drought-tolerant rice genotypes under cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi) agroforestry s... more drought-tolerant rice genotypes under cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi) agroforestry system. Biodiversitas 24: 4791-4802. Rice production can be increased by expanding rice cultivation area on rainfed agroforestry system. However, planting rice in agroforestry system, which is generally rainfed, might cause drought stress and eventually can reduce rice yields. The study aimed to select rice genotypes under drought stress conditions in a rainfed agroforestry system with cajuput or kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi Powell). Ten promising rice lines and four control cultivars were grown during the dry season from March-July 2022 at the Menggoran Forest Management Resort, Playen Forest Section, Yogyakarta Forest Management, Indonesia. The observation was conducted on drought stress tolerance (sensitivity and recovery), molecular identification, and yield of rice cultivars. The results showed that G5 was the genotype with drought tolerance and had the best recovery compared to the other promising rice lines and control cultivars. The molecular identification of the 14 rice genotypes using 20 SSR markers detected 108 alleles with a PIC value of 0.707. The G5, G4, and G9 had higher yields than the control cultivars. The BLUE showed that the yield of G5, G4, and G9 were 6.59, 5.93 and 5.50 tons ha-1 , respectively, while for BLUP by 6.45, 5.87 and 5.43 tons ha-1 , respectively. Furthermore, there were four clusters consisting of cluster 1 (G9), cluster 2 (G7), cluster 3 (G5 and Inpago 12), and cluster 4 (Inpari 42, G6, Inpari 30 Ciherang Sub 1, Situ Bagendit, G3, G4, G10, G2, G1, and G8). The findings of this study recommend G4, G5, and G9 as promising rice lines which tolerant to drought stress under M. cajuputi agroforestry system and can be utilized in future plant breeding programs.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The actual rice yield by farmers is still lower than the potential yield in lowland irrigated far... more The actual rice yield by farmers is still lower than the potential yield in lowland irrigated farming. The study attempted to see the technological performance and economic feasibility of irrigated rice farming. The research was carried out in the Jember Regency in May 2021. The survey involved 51 farmers, selected purposively through simple random sampling. Primary data was collected, i.e. the respondent’s characters, farming traits, and inputs-outputs in the rice growing season May-August 2020. Data were analyzed descriptively to obtain a holistic image of the phenomena in lowland rice practice. The results indicated rice farming by farmers has a productivity of 5,945 kg/ha and provides a profit of IDR 14,534,500/ha (B/C 2.47). The break-even point could be managed properly and profitably if the grain price was at least IDR 1,655/kg and the production break-even point was at least 2,400 kg/ha so as not to lose. The application of rice yield-enhancing technologies needs to be impro...
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyr... more Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and carrot (Daucus carota L.
Indonesia has a dry land area of 79.69%, with low soil productivity (physical, chemical, and biol... more Indonesia has a dry land area of 79.69%, with low soil productivity (physical, chemical, and biological), as well as uneven and unpredictable rainfall. The dryland potential is optimally utilized using biofertilizers that can produce microbes to increase soil fertility. This research aims to determine the effects of biofertilizers on dryland improvement and crop production. The study was conducted from February to May 2021 in Central Java, Indonesia. Using a randomized block design in peanut cultivation. Six biofertilizers (Controlled, Agrimeth, BioNutrient, Gliocompost, Agrimeth + BioNutrient, Agrimeth + BioNutrient + Gliocompost) were applied with four replications. The performance of each biofertilizer was assessed based on chemical soil parameters, soil microbe population, plant growth, and yields. The soil in the study area belonged to the Inceptisols group and exhibited moderately acidic pH, low organic carbon content, and low nitrogen levels. However, it had high potential and available phosphorus, as well as moderate potential and high available potassium. BioNutrient and Gliocompost increased available phosphate by 12 and 19%, respectively, due to the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Aspergillus sp. Agrimeth influenced the population of Azospirillum (45-63%) and enhanced phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Agrimeth + BioNutrient + Gliocompost promoted the growth of the Azospirillum and Trichoderma populations (17-18%), resulting in a 45.04% increase in profits. Biofertilizer inoculation positively affected peanut development, root nodule formation, and yield. This novelty showed the potential of biofertilizers in improving dryland conditions, increasing crop productivity, and contributing to sustainable agriculture in the long term.
Rice is one of the world’s oldest important crops. Qualitative traits can be useful for the ident... more Rice is one of the world’s oldest important crops. Qualitative traits can be useful for the identification of promising rice lines. In this study, seventeen advance rice lines were evaluated for qualitative traits. This assessment was carried out to analyse the variability in genotypes, based on 49 important qualitative traits of rice. Data on morphological parameters was collected from each line at suitable phase of growth to check variation. Findings were recorded according to descriptors for rice. Dendrogram was constructed which divided all the genotypes into seventeen major clusters, each subdivided into smaller sub-clusters. The pattern of cluster based on qualitative traits revealed the wide genetic variation. A high level of genetic variability based on qualitative traits was observed in this study. The genetic improvement of the rice needs the availability of genetic variability in promising lines. Significant phenotypic information and these variability has potential to develop quality rice for future breeding programs.
