Papers by Viera Haverlikova

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Measurement is an everyday part of medical praxis and research. Development of measurement skills... more Measurement is an everyday part of medical praxis and research. Development of measurement skills of medical students is one of the objectives of a Medical Biophysics course. Since students come from different countries, they have different backgrounds and experiences with measurement. This paper presents results of pedagogical research focused on monitoring measurement skills of first-year medical students and on identifying possible factors influencing their initial level. A personal questionnaire, an introductory test focused on factual knowledge, and continuous short tests were used in academic year 2016/17. Approximately 28% of respondents studying in English language and 6% of respondents studying in Slovak language declared their experience in laboratory measurements. Continuous monitoring of measurement skills in a sample of 66 students showed insufficient ability to read a measured value and discuss its uncertainty, and students' low awareness of controlling measurement conditions. Development and validation of context-relevant tasks and cases developing measurement skills in medical biophysics is required.
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021

2 Ciele, obsah a organizácia kurzu Cieľom kurzu je rozvíjať u učiteľov tvorivé myslenie tak, aby ... more 2 Ciele, obsah a organizácia kurzu Cieľom kurzu je rozvíjať u učiteľov tvorivé myslenie tak, aby sa ich procesy myslenia mohli stať vzorom pre ich žiakov (viď. učenie napodobňovaním procesov v [1]). Pracovným cieľom kurzu je dosiahnuť u učiteľov zmenu v spôsobe ich myslenia smerom od lineárneho učenia k tvorivému a komplexnému. Pritom sa predpokladá, že táto zmena je potrebná a možno ju dosiahnuť len cestou vlastného pochopenia rozdielov v pôvodnom myslení voči efektívnemu tvorivému mysleniu. A toto je možné dosiahnuť len na báze vlastných skúseností, prežitím. Preto aj ťažiskom kurzu je praktický tréning techník tvorivého myslenia (približne 60% z hodín kurzu), ďalších 25% z hodín je venovaných teórií a 15% priamym aplikáciám na školách účastníkov. Pritom celková dĺžka kurzu je 288 hodín. Tieto sa realizujú formou pravidelných 8-hodinových sústredení, každý týždeň počas dvoch semestrov. Okrem toho učitelia pracujú na domácich zadaniach

Moderna medicinska diagnostika a terapia su nemysliteľne bez spravneho a dostatocne presneho mera... more Moderna medicinska diagnostika a terapia su nemysliteľne bez spravneho a dostatocne presneho merania sirokeho spektra fyzikalnych velicin. Navyse v ostatných rokoch v zdravotnickej starostlivosti neustale narasta význam mediciny založenej na dokazoch (evidence-based medicine), ktorej cieľom je cielene a sudne použivanie najlepsich sucasných dokazov pri rozhodovani v starostlivosti o individualnych pacientov. To vsetko si vyžaduje od lekarov nielen zakladne prakticke zrucnosti merania fyzikalnych velicin, ale aj porozumenie vedeckých studii vratane výskumných dat spracovaných roznymi sposobmi. V priprave buducich lekarov na Lekarskej fakulte Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (LF UK) su tieto zrucnosti a sposobilosti u studentov rozvijane predovsetkým v ramci povinneho predmetu biofyzika, ktorý studenti vseobecneho lekarstva absolvuju v rozsahu 36 (od akademickeho roku 2016/17 už iba 24) hodin prednasok a 36 hodin praktickej výucby. Prispevok prinasa strucný prehľad obsahu praktickej...

The background of measurement theory is provided to medical students at the Faculty of Medicine C... more The background of measurement theory is provided to medical students at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava (FMCU) within the biophysics course. The paper presents results of the research focused on collection of information about student's former physics education and characteristics of selected student's measurement skills (74 respondents). The research was realised using written questionnaire administered to 616 first-year-students and observation of 74 students during their practical training. In accordance to students' responses, totally 60% of them realized laboratory measurements as a part of their former physics education and more than three quarters of those students proceeded also measurement protocols (47% of all students). Short test and observation of students' practical skills showed that 35% of students did not discern the value of the smallest division while reading the measured value from a scale, 69% of students did not know to...

V prispevku je prezentovana jedna z poznavacich aktivit letneho denneho tabora SCHOLA LUDUS: Expe... more V prispevku je prezentovana jedna z poznavacich aktivit letneho denneho tabora SCHOLA LUDUS: Experimentareň 2015 – Pripad pre fyziku, ktoreho ustrednou temou bola aplikacia fyziky a prirodných vied v kriminalistike. Trasologia sa zaobera vznikom, vyhľadavanim, zaisťovanim a skumanim stop noh, obuvi, dopravných prostriedkov, casti ľudskeho tela, zvierat, predmetov a pod. s cieľom identifikovať uvedene objekty alebo zistiť ich skupinovu prislusnosť a objasniť okolnosti spojene so vznikom trasologickej stopy. Skumanim možno zistiť pritomnosť osob a predmetov na urcitom mieste, ich pohyb, ci premiestnenie, smer a sposob pohybu osob a predmetov. Z didaktickeho hľadiska kriminalistický kontext nielen využiva prirodzený zaujem deti riesiť zahady. Umožňuje nadviazať na roznorode vedomosti deti zo skoly i bežneho života, prepojiť ich a osadiť do noveho kontextu. Tvorivo objavna dielňa Trasologia ponuka ucastnikom možnosť prejsť od jednoducheho geometrickeho merania charakteristik chodze (...

