Papers by Vicente-Agustín Cloquell-Ballester
Packaging Technology and Science, 2007
Various studies have been conducted to determine the dynamics that single packages undergo during... more Various studies have been conducted to determine the dynamics that single packages undergo during distribution between destinations as a function of package size and weight and carrier. Previous studies have normally focused on regional and domestic measurements of these environments in Europe and North America. However, no information is available to determine the international handling and shipping environment of single parcels between the two continents. This study used instrumented packages containing triaxial accelerometers. The measured shocks were analysed to determine the velocity change levels as a function of the events measured in the distribution environment and to develop data for drop heights that can be used for package testing. This study provides a comparison of DHL and FedEx, the two largest international parcel carriers.
International Journal of Production Research, 2008
ABSTRACT In this paper we propose an indicator to measure the capacity of a slicing tree to gener... more ABSTRACT In this paper we propose an indicator to measure the capacity of a slicing tree to generate geometrically acceptable solutions for layout problems based on the slicing tree structure. This indicator can predict if, by making the appropriate cuts, the tree structure is able to generate layouts that satisfy the geometrical restrictions imposed on the items to be arranged. It also permits the determination of the most suitable aspect ratio of the layout zone in order to minimize non-compliance with the geometric restrictions. The method of calculating the indicator and its application to the facility layout problem are described, and the results obtained in the experiments carried out are also given.
A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, el agua es el recurso natural vital para la existencia... more A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, el agua es el recurso natural vital para la existencia de vida en nuestro planeta y ha sido la base para el desarrollo de los pueblos en el mundo, ya que en entorno al agua se originaron las primeras formas de sociedad, tal y como la concebimos, hoy en dia. Es por ello, que las poblaciones han almacenado y distribuido agua desde sus origenes, empleando desde las tecnicas mas primitivas hasta las infraestructuras y tecnologias mas sofisticadas de la actualidad. Por tanto, en este articulo se presenta una revision sinoptica que versa sobre el estado del arte de la integracion ambiental en la planificacion y gestion del servicio de agua potable, para la provision o abastecimiento de las ciudades desde una perspectiva multiple, que permita evidenciar como se gestiona el aprovechamiento del agua y su disponibilidad para el consumo, ya que a lo largo del Siglo XIX, hasta nuestros dias, las ciudades fueron incorporando sistemas de abastecimiento d...
El presente estudio muestra datos antropometricos obtenidos en funcion a 25 variables antropometr... more El presente estudio muestra datos antropometricos obtenidos en funcion a 25 variables antropometricas aplicadas a una muestra de investigacion de 384 ninos/as con discapacidad motriz en edad escolar de entre 5 a 10 anos que tienen algun tipo de discapacidad, que han servido para el diseno de un prototipo de silla y mesa escolar, basado en una metodologia de diseno creada para el efecto en funcion a criterios de seguridad, confortabilidad y accesibilidad.
El turismo es una alternativa para el desarrollo local cuya implementacion se debe proponer en co... more El turismo es una alternativa para el desarrollo local cuya implementacion se debe proponer en complementaridad y compatibilidad con las actividades tradicionales actuales, respetando las caracteristicas del medio natural, identificando las potencialidades que puedan estimular el crecimiento economico o las limitantes que pueden agravar los problemas ambientales. Se adapto el metodo empirico para determinar la capacidad de acogida del territorio y se aplico en Timotes, Venezuela, para proponer la metodologia como una herramienta pragmatica que facilite la ordenacion de areas rurales con potencial turistico. Esto porque al sistematizar la informacion de la base natural, enriquece el diagnostico ambiental, y se construye una plataforma solida y objetiva de informacion para proponer actuaciones mas consonas con la vocacion del territorio. El estudio de la vocacion natural del territorio en Timotes, permitio definir trece unidades ambientales cuya valoracion y capacidad de acogida deter...
En primer lugar se presenta un analisis dimensional, historico y critico del problema de la local... more En primer lugar se presenta un analisis dimensional, historico y critico del problema de la localizacion de actividades economicas. Asimismo, se aporta una recopilacion de los factores de localizacion propuestos por diversos autores, asi como una reflexion sobre el presente de los factores de localizacion frente al cambio de paradigma. Como aportacion original, se propone un nuevo modelo de localizacion de actividades economicas que, siendo general y contingente de las teorias y modelos preexistentes, supera las carencia detectadas en los mismos, partiendo del concepto de "tablar de localizacion" de cinco dimensiones, superando asi los modelos planos de localizacion. Con el fin de domostrar la bondad y la factibilidad del modelo, se ha llevado a cabo el calculo teorico del potencial de localizacion de la Comunidad Valenciana y se ha comparado con la distribucion real de la concentracion industrial en dicha comunidad autonoma, haibendose obtenido unos resultados favorables.