The world’s important food commodity is rice. This rice needs to be extended annually, but the pr... more The world’s important food commodity is rice. This rice needs to be extended annually, but the production has not been able to meet the demands. The morphological parameters’ improvement is the major aim of this breeding program. Morphological fingerprint is a unique pattern of traits which consists of a genotype for identification purposes and to detect genetic diversity as the basis of rice breeding. One of the obstacles which is faced in rice cultivation is that it has poor aeration which is caused by floods. Climate change affects the potential flooding in productive fields. The land optimization under the flooding needs to be supported by tolerant genotypes rice that are able to adapt and produced high yield. The importance of morphological fingerprint through evaluations of seventeen rice genotypes in a potentially flooded environment, would increase the efficiency of the breeding programs. The study of variability on yield and these components of rice genotypes showed a wide range of variation and specificity for all traits. The Pearson correlation coefficients for fifteen characters indicated that rice yield had a positive and significant correlation with culm diameter, biomass, and harvest time. The performance of rice genotypes had a significant negative correlation on 1000-grain weight and biomass.
Wijen (Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan tanaman semusim menyerbuk sendiri dan penghasil biji yang se... more Wijen (Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan tanaman semusim menyerbuk sendiri dan penghasil biji yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan indutsri karena mengandung minyak rendah asam lemak jenuh. Bahan penelitian terdiri 18 galur generasi M4 dan 39 galur generasi M5 dari galur mutan wijen. Terdapat dua penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang keragaman genetik dan korelasi genotipik beberapa karakteristik agronomi dari generasi M4 dan M5 galur mutan wijen, setelah dilakukan seleksi berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman. Penelitian pertama dilakukan untuk mempelajari dan memilih generasi M4 sejak tahap vegetatif, berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman. Penelitian kedua dilakukan untuk membudidayakan generasi M5 yang merupakan hasil seleksi individu generasi M4 yang berasal dari setiap galur mutan wijen. Salah satu langkah pemuliaan adalah seleksi berdasarkan pertimbangan keragaman genetik dan korelasi genotipik beberapa karakteristik agronomi. Keragaman genetik dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan proses seleksi dalam program pemuliaan. Sifat kualitatif terekspresi dalam berbagai kategori, karakteristik ini sangat berguna untuk identifikasi tanaman. Karakterisasi dan evaluasi generasi M4 dan M5 wijen menunjukkan keanekaragaman sifat kualitatif (sistem perakaran, susunan daun, tepi daun basal, sayatan cuping daun basal, bentuk kapsul bicarpellate, karakteristik biji, warna cangkang biji). Secara umum, karakteristik kualitatif dari generasi M4 akan diikuti oleh keturunan generasi M5 galur mutan wijen. Seleksi berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman secara signifikan dapat menurunkan keragaman genetik hasil biji dan komponen hasil generasi M4 dan M5 galur mutan wijen. Koefisien korelasi genotipik dan fenotipik meningkatkan secara signifikan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang primer, jumlah cabang sekunder, jumlah ruas per tanaman, jumlah kapsul per tanaman, dan berat 1000-biji setelah seleksi. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L) is an important commodity supporting various industries and produce oil lower in saturated fat meal. The experimental material consisted of 18 lines M4 generation and 39 lines M5 generation of sesame mutant lines. There were two experiments carried out to obtain information on genetic variability and genotypic correlation of some agronomical characteristics of M4 and M5 generations of sesame mutant lines after selection based on plant height and number of capsules per plant. The first experiment was performed to study and selected M4 generation begins at the vegetative stage, based on plant height and number of capsules per plant. The second experiment was done to cultivated M5 generation which is the result of individual selection in M4 generation derived from every sesame mutant lines. One of breeding steps is a selection based on the consideration of the genetic variability and genotypic correlation of some agronomical characteristics. The genetic variability can influence the success of a selection process in the breeding program. Qualitative traits are expressed into different categories, it kinds of characteristics can be very useful for the identification of plants. M4 and M5 generations of sesame characterization and evaluation studies indicate wide diversity in qualitative traits (root system, leaf arrangement, basal leaf margin, lobe incision of basal leaf, bicarpellate capsule shape, seed characteristics, seed coat color). In general, the qualitative characteristic of M4 generation will be followed by a descent in M5 generation of sesame mutant lines. Selection based on plant height and number of capsules per plant can significantly decrease the genetic variability of seed yield and yield components in M4 and M5 generations of sesame mutant lines. The genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients significantly increase in plant height, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of nodes/plant, number of capsules/plant, and 1000-seed weight after selection.
