The plain of the Dráva River of Baranya county is situated in the southwestern part of Hungary. I... more The plain of the Dráva River of Baranya county is situated in the southwestern part of Hungary. In this paper the white poplar gallery forests {Senecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae) occurring sporadically along the left bank of the Dráva River are characterized. The stands of this forest occupy areas that are about 1 metres higher than those covered with black poplar gallery forests (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae) and willow gallery forests {Leucojo aestivi-Salicetum albae). They are transitional between these and the hardwood gallery forests occurring at even higher grounds. The related associations of this forest type are the Populetum nigro-albae (Vojvodina, Serbia) with submediteranean character, and the Fraxino-Populetum albae (Upper Austria, Southern Germany) with submontane character.
Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatás... more Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatási területként a Répce menti maradvány ligeterdőt (Csáfordi-erdő, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye) választottuk, amelyben nagy mennyiségű álló és fekvő holtfa jelenléte jellemző. A felmérésekhez és mintavételekhez összesen 11 mikrohabitatot választottunk ki, amelyek között fekvő holtfák, dendrotelmák, kéregleválások, tőkorhadt odvak korhanya is szerepelt. A vizsgálat során összesen 1309 ugróvillás egyedet válogattunk le és határoztunk meg faj szinten. Összesen 40 fajt mutattunk ki a vizsgált mikrohabitatokból. A fajok közül három, a magyar faunára nézve új faj (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) is előkerült. A legnagyobb fajszám szerinti részaránnyal (25%) az Entomobryidae család képviseltette magát. A fajszám a vizsgált mikroélőhelyeken 1 és 21 között változott. A nagyobb fajszámú közösségek a fekvő holtfákhoz kötődtek, ezen belül pedig az előrehaladottabb stádiumban lévő, magasabb korhadási fokú holtfákhoz. Kevesebb faj kötődött a tőkorhadt fák odvainak korhanyához, míg a speciális mikroélőhelyek (élő fák leváló kérge, vízzel telt dendrotelma) csupán egy-két fajnak nyújtottak megfelelő élőhelyet.
COI haplotype distribution of Phyllonorycter platani. Number of COI haplotypes (HT1–24) in the co... more COI haplotype distribution of Phyllonorycter platani. Number of COI haplotypes (HT1–24) in the countries/locations investigated. (DOCX 32 kb)
Proceedings of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology, 2021
The sycamore lace bug (SLB) (Corythucha ciliata) is one of the most abundant and widespread pests... more The sycamore lace bug (SLB) (Corythucha ciliata) is one of the most abundant and widespread pests on plane (Platanus spp.) trees. 38 geographic location of C. ciliata from Europe, Asia and North America were analysed by sequencing. Seventeen haplotypes were detected on 1356 bp long fragment of the COI gene from 327 individuals. C. ciliata populations from North America showed a higher haplotype diversity (12 HTs), than populations from Europe (6 HTs) or populations from Japan (2HTs). The haplotypes formed two haplogroups, one including only North American HTs and another one including HTs from all continents.
Napjainkban az erdők korhadó faanyaga, mint számos élőlénycsoport élettere, egyre nagyobb érdeklő... more Napjainkban az erdők korhadó faanyaga, mint számos élőlénycsoport élettere, egyre nagyobb érdeklődésre tart számot. Az alábbi szemle a korhadó holt fákon (anyatörzsek, nurse logs) megtelepedő újulatra szeretné felhívni a figyelmet. A holt fán történő felújulásnak elsősorban mikroklimatikus okai vannak, ott bír nagy jelentőséggel ahol szélsőségesek a termőhelyi körülmények, boreális és magashegységi fenyvesekben, mocsarakban, lápokban. Az újulat megtelepedésére a nagyméretű, erősen korhadt fák a legalkalmasabbak, és főként a kis magmérettel rendelkező fafajok telepszenek meg nagy sikerrel a korhadó holt fákon.Aszemle a korhadó holtfán történő felújulás abiotikus paramétereivel, az anyatörzs és az újulat fafaja által meghatározott tulajdonságokkal, valamint egyéb biotikus paramétereivel kíván foglalkozni. Legvégül a jelenség hazai előfordulására hoz néhány példát
The sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata Say, 1832) is of North American origin, but after its i... more The sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata Say, 1832) is of North American origin, but after its introduction to Europe (1964), South America (1985), Asia (1995), Australia (2006), and Africa (2014), it became an abundant and widespread pest on plane (Platanus spp.) trees. We analysed a 1356 bp long fragment of the mtDNA (COI gene) of 327 sycamore lace bug individuals from 38 geographic locations from Europe, Asia, and North America. Seventeen haplotypes (17 HTs) were detected. C. ciliata populations from North America exhibited higher haplotype diversity (12 HTs) than populations from Europe (6 HTs), Asia (4 HTs), or Japan (2 HTs). The haplotypes formed two haplogroups separated by at least seven mutation steps. One of these mutation steps includes HTs from North America and Japan. Another includes HTs from North America, Europe, and Asia. Haplotypes from Asia Minor, the Caucasus, and Central Asia are linked to haplotypes from Europe, while haplotypes found in Japan are linked to ha...
