Nigde Universitesi Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2008
Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administrat... more Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administration, which is the result of mutual influences between citizens and administration, can be different from one place to another. Despite the fact that we may observe differences in degree of participation to administration, certain criterions should be identified to talk about the participation to administration. Otherwise, it may not possible to claim the existence / absence or the degree of the participation to administration. Participation to local administration which is an important part of participation to administration is gaining importance in democratic societies day by day. In this study, Citizens’ tendencies to participate to the local administration in the city of Nigde by undertaking a questionnaire survey which is designed by taking into the main criteria of the participation.
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2008
Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administrat... more Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administration, which is the result of mutual influences between citizens and administration, can be different from one place to another. Despite the fact that we may observe differences in degree of participation to administration, certain criterions should be identified to talk about the participation to administration. Otherwise, it may not possible to claim the existence / absence or the degree of the participation to administration. Participation to local administration which is an important part of participation to administration is gaining importance in democratic societies day by day. In this study, Citizens’ tendencies to participate to the local administration in the city of Nigde by undertaking a questionnaire survey which is designed by taking into the main criteria of the participation.
Kentler, tarih boyunca toplumun ve yonetim sisteminin temel parcasi olma ozelligini korumustur. G... more Kentler, tarih boyunca toplumun ve yonetim sisteminin temel parcasi olma ozelligini korumustur. Gunumuzde de kentler toplumsal, ekonomik ve kulturel ozellikleri nedeniyle demokratik gelismenin merkezinde yer almaktadir. Ancak kentler her gecen gun sorunlarin arttigi ve buna paralel olarak cozumlerin de zorlastigi mekanlar haline gelmistir. Nufus artisi, cevre kirliligi, imar sorunlari, trafik gibi kente iliskin pek cok sorun, her ulkede oncelikle cozum beklemektedir. Ayrica kuresellesme sureci kentlerin sorunlarini daha da agirlastirmistir. Kent yoneticileri, kentlerin bir yandan giderek artan sorunlari, diger yandan sosyo-ekonomik gelismedeki rolu nedeniyle daha iyi performans gostermek zorundadirlar. Bu kosullar altinda, ozellikle, kent belediyelerinde “lider” yoneticilere gereksinim duyulmaktadir. Bu calisma, kent yonetiminde onemli bir rolu olan belediye baskanlarinda bulunmasi gereken nitelikleri, yurttaslarin gozuyle tespit etmeyi amaclayan bir alan arastirmasina dayanmaktadir.
Neoliberal policies after 1980 aimed at reforming public administration, especially owing to fina... more Neoliberal policies after 1980 aimed at reforming public administration, especially owing to financial budget deficit, in terms of both central and local administrations. In this study, local administration reforms in Turkey, Germany and France have been studied comperatively taking method of change together into consideration. The comparison focuses on similarities and distinctness of the above-mentioned countries from two aspects, namely, the first one is functional change between central and local governments (with the help of vertical point of view) and the second one is regulation of the relations between local governments and market or third sector (with the help of horizontal point of view). The second reconsideration surely positions evoluation from “local government” to “local governence” which is in the process of reform into the center of the discussion. The purpose of the study is to reveal comperatively the institutional and functional changes emerging during process o...
Bilgi teknolojisi ve internet alanindaki hizli gelismeye paralel olarak ozel ve kamu sektoru kuru... more Bilgi teknolojisi ve internet alanindaki hizli gelismeye paralel olarak ozel ve kamu sektoru kuruluslari insan kaynaklari yonetimlerini bu degisime uygun hale getirmek zorunda kalmaktadirlar. Temel varlik nedenlerinden birisi mahalli halka "hizmet goturmek" olan yerel yonetim orgutleri, hizmet sunumunu gerceklestirirken onemli olcude insan kaynaklarina bagimlidir. Bu insanlarin kalitesi ve motivasyonu, hem fiziki hem de sanal belediye ortaminda belirleyici faktorler olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu nedenle e-yonetim uygulamasi yonunde karar alinmasi, insan kaynaklari yonetimine iliskin konulari dogrudan gundeme getirmektedir. Bu calisma e-yonetim uygulamalarinin vazgecilmez kosulunun, islevsel bir insan kaynaklari yonetimine sahip olmak oldugundan hareketle e-insan kaynaklari yonetimini tartismaktadir.