The main purpose of plant breeding programs is to improve varieties acceptable to rural communiti... more The main purpose of plant breeding programs is to improve varieties acceptable to rural communities. Participatory crop improvement for rice lines was initiated using techniques which were designed with the purposes to strengthen the collaboration between breeders and stakeholder especially farmers to produce varieties. Before the promising rice lines released and adopted by farmers, it is necessary to study the preferences on characteristics, especially its quality, because farmers have their own criteria or considerations before adopting a new variety. A bottom-up preferences in this study is to understand the major phenotypic performance, sensory quality, and provide recommendations for improving promising rice lines (Oryza sativa L.). The respondents are farmers, extension workers, members of academic institutions, and local government officers, came from four Regencies (Banyumas, Magelang, Batang, Klaten) that representing the main rice production areas in Central Java province. The attribute data on rice characteristics showed that grain size, plant age, and lemma shape of apiculus was essentially regarded as a major factor for better performing varieties. The respondents’ preference provides recommendations for breeders to release promising rice lines GM 8 and GM 2 into commercial varieties.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, Apr 22, 2021
Sesamum indicum L. adalah salah satu tanaman alternatif penghasil minyak nabati penting. Pendekat... more Sesamum indicum L. adalah salah satu tanaman alternatif penghasil minyak nabati penting. Pendekatan pemuliaan melalui induksi mutasi berusaha untuk menghasilkan variabilitas baru populasi wijen, yang secara umum tersusun dari individu homozigot. Karakter morfologi berguna untuk mengidentifikasi galur dan memastikan hasil pemuliaan mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi keragaman morfologi wijen hasil mutasi berdasarkan 26 karakter kualitatif. Penggalian informasi dengan metode analisis kelompok juga dikaji untuk menggambarkan variabilitas genetik pada 57 galur mutan wijen (jenis hitam dan putih) generasi M4 dan M5. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap: tahap pertama terdiri 18 galur generasi M4, dievaluasi pada Maret-Agustus 2015; tahap kedua terdiri atas 39 galur M5, ditanam pada November 2015-April 2016. Pemeriksaan penampilan kualitatif mengikuti panduan descriptor list untuk wijen. Secara umum, penilaian representatif dari sifat kualitatif pada galur mutan wijen generasi M4 akan diikuti oleh keturunan generasi M5. Dendrogram dibangun untuk membedakan galur menjadi kelompok berdasarkan matriks tingkat kemiripan. Struktur populasi utama dari 57 galur berdasarkan sifat kualitatif dikategorikan dalam dua kelompok besar. Materi genotipe kelompok I diklasifikasikan menjadi dua sub-kelompok, terdiri 17 dan 31 galur. Sub-kelompok ini menjadi bagian distribusi genotipe terbesar. Kelompok II tersusun oleh 9 galur, mayoritas dari M4. Nilai korelasi antar karakter bervariasi antara 0,7176 hingga 1,0. Keragaman morfologi antar galur wijen dipengaruhi oleh sifat genetik dibandingkan faktor lingkungan. Studi ini membantu seleksi galur terpilih berdasarkan kestabilan fenotipe. Evaluasi keragaman struktur populasi wijen mutan bermanfaat untuk program pemuliaan. Kata Kunci: Sesamum indicum L., galur mutan, karakter kualitatif, analisis kelompok Diversity of Sesame Mutants (Sesamum indicum L.
The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and... more The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and its effect on the morphological diversity of coconut in Kebumen Regency. The research has been done from January up to March 2008 using inter-regency, inter-village, inter-farmers and inter-plants stratified random sampling. The observation and data collections were done towards coconuts morphological characteristics including the plant's quantitative and qualitative natures, stem and leaf morphology and fruit's components. The research result shows that Cocos nucifera cultivation in Kebumen Regency is intensif to agree with inter-seeds interval arrangement; planting arrangement. Coconut trees in Kebumen Regency are attacked by Oryctes rhinoceros, mice and Aleurodicus destructor Macki, farmers use several controlling methods, i.e. mechanical control, chemical control and biological control. The morphological diversity of Cocos nucifera in Kebumen Regency are found on stem height and diameter, leaf stalk length and width, flesh thickness, whole fruit weight, fruit fluid weight, fruit shell weight, percentage of fiber weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of fluid weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of shell weight per whole fruit weight, first bloom age, harvest age, fruit quantity per tree per harvest and harvested fruit quantity per year.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, Apr 24, 2019
Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the pr... more Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for characters number of primary branches (30.16%), stem height from base to the first branch (30.96%), stem height from base to first capsule (14.82%), number of secondary branches (53.64%), number of nodes to first flower (72.66%), number of capsules/plant (44.90%), biomass yield/plant (28.37%), and seed yield/plant (36.68%). Genetic variability of plant population is very important for plant breeding program and to sustain level of high productivity.