The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepido... more The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepidocyrtus s.str. (Bourlet, 1839) and Lanocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) are represented by European species. The discovery of unique characters in the European species Lepidocyrtus tomosvaryi (rounded dental tubercle) and L. peisonis (lateral tuft of long filiform chaetae in abdomen III) has only described so far for species of the subgenera Setogaster (Salmon, 1951) and Cinctocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) and has raised the need to perform a molecular analysis by involving other representative species of the genus. For this study, phylogenetic analysis of 15 Lepidocyrtus species occurring in the Carpathian Basin were carried out. The analyses, which was based on both concatenated datasets of COII and EF1-α sequences and individual gene sequences, clearly placed L. tomosvaryi within the subgenus Lanocyrtus and L. peisonis within Lepidocyrtus European species groups defined o...
The plane leaf miner, Phyllonorycter platani is a widely distributed insect species on plane tree... more The plane leaf miner, Phyllonorycter platani is a widely distributed insect species on plane trees and has a well-documented colonisation history in Europe over the last century. However, phylogeographic data of the species are lacking. We analysed 284 individuals from 38 populations across Europe, Asia, and North America. A 1242 bp fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene and an 893 bp fragment of the 28S rDNA has been Sanger sequenced. Twenty-four haplotypes were detected on the COI gene, and two alleles were identified on the 28S rDNA. We revealed two distinct clades for both markers reflecting the geographic origins, Asia and Europe. The genetic distance between the two main clades is 2.08% on the COI gene and 0.10% on the nuclear DNA. An overlapping zone of the two clades was found across Eastern Europe and the Anatolian Peninsula. We detected heterozygote individuals of the 28S rDNA gene in Moldavia, Ukraine and in the southern part of Turkey. These suggest that the two clades c...
We investigated the responses of collembolan communities to pine afforestation in an area formerl... more We investigated the responses of collembolan communities to pine afforestation in an area formerly characterized by a mosaic of autochthonous downy oak woodland and steppe meadows. Study sites were selected in mixed stands of black pine and Scots pine and control samples were taken from downy oak stands and open steppe meadows. A total of 1884 Collembola specimens belonging to 66 species were collected. Three species, namely Protaphorura pannonica (Onychiuridae), Tomocerus mixtus (Tomoceridae) and Isotoma caerulea (Isotomidae) proved to be new to the Hungarian fauna. There are typical Collembola communities which are specific to different habitat types where species of a given composition can only or predominantly be found in that habitat, as well as some basic common species which occur in every habitat. The highest species richness (41) was found in steppe meadows, considerably lower (34) in downy oak forests, reaching the lowest value (25) in pine plantations. Although several forest species present in the oak woodland were completely missing from the pine forests, there was no significant difference between the Collembola diversities of the two forest habitats. The difference became more prominent in collembolan abundance which resulted in less than half of individuals/m 2 in pine plantations compared to the soils of downy oak forests, most likely due to the changed soil conditions, especially of humus characteristics, caused by the pine needle litter. Jaccard similarity measure indicated approximately equal similarity (0.24-0.28) for paired comparison, suggesting that a relatively constant 'basic Collembola community' determined by the soil type typical for the area is present; while dissimilarity in communities between sites are partly provided by spatial heterogeneity of open and forest habitats and by the difference of the vegetation type.
Vegetation beneath the canopy might be an important factor for macromoth community composition in... more Vegetation beneath the canopy might be an important factor for macromoth community composition in forest ecosystems, strongly determined by forest management practices. Herein, we compared nocturnal macrolepidoptera communities and herb layers in young and old sessile oak (Quercus petraea) dominated forest stands in the Sopron Mountains (Western Hungary). The investigation of Lepidoptera species was performed 15 times from the end of March to the end of October in 2011. Portable light traps were used, and a total of 257 species and 5503 individuals were identified. The Geometridae family was the most abundant, followed by Noctuidae and Notodontidae. To investigate vascular plant species in the herb layer, circular plots with a 10-m radius around the moth traps were used. In each plot, we estimated the abundance of plant species in 20 sub-plots with a 1-m radius from May to July of 2011. The abundance of macromoth species was higher in the old forest stand, which might be influenced ...
