaerobic environments did not affect muscularity and leg tissue composition of lambs.
We used 24 Ile de France lambs, weighing between 15 and 32 kg (BW). Treatments were supplemented ... more We used 24 Ile de France lambs, weighing between 15 and 32 kg (BW). Treatments were supplemented with concentrate: "in nature" sugarcane (IN), sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition (AER), and sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition (ANA), constituting a completely randomized design with eight repetitions per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual stalls and fed into the through, allowing 10% of leftovers. Lambs were slaughtered when body weight reached 32 kg. The following parameters were determined on Longissimus lumborum muscle of hot and cold carcasses: pH and color, 45 minutes and 24 hours after slaughtering. Qualitative analysis of the meat were performed in the loins, water-holding capacity (WHC), cooking loss (CL), and shear force (SF). We used a completely randomized design with three treatments and eight repetitions. Means were compared by Tukey test at 5% significance. A higher value for redness (a*)...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 le... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 legs of Ile de France lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E, with mean body weight of 15 kg, lodged in individual pens at 15 kg and slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The treatments influenced (P<0,05) leg weight, femur length and muscle:bone ratio, being the highest values (2,13 kg, 16,19 cm and 7,38, respectively) in lambs that received diet without sunflower seeds and vitamin E. The other variables were not affected (P>0,05) by the treatments. The interaction of the sunflower and vitamin E was positive for bone total weights and intermuscular fat.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the of m... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the of meat lamb fed diets containing 0%, 12.5%, and 25.0% mulberry hay (total diet). Twenty-fourÎlede-France lambs in the feedlot at an average age of 60 days and 15 kg body weight were allocated to individual stalls and slaughtered at 32 kg BW. Mulberry hay inclusion in the diet did not affect the meat pH 45 min (6.45) and 24 h (5.70) after slaughter. Average luminosity (L Ã), red intensity (a Ã), and yellow intensity (b Ã) values in the meat 24 h after slaughter were 40.85, 14.51, and 4.17, respectively. No differences were observed for water-holding capacity (58.03%), cooking loss (41.95%), shear force (2.80 kgf/cm 2), sarcomere length (1.60 mm), or the sensory traits appearance (7.29), taste (7.23), tenderness (7.51), and overall acceptance (7.48). Inclusion of up to 25% mulberry hay in a concentrate-based diet did not compromise the physicochemical and sensory traits of the meat, indicating that this ingredient is as a good alternative to provide nutrients in the diet of feedlot lambs.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and perf... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and performance of feedlot lambs fed diets containing crude glycerin. A total of 30 Ile de France lambs were confined to individual pens at an average age of 45 d: 15.1 kg initial body weight and 32.2 kg final body weight. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design and fed three diets containing fresh sugarcane as forage (50 %) and concentrate (50 %), with or without the inclusion of 100 and 200 g vegetable crude glycerin per kilogram dry matter (DM) replacing corn. Dietary glycerin inclusion reduced the intake of ether extract (P < 0.001) and total carbohydrates (P = 0.048) as well as the apparent digestibility of ether extract (P < 0.001), but it had no effect on the intake and digestibility of the other nutrients nor on lamb performance. The apparent nitrogen balance of lambs on the three diets was positive. Although it does not affect the intake and digestibility of most nutrients, the inclusion of 100 and 200 g kg −1 DM of crude glycerin in the diet tends to worsen lamb performance, indicating that the ideal level of inclusion should be below 100 g kg −1 DM of crude glycerin.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos de hambúrgueres e linguiça... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos de hambúrgueres e linguiças feitos com cortes menos nobres da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com grãos de girassol e vitamina E. A carne do pescoço e das costelas de 32 cordeiros Ile de France abatidos aos 32 kg de peso corporal foi utilizada na confecção dos processados. Os cordeiros foram divididos em quatro tratamentos com oito animais em cada: C-canade-açúcar + concentrado; CG-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol; CE-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com 1000 mg vitamina E/ kg de matéria seca (MS) da dieta e CGE-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol e 1000 mg vitamina E/kg de MS da dieta. Observou-se interação entre grãos de girassol e vitamina E (P<0,05) para as variáveis pH, cor, maciez e oxidação lipídica dos hambúrgueres e nos valores de luminosidade, teor de amarelo, capacidade de retenção de água e maciez das linguiças. Nas linguiças constatou-se também, diferença (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos com a inclusão de grãos de girassol na dieta para as variáveis, perdas de peso por cocção, teor de vermelho (a*) e oxidação lipídica, sendo estes dois últimos também influenciados (P<0,05) pela inclusão de vitamina E. Os hambúrgueres feitos com carne dos animais alimentados com a dieta controle (C) tiveram maior pH (5,77) e os hambúrgueres e as linguiças do tratamento CGE tiveram maior valor de a* 9,40 e 8,79 e menor valor de oxidação lipídica 4,42 e 2,15 mg malonaldeído/kg de amostra, respectivamente. A maciez foi maior (0,57 kgf/cm 2) nas linguiças provenientes de animais do tratamento CG e menor (0,31 kgf/ cm 2) nas do tratamento CGE que apresentaram maior PPC (23,03%) em comparação com as linguiças do tratamento em que os animais foram alimentados somente com grãos de girassol (17,21%). A carne de animais alimentados com grãos de girassol e vit. E pode ser utilizada para fabricação de produtos processados. Hambúrgueres e linguiças são boas alternativas de processamento da carne ovina. Palavras-chave: antioxidante, oleaginosa, ovino, produtos processados.
This study aimed to evaluate the digestibility and nitrogen balance (NB) of lambs fed sugarcane h... more This study aimed to evaluate the digestibility and nitrogen balance (NB) of lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under different conditions. Fifteen Ile de France lambs at, on average, 23.5kg of body weight were evaluated. Treatments were: in natura sugarcane (IN), sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition (AER), and sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition (ANA). Therefore, a completely randomized design was constituted with five replicates per treatment. Treatments were supplied to animals along with concentrate. Both hydrolysis conditions aimed to alter the sugarcane fermentation pattern, therefore improving fiber digestibility. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed with diet allowing 10% of refusals. Refusals, feces and urine were sampled daily during five days. They were collected to determine the digestibility and NB. A higher digestibility of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (57.05%), organic matter ...
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da tosquia estratégica no comporta... more O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da tosquia estratégica no comportamento ingestivo de ovelhas Ile de France em pastagem de capim vaquero (Cynodon dactylon) durante a estação de monta. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos, fêmea, da raça Ile de France, com idade média de 4 anos, e peso corporal médio de 71,10 kg, em pastejo, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e dez repetições, em que os tratamentos foram constituídos de ovelhas tosquiadas e não tosquiadas. A duração da estação de monta foi de 90 dias, sendo que as avaliações ocorreram nos 86, 87 e 88º dia do período experimental. O tempo de pastejo (6,50 horas), ruminação (1,59 horas) e ócio (3,97 horas) não foram alterados (P>0,05) pela tosquia estratégica dos animais, assim como a frequência e o tempo por frequência de pastejo (18,33 pastejos e 21,49 min/pastejo), ruminação (10,71 ruminações e 8,83 min/ruminação) e ócio (18,83 ócios e 12,66 min/ócio). Da mesma forma, a quantidade de bocados por minuto (26,37 bocados) e o total de bocados diário (19.116 bocados) dos animais não foram afetados. Sendo assim, a tosquia estratégica em ovelhas Ile de France em pastagem de capim vaquero durante a estação de monta não altera o comportamento ingestivo dos animais.
Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and n... more Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and nutrient intake throughout the feedlot period (starting with 15 ± 0.221 until 32 ± 0.265 kg of body weight). Treatments were: IN (in natura sugarcane + concentrate), AER (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition + concentrate) and ANA (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition + concentrate). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight replicates per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed diet allowing 10% refusals. Lambs were weighed weekly to obtain the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. Nutrient intake was computed based on the amount of nutrients fed to the animals and the amount of nutrients of the refusals. Means were tested by Tukey HSD range test (P < 0.05). No difference was observed between treatments for performance, in which average daily weight gain was 0.241 kg and feed conversion was 3.99. Lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under anaerobic condition had the highest mineral matter intake (69.97 g day-1) compared to other treatments. No differences for the other nutrient intakes were observed. Sugarcane hydrolyzed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions do not affect the performance neither the nutrient intake of the animals. The choice between supplying in natura or hydrolyzed sugarcane will depend on an economic analysis.
O experimento foi conduzido com objetivo de avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade e o desempenho e... more O experimento foi conduzido com objetivo de avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade e o desempenho em cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 12,5 e 25% de feno de amoreira em substituição ao concentrado. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros Ile de France, não-castrados, com aproximadamente 60 dias de idade e peso corporal inicial de 15 kg, confinados, distribuídos num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. O consumo voluntário de nutrientes não foi alterado (P>0,05) pelos diferentes teores de inclusão de feno de amoreira no concentrado, com exceção do extrato etéreo que apresentou redução linear (P<0,01). A digestibilidade dos nutrientes, os dias de confinamento, o ganho de peso diário e a conversão alimentar também não foram afetados (P>0,05). A substituição parcial do concentrado, à base de farelo de soja e milho em grão moído, pelo feno de amoreira em até 25% não compromete o consumo, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento.
The objective of the study is to evaluate meat quality from Ile de France lamb fed diets suppleme... more The objective of the study is to evaluate meat quality from Ile de France lamb fed diets supplemented with sunflower seeds and vitamin E. Thirty-two lamb weighing initially 15kg were housed in individual stalls and slaughtered when body weight reached 32kg. The treatments consisted of four experimental diets: D1) sugarcane + concentrate without sunflower seeds; D2) sugarcane + concentrate with sunflower seeds; D3) sugarcane + concentrate without sunflower seeds plus 1000mg vitamin E kg -1
Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and n... more Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and nutrient intake throughout the feedlot period (starting with 15 ± 0.221 until 32 ± 0.265 kg of body weight). Treatments were: IN (in natura sugarcane + concentrate), AER (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition + concentrate) and ANA (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition + concentrate). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight replicates per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed diet allowing 10% refusals. Lambs were weighed weekly to obtain the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. Nutrient intake was computed based on the amount of nutrients fed to the animals and the amount of nutrients of the refusals. Means were tested by Tukey HSD range test (P < 0.05). No difference was observed between treatments for performance, in which average daily weight gain was 0.241 kg and feed conversion was 3.99. Lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under anaerobic condition had the highest mineral matter intake (69.97 g day-1) compared to other treatments. No differences for the other nutrient intakes were observed. Sugarcane hydrolyzed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions do not affect the performance neither the nutrient intake of the animals. The choice between supplying in natura or hydrolyzed sugarcane will depend on an economic analysis.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o rendimento e a composição centesimal e mineral dos não componentes... more RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o rendimento e a composição centesimal e mineral dos não componentes da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 12,5 e 25,0% de feno de amoreira em substituição ao concentrado. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros machos não castrados da raça Ile de France, com peso corporal inicial de 15 kg e final de 32 kg. Observou-se que à medida que aumentou feno de amoreira na dieta houve efeito quadrático para os pesos de esôfago (R 2 =1,0) e baço (R 2 =1,0), teor de ferro do pulmão (R 2 =0,94), cálcio no coração (R 2 =0,99) e sódio e potássio nos rins (R 2 = 1,00). Efeito linear decrescente foi observado para peso da pele (R 2 =0,98) e extremidade dos membros (R 2 =0,93), e linear crescente para o teor de cobre no pulmão (R 2 =1,00), sódio no fígado (R 2 =0,93), potássio no coração, (R 2 =0,97) e ferro nos rins (R 2 =0,77). Houve efeito linear crescente para a maioria dos minerais na língua, exceto para magnésio, manganês e zinco. A composição centesimal dos não componentes da carcaça não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Desta forma, o feno de amoreira pode ser incluído até 25% na dieta dos cordeiros sem alterar negativamente as principais características quantitativas e nutricionais dos não componentes da carcaça ovina. Palavras-chave: alimento alternativo, mineral, órgãos, ovinos, vísceras.