Cabai (Capsicum sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran strategis nasional karena memiliki ke... more Cabai (Capsicum sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran strategis nasional karena memiliki kedudukan khusus di masyarakat sebagai bahan makanan/bumbu yang dikonsumsi setiap saat, dan karena gejolak harga cabai yang ditimbulkannya dapat mempengaruhi inflasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 5 (lima) bulan dari bulan April s/d Agutus 2017 pada lahan demplot di Desa Campursari, Kecamatan Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Temanggung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : (i). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan biaya produksi dalam budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan; (ii). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan penerimaan usaha tani budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan; dan (iii). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan kelayakan usaha tani budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (i). Biaya produksi teknologi rekomendasi lebih rendah 11,18% dari cara petani; (ii). Penerimaan usahatani teknologi rekomendasi lebih tinggi 16,61% dari cara petani; (iii). Usahatani rekomendasi layak untuk diterapkan dalam budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan yaitu dengan ditunjukkan bahwa R/C dan B/C ratio teknologi rekomendasi lebih besar dari cara petani yaitu masing-masing 2,42 > 2,05 dan 1,42> 1,05. Kata Kunci : kelayakan usaha tani, cabai rawit, ramah lingkungan ABSTRACT Chili (Capsicum sp.) is one of the national strategic vegetable commodities because it has a special position in the community as a food / seasoning material consumed at any time, and because of the turmoil of the chili prices it causes can affect inflation. The research was carried out for 5 (five) months from April to 2017 on the demonstration plot in Campursari Village, Ngadirejo District, Temanggung Regency. The purposes of this study are: (i). Identify and explain the cost of production in the cultivation of environmental friendly cayenne pepper; (ii). Identify and explain the acceptance of cayenne pepper cultivation farm environmental friendly; and (iii). Identify and explain the feasibility of cultivation of cayenne pepper farming is environmental friendly. The results showed that: (i). Lower recommendation technology production costs 11.18% of farmers' methods; (ii). Recommendation farming technology acceptance is 16.61% higher than the farmers' method; (iii). Farming feasible recommendations to be implemented in an environmental friendly cultivation of cayenne pepper that is to be shown that the R / C and B / C ratio is greater than the technology on the way farmers are respectively 2.42> 2.05 and 1.42> 1.05.
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a plant that has the potential for mainstream consumers, have a ... more Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a plant that has the potential for mainstream consumers, have a large enough market opportunity and a source of vegetable protein. "Perancis" varieties are local Central Java bean varieties are widely grown in the Bandungan area. "Perancis" varieties not currently provide enough characters clear and complete. Test objectives were (1) to characterize the "Perancis" varieties in order to have a complete character information varieties and (2) to determine distinctness, uniformity and stability of the "Perancis" varieties compared with varieties Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072 using guidelines for the conduct of test for distinctness, uniformity and stability reference beans. Implemented on the Garden Seed Testing Bandungan Horticulture, Central Java with an altitude of 560-800 meters above sea level the place. Materials testing consists of six varieties of beans are "Perancis" varieties and the varieties used for comparison Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072. This research used a randomized block design six varieties of beans are planted side by side on three experimental plots as replications. Parameters observed include 49 characters corresponding guidelines bean plants are divided into the plant character, leaves character, flower character, pods character and seed character. Test results based guidelines, "Perancis" varieties showed eight unique characters compared to varieties of Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072 ie. plant height, leaf color, leaf rugosity, long (including beak) pods, the degree of the pods curvature, the shape of distal part (excluding beak) pods, length of beak pods and curvature of beak pods and "Perancis" varieties have uniformity and stability.
The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and... more The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and its effect on the morphological diversity of coconut in Kebumen Regency. The research has been done from January up to March 2008 using inter-regency, inter-village, inter-farmers and inter-plants stratified random sampling. The observation and data collections were done towards coconuts morphological characteristics including the plant's quantitative and qualitative natures, stem and leaf morphology and fruit's components. The research result shows that Cocos nucifera cultivation in Kebumen Regency is intensif to agree with inter-seeds interval arrangement; planting arrangement. Coconut trees in Kebumen Regency are attacked by Oryctes rhinoceros, mice and Aleurodicus destructor Macki, farmers use several controlling methods, i.e. mechanical control, chemical control and biological control. The morphological diversity of Cocos nucifera in Kebumen Regency are found on stem height and diameter, leaf stalk length and width, flesh thickness, whole fruit weight, fruit fluid weight, fruit shell weight, percentage of fiber weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of fluid weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of shell weight per whole fruit weight, first bloom age, harvest age, fruit quantity per tree per harvest and harvested fruit quantity per year.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The study of cultivation and culture of Dioscorea esculenta (gembili) in the Papua Province of et... more The study of cultivation and culture of Dioscorea esculenta (gembili) in the Papua Province of ethnobotany was carried out in Jayapura districts (Yoka and Yongsu villages) and Merauke districts (Yanggandur and Sota villages). These sites were the gembili development center in Papua. The data collected includes socio-cultural, local wisdom, its contribution to the economy of farmer households, and the environment for growing gembili. The research results identified two types of gembili in Jayapura, by the community known as Yara (11 accessions) and Fam (5 accessions), also 30 accessions of local gembili in Merauke. Gembili has a strategic role in the customs and culture of the indigenous tribes in Papua. The gembili germplasm needs to be utilized and developed.
