Papers by Vesna Podgornik
AS. Andragoška spoznanja/Andragoška spoznanja, Apr 9, 2024
Tisk Tiskarna Littera picta d.o.o. Ljubljana Naklada 200 izvodov (prva izdaja, prvi natis) Publik... more Tisk Tiskarna Littera picta d.o.o. Ljubljana Naklada 200 izvodov (prva izdaja, prvi natis) Publikacija ni plačljiva. Izid publikacije sta sofinancirala Evropski socialni sklad Evropske unije in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 373.2.091:005.962.131 VOGRINC, Janez Samoevalvacija na področju predšolske vzgoje / Janez Vogrinc in
AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Mar 25, 2017
Bolonjska reforma je prinesla mnogo izzivov, med njimi tudi vprašanje o prenovi praktičnega uspos... more Bolonjska reforma je prinesla mnogo izzivov, med njimi tudi vprašanje o prenovi praktičnega usposabljanja. Monografija je izvirno delo uveljavljenih avtoric, ki se ukvarjata z raziskovanjem področja mentorstva. Delo obravnava področje mentorstva študentom v praktičnem usposabljanju v delovnih organizacijah po uvedbi bolonjskih študijskih programov. Pomembno je, ker mentorjem praktičnega usposabljanja ponuja temeljna znanja, ki jih ti potrebujejo za kakovostno mentorstvo. Monografija je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela.
Review of European Studies, May 19, 2015
Using an empirical research study based on a systematic sample of teachers, school counselors, an... more Using an empirical research study based on a systematic sample of teachers, school counselors, and principals working in Slovenian primary and secondary schools, we examined how frequently these education professionals self-evaluate their work. The multiple regression models demonstrated that educators' interest in research work and belief in the necessity of continuous professional development have the strongest impact on their views of the importance of self-evaluation. Those educators whose knowledge of conducting self-evaluation is greater also attach more importance to carrying out self-evaluation. School management's encouragement has a further impact on educators' views on the importance of conducting self-evaluation. If an educational institution is to adopt self-evaluation as a permanent expert activity, which is a precondition for effective quality improvement, it needs to develop an adequate atmosphere among its educators. This atmosphere should enable and encourage research work, self-evaluation, and educators' professional development.
SAGE Open, Apr 1, 2017
In many countries in recent decades, great importance has been placed on the concept of quality a... more In many countries in recent decades, great importance has been placed on the concept of quality assurance in education. In Slovenian schools, quality assessment and assurance processes are based on a combination of self-evaluation and external evaluation, although significantly more weight has been attached to self-evaluation than external evaluation lately. Efforts to achieve the highest possible levels of quality and school work performance are based on the assumption that the concept of quality should be developed at the level of the professional autonomy of schools and individual teachers. Our empirical research, which was conducted on a sample of 1,530 teachers, counselors, and headteachers of primary and secondary schools in Slovenia, showed that the majority of professional workers in education recognize the importance of conducting self-evaluation for their profession. Using factor analysis, it was established that the frequency of conducting self-evaluation in schools is most affected by the following factors: (a) the opinion of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors on the positive effects of self-evaluation; (b) the school climate; (c) the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward research; and (d) the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward their own professional development. Multiple regression analysis of the obtained factors was made, and a model was designed to predict the frequency of the performance of self-evaluation. It was established that the frequency of conducting self-evaluation is most strongly affected by the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward their own professional development and by their opinions on the positive effects of self-evaluation.
AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Dec 1, 2007
Sl ovenija je v zadnjih nekaj letih doživela veliko sprememb na družbeno-ekonomskem podro~ju, ki ... more Sl ovenija je v zadnjih nekaj letih doživela veliko sprememb na družbeno-ekonomskem podro~ju, ki se odražajo v vseh sferah družbenega življenja, tudi na podro~ju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Študijsko leto 2003/2004 je bilo zaznamovano s pri~etkom t. i. »bolonjskega procesa«, ki naj bi Slovenijo do leta 2010 vklju~il v enoten evropski visoko{olski sistem. Skupna evropska na~ela za u~iteljske kompetence in kvalifikacije (Zgaga, 2006) ponujajo izhodi{~a prenovi {tudijskih programov za podro~je vzgoje in izobraževanja na {tirih na~elih in treh snopih kompetenc. Na~ela so: (1) u~iteljevanje kot visokokvali-POVZETEK Za uspe{no življenje v družbi znanja, za katero so zna~ilne hitre in nenehne spremembe, je pomembno, da vsak posameznik postane odgovoren za svoje znanje. Vsak se mora zavedati, da v okviru formalnega izobraževanja ne more usvojiti toliko znanja, da bi lahko z njim uspe{no funkcioniral v svojem življenju. V okviru formalnega izobraževanja lahko pridobimo le osnove, ki jih je potrebno v okviru permanentnega izobraževanja stalno nadgrajevati in dopolnjevati tudi z neformalnim izobraževanjem. V prispevku predstavljamo mnenje {tudentov in zaposlenih na Pedago{ki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani o priznavanju znanja, pridobljenega na neformalen na~in. Ena pomembnej{ih ugotovitev raziskave je, da bi skoraj vsi anketirani delavci in {tudenti Pedago{ke fakultete podprli predlog, da se znanje, pridobljeno po neformalni poti, tudi formalno ovrednoti. Klju~ne besede: formalno izobraževanje, neformalno izobraževanje, postopek priznavanja neformalnega izobraževanja, permanentno izobraževanje, prenova {tudijskih programov ficiran poklic, ki je (2) ume{~en v kontekst vseživljenjskega u~enja, (3) je mobilen in utemeljen na (4) partnerstvu. Trije snopi kompetenc pa so: (a) usposobljenost za delo z drugimi, (b) usposobljenost za delo z znanjem in (c) usposobljenost za delo z družbo in v družbi (prav tam). V izhodi{~ih bolonjske prenove se torej poudarja potreba po vseživljenjskem u~enju posameznikov. Prenizka izobrazba oz. nizka raven znanja vodi k socialni izklju~enosti, ta pa je vzrok nesposobnosti za aktivno vplivanje na življenje v skupnosti. Za družbo hitrih in nenehnih sprememb je namre~ prav tako kot to, CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at
Anthropological Notebooks, Dec 20, 2012
This research into the non-formal education of the Aeta, an indigenous tribe in the Philippines, ... more This research into the non-formal education of the Aeta, an indigenous tribe in the Philippines, who became migrants after a volcanic eruption, highlights the significance of community-learning models for the purpose of integrating migrants into a society. The community education system, in which the Aeta are involved, found its inspiration in the Danish model of folk high schools and Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed". Their programmes are prepared according to principles of flexibility and inclusiveness. The findings of an analysis of the non-formal education system show that the literacy programme is integrated into community education and activities, which encourages the inclusion of indigenous people in adult learning, and thus also the development of active citizenship, empowerment, an evolving community and the preservation of the Aeta culture.
Umetnost v vzgoji v vrtcih in šolah
V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli ... more V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli z namenom, da bi ugotovili, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način vrtci ter šole sodelujejo s posameznimi umetniki ter kulturnimi ustanovami v svojem lokalnem okolju pri organizaciji in izvedbi različnih kulturnoumetniških dogodkov ter prireditev. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo fokusnega intervjuja, v katerega so bili vključeni koordinatorji projekta SKUM iz treh vrtcev, petih osnovnih šol in petih srednjih šol. Čeprav so že pred projektom nekateri vrtci in šole sodelovali z lokalno skupnostjo pri pripravi kulturnoumetniških dogodkov, se je nabor tovrstnih dejavnosti (razstave likovnih in fotografskih del, prireditve, filmske predstave, proslave ob državnih praznikih, pevski zbori ipd.) tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM povečal. Vrtci in šole so se povezali tudi z mediji in nekateri od njih so redno objavljali prispevke ter oglaševali pomembne dogodke v lokalnih časopisih in drugih medijih, kot so družbena omrežja, radio, razne publikacije, spletne strani, TV ipd. Tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM se je okrepilo zavedanje pedagoških delavcev vzgojnoizobraževalnih ustanov o pomembnosti sodelovanja s posameznimi umetniki in kulturnimi ustanovami pri organizaciji ter izvedbi kulturno-umetniških dogodkov in prireditev v njihovem lokalnem okolju. Projekt SKUM pa jih je še bolj povezal v smislu iskanja vedno novih idej in izzivov. Ključne besede: projekt SKUM, povezovanje šol in vrtcev z umetniki, s kulturnimi ustanovami in z lokalnim okoljem, kulturno-umetniške dejavnosti, šola kot kulturno stičišče Uvod Vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove opravljajo več vlog. Njihova prva vloga sta vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok ter mladostnikov, s svojim delovanjem pa so pomembno vpete tudi v okolje (Gregorčič Mrvar idr. 2016). Pri opredeljevanju
Pedagoška fakulteta, 2010
This research into the non-formal education of the Aeta, an indigenous tribe in the Phi-lippines,... more This research into the non-formal education of the Aeta, an indigenous tribe in the Phi-lippines, who became migrants after a volcanic eruption, highlights the significance of community-learning models for the purpose of integrating migrants into a society. The community education system, in which the Aeta are involved, found its inspiration in the Danish model of folk high schools and Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed". Their programmes are prepared according to principles of flexibility and inclusiveness. The findings of an analysis of the non-formal education system show that the literacy programme is integrated into community education and activities, which encourages the inclusion of indigenous people in adult learning, and thus also the development of active citizenship, empowerment, an evolving community and the preservation of the Aeta culture.