Students of general medicine at Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava learn bioph... more Students of general medicine at Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava learn biophysics in three different forms 24 hours of face-to-face lectures, 36 hours of practical training and additional 140 hours of self-study. Different levels of students' initial knowledge combined with a lack of contemporary textbooks is a great challenge to develop a modern form of study material suitable for study managed by student themselves. The first version of the e-learning course “Practical training in Biophysics” was offered to experimental groups of general medicine students in the winter semester 2016/17. Data provided by the learning management system were analyzed in order to recognize students’ learning manners and preferences. Students used the course content in average during 24 ± 8 days during the semester. Study materials related to physical units’ conversion, measurement errors and essentials of statistical data processing were used by almost all students. Regarding ...
Dramatic increase in health information, higher requirements on patient safety, processing and st... more Dramatic increase in health information, higher requirements on patient safety, processing and storing data, facts which put new requirements on curriculum restructuring, giving priority to teaching in small groups and e-learning, as well as support to independent research, have intensified the need of quest for new motivation in educating health care professionals (GP KEGA MSVVaS SR c.052-4/2013). Nevertheless, in spite of all efforts to introduce contextual education, there is still a gap between theoretical and clinical environments. A large percentage of students have the feeling that they are not trained enough in determining anamneses, physical check ups, diagnostics and management of health care. It is expected that introducing medical simulations into current curricula will bridge this gap.

To ensure efficient, safe and accurate medical care, it is necessary that a doctor can choose the... more To ensure efficient, safe and accurate medical care, it is necessary that a doctor can choose the appropriate diagnostic or therapeutic method and use it properly. Doctors should be able also to evaluate the collected data and correctly interpret the result. Evidence-based medicine expects that healthcare professionals are able to understand scientific studies and to use them in decision making within patient care. High level of science process skills is becoming a sign of excellence in healthcare professions. The paper presents research realised at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava with the aim to monitor actual level of students’ science process skills and develop interventions to support their growth. Previous physics education and students’ experience was considered as the initial factor. Only 28% of medical students studying in English language and 68% of Slovak students declared in the personal questionnaire that they performed laboratory measurements a...
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2011
The SCHOLA LUDUS approach to educational games will be presented in this contribution by the game... more The SCHOLA LUDUS approach to educational games will be presented in this contribution by the game Duel on a labile salver in comparison with several free virtual games focused on mechanic balancing. The game Duel on a labile salver is focused on physics, specifically on understanding rotational effect of force and role of friction. The key developed concepts are: centre of mass, moment of force, system, (non-)equilibrium, sensitivity and stability. Several virtual games based on similar task-to balance the lever-can be found in internet. Can we use them to learn physics? What is the difference between the virtual and real game?
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Background: Genetic risk factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s diseas... more Background: Genetic risk factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the gene-gene interaction (epistasis) between specific allelic variants is only partially understood. Objective: In our study, we examined the presence of the ɛ4 allele of apolipoprotein E (APOE) and the presence of C677T and A1298C (rs1801133 and rs1801131) polymorphisms in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene in patients with AD and controls. We also evaluated the epistatic interaction between MTHFR and the APOE variants. Methods: A total of 564 patients with AD and 534 cognitively unimpaired age-matched controls were involved in the study. Results: The presence of the ɛ4 allele of APOE increases the risk of developing AD in a dose-dependent manner (OR 32.7: homozygotes, 15.6: homozygotes + heterozygotes, 14.3: heterozygotes). The combination of genotypes also increases the risk of developing AD in a dose-dependent manner: OR 18.3 (APOE 4/X and 4/4 + CT...
Scientia in educatione
V článku sú predstavené výsledky pedagogického výskumu zameraného na zistenie používania hry ako ... more V článku sú predstavené výsledky pedagogického výskumu zameraného na zistenie používania hry ako vyučovacej metódy vo fyzike a na identifikovanie faktorov ovplyvňujúcich používanie, resp. nepoužívanie hier učiteľmi fyziky nižšieho a vyššieho sekundárneho vzdelávania. V rámci výskumu boli zisťované a porovnávané postoje učiteľov, ktorí sa vyjadrili, že hru vo vyučovaní používajú a učiteľov, ktorí hru neoznačili ako nimi používanú vyučovaciu metódu. Výsledky výskumu poskytujú východiská pre tvorbu didaktických hier, ktoré budú reflektovať potreby, očakávania a obavy učiteľov, čo umožní širšie a efektívnejšie používanie hry ako vyučovacej metódy v prírodovednom vzdelávaní.
EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 2016
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
… (ICL), 2011 14th International Conference on, 2011
The SCHOLA LUDUS approach to educational games will be presented in this contribution by the game... more The SCHOLA LUDUS approach to educational games will be presented in this contribution by the game Duel on a labile salver in comparison with several free virtual games focused on mechanic balancing. The game Duel on a labile salver is focused on physics, specifically on understanding rotational effect of force and role of friction. The key developed concepts are: centre of mass, moment of force, system, (non-)equilibrium, sensitivity and stability. Several virtual games based on similar task-to balance the lever-can be found in internet. Can we use them to learn physics? What is the difference between the virtual and real game?
Papers by Viera Haverlikova