drought-tolerant rice genotypes under cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi) agroforestry s... more drought-tolerant rice genotypes under cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi) agroforestry system. Biodiversitas 24: 4791-4802. Rice production can be increased by expanding rice cultivation area on rainfed agroforestry system. However, planting rice in agroforestry system, which is generally rainfed, might cause drought stress and eventually can reduce rice yields. The study aimed to select rice genotypes under drought stress conditions in a rainfed agroforestry system with cajuput or kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi Powell). Ten promising rice lines and four control cultivars were grown during the dry season from March-July 2022 at the Menggoran Forest Management Resort, Playen Forest Section, Yogyakarta Forest Management, Indonesia. The observation was conducted on drought stress tolerance (sensitivity and recovery), molecular identification, and yield of rice cultivars. The results showed that G5 was the genotype with drought tolerance and had the best recovery compared to the other promising rice lines and control cultivars. The molecular identification of the 14 rice genotypes using 20 SSR markers detected 108 alleles with a PIC value of 0.707. The G5, G4, and G9 had higher yields than the control cultivars. The BLUE showed that the yield of G5, G4, and G9 were 6.59, 5.93 and 5.50 tons ha-1 , respectively, while for BLUP by 6.45, 5.87 and 5.43 tons ha-1 , respectively. Furthermore, there were four clusters consisting of cluster 1 (G9), cluster 2 (G7), cluster 3 (G5 and Inpago 12), and cluster 4 (Inpari 42, G6, Inpari 30 Ciherang Sub 1, Situ Bagendit, G3, G4, G10, G2, G1, and G8). The findings of this study recommend G4, G5, and G9 as promising rice lines which tolerant to drought stress under M. cajuputi agroforestry system and can be utilized in future plant breeding programs.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The actual rice yield by farmers is still lower than the potential yield in lowland irrigated far... more The actual rice yield by farmers is still lower than the potential yield in lowland irrigated farming. The study attempted to see the technological performance and economic feasibility of irrigated rice farming. The research was carried out in the Jember Regency in May 2021. The survey involved 51 farmers, selected purposively through simple random sampling. Primary data was collected, i.e. the respondent’s characters, farming traits, and inputs-outputs in the rice growing season May-August 2020. Data were analyzed descriptively to obtain a holistic image of the phenomena in lowland rice practice. The results indicated rice farming by farmers has a productivity of 5,945 kg/ha and provides a profit of IDR 14,534,500/ha (B/C 2.47). The break-even point could be managed properly and profitably if the grain price was at least IDR 1,655/kg and the production break-even point was at least 2,400 kg/ha so as not to lose. The application of rice yield-enhancing technologies needs to be impro...
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyr... more Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of ethanolic extract of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and carrot (Daucus carota L.
Indonesia has a dry land area of 79.69%, with low soil productivity (physical, chemical, and biol... more Indonesia has a dry land area of 79.69%, with low soil productivity (physical, chemical, and biological), as well as uneven and unpredictable rainfall. The dryland potential is optimally utilized using biofertilizers that can produce microbes to increase soil fertility. This research aims to determine the effects of biofertilizers on dryland improvement and crop production. The study was conducted from February to May 2021 in Central Java, Indonesia. Using a randomized block design in peanut cultivation. Six biofertilizers (Controlled, Agrimeth, BioNutrient, Gliocompost, Agrimeth + BioNutrient, Agrimeth + BioNutrient + Gliocompost) were applied with four replications. The performance of each biofertilizer was assessed based on chemical soil parameters, soil microbe population, plant growth, and yields. The soil in the study area belonged to the Inceptisols group and exhibited moderately acidic pH, low organic carbon content, and low nitrogen levels. However, it had high potential and available phosphorus, as well as moderate potential and high available potassium. BioNutrient and Gliocompost increased available phosphate by 12 and 19%, respectively, due to the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Aspergillus sp. Agrimeth influenced the population of Azospirillum (45-63%) and enhanced phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Agrimeth + BioNutrient + Gliocompost promoted the growth of the Azospirillum and Trichoderma populations (17-18%), resulting in a 45.04% increase in profits. Biofertilizer inoculation positively affected peanut development, root nodule formation, and yield. This novelty showed the potential of biofertilizers in improving dryland conditions, increasing crop productivity, and contributing to sustainable agriculture in the long term.
Rice is one of the world’s oldest important crops. Qualitative traits can be useful for the ident... more Rice is one of the world’s oldest important crops. Qualitative traits can be useful for the identification of promising rice lines. In this study, seventeen advance rice lines were evaluated for qualitative traits. This assessment was carried out to analyse the variability in genotypes, based on 49 important qualitative traits of rice. Data on morphological parameters was collected from each line at suitable phase of growth to check variation. Findings were recorded according to descriptors for rice. Dendrogram was constructed which divided all the genotypes into seventeen major clusters, each subdivided into smaller sub-clusters. The pattern of cluster based on qualitative traits revealed the wide genetic variation. A high level of genetic variability based on qualitative traits was observed in this study. The genetic improvement of the rice needs the availability of genetic variability in promising lines. Significant phenotypic information and these variability has potential to develop quality rice for future breeding programs.