In recent decades numerous countries have directed their attention toward the notion of quality i... more In recent decades numerous countries have directed their attention toward the notion of quality in education. Recent projects start from the assumption that the notion of quality must be developed at the level of the professional autonomy of each school and the individual educator, if we propose for self-evaluation results to be a basis for a further planning of educational work. Self-evaluation is a comprehensive process of planned and systematic data collection in various areas of the educational institution’s work. It also analyses and interprets information so as to give an insight into the existing situation in the organization or to obtain feedback about its working quality and efficiency. Using self-evaluation, we can highlight the advantages and disadvantages as well as strong and weak areas of how educational institutions are functioning. The essential aim of self-evaluation is assuring quality and caring for development and progress in educational institutions. The empiric...
SAGE Open, 2017
In many countries in recent decades, great importance has been placed on the concept of quality a... more In many countries in recent decades, great importance has been placed on the concept of quality assurance in education. In Slovenian schools, quality assessment and assurance processes are based on a combination of self-evaluation and external evaluation, although significantly more weight has been attached to self-evaluation than external evaluation lately. Efforts to achieve the highest possible levels of quality and school work performance are based on the assumption that the concept of quality should be developed at the level of the professional autonomy of schools and individual teachers. Our empirical research, which was conducted on a sample of 1,530 teachers, counselors, and headteachers of primary and secondary schools in Slovenia, showed that the majority of professional workers in education recognize the importance of conducting self-evaluation for their profession. Using factor analysis, it was established that the frequency of conducting self-evaluation in schools is most affected by the following factors: (a) the opinion of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors on the positive effects of self-evaluation; (b) the school climate; (c) the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward research; and (d) the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward their own professional development. Multiple regression analysis of the obtained factors was made, and a model was designed to predict the frequency of the performance of self-evaluation. It was established that the frequency of conducting self-evaluation is most strongly affected by the attitude of headteachers, teachers, and school counselors toward their own professional development and by their opinions on the positive effects of self-evaluation.
Andragoška spoznanja, 2017
Bolonjska reforma je prinesla mnogo izzivov, med njimi tudi vprašanje o prenovi praktičnega uspos... more Bolonjska reforma je prinesla mnogo izzivov, med njimi tudi vprašanje o prenovi praktičnega usposabljanja. Monografija je izvirno delo uveljavljenih avtoric, ki se ukvarjata z raziskovanjem področja mentorstva. Delo obravnava področje mentorstva študentom v praktičnem usposabljanju v delovnih organizacijah po uvedbi bolonjskih študijskih programov. Pomembno je, ker mentorjem praktičnega usposabljanja ponuja temeljna znanja, ki jih ti potrebujejo za kakovostno mentorstvo. Monografija je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela.
Tisk Tiskarna Littera picta d.o.o. Ljubljana Naklada 200 izvodov (prva izdaja, prvi natis) Publik... more Tisk Tiskarna Littera picta d.o.o. Ljubljana Naklada 200 izvodov (prva izdaja, prvi natis) Publikacija ni plačljiva. Izid publikacije sta sofinancirala Evropski socialni sklad Evropske unije in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 373.2.091:005.962.131 VOGRINC, Janez Samoevalvacija na področju predšolske vzgoje / Janez Vogrinc in
Review of European Studies, 2015
Using an empirical research study based on a systematic sample of teachers, school counselors, an... more Using an empirical research study based on a systematic sample of teachers, school counselors, and principals working in Slovenian primary and secondary schools, we examined how frequently these education professionals self-evaluate their work. The multiple regression models demonstrated that educators' interest in research work and belief in the necessity of continuous professional development have the strongest impact on their views of the importance of self-evaluation. Those educators whose knowledge of conducting self-evaluation is greater also attach more importance to carrying out self-evaluation. School management's encouragement has a further impact on educators' views on the importance of conducting self-evaluation. If an educational institution is to adopt self-evaluation as a permanent expert activity, which is a precondition for effective quality improvement, it needs to develop an adequate atmosphere among its educators. This atmosphere should enable and encourage research work, self-evaluation, and educators' professional development.
Papers by Vesna Podgornik