Gunumuzun baskin yonetim paradigmasi, siyasal, yonetsel, mali boyutlari bulunan yerel ozerklik ka... more Gunumuzun baskin yonetim paradigmasi, siyasal, yonetsel, mali boyutlari bulunan yerel ozerklik kavramini, bir ulkedeki demokratiklesmenin belirgin gostergelerinden biri olarak gormektedir. Ulusal ve uluslar arasi bilimsel ve siyasal tartismalarda da yerel ozerklik, goz ardi edilemeyecek duzeyde savunulmaktadir. Benzer bicimde siyasal partiler de, demokrasinin en onemli aktorleri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bir ulkede hazirlanan veya gelecekte hazirlanacak olan kamu politikalarinin olusum surecinde siyasal partilerin rolu buyuktur. Bu bakimdan, siyasal partilerin yerel ozerklige bakisi, siyasetin ve kamuoyunun onemli gundemlerinden birini olusturan konulardan biridir. Bu calisma, siyasi partilerin ozerklige bakisinin Turkiye'de gelecek on yillarda ne yonde gelisecegiyle ilgili kestirimlerde bulunmamiza olanak saglayacaktir. Calismada, Turkiye'de siyasal partilerin yerel ozerklik olgusu konusundaki politikalari degerlendirilmistir. Bu dogrultuda, partilerin secim beyannamelerin...
Kamu hizmetlerinin sunumunda ve kamusal kaynaklarin kullaniminda yerel yonetimlerin agirligi her ... more Kamu hizmetlerinin sunumunda ve kamusal kaynaklarin kullaniminda yerel yonetimlerin agirligi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Bunun en temel nedenleri arasinda, kamu hizmetinin nitelik ve nicelik olarak artmasi, kentlesmenin yogunlasmasi, demokratiklesmenin gelismesi ve ulkemiz acisindan Avrupa Birligi Politikalarinin etkisi sayilabilir. Nitekim ulkemizde yerel yonetim reformlari uzun yillar giderek yogunlasan bir bicimde tartisilmistir ve tartisilmaya da devam edecektir. Bu calisma, 2004 ve 2005 yillarinda degistirilen Belediye Kanunu ve Buyuksehir Belediyesi Kanununun, bu kanunlari kullanan ve uygulayan belediye yoneticileri tarafindan nasil algilandigini tespit etmeye odaklanmistir. Yerel yoneticilerin mevzuat degisikligini nasil algiladigini tespit edebilmek amaciyla, kanunlarla getirilen yeni duzenlemeler ile akademik ve siyasi cevrelerde soz konusu degisme iliskin elestiriler ve ovguler goz onunde tutularak bir anket formu hazirlanmis ve bu anket formu belediye yoneticilerine uygula...
20. yy' in baslarindan itibaren cesitli nedenlerden dolayi devletin islevlerinde ve buna bagl... more 20. yy' in baslarindan itibaren cesitli nedenlerden dolayi devletin islevlerinde ve buna bagli olarak orgutsel yapisinda bir genisleme yasanmistir. Buna paralel olarak her sey devletten beklenmeye baslanmistir. Ancak yuzyilin sonunda devlet islevlerindeki bu artis tersine donerek, kamu hizmeti olarak nitelendirilen hizmetlerin sinirlandirilmasi cabalari ortaya cikmistir. Bu cabalarin en etkili olani kuskusuz ozellestirme olmustur. Ancak kamunun elindeki arac, gerec, mal ve hizmetlerin mulkiyetinin ulusal ya da yabanci ozel sektor kuruluslarina devredilmesi bir cok tartismayi da beraberinde getirmistir. Bu tartismalarin en kayda deger olanlarindan birisi, ozellestirme yerine kamuya ait kurumlarda ve kamunun is gorme yontemlerinde rekabeti savunan gorusler olmustur. Bu calisma, ozellikle yerel hizmetlerin ozellestirilmesine alternatif olarak rekabet mekanizmalarinin kullanilabilecegini savunmaktadir.