The world’s important food commodity is rice. This rice needs to be extended annually, but the pr... more The world’s important food commodity is rice. This rice needs to be extended annually, but the production has not been able to meet the demands. The morphological parameters’ improvement is the major aim of this breeding program. Morphological fingerprint is a unique pattern of traits which consists of a genotype for identification purposes and to detect genetic diversity as the basis of rice breeding. One of the obstacles which is faced in rice cultivation is that it has poor aeration which is caused by floods. Climate change affects the potential flooding in productive fields. The land optimization under the flooding needs to be supported by tolerant genotypes rice that are able to adapt and produced high yield. The importance of morphological fingerprint through evaluations of seventeen rice genotypes in a potentially flooded environment, would increase the efficiency of the breeding programs. The study of variability on yield and these components of rice genotypes showed a wide range of variation and specificity for all traits. The Pearson correlation coefficients for fifteen characters indicated that rice yield had a positive and significant correlation with culm diameter, biomass, and harvest time. The performance of rice genotypes had a significant negative correlation on 1000-grain weight and biomass.
Wijen (Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan tanaman semusim menyerbuk sendiri dan penghasil biji yang se... more Wijen (Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan tanaman semusim menyerbuk sendiri dan penghasil biji yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan indutsri karena mengandung minyak rendah asam lemak jenuh. Bahan penelitian terdiri 18 galur generasi M4 dan 39 galur generasi M5 dari galur mutan wijen. Terdapat dua penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang keragaman genetik dan korelasi genotipik beberapa karakteristik agronomi dari generasi M4 dan M5 galur mutan wijen, setelah dilakukan seleksi berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman. Penelitian pertama dilakukan untuk mempelajari dan memilih generasi M4 sejak tahap vegetatif, berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman. Penelitian kedua dilakukan untuk membudidayakan generasi M5 yang merupakan hasil seleksi individu generasi M4 yang berasal dari setiap galur mutan wijen. Salah satu langkah pemuliaan adalah seleksi berdasarkan pertimbangan keragaman genetik dan korelasi genotipik beberapa karakteristik agronomi. Keragaman genetik dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan proses seleksi dalam program pemuliaan. Sifat kualitatif terekspresi dalam berbagai kategori, karakteristik ini sangat berguna untuk identifikasi tanaman. Karakterisasi dan evaluasi generasi M4 dan M5 wijen menunjukkan keanekaragaman sifat kualitatif (sistem perakaran, susunan daun, tepi daun basal, sayatan cuping daun basal, bentuk kapsul bicarpellate, karakteristik biji, warna cangkang biji). Secara umum, karakteristik kualitatif dari generasi M4 akan diikuti oleh keturunan generasi M5 galur mutan wijen. Seleksi berdasarkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah kapsul per tanaman secara signifikan dapat menurunkan keragaman genetik hasil biji dan komponen hasil generasi M4 dan M5 galur mutan wijen. Koefisien korelasi genotipik dan fenotipik meningkatkan secara signifikan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang primer, jumlah cabang sekunder, jumlah ruas per tanaman, jumlah kapsul per tanaman, dan berat 1000-biji setelah seleksi. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L) is an important commodity supporting various industries and produce oil lower in saturated fat meal. The experimental material consisted of 18 lines M4 generation and 39 lines M5 generation of sesame mutant lines. There were two experiments carried out to obtain information on genetic variability and genotypic correlation of some agronomical characteristics of M4 and M5 generations of sesame mutant lines after selection based on plant height and number of capsules per plant. The first experiment was performed to study and selected M4 generation begins at the vegetative stage, based on plant height and number of capsules per plant. The second experiment was done to cultivated M5 generation which is the result of individual selection in M4 generation derived from every sesame mutant lines. One of breeding steps is a selection based on the consideration of the genetic variability and genotypic correlation of some agronomical characteristics. The genetic variability can influence the success of a selection process in the breeding program. Qualitative traits are expressed into different categories, it kinds of characteristics can be very useful for the identification of plants. M4 and M5 generations of sesame characterization and evaluation studies indicate wide diversity in qualitative traits (root system, leaf arrangement, basal leaf margin, lobe incision of basal leaf, bicarpellate capsule shape, seed characteristics, seed coat color). In general, the qualitative characteristic of M4 generation will be followed by a descent in M5 generation of sesame mutant lines. Selection based on plant height and number of capsules per plant can significantly decrease the genetic variability of seed yield and yield components in M4 and M5 generations of sesame mutant lines. The genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients significantly increase in plant height, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of nodes/plant, number of capsules/plant, and 1000-seed weight after selection.