The plain of the Dráva River of Baranya county is situated in the southwestern part of Hungary. I... more The plain of the Dráva River of Baranya county is situated in the southwestern part of Hungary. In this paper the white poplar gallery forests {Senecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae) occurring sporadically along the left bank of the Dráva River are characterized. The stands of this forest occupy areas that are about 1 metres higher than those covered with black poplar gallery forests (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae) and willow gallery forests {Leucojo aestivi-Salicetum albae). They are transitional between these and the hardwood gallery forests occurring at even higher grounds. The related associations of this forest type are the Populetum nigro-albae (Vojvodina, Serbia) with submediteranean character, and the Fraxino-Populetum albae (Upper Austria, Southern Germany) with submontane character.
Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatás... more Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatási területként a Répce menti maradvány ligeterdőt (Csáfordi-erdő, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye) választottuk, amelyben nagy mennyiségű álló és fekvő holtfa jelenléte jellemző. A felmérésekhez és mintavételekhez összesen 11 mikrohabitatot választottunk ki, amelyek között fekvő holtfák, dendrotelmák, kéregleválások, tőkorhadt odvak korhanya is szerepelt. A vizsgálat során összesen 1309 ugróvillás egyedet válogattunk le és határoztunk meg faj szinten. Összesen 40 fajt mutattunk ki a vizsgált mikrohabitatokból. A fajok közül három, a magyar faunára nézve új faj (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) is előkerült. A legnagyobb fajszám szerinti részaránnyal (25%) az Entomobryidae család képviseltette magát. A fajszám a vizsgált mikroélőhelyeken 1 és 21 között változott. A nagyobb fajszámú közösségek a fekvő holtfákhoz kötődtek, ezen belül pedig az előrehaladottabb stádiumban lévő, magasabb korhadási fokú holtfákhoz. Kevesebb faj kötődött a tőkorhadt fák odvainak korhanyához, míg a speciális mikroélőhelyek (élő fák leváló kérge, vízzel telt dendrotelma) csupán egy-két fajnak nyújtottak megfelelő élőhelyet.
COI haplotype distribution of Phyllonorycter platani. Number of COI haplotypes (HT1–24) in the co... more COI haplotype distribution of Phyllonorycter platani. Number of COI haplotypes (HT1–24) in the countries/locations investigated. (DOCX 32 kb)
Proceedings of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology, 2021
The sycamore lace bug (SLB) (Corythucha ciliata) is one of the most abundant and widespread pests... more The sycamore lace bug (SLB) (Corythucha ciliata) is one of the most abundant and widespread pests on plane (Platanus spp.) trees. 38 geographic location of C. ciliata from Europe, Asia and North America were analysed by sequencing. Seventeen haplotypes were detected on 1356 bp long fragment of the COI gene from 327 individuals. C. ciliata populations from North America showed a higher haplotype diversity (12 HTs), than populations from Europe (6 HTs) or populations from Japan (2HTs). The haplotypes formed two haplogroups, one including only North American HTs and another one including HTs from all continents.
Napjainkban az erdők korhadó faanyaga, mint számos élőlénycsoport élettere, egyre nagyobb érdeklő... more Napjainkban az erdők korhadó faanyaga, mint számos élőlénycsoport élettere, egyre nagyobb érdeklődésre tart számot. Az alábbi szemle a korhadó holt fákon (anyatörzsek, nurse logs) megtelepedő újulatra szeretné felhívni a figyelmet. A holt fán történő felújulásnak elsősorban mikroklimatikus okai vannak, ott bír nagy jelentőséggel ahol szélsőségesek a termőhelyi körülmények, boreális és magashegységi fenyvesekben, mocsarakban, lápokban. Az újulat megtelepedésére a nagyméretű, erősen korhadt fák a legalkalmasabbak, és főként a kis magmérettel rendelkező fafajok telepszenek meg nagy sikerrel a korhadó holt fákon.Aszemle a korhadó holtfán történő felújulás abiotikus paramétereivel, az anyatörzs és az újulat fafaja által meghatározott tulajdonságokkal, valamint egyéb biotikus paramétereivel kíván foglalkozni. Legvégül a jelenség hazai előfordulására hoz néhány példát
The sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata Say, 1832) is of North American origin, but after its i... more The sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata Say, 1832) is of North American origin, but after its introduction to Europe (1964), South America (1985), Asia (1995), Australia (2006), and Africa (2014), it became an abundant and widespread pest on plane (Platanus spp.) trees. We analysed a 1356 bp long fragment of the mtDNA (COI gene) of 327 sycamore lace bug individuals from 38 geographic locations from Europe, Asia, and North America. Seventeen haplotypes (17 HTs) were detected. C. ciliata populations from North America exhibited higher haplotype diversity (12 HTs) than populations from Europe (6 HTs), Asia (4 HTs), or Japan (2 HTs). The haplotypes formed two haplogroups separated by at least seven mutation steps. One of these mutation steps includes HTs from North America and Japan. Another includes HTs from North America, Europe, and Asia. Haplotypes from Asia Minor, the Caucasus, and Central Asia are linked to haplotypes from Europe, while haplotypes found in Japan are linked to ha...