Ecodiseno Y Sostenibilidad, May 24, 2012
completo (MPL-completo). El resultado del modelo es una imagen que representa la adecuación del t... more completo (MPL-completo). El resultado del modelo es una imagen que representa la adecuación del territorio para albergar actividades económicas. El modelo contempla el uso de técnicas y herramientas para la determinación de la localización de actividades económicas considerando las variables: área geográfica, alternativas de localización, factores de localización, tipo de actividad económica, escala espacial del análisis y escala temporal. El modelo se desarrolla por primera vez para en el estado de Baja California en México. Para ejecutar dicho modelo se consideraron el uso de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) y el método de decisión multicriterio AHP. Adicionalmente se presentan: una alternativa de consenso al trabajar con Método Delphi y se propone un indicador de influencia factorial en función de la distancia a la actividad económica de interés, y un sistema de administración de capas temáticas que incluye una forma única de codificación.
Anuario Turismo Y Sociedad, May 20, 2013
1), Yoston Contreras M. (2), Darío Garay J. (2). RESUMEN Dentro de la concepción del Diseño Ambie... more 1), Yoston Contreras M. (2), Darío Garay J. (2). RESUMEN Dentro de la concepción del Diseño Ambientalmente Integrado (dAI), se realizaron las mejoras del diseño de producto y proceso de manufactura de tableros aglomerados de partículas de caña brava (Gynerium sagittatum) y adhesivo fenol -formaldehído (FF), resinosidad (R) de 10% y 13%. La investigación práctica se efectuó en el Laboratorio Nacional de Productos Forestales, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. La fase de diseño del producto y análisis de resultados se realizó en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), España. Se convalidaron los resultados con las normas venezolanas (COVENIN) y cubanas (Tecnoazúcar). Por la visión integradora del Diseño Ambientalmente Integrado se determinaron resultados positivos en el diseño del producto, del proceso de manufactura y valores en las propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Para Venezuela, la propuesta de elaborar tableros a partir de caña brava y otras gramíneas es innovadora...
Se realizo una investigacion sobre el diagnostico y analisis del estado del arte referido a la ac... more Se realizo una investigacion sobre el diagnostico y analisis del estado del arte referido a la actualizacion de los conceptos de productos forestales y su clasificacion. El contexto analizado fue a partir de la consulta de la bibliografia mas relevante publicada hasta el presente (revistas, boletines tecnicos, libros y paginas web), en relacion a la ciencia y tecnologia de la madera y sus productos forestales. Se denoto que existe un amplio uso del termino producto forestal, pero muy poca bibliografia que lo define tecnicamente, y lo resenado, se encuentra descontextualizado respecto a los grandes avances tecnologicos y cientificos acontecidos en el sector forestal en los ultimos anos, especialmente en la ultima decada. Se presenta una propuesta conceptual y taxonomica que define al producto forestal de forma global, asi como al resto de los que se derivan del proceso de transformacion industrial de la madera solida. Se considera fundamental la difusion del presente trabajo dentro del gremio forestal, y de los profesionales de la arquitectura, ingenieria y del diseno industrial, en razon de poder buscar una mayor uniformidad conceptual en el ambito internacional que involucre el uso del material madera y sus productos forestales derivados.
Proposals for new construction materials should consider such requirements as quality, costs, and... more Proposals for new construction materials should consider such requirements as quality, costs, and safety for humans and the environment. A consideration should also be given to the life cycle of such materials. A proposal for the manufacturing of composite boards from bitter cane and other gramineous plants (bamboo and guadua) could be considered a positive alternative projection of the forest industry for construction materials. Taking into account that the forest industry generates environmental impacts, the AC V- Coclowen Method defines the sustainability levels in the manufacturing cycle of bitter cane composite boards from raw materials, manufacturing processes, end use, and final disposal of potential contaminants it was determined that the most significant harming impact is represented by the phenol based adhesive and the production and drying of bitter cane particles. The evaluation results generated some recommendation on technical aspects to be considered at the moment the...