Dunya capinda milyonlarca insan catisma, dogal afet, zulum, siddet ya da insan haklari ihlalleri ... more Dunya capinda milyonlarca insan catisma, dogal afet, zulum, siddet ya da insan haklari ihlalleri gibi olaylardan etkilenmektedir. Bu olaylar insanlarin vatanlarindan uzaklasmalarina ve baska ulkelere siginmalarina sebep olmaktadir. Gunumuzde patlak veren multeci krizinin isiginda “multeci” kavrami, ozellikle medya tarafindan, yanlis yere, siginmaci ve gocmen kavramlari ile esanlamda kullanilmaktadir. Bu ciddi sorunlara yol acabilmektedir. Ornegin, halk arasinda konu ile ilgili karmasiklik olusabilmektedir ve bu dogrultuda ulkelerin izledigi multeci politikasina anlam vermekte zorluk yasanabilmektedir. Fakat en onemlisi, ulkesindeki tehlikelerden kacan bireylerin yanlis tanimlanmasi olum ve kalimin arasindaki ince cizgiyi belirtebilmektedir. Karmasikligi aydinliga kavusturmak amaciyla, bu calismada, oncelikle, “gocmen’’, “siginmaci’’ ve “multeci’’ kavramlari ulusal ve uluslarasi mevzuata dayanarak tanimlanmaktadir. I nsanlar goc karari alirken itme, cekme ve kisisel faktorlerden etki...
International Journal of Academic Value Studies (Javstudies JAVS), 2018
In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public manag... more In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public management made the authority and resource communion between central management and the local management improve in favour of the latter. As local managements have more authority and resource opportunity, they may consider this opportunity with forming them effectively and efficiently by revising their decision process and by reforming. As Turkey improved its metropolitan municipality experience remarkably since 1984, it took a step for a new condition with its new metropolitan municipality law( except İstanbul and Kocaeli) and accepted the city border as a metropolitan municipality border so expanding the scale. Metropolitan municipality have more service and authority, more resources to govern and more citizens to request service. This significant developments in the governance of the metropolitan municipality made their governance and especially revise the apprehension and implementation o...
İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi …, 2011
... Bu yeni biçimler demokratik isleyisi orta vadede köklü bir biçimde degistirme potansiyelini .... more ... Bu yeni biçimler demokratik isleyisi orta vadede köklü bir biçimde degistirme potansiyelini ... devletten, hem kamu hizmetlerinin saglanmasi, bitirilmesi, yapilmasi ve sunulmasi sürecinin (e-idare ... devlete ait birimlerin bilgi, planlama ve karar süreçlerinin (e-demokrasi) modern bilgi ...
International Journal of Academic Value Studies (Javstudies JAVS)
In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public manag... more In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public management made the authority and resource communion between central management and the local management improve in favour of the latter. As local managements have more authority and resource opportunity, they may consider this opportunity with forming them effectively and efficiently by revising their decision process and by reforming. As Turkey improved its metropolitan municipality experience remarkably since 1984, it took a step for a new condition with its new metropolitan municipality law( except İstanbul and Kocaeli) and accepted the city border as a metropolitan municipality border so expanding the scale. Metropolitan municipality have more service and authority, more resources to govern and more citizens to request service. This significant developments in the governance of the metropolitan municipality made their governance and especially revise the apprehension and implementation of the decision making necessary. In this study; With the Law no. 6360, the level of emphasis on the opinions and suggestions of the nurses in the decision-making process is measured with the possibilities of uncovering the problems in the decision making process in Hatay Metropolitan Municipality which is the new metropolis and the "participation of the people in decision making processes" which is the basic principle of democratic administration. Surveys, face-to-face surveys, observation and literature screening methods were applied with multiple choice response forms. Part of the research findings are as follows: In Hatay, the level of participation of the people in the decision making process in the Metropolitan Municipality is low and the level of being informed is low. There is not enough interaction with the public in order to increase efficiency and productivity of decision processes. Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality is partially involved with the public. Finally, the members of provincial council, the decision body, are not recognized by the majority of the respondents. These findings show that the infrastructure of the principle of "doing the right things with the right method" which is the basic element for efficiency and productivity in the decision making processes of Hatay Metropolitan Municipality can not be established and that the views and suggestions of the people are not sufficiently taken into consideration for "participation" which is the basic principle of democratic management.