The main goal of this paper was evaluate the effect of<br> diets containing different level... more The main goal of this paper was evaluate the effect of<br> diets containing different levels of probiotic on performance and milk<br> composition of lactating cows.<br> Eight Holstein cows were distributed in two 4x4 Latin square. The<br> diets were based on corn silage, concentrate and the treatment (0, 3, 6<br> or 9 grams of probiotic/animal/day). It was evaluated the dry matter<br> intake of nutrients, milk yield and composition.<br> The use of probiotics did not affect the nutrient intake (p>0.05)<br> neither the daily milk production or corrected to 4% fat (p>0.05).<br> However, it was observed that there was a significant fall in milk<br> composition with higher levels of probiotics supplementation.<br> These results emphasize the need of further studies with different<br> experimental designs or improve the number of Latin square with<br> longer periods of adaptation.
This study aimed to evaluate the muscularity and tissue composition of 24 legs of Ile de France l... more This study aimed to evaluate the muscularity and tissue composition of 24 legs of Ile de France lambs. They were fed with diets containing "in nature" or hydrolyzed sugarcane with 0.6% of calcium oxide in aerobic and anaerobic environments. Animals entered the trial at 15 and were slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The leg tissue composition, as well as muscularity (0.47), muscle:bone (6.66) and muscle:fat (4.25) were not affected (P>0.05) by treatments. The proportions found were: 67.62% for muscle, 17.52% for bone and 10.15% for fat. In relation to lambs fed with "in nature" sugarcane, hydrolyzed sugarcane with calcium oxide in aerobic and anaerobic environments did not affect muscularity and leg tissue composition of lambs.
We used 24 Ile de France lambs, weighing between 15 and 32 kg (BW). Treatments were supplemented ... more We used 24 Ile de France lambs, weighing between 15 and 32 kg (BW). Treatments were supplemented with concentrate: "in nature" sugarcane (IN), sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition (AER), and sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition (ANA), constituting a completely randomized design with eight repetitions per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual stalls and fed into the through, allowing 10% of leftovers. Lambs were slaughtered when body weight reached 32 kg. The following parameters were determined on Longissimus lumborum muscle of hot and cold carcasses: pH and color, 45 minutes and 24 hours after slaughtering. Qualitative analysis of the meat were performed in the loins, water-holding capacity (WHC), cooking loss (CL), and shear force (SF). We used a completely randomized design with three treatments and eight repetitions. Means were compared by Tukey test at 5% significance. A higher value for redness (a*)...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 le... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 legs of Ile de France lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E, with mean body weight of 15 kg, lodged in individual pens at 15 kg and slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The treatments influenced (P<0,05) leg weight, femur length and muscle:bone ratio, being the highest values (2,13 kg, 16,19 cm and 7,38, respectively) in lambs that received diet without sunflower seeds and vitamin E. The other variables were not affected (P>0,05) by the treatments. The interaction of the sunflower and vitamin E was positive for bone total weights and intermuscular fat.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the of m... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the of meat lamb fed diets containing 0%, 12.5%, and 25.0% mulberry hay (total diet). Twenty-fourÎlede-France lambs in the feedlot at an average age of 60 days and 15 kg body weight were allocated to individual stalls and slaughtered at 32 kg BW. Mulberry hay inclusion in the diet did not affect the meat pH 45 min (6.45) and 24 h (5.70) after slaughter. Average luminosity (L Ã), red intensity (a Ã), and yellow intensity (b Ã) values in the meat 24 h after slaughter were 40.85, 14.51, and 4.17, respectively. No differences were observed for water-holding capacity (58.03%), cooking loss (41.95%), shear force (2.80 kgf/cm 2), sarcomere length (1.60 mm), or the sensory traits appearance (7.29), taste (7.23), tenderness (7.51), and overall acceptance (7.48). Inclusion of up to 25% mulberry hay in a concentrate-based diet did not compromise the physicochemical and sensory traits of the meat, indicating that this ingredient is as a good alternative to provide nutrients in the diet of feedlot lambs.