The main purpose of plant breeding programs is to improve varieties acceptable to rural communiti... more The main purpose of plant breeding programs is to improve varieties acceptable to rural communities. Participatory crop improvement for rice lines was initiated using techniques which were designed with the purposes to strengthen the collaboration between breeders and stakeholder especially farmers to produce varieties. Before the promising rice lines released and adopted by farmers, it is necessary to study the preferences on characteristics, especially its quality, because farmers have their own criteria or considerations before adopting a new variety. A bottom-up preferences in this study is to understand the major phenotypic performance, sensory quality, and provide recommendations for improving promising rice lines (Oryza sativa L.). The respondents are farmers, extension workers, members of academic institutions, and local government officers, came from four Regencies (Banyumas, Magelang, Batang, Klaten) that representing the main rice production areas in Central Java province. The attribute data on rice characteristics showed that grain size, plant age, and lemma shape of apiculus was essentially regarded as a major factor for better performing varieties. The respondents’ preference provides recommendations for breeders to release promising rice lines GM 8 and GM 2 into commercial varieties.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, Apr 22, 2021
Sesamum indicum L. adalah salah satu tanaman alternatif penghasil minyak nabati penting. Pendekat... more Sesamum indicum L. adalah salah satu tanaman alternatif penghasil minyak nabati penting. Pendekatan pemuliaan melalui induksi mutasi berusaha untuk menghasilkan variabilitas baru populasi wijen, yang secara umum tersusun dari individu homozigot. Karakter morfologi berguna untuk mengidentifikasi galur dan memastikan hasil pemuliaan mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi keragaman morfologi wijen hasil mutasi berdasarkan 26 karakter kualitatif. Penggalian informasi dengan metode analisis kelompok juga dikaji untuk menggambarkan variabilitas genetik pada 57 galur mutan wijen (jenis hitam dan putih) generasi M4 dan M5. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap: tahap pertama terdiri 18 galur generasi M4, dievaluasi pada Maret-Agustus 2015; tahap kedua terdiri atas 39 galur M5, ditanam pada November 2015-April 2016. Pemeriksaan penampilan kualitatif mengikuti panduan descriptor list untuk wijen. Secara umum, penilaian representatif dari sifat kualitatif pada galur mutan wijen generasi M4 akan diikuti oleh keturunan generasi M5. Dendrogram dibangun untuk membedakan galur menjadi kelompok berdasarkan matriks tingkat kemiripan. Struktur populasi utama dari 57 galur berdasarkan sifat kualitatif dikategorikan dalam dua kelompok besar. Materi genotipe kelompok I diklasifikasikan menjadi dua sub-kelompok, terdiri 17 dan 31 galur. Sub-kelompok ini menjadi bagian distribusi genotipe terbesar. Kelompok II tersusun oleh 9 galur, mayoritas dari M4. Nilai korelasi antar karakter bervariasi antara 0,7176 hingga 1,0. Keragaman morfologi antar galur wijen dipengaruhi oleh sifat genetik dibandingkan faktor lingkungan. Studi ini membantu seleksi galur terpilih berdasarkan kestabilan fenotipe. Evaluasi keragaman struktur populasi wijen mutan bermanfaat untuk program pemuliaan. Kata Kunci: Sesamum indicum L., galur mutan, karakter kualitatif, analisis kelompok Diversity of Sesame Mutants (Sesamum indicum L.
The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and... more The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and its effect on the morphological diversity of coconut in Kebumen Regency. The research has been done from January up to March 2008 using inter-regency, inter-village, inter-farmers and inter-plants stratified random sampling. The observation and data collections were done towards coconuts morphological characteristics including the plant's quantitative and qualitative natures, stem and leaf morphology and fruit's components. The research result shows that Cocos nucifera cultivation in Kebumen Regency is intensif to agree with inter-seeds interval arrangement; planting arrangement. Coconut trees in Kebumen Regency are attacked by Oryctes rhinoceros, mice and Aleurodicus destructor Macki, farmers use several controlling methods, i.e. mechanical control, chemical control and biological control. The morphological diversity of Cocos nucifera in Kebumen Regency are found on stem height and diameter, leaf stalk length and width, flesh thickness, whole fruit weight, fruit fluid weight, fruit shell weight, percentage of fiber weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of fluid weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of shell weight per whole fruit weight, first bloom age, harvest age, fruit quantity per tree per harvest and harvested fruit quantity per year.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, Apr 24, 2019
Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the pr... more Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for characters number of primary branches (30.16%), stem height from base to the first branch (30.96%), stem height from base to first capsule (14.82%), number of secondary branches (53.64%), number of nodes to first flower (72.66%), number of capsules/plant (44.90%), biomass yield/plant (28.37%), and seed yield/plant (36.68%). Genetic variability of plant population is very important for plant breeding program and to sustain level of high productivity.