Nigde Universitesi Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2008
Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administrat... more Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administration, which is the result of mutual influences between citizens and administration, can be different from one place to another. Despite the fact that we may observe differences in degree of participation to administration, certain criterions should be identified to talk about the participation to administration. Otherwise, it may not possible to claim the existence / absence or the degree of the participation to administration. Participation to local administration which is an important part of participation to administration is gaining importance in democratic societies day by day. In this study, Citizens’ tendencies to participate to the local administration in the city of Nigde by undertaking a questionnaire survey which is designed by taking into the main criteria of the participation.
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2008
Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administrat... more Citizens’ Participation in Local Administration in the City of Nigde Participation to administration, which is the result of mutual influences between citizens and administration, can be different from one place to another. Despite the fact that we may observe differences in degree of participation to administration, certain criterions should be identified to talk about the participation to administration. Otherwise, it may not possible to claim the existence / absence or the degree of the participation to administration. Participation to local administration which is an important part of participation to administration is gaining importance in democratic societies day by day. In this study, Citizens’ tendencies to participate to the local administration in the city of Nigde by undertaking a questionnaire survey which is designed by taking into the main criteria of the participation.
Kentler, tarih boyunca toplumun ve yonetim sisteminin temel parcasi olma ozelligini korumustur. G... more Kentler, tarih boyunca toplumun ve yonetim sisteminin temel parcasi olma ozelligini korumustur. Gunumuzde de kentler toplumsal, ekonomik ve kulturel ozellikleri nedeniyle demokratik gelismenin merkezinde yer almaktadir. Ancak kentler her gecen gun sorunlarin arttigi ve buna paralel olarak cozumlerin de zorlastigi mekanlar haline gelmistir. Nufus artisi, cevre kirliligi, imar sorunlari, trafik gibi kente iliskin pek cok sorun, her ulkede oncelikle cozum beklemektedir. Ayrica kuresellesme sureci kentlerin sorunlarini daha da agirlastirmistir. Kent yoneticileri, kentlerin bir yandan giderek artan sorunlari, diger yandan sosyo-ekonomik gelismedeki rolu nedeniyle daha iyi performans gostermek zorundadirlar. Bu kosullar altinda, ozellikle, kent belediyelerinde “lider” yoneticilere gereksinim duyulmaktadir. Bu calisma, kent yonetiminde onemli bir rolu olan belediye baskanlarinda bulunmasi gereken nitelikleri, yurttaslarin gozuyle tespit etmeyi amaclayan bir alan arastirmasina dayanmaktadir.
Neoliberal policies after 1980 aimed at reforming public administration, especially owing to fina... more Neoliberal policies after 1980 aimed at reforming public administration, especially owing to financial budget deficit, in terms of both central and local administrations. In this study, local administration reforms in Turkey, Germany and France have been studied comperatively taking method of change together into consideration. The comparison focuses on similarities and distinctness of the above-mentioned countries from two aspects, namely, the first one is functional change between central and local governments (with the help of vertical point of view) and the second one is regulation of the relations between local governments and market or third sector (with the help of horizontal point of view). The second reconsideration surely positions evoluation from “local government” to “local governence” which is in the process of reform into the center of the discussion. The purpose of the study is to reveal comperatively the institutional and functional changes emerging during process o...
Bilgi teknolojisi ve internet alanindaki hizli gelismeye paralel olarak ozel ve kamu sektoru kuru... more Bilgi teknolojisi ve internet alanindaki hizli gelismeye paralel olarak ozel ve kamu sektoru kuruluslari insan kaynaklari yonetimlerini bu degisime uygun hale getirmek zorunda kalmaktadirlar. Temel varlik nedenlerinden birisi mahalli halka "hizmet goturmek" olan yerel yonetim orgutleri, hizmet sunumunu gerceklestirirken onemli olcude insan kaynaklarina bagimlidir. Bu insanlarin kalitesi ve motivasyonu, hem fiziki hem de sanal belediye ortaminda belirleyici faktorler olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu nedenle e-yonetim uygulamasi yonunde karar alinmasi, insan kaynaklari yonetimine iliskin konulari dogrudan gundeme getirmektedir. Bu calisma e-yonetim uygulamalarinin vazgecilmez kosulunun, islevsel bir insan kaynaklari yonetimine sahip olmak oldugundan hareketle e-insan kaynaklari yonetimini tartismaktadir.