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and perf... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and performance of feedlot lambs fed diets containing crude glycerin. A total of 30 Ile de France lambs were confined to individual pens at an average age of 45 d: 15.1 kg initial body weight and 32.2 kg final body weight. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design and fed three diets containing fresh sugarcane as forage (50 %) and concentrate (50 %), with or without the inclusion of 100 and 200 g vegetable crude glycerin per kilogram dry matter (DM) replacing corn. Dietary glycerin inclusion reduced the intake of ether extract (P < 0.001) and total carbohydrates (P = 0.048) as well as the apparent digestibility of ether extract (P < 0.001), but it had no effect on the intake and digestibility of the other nutrients nor on lamb performance. The apparent nitrogen balance of lambs on the three diets was positive. Although it does not affect the intake and digestibility of most nutrients, the inclusion of 100 and 200 g kg −1 DM of crude glycerin in the diet tends to worsen lamb performance, indicating that the ideal level of inclusion should be below 100 g kg −1 DM of crude glycerin.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos de hambúrgueres e linguiça... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos de hambúrgueres e linguiças feitos com cortes menos nobres da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com grãos de girassol e vitamina E. A carne do pescoço e das costelas de 32 cordeiros Ile de France abatidos aos 32 kg de peso corporal foi utilizada na confecção dos processados. Os cordeiros foram divididos em quatro tratamentos com oito animais em cada: C-canade-açúcar + concentrado; CG-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol; CE-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com 1000 mg vitamina E/ kg de matéria seca (MS) da dieta e CGE-cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol e 1000 mg vitamina E/kg de MS da dieta. Observou-se interação entre grãos de girassol e vitamina E (P<0,05) para as variáveis pH, cor, maciez e oxidação lipídica dos hambúrgueres e nos valores de luminosidade, teor de amarelo, capacidade de retenção de água e maciez das linguiças. Nas linguiças constatou-se também, diferença (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos com a inclusão de grãos de girassol na dieta para as variáveis, perdas de peso por cocção, teor de vermelho (a*) e oxidação lipídica, sendo estes dois últimos também influenciados (P<0,05) pela inclusão de vitamina E. Os hambúrgueres feitos com carne dos animais alimentados com a dieta controle (C) tiveram maior pH (5,77) e os hambúrgueres e as linguiças do tratamento CGE tiveram maior valor de a* 9,40 e 8,79 e menor valor de oxidação lipídica 4,42 e 2,15 mg malonaldeído/kg de amostra, respectivamente. A maciez foi maior (0,57 kgf/cm 2) nas linguiças provenientes de animais do tratamento CG e menor (0,31 kgf/ cm 2) nas do tratamento CGE que apresentaram maior PPC (23,03%) em comparação com as linguiças do tratamento em que os animais foram alimentados somente com grãos de girassol (17,21%). A carne de animais alimentados com grãos de girassol e vit. E pode ser utilizada para fabricação de produtos processados. Hambúrgueres e linguiças são boas alternativas de processamento da carne ovina. Palavras-chave: antioxidante, oleaginosa, ovino, produtos processados.
This study aimed to evaluate the digestibility and nitrogen balance (NB) of lambs fed sugarcane h... more This study aimed to evaluate the digestibility and nitrogen balance (NB) of lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under different conditions. Fifteen Ile de France lambs at, on average, 23.5kg of body weight were evaluated. Treatments were: in natura sugarcane (IN), sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition (AER), and sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition (ANA). Therefore, a completely randomized design was constituted with five replicates per treatment. Treatments were supplied to animals along with concentrate. Both hydrolysis conditions aimed to alter the sugarcane fermentation pattern, therefore improving fiber digestibility. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed with diet allowing 10% of refusals. Refusals, feces and urine were sampled daily during five days. They were collected to determine the digestibility and NB. A higher digestibility of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (57.05%), organic matter ...