Cabai (Capsicum sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran strategis nasional karena memiliki ke... more Cabai (Capsicum sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran strategis nasional karena memiliki kedudukan khusus di masyarakat sebagai bahan makanan/bumbu yang dikonsumsi setiap saat, dan karena gejolak harga cabai yang ditimbulkannya dapat mempengaruhi inflasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 5 (lima) bulan dari bulan April s/d Agutus 2017 pada lahan demplot di Desa Campursari, Kecamatan Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Temanggung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : (i). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan biaya produksi dalam budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan; (ii). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan penerimaan usaha tani budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan; dan (iii). Mengetahui dan menjelaskan kelayakan usaha tani budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (i). Biaya produksi teknologi rekomendasi lebih rendah 11,18% dari cara petani; (ii). Penerimaan usahatani teknologi rekomendasi lebih tinggi 16,61% dari cara petani; (iii). Usahatani rekomendasi layak untuk diterapkan dalam budidaya cabai rawit ramah lingkungan yaitu dengan ditunjukkan bahwa R/C dan B/C ratio teknologi rekomendasi lebih besar dari cara petani yaitu masing-masing 2,42 > 2,05 dan 1,42> 1,05. Kata Kunci : kelayakan usaha tani, cabai rawit, ramah lingkungan ABSTRACT Chili (Capsicum sp.) is one of the national strategic vegetable commodities because it has a special position in the community as a food / seasoning material consumed at any time, and because of the turmoil of the chili prices it causes can affect inflation. The research was carried out for 5 (five) months from April to 2017 on the demonstration plot in Campursari Village, Ngadirejo District, Temanggung Regency. The purposes of this study are: (i). Identify and explain the cost of production in the cultivation of environmental friendly cayenne pepper; (ii). Identify and explain the acceptance of cayenne pepper cultivation farm environmental friendly; and (iii). Identify and explain the feasibility of cultivation of cayenne pepper farming is environmental friendly. The results showed that: (i). Lower recommendation technology production costs 11.18% of farmers' methods; (ii). Recommendation farming technology acceptance is 16.61% higher than the farmers' method; (iii). Farming feasible recommendations to be implemented in an environmental friendly cultivation of cayenne pepper that is to be shown that the R / C and B / C ratio is greater than the technology on the way farmers are respectively 2.42> 2.05 and 1.42> 1.05.
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a plant that has the potential for mainstream consumers, have a ... more Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a plant that has the potential for mainstream consumers, have a large enough market opportunity and a source of vegetable protein. "Perancis" varieties are local Central Java bean varieties are widely grown in the Bandungan area. "Perancis" varieties not currently provide enough characters clear and complete. Test objectives were (1) to characterize the "Perancis" varieties in order to have a complete character information varieties and (2) to determine distinctness, uniformity and stability of the "Perancis" varieties compared with varieties Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072 using guidelines for the conduct of test for distinctness, uniformity and stability reference beans. Implemented on the Garden Seed Testing Bandungan Horticulture, Central Java with an altitude of 560-800 meters above sea level the place. Materials testing consists of six varieties of beans are "Perancis" varieties and the varieties used for comparison Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072. This research used a randomized block design six varieties of beans are planted side by side on three experimental plots as replications. Parameters observed include 49 characters corresponding guidelines bean plants are divided into the plant character, leaves character, flower character, pods character and seed character. Test results based guidelines, "Perancis" varieties showed eight unique characters compared to varieties of Gypsie, Spectacular, Balitsa 1, Balitsa 2 and PV 072 ie. plant height, leaf color, leaf rugosity, long (including beak) pods, the degree of the pods curvature, the shape of distal part (excluding beak) pods, length of beak pods and curvature of beak pods and "Perancis" varieties have uniformity and stability.
The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and... more The aim of this research is to study how farmers in smallholder plantations cultivate coconut and its effect on the morphological diversity of coconut in Kebumen Regency. The research has been done from January up to March 2008 using inter-regency, inter-village, inter-farmers and inter-plants stratified random sampling. The observation and data collections were done towards coconuts morphological characteristics including the plant's quantitative and qualitative natures, stem and leaf morphology and fruit's components. The research result shows that Cocos nucifera cultivation in Kebumen Regency is intensif to agree with inter-seeds interval arrangement; planting arrangement. Coconut trees in Kebumen Regency are attacked by Oryctes rhinoceros, mice and Aleurodicus destructor Macki, farmers use several controlling methods, i.e. mechanical control, chemical control and biological control. The morphological diversity of Cocos nucifera in Kebumen Regency are found on stem height and diameter, leaf stalk length and width, flesh thickness, whole fruit weight, fruit fluid weight, fruit shell weight, percentage of fiber weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of fluid weight per whole fruit weight, percentage of shell weight per whole fruit weight, first bloom age, harvest age, fruit quantity per tree per harvest and harvested fruit quantity per year.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The study of cultivation and culture of Dioscorea esculenta (gembili) in the Papua Province of et... more The study of cultivation and culture of Dioscorea esculenta (gembili) in the Papua Province of ethnobotany was carried out in Jayapura districts (Yoka and Yongsu villages) and Merauke districts (Yanggandur and Sota villages). These sites were the gembili development center in Papua. The data collected includes socio-cultural, local wisdom, its contribution to the economy of farmer households, and the environment for growing gembili. The research results identified two types of gembili in Jayapura, by the community known as Yara (11 accessions) and Fam (5 accessions), also 30 accessions of local gembili in Merauke. Gembili has a strategic role in the customs and culture of the indigenous tribes in Papua. The gembili germplasm needs to be utilized and developed.
Papers by Vina Aristya