Waste Management, 2014
Packaging is expected to become the leading application for nano-composites by 2020 due to the gr... more Packaging is expected to become the leading application for nano-composites by 2020 due to the great advantages on mechanical and active properties achieved with these substances. As novel materials, and although there are some current applications in the market, there is still unknown areas under development. One key issue to be addressed is to know more about the implications of the nano-composite packaging materials once they become waste. The present study evaluates the extrusion process of four nanomaterials (Layered silicate modified nanoclay (Nanoclay1), Calcium Carbonate (CaCO 3), Silver (Ag) and Zinc Oxide (ZnO) as part of different virgin polymer matrices of polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethyleneterephtalate (PET). Thus, the following film plastic materials: (PE-Nanoclay1, PE-CaCO 3 , PP-Ag, PET-ZnO, PET-Ag, PET-Nanoclay1) have been processed considering different recycling scenarios. Results on recyclability show that for PE and PP, in general terms and except for some minor variations in yellowness index, tensile modulus, tensile strength and tear strength (PE with Nanoclay1, PP with Ag), the introduction of nanomaterial in the recycling streams for plastic films does not affect the final recycled plastic material in terms of mechanical properties and material quality compared to conventional recycled plastic. Regarding PET, results show that the increasing addition of nanomaterial into the recycled PET matrix (especially PET-Ag) could influence important properties of the recycled material, due to a slight degradation of the polymer, such as increasing pinholes, degradation fumes and elongation at break. Moreover, it should be noted that colour deviations were visible in most of the samples (PE, PP and PET) in levels higher than 0.3 units (limit perceivable by the human eye). The acceptance of these changes in the properties of recycled PE, PP and PET will depend on the specific applications considered (e.g. packaging applications are more strict in material quality that urban furniture or construction products).
Packaging Technology and Science, 2011
Because of the negative environmental impact of using traditional polymeric materials for cushion... more Because of the negative environmental impact of using traditional polymeric materials for cushioning in protective packaging, the interest in optimization of cushion design resulting in replacement or reduction of the amount of cushioning materials has increased in recent years. It has been generally accepted that the shock absorbing characteristics for cushioning materials are presented as the so-called cushion curves, i.e. graphs of peak acceleration of shocks versus the corresponding static stress, presented over a range of static stress conditions for a specific material thickness and at a specific drop height. The cushion curves are mainly used to design and optimize cushion packaging. This information is specific to each packaging manufacturer, particular chemical formulation and manufacturing process. The traditional method to obtain cushion curves of a specific material is described in ASTM D1596, but this method requires enormous amounts of test data, is time consuming and expensive. For this reason, cushion curves provided by manufacturers are rarely updated and often are obsolete. In recent years, alternative methods have been developed to obtain cushion curves in a significantly shorter time required for testing. To achieve a wide use of these methods, it is necessary to know their accuracy in comparison with the ASTM D1596 method. The objective of this paper is to compare two of those alternative methods with the standard ASTM D1596 method, by applying them to obtain the cushion curves of two typical cushioning materials. More specifically, the single compression data method developed by Sek et al. and the stress-energy method (dynamic stress versus dynamic energy) developed by Burgess were applied to obtain cushion curves for expanded polystyrene with density 15kg/m 3 and for polyethylene EthafoamW (Modisprem S.A. Zaragoza, Spain) with density 29kg/m 3 and are presented in this paper. The effectiveness of these alternative methods for developing cushion curves and their advantages, disadvantages and limitations are discussed.
Packaging Technology and Science, 2009
Packaging Technology and Science, 2011
This paper presents the initial results of a study aimed at improving the method by which the vib... more This paper presents the initial results of a study aimed at improving the method by which the vibrations produced by transport vehicles are characterised and simulated. More specifically, this paper focuses on the rigid body vibrations generated by road transport vehicles in the context of distribution of packaged goods and produce. The research uses a variety of vibration data, collected from various vehicle types and routes in Spain and Australia with high-capacity vibration recorders. Vehicles used range from small transport vehicles to large truck-trailers with both airbags and steel spring suspensions while the routes travelled include suburban streets, main roads and motorways. The paper discusses the significance and limitations of the average power spectral density (PSD) and explains why the average PSD is not always adequate as the sole descriptor of road vehicle vibrations as the process generally tends to be non-stationary and non-Gaussian. The paper adopts an alternative analysis method, based on the statistical distribution of the moving root-mean-square (RMS) vibrations, as a supplementary indicator of overall ride quality. The measured data was used to compute the statistical distribution of each vibration record, the shape of which was compared for the entire set of records. The suitability of various mathematical models, based on the Weibull and Rayleigh distributions were investigated for describing the probability distribution function (PDF) of road vehicle vibration RMS time history. The paper proposes a single mathematical model that can accurately describe the statistical character of the random vibrations generated by road vehicles in general. It shows that the model can also effectively describe the statistical parameters of the process namely the mean, median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.