Gunumuzun baskin yonetim paradigmasi, siyasal, yonetsel, mali boyutlari bulunan yerel ozerklik ka... more Gunumuzun baskin yonetim paradigmasi, siyasal, yonetsel, mali boyutlari bulunan yerel ozerklik kavramini, bir ulkedeki demokratiklesmenin belirgin gostergelerinden biri olarak gormektedir. Ulusal ve uluslar arasi bilimsel ve siyasal tartismalarda da yerel ozerklik, goz ardi edilemeyecek duzeyde savunulmaktadir. Benzer bicimde siyasal partiler de, demokrasinin en onemli aktorleri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bir ulkede hazirlanan veya gelecekte hazirlanacak olan kamu politikalarinin olusum surecinde siyasal partilerin rolu buyuktur. Bu bakimdan, siyasal partilerin yerel ozerklige bakisi, siyasetin ve kamuoyunun onemli gundemlerinden birini olusturan konulardan biridir. Bu calisma, siyasi partilerin ozerklige bakisinin Turkiye'de gelecek on yillarda ne yonde gelisecegiyle ilgili kestirimlerde bulunmamiza olanak saglayacaktir. Calismada, Turkiye'de siyasal partilerin yerel ozerklik olgusu konusundaki politikalari degerlendirilmistir. Bu dogrultuda, partilerin secim beyannamelerin...
Kamu hizmetlerinin sunumunda ve kamusal kaynaklarin kullaniminda yerel yonetimlerin agirligi her ... more Kamu hizmetlerinin sunumunda ve kamusal kaynaklarin kullaniminda yerel yonetimlerin agirligi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Bunun en temel nedenleri arasinda, kamu hizmetinin nitelik ve nicelik olarak artmasi, kentlesmenin yogunlasmasi, demokratiklesmenin gelismesi ve ulkemiz acisindan Avrupa Birligi Politikalarinin etkisi sayilabilir. Nitekim ulkemizde yerel yonetim reformlari uzun yillar giderek yogunlasan bir bicimde tartisilmistir ve tartisilmaya da devam edecektir. Bu calisma, 2004 ve 2005 yillarinda degistirilen Belediye Kanunu ve Buyuksehir Belediyesi Kanununun, bu kanunlari kullanan ve uygulayan belediye yoneticileri tarafindan nasil algilandigini tespit etmeye odaklanmistir. Yerel yoneticilerin mevzuat degisikligini nasil algiladigini tespit edebilmek amaciyla, kanunlarla getirilen yeni duzenlemeler ile akademik ve siyasi cevrelerde soz konusu degisme iliskin elestiriler ve ovguler goz onunde tutularak bir anket formu hazirlanmis ve bu anket formu belediye yoneticilerine uygula...
20. yy' in baslarindan itibaren cesitli nedenlerden dolayi devletin islevlerinde ve buna bagl... more 20. yy' in baslarindan itibaren cesitli nedenlerden dolayi devletin islevlerinde ve buna bagli olarak orgutsel yapisinda bir genisleme yasanmistir. Buna paralel olarak her sey devletten beklenmeye baslanmistir. Ancak yuzyilin sonunda devlet islevlerindeki bu artis tersine donerek, kamu hizmeti olarak nitelendirilen hizmetlerin sinirlandirilmasi cabalari ortaya cikmistir. Bu cabalarin en etkili olani kuskusuz ozellestirme olmustur. Ancak kamunun elindeki arac, gerec, mal ve hizmetlerin mulkiyetinin ulusal ya da yabanci ozel sektor kuruluslarina devredilmesi bir cok tartismayi da beraberinde getirmistir. Bu tartismalarin en kayda deger olanlarindan birisi, ozellestirme yerine kamuya ait kurumlarda ve kamunun is gorme yontemlerinde rekabeti savunan gorusler olmustur. Bu calisma, ozellikle yerel hizmetlerin ozellestirilmesine alternatif olarak rekabet mekanizmalarinin kullanilabilecegini savunmaktadir.