The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepido... more The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepidocyrtus s.str. (Bourlet, 1839) and Lanocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) are represented by European species. The discovery of unique characters in the European species Lepidocyrtus tomosvaryi (rounded dental tubercle) and L. peisonis (lateral tuft of long filiform chaetae in abdomen III) has only described so far for species of the subgenera Setogaster (Salmon, 1951) and Cinctocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) and has raised the need to perform a molecular analysis by involving other representative species of the genus. For this study, phylogenetic analysis of 15 Lepidocyrtus species occurring in the Carpathian Basin were carried out. The analyses, which was based on both concatenated datasets of COII and EF1-α sequences and individual gene sequences, clearly placed L. tomosvaryi within the subgenus Lanocyrtus and L. peisonis within Lepidocyrtus European species groups defined o...
The plane leaf miner, Phyllonorycter platani is a widely distributed insect species on plane tree... more The plane leaf miner, Phyllonorycter platani is a widely distributed insect species on plane trees and has a well-documented colonisation history in Europe over the last century. However, phylogeographic data of the species are lacking. We analysed 284 individuals from 38 populations across Europe, Asia, and North America. A 1242 bp fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene and an 893 bp fragment of the 28S rDNA has been Sanger sequenced. Twenty-four haplotypes were detected on the COI gene, and two alleles were identified on the 28S rDNA. We revealed two distinct clades for both markers reflecting the geographic origins, Asia and Europe. The genetic distance between the two main clades is 2.08% on the COI gene and 0.10% on the nuclear DNA. An overlapping zone of the two clades was found across Eastern Europe and the Anatolian Peninsula. We detected heterozygote individuals of the 28S rDNA gene in Moldavia, Ukraine and in the southern part of Turkey. These suggest that the two clades c...
We investigated the responses of collembolan communities to pine afforestation in an area formerl... more We investigated the responses of collembolan communities to pine afforestation in an area formerly characterized by a mosaic of autochthonous downy oak woodland and steppe meadows. Study sites were selected in mixed stands of black pine and Scots pine and control samples were taken from downy oak stands and open steppe meadows. A total of 1884 Collembola specimens belonging to 66 species were collected. Three species, namely Protaphorura pannonica (Onychiuridae), Tomocerus mixtus (Tomoceridae) and Isotoma caerulea (Isotomidae) proved to be new to the Hungarian fauna. There are typical Collembola communities which are specific to different habitat types where species of a given composition can only or predominantly be found in that habitat, as well as some basic common species which occur in every habitat. The highest species richness (41) was found in steppe meadows, considerably lower (34) in downy oak forests, reaching the lowest value (25) in pine plantations. Although several forest species present in the oak woodland were completely missing from the pine forests, there was no significant difference between the Collembola diversities of the two forest habitats. The difference became more prominent in collembolan abundance which resulted in less than half of individuals/m 2 in pine plantations compared to the soils of downy oak forests, most likely due to the changed soil conditions, especially of humus characteristics, caused by the pine needle litter. Jaccard similarity measure indicated approximately equal similarity (0.24-0.28) for paired comparison, suggesting that a relatively constant 'basic Collembola community' determined by the soil type typical for the area is present; while dissimilarity in communities between sites are partly provided by spatial heterogeneity of open and forest habitats and by the difference of the vegetation type.
Vegetation beneath the canopy might be an important factor for macromoth community composition in... more Vegetation beneath the canopy might be an important factor for macromoth community composition in forest ecosystems, strongly determined by forest management practices. Herein, we compared nocturnal macrolepidoptera communities and herb layers in young and old sessile oak (Quercus petraea) dominated forest stands in the Sopron Mountains (Western Hungary). The investigation of Lepidoptera species was performed 15 times from the end of March to the end of October in 2011. Portable light traps were used, and a total of 257 species and 5503 individuals were identified. The Geometridae family was the most abundant, followed by Noctuidae and Notodontidae. To investigate vascular plant species in the herb layer, circular plots with a 10-m radius around the moth traps were used. In each plot, we estimated the abundance of plant species in 20 sub-plots with a 1-m radius from May to July of 2011. The abundance of macromoth species was higher in the old forest stand, which might be influenced ...
Papers by Viktória Tóth