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da tosquia estratégica no comporta... more O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da tosquia estratégica no comportamento ingestivo de ovelhas Ile de France em pastagem de capim vaquero (Cynodon dactylon) durante a estação de monta. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos, fêmea, da raça Ile de France, com idade média de 4 anos, e peso corporal médio de 71,10 kg, em pastejo, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e dez repetições, em que os tratamentos foram constituídos de ovelhas tosquiadas e não tosquiadas. A duração da estação de monta foi de 90 dias, sendo que as avaliações ocorreram nos 86, 87 e 88º dia do período experimental. O tempo de pastejo (6,50 horas), ruminação (1,59 horas) e ócio (3,97 horas) não foram alterados (P>0,05) pela tosquia estratégica dos animais, assim como a frequência e o tempo por frequência de pastejo (18,33 pastejos e 21,49 min/pastejo), ruminação (10,71 ruminações e 8,83 min/ruminação) e ócio (18,83 ócios e 12,66 min/ócio). Da mesma forma, a quantidade de bocados por minuto (26,37 bocados) e o total de bocados diário (19.116 bocados) dos animais não foram afetados. Sendo assim, a tosquia estratégica em ovelhas Ile de France em pastagem de capim vaquero durante a estação de monta não altera o comportamento ingestivo dos animais.
Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and n... more Twenty-four Ile de France lambs, born in the same period, were used to evaluate performance and nutrient intake throughout the feedlot period (starting with 15 ± 0.221 until 32 ± 0.265 kg of body weight). Treatments were: IN (in natura sugarcane + concentrate), AER (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% calcium oxide (CaO) under aerobic condition + concentrate) and ANA (sugarcane hydrolyzed using 0.6% CaO under anaerobic condition + concentrate). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight replicates per treatment. Lambs were housed in individual pens and fed diet allowing 10% refusals. Lambs were weighed weekly to obtain the average daily weight gain and feed conversion. Nutrient intake was computed based on the amount of nutrients fed to the animals and the amount of nutrients of the refusals. Means were tested by Tukey HSD range test (P < 0.05). No difference was observed between treatments for performance, in which average daily weight gain was 0.241 kg and feed conversion was 3.99. Lambs fed sugarcane hydrolyzed under anaerobic condition had the highest mineral matter intake (69.97 g day-1) compared to other treatments. No differences for the other nutrient intakes were observed. Sugarcane hydrolyzed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions do not affect the performance neither the nutrient intake of the animals. The choice between supplying in natura or hydrolyzed sugarcane will depend on an economic analysis.
O experimento foi conduzido com objetivo de avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade e o desempenho e... more O experimento foi conduzido com objetivo de avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade e o desempenho em cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 12,5 e 25% de feno de amoreira em substituição ao concentrado. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros Ile de France, não-castrados, com aproximadamente 60 dias de idade e peso corporal inicial de 15 kg, confinados, distribuídos num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. O consumo voluntário de nutrientes não foi alterado (P>0,05) pelos diferentes teores de inclusão de feno de amoreira no concentrado, com exceção do extrato etéreo que apresentou redução linear (P<0,01). A digestibilidade dos nutrientes, os dias de confinamento, o ganho de peso diário e a conversão alimentar também não foram afetados (P>0,05). A substituição parcial do concentrado, à base de farelo de soja e milho em grão moído, pelo feno de amoreira em até 25% não compromete o consumo, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento.
The objective of the study is to evaluate meat quality from Ile de France lamb fed diets suppleme... more The objective of the study is to evaluate meat quality from Ile de France lamb fed diets supplemented with sunflower seeds and vitamin E. Thirty-two lamb weighing initially 15kg were housed in individual stalls and slaughtered when body weight reached 32kg. The treatments consisted of four experimental diets: D1) sugarcane + concentrate without sunflower seeds; D2) sugarcane + concentrate with sunflower seeds; D3) sugarcane + concentrate without sunflower seeds plus 1000mg vitamin E kg -1
Papers by Viviane Endo