Dunya capinda milyonlarca insan catisma, dogal afet, zulum, siddet ya da insan haklari ihlalleri ... more Dunya capinda milyonlarca insan catisma, dogal afet, zulum, siddet ya da insan haklari ihlalleri gibi olaylardan etkilenmektedir. Bu olaylar insanlarin vatanlarindan uzaklasmalarina ve baska ulkelere siginmalarina sebep olmaktadir. Gunumuzde patlak veren multeci krizinin isiginda “multeci” kavrami, ozellikle medya tarafindan, yanlis yere, siginmaci ve gocmen kavramlari ile esanlamda kullanilmaktadir. Bu ciddi sorunlara yol acabilmektedir. Ornegin, halk arasinda konu ile ilgili karmasiklik olusabilmektedir ve bu dogrultuda ulkelerin izledigi multeci politikasina anlam vermekte zorluk yasanabilmektedir. Fakat en onemlisi, ulkesindeki tehlikelerden kacan bireylerin yanlis tanimlanmasi olum ve kalimin arasindaki ince cizgiyi belirtebilmektedir. Karmasikligi aydinliga kavusturmak amaciyla, bu calismada, oncelikle, “gocmen’’, “siginmaci’’ ve “multeci’’ kavramlari ulusal ve uluslarasi mevzuata dayanarak tanimlanmaktadir. I nsanlar goc karari alirken itme, cekme ve kisisel faktorlerden etki...
International Journal of Academic Value Studies (Javstudies JAVS), 2018
In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public manag... more In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public management made the authority and resource communion between central management and the local management improve in favour of the latter. As local managements have more authority and resource opportunity, they may consider this opportunity with forming them effectively and efficiently by revising their decision process and by reforming. As Turkey improved its metropolitan municipality experience remarkably since 1984, it took a step for a new condition with its new metropolitan municipality law( except İstanbul and Kocaeli) and accepted the city border as a metropolitan municipality border so expanding the scale. Metropolitan municipality have more service and authority, more resources to govern and more citizens to request service. This significant developments in the governance of the metropolitan municipality made their governance and especially revise the apprehension and implementation o...
İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi …, 2011
... Bu yeni biçimler demokratik isleyisi orta vadede köklü bir biçimde degistirme potansiyelini .... more ... Bu yeni biçimler demokratik isleyisi orta vadede köklü bir biçimde degistirme potansiyelini ... devletten, hem kamu hizmetlerinin saglanmasi, bitirilmesi, yapilmasi ve sunulmasi sürecinin (e-idare ... devlete ait birimlerin bilgi, planlama ve karar süreçlerinin (e-demokrasi) modern bilgi ...
International Journal of Academic Value Studies (Javstudies JAVS)
In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public manag... more In parallel with the wide spreading of the neo liberalism localization policy of the public management made the authority and resource communion between central management and the local management improve in favour of the latter. As local managements have more authority and resource opportunity, they may consider this opportunity with forming them effectively and efficiently by revising their decision process and by reforming. As Turkey improved its metropolitan municipality experience remarkably since 1984, it took a step for a new condition with its new metropolitan municipality law( except İstanbul and Kocaeli) and accepted the city border as a metropolitan municipality border so expanding the scale. Metropolitan municipality have more service and authority, more resources to govern and more citizens to request service. This significant developments in the governance of the metropolitan municipality made their governance and especially revise the apprehension and implementation of the decision making necessary. In this study; With the Law no. 6360, the level of emphasis on the opinions and suggestions of the nurses in the decision-making process is measured with the possibilities of uncovering the problems in the decision making process in Hatay Metropolitan Municipality which is the new metropolis and the "participation of the people in decision making processes" which is the basic principle of democratic administration. Surveys, face-to-face surveys, observation and literature screening methods were applied with multiple choice response forms. Part of the research findings are as follows: In Hatay, the level of participation of the people in the decision making process in the Metropolitan Municipality is low and the level of being informed is low. There is not enough interaction with the public in order to increase efficiency and productivity of decision processes. Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality is partially involved with the public. Finally, the members of provincial council, the decision body, are not recognized by the majority of the respondents. These findings show that the infrastructure of the principle of "doing the right things with the right method" which is the basic element for efficiency and productivity in the decision making processes of Hatay Metropolitan Municipality can not be established and that the views and suggestions of the people are not sufficiently taken into consideration for "participation" which is the basic principle of democratic management.
Papers by Veysel Eren