International Journal of Production Research, 2008
This article puts forward a two-phase genetic algorithm able to solve facility layout problems st... more This article puts forward a two-phase genetic algorithm able to solve facility layout problems strictly respecting the geometric constraints imposed on activities. In the first phase the algorithm attempts to locate an optimum slicing tree to group the activities appropriately. In the second phase the layout is obtained from this tree. In order to assess the slicing trees in the first phase we propose an evaluation function able to predict if, by making the appropriate cuts, the tree structure is able to generate layouts that satisfy the geometric restrictions imposed on the facilities to be arranged, and to minimize the cost of transporting materials between the production activities. It also permits the determination of the most suitable aspect ratio of the layout zone in order to minimize non-compliance with the geometric restrictions. The algorithm and the method of calculating the indicator proposed in the evaluation function are described, and the results obtained in the experiments carried out are also given.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2007
During distribution, consignments undergo numerous handling processes both mechanized and manual.... more During distribution, consignments undergo numerous handling processes both mechanized and manual. These operations are known to produce drops and impacts of varying severity which have a potential to cause damage to the product. These shocks are the main parameters required for the optimum design of protective packaging systems. The severity of the shocks is often described in terms of their effective (free-fall equivalent) drop height (EDH) and impact orientation, in order to facilitate the laboratory testing conducted on a free-fall apparatus. The preferred approach is to survey the shocks with self-contained tri-axial shock recorders and process the data in such a way that statistical distributions of expected drop heights and orientations are obtained. On the other hand the Real Drop Height (RDH) method, based on the measurement of free fall time, is also used, mainly to discriminate between free-fall events and more commonly occurring complex causes of shocks, primarily for the quality control of distribution environment. The focus of the paper is on the EDH method and on the use of characteristic parameters of the tri-axial acceleration shock pulse to determine the EDH. An accurate estimate of the coefficient of restitution between the instrumented test package and the impact surface must be known and this poses a problem as it cannot always be established for every event during distribution. Consequently, the adopted approach is to calibrate an instrumented test package and obtain an estimate of the coefficient of restitution between the package and a test impact surface which is generally assumed to be hard relative to the cushioned package. The paper addresses the pitfalls and investigates various algorithms of determining the EDH from recorded shock data. It presents an analysis of the influence and errors associated with various methods used to estimate velocity change from characteristic parameters of a shock pulse such as the pulse width, the peak acceleration and its temporal location. The effects of analyzing the orthogonal acceleration vectors separately, as opposed to the resultant vector, are discussed. The results of a number of free-fall experiments, undertaken in controlled conditions, are used to validate and calibrate the proposed method for determining the EDH for free-fall drops on hard surfaces.
Packaging Technology and Science, 2008
Packaging Technology and Science, 2014
ABSTRACT Even though research on nanotechnology has increased rapidly in the last decades, the ap... more ABSTRACT Even though research on nanotechnology has increased rapidly in the last decades, the application of nanotechnology in food and beverage packaging started to show an interest in the scientific community much more recently. Food safety, quality and improvements of properties compared with conventional materials make nanomaterials very attractive in the field of food and beverage packaging applications. Furthermore, in many cases, nanomaterials are used for both food packaging and the food contained, especially when we talk about nanomaterials for active and intelligent packaging. Oxygen scavengers, antimicrobial nanomaterials and nanobiosensors are some examples of current research efforts on nanomaterials for food packaging. This fact has led to a variety of nanoparticles and nanomaterials. The wide range of existing nanomaterials could make its selection for food packaging applications a challenge. Thus, building up a map based on the current state-of-the-art nanoparticles and nanomaterials is required. Furthermore, there is a need to classify all the nanomaterials used specifically in food packaging, independently of their nature, the packaging material and the way they are integrated to this material. In this paper, a classification of the latest advances in this field was made accompanied by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in order to find which are the most relevant (and/or expected to be potentially exploited in the near future) nanomaterials in the area of food packaging. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009
Wind energy represents one of the most important renewable resources. However, despite the fact t... more Wind energy represents one of the most important renewable resources. However, despite the fact that wind farms are represented as environmentally friendly projects, they frequently encounter public resistance. One of the main criticisms of wind farm construction projects is directed at their poor aesthetic integration into the landscape. This work develops an indicator to assess the magnitude of the objective aesthetic impact on the landscape caused by the installation of the wind farm. The indicator combines measures of visibility, colour, fractality and continuity which can be taken from photographs. Value functions are constructed for each variable and incorporated into the indicator. This indicator has been used to calculate the objective aesthetic impact of five wind farms. Comparison of the indicator results with a population survey shows that the indicator correctly represents the order of impact as perceived by the population sample, and is thus an appropriate objective measure of aesthetic impact of wind farms.
Papers by Vicente-Agustín Cloquell-Ballester